Child Care Assistance Program Rules and Regulations (218-RICR-20-00-4)


This rule will be effective on 07/29/2024.
My Page Title

4.1General Provisions


4.3Eligibility and Authorization of Services

4.4 Applying for Child Care Assistance

4.5Criteria for Categorical Eligibility

4.6Criteria for Income Eligibility

4.7Short Term Special Approval

4.8Authorization of Child Care Services

4.9Enrollment for CCAP Authorized Services

4.10Notices, Rights and Duties

4.11Improper Payments

4.12Child Care Provider Guide

4.13CCAP Maximum Weekly Reimbursement Rates

Title 218 Department of Human Services
Chapter 20 Individual and Family Support Programs
Subchapter 00 N/A
Part 4 Child Care Assistance Program Rules and Regulations (218-RICR-20-00-4)
Type of Filing Amendment
Regulation Status Inactive
Effective 02/27/2022 to 04/01/2022

Regulation Authority:

RIGL 42-12-23

Purpose and Reason:

4.1.1 Updated Introduction language under (A)
4.1.2 Added “or educations” under (B)(2)
        Added “Educators” under (B)(5)
4.2 Renumbered definitions due to additions and deletions of terms
      Removed repealed citation
      Removed definition of “DHS authorized payment for providers”
      Removed definition of Youth Services (YS)
      Added definition of “Appropriate Childcare”
      Added definition of “Fraud”
      Added definition of "Office of Internal Audit Fraud Detection and Prevention Unit"
      Added definition of “Rhode Island public institution of higher education”
      Added definition of “Teen and Family Development (TFD)”
     Revised definition of “Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF)”
     Revised definition of “Department of Human Services (DHS)”
     Revised definition of “Head Start Performance Standards”
     Revised definition of “Family Child Care Home”
     Revised definition of “License Exempt Provider”
     Revised definition of “Relative”
     Revised definition of ” Successfully screened provider”
     Revised definition of “Summer camp”
    Changed” biennial” to “triennial” under (24)
4.3 Added language regarding CCAP for higher education
4.3.1Reformatted section under (A)(1)(a)
       Updated language under (A)(4)(a)((4))
       Removed repealed citation (A)(5)(c)
       Differentiated OCSS cooperation policy(6)(a)(b)(c) into RIW and CCAP as specified in State statute
4.3.2 Defined policy according to State statue (A)
4.3.3 Added medical/or child support order for clarity
       Specified CCAP statute for clarity (A)
4.3.4 Reformatted section
4.3.9 Reformatted section
4.4.1 Revised language under (A)(1)(a)
4.4.2 Added section on eligibility for children of deployed individuals (D)(2)(a)(1) per State statute
4.6.1Revised language under (A)(1)(a)((4))
       Revised Family Co-share amounts to reflect the 7% cap
       Added language under (C)(1)(d)
       Revised language under (C)(3)
4.6.2 Revised language regarding TFD requirements (A)(2)(b)
        Removed language stating non- RIW teen parents not having their own child care case. (A)(2)(c)

         Added CCAP for College language
4.8.2 Added language giving flexibilities to attendance policy
4.9.1 Added language restricting providers from charging families additional fees beyond the determine family share amount.
4.11.2 Revised language
4.11.3 Revised language
4.11.4 Added Admin Penalties language for Intentional Misrepresentations 
4.12.1 Removed reference to Exceed website and added reference to DHS website under (A)(2)
4.12.2 Updated language under (B)(1)(a)((2))
          Removed (B)(2) and updated numbering accordingly
4.12.3 Removed (A)(2) and renumbered section
           Added “who are eighteen (18) years of age or older” under (A)(2)(d)((1))((BB))
           Added “Proof of valid email” under (B)(3)(1)
4.12.5(C)Reformatted Section
       Removed reference to License Exempt provider being listed in CPD
4.12.6 Revised language under (A)(1)
          Revised language under (A)(4)(a)((8))((AA))
4.12.7 Added language giving flexibilities to attendance policy
4.12.8Decreased timeframe from 1 year to 60 days (D)(2)
-Removed DCYF references and replaced with DHS
where needed
-Removed paternity references and replaced with
parentage where needed
-Removed Youth Services (YS) references and replace
with Teen and Family Development (TFD) where
-Updated Citations where needed
-Technical Revisions throughout Rule
-Removed references to CCAP Approved Provider Rate
(APRR) and renumbered accordingly.