

Title 250 Department of Environmental Management
Chapter 90 Marine Fisheries
Subchapter 00 N/A
Part 7 Dealers
Type of Filing Amendment
Regulation Status Proposed
Filing Notice Date 08/15/2024
Filing Hearing Date(s) 09/10/2024
Public Comment Dates 08/15/2024 to 09/19/2024

Regulation Authority:

Title 20
Chapters 42-17.1
and 42-17.7
and in accordance with Chapter 42-35-18(b)(5)
Administrative Procedures Act of the Rhode Island General Laws of 1956
as amended.

Purpose and Reason:

·         Section 7.10(A)(1):  Add live shrimp and processed (shucked) scallops (including both bay and sea scallops) to species authorized for sale under the license

·         Section 7.10(A)(2):  Add live shrimp to species authorized for transport under the license

·         Section 7.10(E)(3):  Amend section to include scallops as prohibited for transportation

·         Section 7.10(E)(4):  New section that specifies that the direct sale of oysters, clams, mussels, and roe-on scallops is prohibited.  This was added at the suggestion of DEM Office of Water Resources for consistency with language of the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP)

·         Section 7.10(F)(7):  Amend section to provide for storage and handling requirements for scallops

·         Section 7.10(F)(8):  Amend section to specify that this rule does not apply to scallops (per DOH)


Comment(s) Received*

The agency is not accepting online public comments for this filing.To submit a comment, please contact the agency directly at the addresses listed on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.

* This count refers to the total comment submissions received on this document, as of 11:59 PM yesterday.
Note: Agencies review all submissions; however, some agencies may choose to withhold certain submissions such as those containing private or sensitive information, profane or threatening language, or duplicate/near duplicate examples of a mass-mail campaign. This can result in discrepancies between this count and the actual number of comments displayed on this page. For specific information about a comment you submitted, please contact the agency directly.