Commercial Marine Fishing Licenses, Landing Permits, and Party and Charter Licenses


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2.5Superseded Rules and Regulations


2.7Commercial Fishing Licenses

2.8Landing Permits

2.9Party and Charter Licenses

Title 250 Department of Environmental Management
Chapter 90 Marine Fisheries
Subchapter 00 N/A
Part 2 Commercial Marine Fishing Licenses, Landing Permits, and Party and Charter Licenses
Type of Filing Amendment
Regulation Status Inactive
Effective 01/01/2024 to 01/01/2025

Regulation Authority:

R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 42-17.1
and 20-2.2
R.I. Gen. Laws § 20-1-4 and in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-35

Purpose and Reason:

1. Fishery endorsement for species other than Finfish, Shellfish or Crustacean (section 2.7.3(C)(1)&(2)):  

Division proposal to amend rule to add “marine species other than shellfish and crustacean” to the Unlimited and Limited Finfish endorsement to provide for the commercial harvest and sale of marine species other than finfish, shellfish, and crustacean (e.g., kelp).  

2. Fee for Standard Resident License with three (3) unlimited fishery endorsements (section 2.7.3(F)(9):  Delete section as this license type is no longer available for issuance.  Any license holder who previously held a Commercial Fishing License (CFL), or Principal Effort License (PEL), with all three fishery endorsements, was converted to a multipurpose fishing license (MPURP) in 2023.

3. Issuance of Mid-Water/Pair Trawl Endorsement (sections 2.7.3(D)(3), 2.7.3(F)(14)), and 2.7.4(C)(2)(l)):  

Division proposal to specify that this endorsement is not available for issuance while midwater trawling is prohibited in state waters.

4. Exit:entry ratio for the issuance of a Standard license with Unlimited Finfish endorsement (section 2.7.4(C)(4)(a)):  Industry proposal to amend this ratio from 1:1 to 2:1.  

There were 33 licenses not renewed/retired in 2023.

At status quo 1:1, there would be 33 new Standard License with Unlimited Finfish endorsement available for issuance in 2024.

At 2:1, 18 new Standard License with Unlimited Finfish endorsement available for issuance (round up by 3’s per rule).

5. Exit:entry ratio for the issuance of a Standard license with Unlimited Shellfish endorsement (section 2.7.4(C)(4)(b)):  Industry proposal to amend this ratio from 1:1 to 3:1.

There were 138 licenses not renewed/retired in 2023.

At 1:1, 138 new Standard License with Unlimited Shellfish endorsement would be available for issuance in 2024.

At 3:1, 46 new Standard License with Unlimited Finfish endorsement would be available for issuance in 2024.

6. Multipurpose Vessel License (section 2.7.4(C)(2)(e)):  This license type was adopted by the General Assembly effective July, 2022. A proposed rule was noticed in August 2022 to issue 31 licenses, or 10% of the actively fished multipurpose licenses (MPURP).  The RI Marine Fisheries Council then voted to postpone any issuance until 2024, to which the Director then concurred.  A legislative effort to eliminate the license was started but ultimately did not move forward.  The Division has conducted numerous public meetings discussing the matter, the most recent a public workshop on July 10, 2023 to further discuss the elements of the license issuance. A total of three proposals (2 from industry and/or their legislative representatives and one from the Division) are noticed as follows:

Proposal #1 (as noticed):  Division proposal.

Principal components of rule include:

o Available only to a resident “natural person” MPURP holder who is the owner of the commercial fishing vessel or has a vested interest in the business or corporation that owns the vessel and is “Actively Fishing.”

o Vessel will be assigned to the MVL.  The vessel is eligible for being assigned to the MVL only if the landings used to meet the activity standard occurred on the vessel.

o Vessel must be commercially declared per current rules.

o Approved Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) device required.

Required for all opt-in programs for improved monitoring and assessment of program

o Operator(s) must be designated and will be identified on operator permit issued by the Department.

o Violations:  Actions taken on both the operator and license holder

o 15 licenses available for issuance on January 1, 2024.  If # of applications exceeds 15, issuance by lottery.

Per the request of certain industry members and their legislative representative

o License issued for 2 consecutive years renewed annually; after which the program will be reviewed by the Department to determine whether the license will be issued going forward.

Per the request of certain industry members and their legislative representative

o No transfer of MVL during the initial 2 year period.  If vessel is to be sold as part of a commercial fishing business to a RI resident, the MVL shall first be reverted back to an MPURP.  Once converted back to MPURP, that MPURP holder not eligible for a new MVL

o One-time issuance for initial 2 year period

o Vessel may only be replaced in instances of catastrophe only.  If the vessel owner is replacing their vessel, they must apply to the Department.

o New licenses January 1 through last day of February consistent with other licenses issuance, including 60-day grace period for renewals with a $200 late fee.

Proposal #2 (not included in the proposed rule):  Industry proposal to amend rule to prohibit issuance of licenses indefinitely.

Proposal #3 (not included in the proposed rule): Industry proposal to:

Amend rule to provide for the issuance of 70 licenses beginning January 1, 2024.

License issued for 2 consecutive years renewed annually; after which the program will be reviewed by the Department to determine whether the license will be issued going forward.