Air Quality Monitoring Work Plan
3.1 Introduction
A. The Rhode Island Airport Corporation (RIAC) operates and maintains a long-term air quality monitoring program in the vicinity of T.F. Green Airport in Warwick as required by R.I. Gen. Laws § 1-7-1 et seq., The Permanent Air Quality Monitoring Act (“the Act”). In accordance with the Act, any amendments to the Final Work Plan may be proposed by RIAC in consultation with the Rhode Island Departments of Environmental Management (“RIDEM”) and Health (“RIDOH”) on or before March 30, 2009, and every March 30th thereafter. RIAC has instituted the amendments included in the Final Work Plan (2009). RIAC has developed the amendments included in this Proposed Amendments to the Air Quality Monitoring Work Plan for T.F. Green Airport in consultation with RIDEM and RIDOH. The purpose of the amendment to the previous plan is to adjust the monitoring program to address the suitability of the monitoring devices and adaptations indicated by the data collected since 2008. There have been no changes to state and/or federal regulations that warrant adjustments to the program and there are no new monitoring technologies, methodologies or criteria changes proposed in this work plan.
B. The following components of the program are addressed:
1. Monitoring Parameters;
2. Number, Type, and Location of the Monitors;
3. Monitoring Criteria;
4. Quality Assurance Procedures;
5. Agency Coordination; and
6. Funding
3.2 Monitoring Parameters
A. The air quality monitoring program meets the requirements set forth in the Act. The program shall provide for the monitoring of Particulate Matter (PM), including only “ultra-fine” PM of those less than 0.1 microns in diameter (PM0.1) and black carbon (i.e. elemental) carbon.
B. Wind direction and wind speed and other meteorological parameters will also be acquired from the airport National Weather Service station and recorded by RIAC.
3.3 Number, Type and Location of the Monitors
A. This section provides a description of the number, type and locations of the air quality monitors selected for this program.
B. The RIAC monitoring network consists of four (4) separate monitoring sites located north, south, west, and east of the airport. The locations of the sites are shown in § 3.3(D) of this Part and are described below:
1. Fieldview - Located south-southwest of the airfield approximately 450 feet from Taxiway S and 900 feet from the end of Runway 5. Adjoining land uses include single-family residential to the west and south, long-term parking for airport patrons to the north and the taxiway/runway system to the east. This site is generally upwind of the airport in the summer.
2. Lydick Avenue - Located adjacent to the Spring Green neighborhood and the airport's northeastern property line, approximately 3/4 mile (3,680 feet) from the end of Runway 23. Adjoining land uses include single-family residential to the north, east and south. To the west is the runway protection zone (RPZ). This site is generally downwind of the airport in the summer.
3. Fire Station No. 8 – This site will be relocated and renamed (Smith St.). The proposed location is approximately 1,900 feet south and east of Runway 5. It will be located east of Greenlawn St on the south side of Smith St. This site is typically downwind of the airport most of the year.
4. Pembroke Avenue - Located due east of the airport approximately 1/4 mile (1,425 feet) from the intersection of Runways 5/23 and 16/34. Adjoining land uses are the airport to the west and residential or vacant land to the north, east and south. This site is mostly downwind from the airport in the fall and winter.
C. The Lydick, Fieldview, and Fire Station sites were originally part of the Warwick Air Monitoring Study completed in 2006 by RIDEM. The Pembroke site was established in 2008 and was not included in the RIDEM study. The Pembroke site was moved approximately 230 yards south of the initial location in September 2014 as a result of construction activity. The site was relocated to the eastern edge of the property adjacent to the end of Rowe Avenue in May 2015. This was determined subsequent to public input and consultation with RIDEM and RIDOH.
D. Air Monitoring Stations