Management Procedures (650-RICR-10-00-1)


Title 650 Coastal Resources Management Council
Chapter 10 General Administration
Subchapter 00 N/A
Part 1 Management Procedures (650-RICR-10-00-1)
Type of Filing Amendment
Regulation Status Advance Notice
Filing Notice Date 05/21/2024
Public Comment Dates 05/21/2024 to 06/28/2024

Regulation Authority:

R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 46-23 et seq.

Advance Notice Details:

On April 12, 2024, the Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) received a Petition for Promulgation of Rules that was submitted on behalf of the Quidnessett Country Club (QCC). 

The Quidnessett Country Club (QCC) is petitioning to amend the CRMC Red Book (650-RICR-20-00-1). Specifically, a change to Map of Water Type Classification for North Kingstown (north) in Section 1.6(I) of the Red Book for the “CRMP water type classification abutting a segment of shoreline from the northeastern portion of the Quidnessett Country Club’s property located at (950 North Quidnessett Road) to the northern property line of the abutting property owned by Pios Society of Missionaries (860 Quidnesset Road).” The tidal waters associated with notice are currently designed as Type 1 “Conservation Areas” as defined in Section 1.2.1 B in the Red Book and the petition is proposing a water type change to Type 2 “Low Intensity Use” as defined in Section 1.2.1 C of the Red Book.  

Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-35-2.5 the Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) is issuing this Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to gather relevant information and solicit comments and recommendations from the public in response to the petition which was submitted in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-35-6 and the CRMC’s Management Procedures (650-RICR-10-00-01) Section 1.4.9.

Additional Information and Comments:
The petition has been assigned file number 2024-04-071 and the petitioner’s proposed text and map amendments are attached in an additional document. A full copy of the petition can be found on the CRMC website at The file can also be viewed at the CRMC’s office during regular office hours (Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm). This notice is also available at the Secretary of State’s website at

All interested parties are invited to submit written comments concerning the petition until June 28, 2024 by email or postal service with the CRMC staff person and address listed below:

Jeffrey M. Willis

Coastal Resources Management Council Stedman Government Center

4808 Tower Hill Road Wakefield, RI 02879

[email protected]


Comment(s) Received*

* This count refers to the total comment submissions received on this document, as of 11:59 PM yesterday.
Note: Agencies review all submissions; however, some agencies may choose to withhold certain submissions such as those containing private or sensitive information, profane or threatening language, or duplicate/near duplicate examples of a mass-mail campaign. This can result in discrepancies between this count and the actual number of comments displayed on this page. For specific information about a comment you submitted, please contact the agency directly.