Rhode Island Municipal Police Academy Rules and Regulations (270-RICR-30-00-2)
270-RICR-30-00-2 ACTIVE RULE
2.1 Foreword
A. The Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy was established in 1969 to train and certify all municipal police officers, except those for the city of Providence. Additionally, the Academy was given the responsibility of training police officers from several state agencies that have law enforcement powers.
B. The first two basic training classes were conducted in Foster, Rhode Island in 1970 under the supervision of the Rhode Island State Police. In 1971 the Academy moved its training operations to the Armory in Warwick and began to train all basic police recruit classes on its own. In August 1981, after moving several more times over the next decade, the Academy moved to the Community College of Rhode Island, Flanagan Campus in Lincoln, Rhode Island where it is currently located. Today the Rhode Island Municipal Police Academy is an agency within the Rhode Island Department of Public Safety. The Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training, with the approval of the Director of Public Safety, establishes the courses of training, and sets rules and regulations relative to the education, physical standards, and personal character of candidates and trainees.
C. Once a recruit graduates from the Academy and begins their profession as a police officer, the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy also offers continuing education courses and other courses specializing in police operations.
D. The current Director of the Department of Public Safety, Colonel Ann C. Assumpico, Superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police, hereby enacts this document as the official Rules and Regulations of the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy.
E. All staff and recruits at the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy have the responsibility to learn the policies and procedures of this manual and are expected to know and assume the duties and obligations set forth herein. Failure to comply with any rule or regulation in this manual, or any conduct that is detrimental to the Academy, may result in disciplinary action or dismissal/removal from the Academy.
F. The Director of Public Safety, who is appointed by the Governor and serves at the Governor’s pleasure, has authority to interpret the Rules and Regulations of the Rhode Island Municipal Training Academy.
2.2 Leadership
A. Organizational Mission
1. The organizational mission of the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy is distributed among the Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training, the Executive Director the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy, Academy Instructors and Staff, and Academy Recruits.
2. In order to effectively carry out the mission of the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy, it is essential that a philosophy for the delivery of law enforcement training programs and services be established. Most importantly, everyone involved in the program delivery system must understand and carry out the roles and responsibilities assigned to them. Everyone must support the following mission of the Academy:
a. To continually strive to provide the very best programs and service in support of Rhode Island’s municipal law enforcement community in a timely, cost effective and safe manner within the allotted resources.
b. To continually bring to the forefront new programs to prepare the members of the Rhode Island municipal law enforcement community for the ever-changing roles and responsibilities that they must assume to protect the lives, property, and environment of their communities.
c. To develop and maintain an effective management team for the administration of the training and education delivery system.
d. To continually promote the professionalism and credibility of the Academy, and to provide an objective role on issues that may impact the delivery of emergency services in Rhode Island.
e. To strive to offer all programs and services on a fair and equitable basis statewide.
f. To promote and maintain a good working relationship with the various training organizations and academies throughout the region as well as government officials and agencies.
g. To recognize that each member of the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy brings talent, skill and dedication to their duties and responsibilities. The Academy recognizes its obligation to provide each member opportunities to share their talents and skills, and to grow intellectually and professionally. The Academy encourages each staff member to be highly visible and easily accessible.
h. To implement or modify policies and procedures, as appropriate, to achieve the mission of the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy.
B. Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training
1. The Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training establishes rules, regulations, policies, and standards for certification and training of municipal and state criminal justice personnel, maintains records of law enforcement training, and serves as a resource to municipalities and the state to improve the quality of law enforcement pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws.
2. The Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training is made up of five members appointed by the governor. At least one (1) member shall be appointed upon recommendation from the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns, and at least three (3) members shall be chiefs of municipal police departments.
C. Duties and Responsibilities of the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training
1. The Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training shall prepare and establish mandatory training standards relative to: minimum standards of physical, educational, mental, and moral fitness that shall govern the recruitment, selection, and apportionment of police officers; the establishment of courses of training; minimum courses of study, attendance requirements, and required equipment and facilities; minimum qualifications for instructors at the Academy; and minimum basic training requirements for completion by police officers appointed and not appointed to probationary terms for eligibility for continued or permanent employment.
2. The Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training shall establish: classifications of in-service training programs and minimum courses of study and attendance requirements for them; subordinate regional training centers in strategic geographic location in order to serve the largest number of local police agencies; and a schedule of sessions of the school, of which there shall be a minimum of one session per year.
3. The Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training shall authorize the establishment of police training schools by any municipality that demonstrates it can satisfactorily meet the minimum standards established for police training schools.
D. Executive Director
1. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the direction and control of all operations and affairs of the Academy, subject to the provision of his/her title, as established by the Director of the Department of Public Safety and the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training.
2. The Executive Director shall be vested with all the powers, rights, and privileges attending the responsibilities of management and may exercise same, where appropriate, by law, rule, policy, and directives of the Director of Public Safety and Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training, and which shall be binding on all employees and recruits at the Academy.
E. Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Director
1. The Executive Director shall determine and establish the form of the organization of the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy.
2. The Executive Director shall create subordinate organizational sub-divisions within the Academy, and determine and define the functions, duties, and responsibilities of each.
3. The Executive Director shall assign and allocate recruits of the Academy to such duties and organizational sub-divisions, as in his/her best judgment may be necessary to best serve the public, the Department of Public Safety, the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training, and the Academy.
4. The Executive Director is responsible for regulating attendance, conduct, training, discipline, and procedure for all staff, instructors and recruits, and to make rules, regulations, policies, and procedures for the management of the Academy, its employees and recruits.
5. The Executive Director is responsible for executing contracts and other instruments, as may be authorized in the exercise and performance of the powers vested in him/her and the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy.
6. The Executive Director shall acquire, hold, control, and maintain all property, equipment, facilities and premises necessary for the operation of the Academy.
7. The Executive Director shall establish and modify a system for receiving and processing the records of the administration, management, and operation of the Academy, and establish procedures, not inconsistent with law, for the maintenance of said records.
8. The Executive Director shall study, develop, disseminate, recommend and assist in the implementation of the policies and procedures of the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training.
9. The Executive Director shall plan, develop, and administer the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy budget.
10. The Executive Director shall represent the Academy and serve as a liaison to the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training, the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association, other inter-governmental committees, boards, task forces, State of Rhode Island legislative and executive entities, professional law enforcement, educational institutions and related organizations, and in public forums.
2.3 Recruit Training
A. Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy Staff
1. The staff of the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy that falls under the Executive Director is made up of the following positions: Assistant Director of Operations, Basic Training Coordinator, Law Enforcement Highway Safety Coordinator, Administrative Assistant to the Director, and Adjunct Instructors.
B. Duties and Responsibilities of Academy Staff Members
1. In-Service Training Coordinator (Assistant Director of Operations): shall report directly to the Executive Director of the Academy, and is responsible for the development, management, and administration of all continuing education programs for municipal and State law enforcement agencies. This person shall also be responsible for the following:
a. Develop, implement, manage, evaluate, and administer all in-service training programs for law enforcement personnel;
b. Establish standards for entry into and exit from the Academy; develop, implement, administer and evaluate all In-Service Training/Continuing Education programs offered by the Academy;
c. Ensure the periodic review of all training programs and establish a system to assess the relevancy, efficiency, professionalism, and educational value of each training component;
d. Coordinate, supervise, and evaluate the performance of all full and part-time instructors to ensure that their conduct, capabilities, and lesson plans reflect the standards of the Academy and accepted instructional practices, and ensure collaboration for training amongst instructors, where applicable;
e. Manage and maintain in-service training budgets, schedules, and records;
f. Provide data, documentation and input into the development of grant proposals; assist in the development and administration of grant-funded training programs;
g. Provide data from the Academy to law enforcement agencies seeking and maintaining accreditation;
h. Serve as the Veterans Affairs certifying official for Veteran student benefit programs.
2. Basic Training Coordinator (Assistant Director of Basic Training): the Assistant Director of Programming shall report directly to the Executive Director of the Academy, and will be responsible for the development, management, and administration of all basic recruit training programs and those functions assigned by the Executive Director to include, but not limited to:
a. Develop long and short range plans for the Academy;
b. Develop, implement, manage, evaluate, and administer all basic recruit training programs for law enforcement personnel;
c. Perform routine analyses of curricula content to determine relevancy to objectives, and provide recommendations for adaptation or amendment;
d. Establish standards for entry into and exit from the Academy;
e. Manage and control the Academy rules and regulations;
f. Research and coordinate the implementation of work-study, internships, and other part-time personnel projects that offer personnel resources to the Academy;
g. Coordinate, supervise, and evaluate the performance of all full and part-time basic training instructors to ensure that their conduct, capabilities, and lesson plans reflect the standards of the Academy and accepted instructional practices, and ensure collaboration for training amongst instructors, where applicable;
h. Manage and maintain recruit training schedules and training records;
i. Develop, implement, and update an ongoing process of periodic inspection and evaluation of the full and part-time personnel, attendees, and administrative procedures of the Academy;
j. Direct the administration and management of Academy property, personnel and recruit records, and information systems; and develop and maintain control mechanisms for all Academy property and assets;
k. Administer disciplinary programs for recruit classes;
l. Assist with the research, development, planning and administration of grant-funded training programs;
m. Serve as the Veterans Affairs certifying official for Veteran student benefit programs;
n. Develop and supervise a professional advancement fundraising program.
3. Administrative Assistant to the Director: works under the general supervision of the Executive Director of the Academy as authorized by the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training. Duties include, but are not limited to:
a. Serve as a confidential secretary/administrative assistant to the Executive Director of the Academy and the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training;
b. Attend employee disciplinary proceedings, maintain notes, research and prepare written responses to labor complaints, and coordinate operations for grievance hearings;
c. Maintain confidential files; develop, maintain, and secure the medical and psychological testing reports of all recruits, in accordance with established guidelines of the Rhode Island Secretary of State and the Rhode Island General Laws;
d. Create data base files, maintain documentation, and manage all records regarding the financial transactions at the Academy, to include check disbursements, requisitions, invoices, and payment vouchers; also maintains payroll records and oversees payroll disbursements for Academy staff and instructors; plans the purchase and acquisition of all Academy office equipment and supplies;
e. Maintain, monitor, and report all personnel leave and time records, and prepares personnel forms;
f. Serves as Academy liaison to various State departments, the Community College of Rhode Island, Flanagan Campus, vendors, police departments, other state and federal law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, and outside training organizations;
g. Operate as the first point of contact for the Academy to law enforcement agencies and the general public to respond to questions, provide Academy schedules, arrange appointments with training staff, and provide general information services;
h. Perform basic administrative duties to include, but not limited to, maintain website, photocopying, filing, answering phones, and execute mailings;
i. Serve as the Veterans Affairs certifying official for Veteran student benefit programs.
4. Adjunct Instructor: an individual who has been approved by the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training at a specified instructor level to teach law enforcement programs.
C. Qualifications and Standards of Conduct for Instructors
1. Instructors at the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy fall into three categories:
a. Basic Level Instructor: an instructor certified by the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training to teach law enforcement programs from an outline prepared by the Academy.
b. Advanced Level Instructor: an instructor certified by the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training to teach law enforcement programs from an outline prepared by the Academy, and who also possesses the ability to determine course learning objectives, develop lesson plans, coordinate other instructors, and utilize results of job task analysis material.
c. Master Level Instructor: an instructor certified to perform Basic and Advance Level Instructor functions, with the added responsibilities of test development (assessment tool application), supervise instructors and support staff, organize training objectives, and assist in developing a budget for specific training programs.
2. Instructors who are certified by the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training must seek renewal of their certification every three years from the date of their current level certification award. Only instructors in good standing shall be allowed to seek recertification.
3. All Instructors at the Academy shall operate according to the following rules of conduct:
a. Instructors shall always conduct themselves in an exemplary manner that will typify their position with the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy.
b. Instructors shall not us profanity, and shall not use language or demeanor that will intimidate the recruits. Instructors shall refrain from “manhandling” recruits. The only physical contact should be for safety or the instruction of a manipulative skill.
c. It shall the responsibility of instructors to thoroughly be prepared for and be familiar with their assigned topic. They shall ensure that they have prepared enough material to cover the assigned class.
d. Instructors shall be at the assigned class location with ample time to prepare the classroom and materials without undue delay in class start. It is important to start classes on time.
D. Academic Standards
1. General Standards
a. Recruits are required to read books or other materials as assigned.
b. Recruits will be tested by written or oral examination as prescribed.
c. Recruits are required to follow all instructions.
2. Graded Courses
a. The Recruits will be graded on completed assignments for each graded course of study. A graded course of study is not complete until all assignments are submitted and all requirements and standards have been met. The recruit officer’s grade average shall be no less than 70%.
b. Final exams and/or projects will be given in each of the following subject areas:
(1) Criminal Law
(2) Motor Vehicle Law
(3) Crash Investigation
(4) Patrol Operations
(5) Report Writing
(6) Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault
(7) Basic Crime Scene Investigation
(8) RADAR/Laser
(9) DUI Enforcement (SFST/Breathalyzer)
3. Pass/Fail Courses
a. Certification exams and Practical Skills Assessments (PSA) are graded on a pass/fail basis. A Pass grade is equal to scoring 70%, or higher.
b. Pass / Fail and PSA courses include, but are not limited to:
(1) Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) Certification
(2) Impact Weapons
(3) Firearms
(4) Emergency Vehicle Operator Course (EVOC)
(5) Role Playing
(6) Basic Water Rescue
(7) First Aid/CPR/AED
(8) Basic Water Safety
(9) Physical Training
(10) Arrest Tactics, Firearm
(11) Officer Survival
4. If a recruit fails an examination, personal skills assessment (PSA), or project he/she will be counseled, placed on academic probation, and permitted one (1) make up examination, assessment, or project. If the second attempt is failed, then the recruit will be prohibited from certification. If the Recruits should be aware that under such circumstances both the Executive Director and the agency head of their sponsoring agency will be notified of the failure (each occurrence).
5. Notebooks
a. Recruits are required to maintain a formal notebook during his/her training.
(1) Course notes, handouts, and manuals must be maintained in this notebook in order of subject.
(2) Course notes maintained in this notebook must be typed.
(3) Notebooks will be checked periodically to ensure that they are neat, complete, and organized.
6. Cheating/Plagiarism
a. Recruits shall not plagiarize or present the work of others as their own.
b. Recruits shall not cheat, or attempt to cheat, on any exam, quiz, project, or practical exercise.
c. Any cheating or plagiarism is considered grounds for suspension and/or expulsion.
E. Fitness Standards
1. The Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy shall designate a qualified trainer to administer the physical fitness assessment to determine the fitness level of a recruit to learn and perform the essential job functions of an entry-level police officer.
2. In order to learn and perform the essential job functions of an entry-level police officer, all recruits must participate fully in the physical fitness-training program.
a. Only those recruits assigned to Limited Participation Days, out on excused absences, or directed by Academy staff with the approval of the Executive Director, Assistant Director(s), or Academy Training Officer, may be excused from participation.
3. Safety must always be a main priority for all recruits and Academy staff during the Physical Training Program.
4. All Recruits must achieve a PASS grade to successfully complete the Physical Training Program. To achieve a PASS grade in the Physical Training Program, a Recruit must meet or exceed the following standards:
a. 300 Meter Run Assessment-50% of Academy recognized Cooper Norms
b. 1.5 Mile Run Assessment- 50% of Academy recognized Cooper Norms
c. Successful completion of the Academy Stage 1 (Alpha Course), a Physical Fitness Abilities Assessment, in the Job Defined standard of no greater than 3:02 (minutes/seconds)
d. Successfully completion of the Academy Stage 2 (Bravo Course), a Physical Fitness Abilities Assessment, in the Job Defined standard of no greater than 1:19 (minutes/seconds)
F. Maintenance of Student Records
1. It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to maintain all student files in the following manner:
a. Certification records must be maintained in a database with a hard copy in each class file.
b. All records and files regarding all recruits are to be stored in a secured cabinet.
c. The only person authorized other than the Executive Director and Academy staff to review or obtain any information regarding any recruit is that recruit.
(1) Any designation must be signed by the recruit, and must include the scope of information begin requested.
2.4 Recruit Conduct
A. Obedience to Rules and Regulations
1. Academy Recruits shall obey the Rules and Regulations of the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy and any amendment or additions thereto. A violation of these Rules and Regulations, or of any Academy policy, may be sufficient cause for disciplinary action. Ignorance of these Rules and Regulations shall not be considered a justification for any such violation.
B. Courtesy
1. Basic Training recruits are preparing for careers in an environment demanding discipline and manners. Therefore, certain aspects of professional courtesy and bearing will be stressed during the training period.
2. Recruits shall at all times be courteous and respectful to members of the Academy staff, instructors, fellow recruits, and members of the public.
C. Conduct Unbecoming
1. Recruits of the Academy shall conduct themselves at all times, both inside and outside of the Academy, in such a manner as to reflect most favorably on the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy and their sponsoring agency. Conduct unbecoming in a recruit shall include any conduct that brings or may bring the Academy into disrepute or reflects discredit upon the recruit or impairs the operation or efficiency of the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy or the recruit.
2. Any recruit who commits any act that can be considered conduct unbecoming a police professional while a member of the basic training class, inside or outside of the Academy, may be removed from the Academy. Where appropriate, recruits are also subject to applicable criminal and civil penalties.
D. Conduct
1. Recruits shall maintain a level of moral conduct in their personal and business affairs that is in keeping with the highest ethical standards of the law enforcement profession. Recruits shall not participate in any incident involving moral turpitude that impairs their ability to perform as Academy recruits or causes the Academy or their sponsoring agency to be brought into disrepute.
E. Insubordination
1. Insubordination or disrespect towards superior authority at the Academy is strictly prohibited. Insubordination is defined as a failure to recognize the authority of any superior by disrespect or by disputing a superior’s order.
F. Harassment and Discrimination
1. Recruits shall not engage in conduct which has the effect of discriminating or harassing other individuals because of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, age, gender, gender identity, politics or similar personal characteristics.
G. Reporting Harassment and Discrimination
1. In the event that a recruit feels that he/she has been the victim of a sexually harassing act, or other harassing or discriminatory act, or violence at the Academy, he/she shall immediately make a complaint through either the Assistant Director of Operations or the Basic Training Coordinator, or directly to the Executive Director of the Academy concerning the incident. Failure to report an incident immediately will not preclude a recruit from pursuing a complaint. In such cases the chain of command need not be followed to initiate such a complaint.
H. Personal Appearance
1. Recruits shall be neat, clean, and well groomed and present a professional appearance at all times while at the Academy.
2. Recruits will adhere to acceptable standards of good personal hygiene and appearance. Mandatory showering is required following physical fitness, use of force, and aquatics training.
3. General Hair Regulations
a. Male and Female Staff Members and Instructors
(1) The length and/or bulk of the hair shall not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt or extreme appearance.
(2) Hair may not be worn in multiple ponytails, or in a Mohawk style.
(3) The length or bulk of the hair shall not interfere with the proper wearing of any police headgear, or impede the training process.
b. Male and Female Recruits
(1) The length and/or bulk of the hair shall not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt or extreme appearance.
(2) Hair may not be worn in multiple braids, ponytails, cornrows, or in a Mohawk style.
(3) The length or bulk of the hair shall not interfere with the proper wearing of any police headgear, or impede the training process.
4. Hair Regulations - Males
a. Hair shall be neat and well trimmed. Hair should not touch the collar or eyebrows and should not cover any part of the ear.
b. Sideburns should be neatly trimmed and tapered and will not extend below the top of the ear lobe.
c. The face shall be clean-shaven. Beards and mustaches are prohibited.
5. Hair Regulations - Females
a. Hair shall be either cut so that it does not touch the collar of the shirt, or worn up in a twist or bun above the collar of the shirt. All hairstyles must be such as to stay in place and not hang over the eyes.
6. Jewelry
a. Recruits are allowed to wear wristwatches, wedding bands, and Medic Alert IDs. Wristwatches must be removed during the Physical Training tests, Use of Force tests, and Agility Tests.
b. Female recruits are allowed to wear stud earrings only; however they must be removed during all physical fitness activities and tests.
c. Female recruits are allowed to wear engagement rings; however they do so at their own risk.
d. Religious emblems may be worn, but most be concealed under the uniform. Any recruit that chooses to wear one does so at his/her own risk.
7. Make-up
a. The use of make-up by recruits is not allowed without permission of the Academy Staff. Only clear fingernail and toenail polish is allowed.
I. Wearing of the Academy Uniform
1. The designated uniform shall be worn while at the Academy and for all visits outside the Academy, unless otherwise specified. Recruits shall be well groomed with uniforms that are clean, pressed and creased properly. Shoes and belts shall be highly polished. The Academy uniform will consist of the following:
a. Academy-approved shirt - buttoned and tucked into trousers
b. Academy-approved trousers
c. Department duty belt
d. Black or navy blue socks
e. Black shoes or boots
f. Dark blue tie
g. Cap
h. A nameplate - centered above the left pocket
i. Bullet-proof vest - worn under uniform shirt and under PT shirt
j. Academy jacket (Shell) - over any winter jacket or departmental jacket
k. Class and squad leaders will wear the proper chevron on the collars of their uniforms
2. Use or misuse of the Academy uniform in any manner other than as directed by the Executive Director, Academy staff or instructional staff will result in disciplinary action.
3. Physical Fitness Uniforms
a. Two (2) basic t-shirts
b. Two (2) running shorts
c. One (1) pair basic sweatpants
d. One (1) basic sweatshirt
e. Plain white athletic socks
f. Two (2) pair sneakers, running and court preferred
g. Black watch cap and black gloves, for winter training only
J. Inspections
1. Personal inspections will be held most mornings during basic training. Recruits, all training areas, and classrooms shall be available for inspection at any time.
2. Any member of the Academy Staff or any member of the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training may conduct his/her inspection without prior notice.
3. Recruits are responsible for the following during inspections:
a. Uniform
b. Appearance
c. Training areas under the recruits’ control
K. Absence/Tardiness
1. Recruits are required to be in attendance at the Academy at all scheduled classroom hours and training exercises, unless they are excused by the Executive Director or Academy Staff.
2. Recruits may not hold any outside employment or attend any other school that will conflict with the required hours at the Academy.
3. Any recruit who knows he/she will be late reporting to the Academy must notify a member of the Academy staff. The recruit’s present location and estimated time of arrival must be indicated.
4. In either case of absence or tardiness, the recruit must notify their respective sponsoring agency. All missed work shall be made up.
L. Notification of Illness or Injury
1. Sickness, illness or injury during training must be reported immediately to Academy Staff. Arrangements will be made for transportation to a medical facility or hospital, as required. A written report will be submitted by the recruit to Academy Staff for any injury or sickness as soon as practicable.
2. A recruit who is not able to report to the Academy because of illness or injury is eligible to use his/her two-day sick leave.
a. Medical recommendation for recruit Academy participation;
b. Date of expected return to training;
c. Notations on limited participation, all medications or physical therapy prescribed and follow up medical recommendations.
M. Fictitious Illness or Injury Report
1. Recruits shall not feign illness or injury, falsely report themselves ill or injured, or otherwise deceive or attempt to deceive any staff member of the Academy as to the condition of their health.
N. Emergencies
1. Emergency leave may be granted for sudden and unanticipated emergencies occurring within the recruit’s immediate family at the discretion of the Executive Director with the approval of the Chair of the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training.
2. In the event of a death in a recruit’s immediate family (spouse, child, parent, sibling, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparent), the recruit shall be entitled to three days bereavement leave. The Executive Director may grant such additional leave as necessary.
3. Requests involving any extenuating circumstances that would not be covered under “immediate family” may be granted at the discretion of the Executive Director and with approval of the Chair of the Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training.
4. Only sick leave, court subpoenas or emergency leave (death in family/extenuating circumstances) can be used as reasons for absence during the Academy training period. All such requests shall be made through the recruits sponsoring department in writing and approved with permission of the Executive Director, or his/her designee.
O. Rest Period/Meals
1. In order to maintain professional decorum and reduce recruit class impact on the CCRI community and all other training facilities, recruits shall east lunch and dinner and take break periods in the designated areas on and off campus. Breaks are given at the discretion of the instructor.
2. While on campus, recruits are required to eat lunch, dinner and spend all break periods in the CCRI cafeteria, unless directed otherwise by Academy staff.
a. Talking will not be allowed until all recruits are seated. Recruits will sit together as a group in the cafeteria during meals and breaks. All recruits shall conduct themselves in a proper manner while in the cafeteria. Loud or boisterous talking or disruption of any sort will not be tolerated. Only low conversation is permitted.
P. Use of Tobacco and Gum
1. Recruits are prohibited from smoking and chewing tobacco products at all times while attending the Academy.
2. Recruits will not chew gum while attending the Academy
Q. Use of Alcohol at the Academy
1. A recruit who drinks or possesses, or is found to be in any degree impaired or under the influence of intoxicating beverages at the Training Academy; will be dismissed from the Academy, unless the Recruit has the permission of the Executive Director or their designee as part of an approved police training course.
R. Use of Drugs
1. A recruit who possesses, uses, sells or transfers any illegal drug, controlled substance or unauthorized prescription will be dismissed from the Academy. A recruit who is found to be in any degree impaired or under the influence of drugs will be dismissed from the Academy.
2. Prescription drugs and medicines must be in original container with appropriate patient, doctor, and dosage information intact. Recruits will take the drug as needed in accordance with prescribed dosage. Any recruit required to take a regulated drug prescribed by a physician will report this in writing to the Academy staff. Over-the-counter, non-prescription medication may be taken as needed.
S. Jurisdiction
1. If a Recruit has police powers, he/she should be cognizant of these powers at all times. Recruits should be guided by State laws regarding jurisdictional authority and their department’s regulations.
T. Handling of Weapons
1. Firearms
a. All Recruits shall attend the Firearms preparation course (classroom) prior to engaging in any firearms training programs during the Basic Training Program. Recruits shall maintain proper professional decorum at all times when in possession of their firearm. There will be zero tolerance for any behavior that could create a safety hazard.
b. In all Academy firearm programs, safety shall be considered a paramount element of the training process. All safety code violations shall be reported to Academy staff and documented by a recruit officer and staff member on an incident report.
c. Recruits shall not possess a loaded firearm unless it is safe to do so. This regulation relates to training at the range and is at the command of Academy Range Staff. Recruits shall not be in possession of live ammunition unless authorized by Academy Staff.
d. If at any time a recruit is asked to surrender their weapon, they shall do so immediately to the Academy staff member.
e. While at the firing range, all Recruits are required to wear safety glasses and ear protection. Failure to do so will result in immediate removal from the firing range. Incidents shall be documented in the recruits file.
f. A recruit shall not successfully complete any further Academy course of study if they are considered unsafe to possess a firearm by Academy staff.
g. The Executive Director may dismiss any recruit officer who is considered by the firearms, officer survival or shotgun instructors a danger to him/her self and/or others on the firing range.
h. It is mandatory for all instructors and recruits to wear body armor / ballistic vests when participating in firearm programs and training.
2. No live Oleoresin Capsicum (O.C.) or other chemical weapons are allowed in the possession of a recruit at any time unless authorized by the Academy Staff.
3. Recruits shall not be in possession of any other weapons unless authorized by Academy Staff. Weapons shall not be left unattended in a vehicle on or off campus.
U. Gifts and Gratuities
1. Recruits will not solicit funds to buy gifts for instructors or any member of the Academy staff.
V. Soliciting Personal Advancement
1. Recruits shall not solicit the intervention or influence of persons outside the Academy for the purpose of obtaining advancement or to avoid discipline for themselves or any other recruit. Any such attempt shall be considered equivalent to insubordination and shall be treated accordingly.
W. Gambling
1. No recruit at the Academy shall participate in any form of gambling while at the Academy.
X. Relations with Other Recruits
1. Recruits shall never behave disrespectfully or use threatening or insulting language toward any other employee. Recruits shall not offer violence against, nor strike or attempt to strike any other recruit.
2. In their dealings with others at the Academy, all recruits shall act in a professional, respectful manner befitting individuals who share the common goal of safeguarding lives in the public interest.
3. A recruit who engages in any sexual activity at the Academy, or attempts to engage in an act of a sexual nature, including, but not limited to, any consensual sexual relationship, any lewd, lascivious, or indecent act or offense, or indecent exposure, will be discharged from the Academy.
Y. Marking or Altering Academy Notices
1. Each recruit shall check the bulletin board on a regular basis for directives, notices, schedules, and announcements.
2. Recruits shall not remove, mark, alter, mar, or deface any printed or written notice, schedule, or announcement posted on any bulletin board or blackboard maintained by the Academy.
3. Recruits are allowed to post official Law Enforcement and Academy related material on the bulletin board with the permission of Academy Staff.
4. All notices of a personal nature and/or of a derogatory character regarding any recruit are strictly prohibited.
Z. Operation of Training Vehicles
1. Department training vehicles will be issued by the sponsoring agencies and shall be used for official training or training related purposes only. The type and condition shall be representative of the vehicles recruits would be expected to operate in the field. Personal use of the training vehicles by recruits is prohibited, unless authorized by sponsoring department.
2. All recruit officers will operate training vehicles in a responsible and professional manner and will comply with all applicable traffic laws. Operators and passengers will utilize seat belts at all times. The speed limit shall be obeyed at all times, on and off site.
3. A Recruit may not operate a training vehicle if their ability to safely operate the motor vehicle is impaired. Loss or suspension of any driving license shall be reported immediately.
4. All accidents involving training vehicles shall be reported immediately to Academy Staff and the respecting sponsoring agency. A training vehicle damaged or found to be inoperable or unsafe while operated by a recruit shall be reported to Academy staff immediately.
5. Recruits shall not use training vehicle emergency equipment at any time unless authorized by instructional staff or under emergency circumstances.
AA. Violations
1. Violations of these Rules and Regulations or of any policy, procedure, directive, order, or command given lawfully by superior authority, may be grounds for disciplinary action. The Director or his/her designee will determine appropriate disciplinary action.
2. Recruits who observe or who have knowledge of violations of laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or official orders on the part of another recruit shall immediately report such incidents to Academy staff.
3. The following actions may be taken depending on the level of severity of the violation:
a. An entry into the Recruit Assessment System.
b. A written reprimand (Incident Report); copied to sponsoring agency.
c. Suspension from Basic Training pending a Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training hearing.
d. Expulsion from Basic Training pending a Rhode Island Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training hearing.
BB. Bearing
1. Recruits shall be courteous, respectful and will maintain a professional military bearing at all times while at the Academy.
CC. Saluting
1. Salutes shall be rendered to all Academy Staff members and Adjunct Instructors of the Academy, regardless of whether the recruit is in uniform or plain clothes. Recruits shall also render a salute when reporting to, addressing, or being addressed by sworn police officers regardless of rank. All recruits will render all salutes as prescribed within the outlined procedures of the Academy’s professional courtesy and saluting policy.
DD. Addressing Recruits
1. Recruits will be addressed by “RECRUIT (LAST NAME)” or by his/her last name. The use of vulgar, obscene, profane, humiliating, racially, ethnically, or sexually degrading language to refer to a male or female recruit, directly or indirectly, is strictly prohibited.
EE. Reporting
1. When Recruits report to or make an inquiry of an Academy staff member at an office location, the following procedure shall be followed:
a. RECRUITS shall knock three times (3x) at the entrance to the office and await a response.
b. If no response, wait thirty (30) seconds and knock again.
c. If still no response, leave and return at a later time.
d. When there is a response, such as “come in” or “enter,” step inside, render a salute, and then state:
(1) “Sir/Ma’am, RECRUIT (LAST NAME) requests to speak with (RANK AND NAME OF STAFF MEMBER), regarding (NATURE OF BUSINESS).”; OR
(2) “Sir/Ma’am, RECRUIT (LAST NAME) reporting as directed.”
2. Recruits shall answer all questions and complete his/her statement with “Sir” or “Ma’am”. Recruits shall not leave the area to which they reported until dismissed by the Academy Staff member.
FF. Personal Vehicles
1. Recruits shall park their private vehicles in the designated parking area at the Academy. All vehicles shall be properly registered, inspected, and contain proof of registration and insurance.
2. Recruits shall not leave any law enforcement materials, equipment, or books in plain view when parked on or off campus. Recruits shall never leave weapons unattended in their vehicles while parked on or off campus.
3. Any damage to a recruit’s private vehicle on or off campus during training for the Academy shall be immediately reported to Academy Staff.
GG. Visitors
1. Visits from persons not directly connected with the Academy are prohibited. Academy Staff must approve any exception. Unauthorized personnel will not be permitted free access to the Academy. Recruits shall not engage themselves in conversations with instructors/personnel who may be attending or instructing at the Academy or here on other business.
HH. Telephone Usage
1. Only telephone calls of an emergency nature will be accepted for recruits at the Academy.
2. Recruits will be permitted to use personal cell phones only in the event of an emergency or with prior approval from the Basic Training Officer or his/her designee.
3. If a recruit is authorized to have a cell phone on them, the ring tone must be silenced or placed on “vibrate” while at the Academy.
2.5 Appendix
A. Personal Information - Application for Enrollment
B. Medical History Statement
C. Medical Examination Report
D. Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy Physical Fitness Standards Booklet
Rhode Island Municipal Police Academy |
Physical Fitness Standards Booklet |
Police Officers Commission on Standards & Training |
Chief Anthony J. Silva |
Executive Director |
Rhode Island Municipal Police Academy |
Colonel Stephen M. McCartney |
Chairperson |
Rhode Island Police Officer’s Commission on Standards and Training |
Rhode Island Police Officer’s Commission on Standards and Training |
Commission Members: |
Colonel Stephen M. McCartney, Chairperson |
Chief George L. Kelley III, Vice Chairperson |
Major Kenneth J. Marandola, Sr. |
Chief Anthony Pesare |
Mr. Robert Driscoll |
Legal Counsel: |
Mr. Richard B. Wolley, Esq. Department of the Attorney General |
Ms. Lisa S. Holley, Esq. Department of Public Safety |
Rhode Island Municipal Training Academy |
Staff Members: |
Chief Anthony J. Silva, Executive Director |
Captain David A. Ricciarelli, Assistant Director of Operations |
Captain David DelBonis, Basic Training Officer |
Mrs. Donna M. Lavallee, Administrative Assistant |
Preface |
Police Officers Commission on Standards & Training |
The Rhode Island Police Officer’s Commission on Standards and Training recognizes the value of physical fitness for police academy performance, and has established physical fitness entrance and exit standards for successful admittance and graduation from the academy. |
A physical fitness test will be administered to all academy candidates to determine if each recruit officer meets the minimum entrance standards. These fitness entrance requirements help to ensure that each recruit officer can undertake the physical demands of the academy without undue risk of injury and with a likelihood of success. Applicants who do not meet all of the standards will be disqualified from entering the academy. |
This brochure has been prepared to provide information to police administrators and recruit applicants on the rationale, purpose, testing procedures, and performance requirements of the fitness standards. Questions about these standards should be directed to the Rhode Island Municipal Police Academy. |
Chief Anthony J. Silva |
Executive Director |
The Importance of Fitness as a Job-Related Component for Law Enforcement Officers |
Physical fitness is a multi-dimensional human condition that encompasses the following three areas: |
Community Fitness: For all of us, physical fitness relates to our ability to pursue a variety of human activities. The overall quality of our lives, including our work experience, recreational pursuits, and daily physical activities, relate to our muscular endurance, aerobic capacity, anaerobic power, dynamic strength and flexibility. |
Recruit Fitness: For a new police recruit, physical fitness provides the underlying physiological ability to participate in vigorous physical activity. This vigorous and dynamic participation is critical to the instruction necessary to master the physical skills required of a police officer. It is also critically important that individuals involved in the police recruit training program possess a reasonable level of fitness such that they are exposed to minimal physical risk during the training process. |
Police Fitness: The job functions of a police officer, as defined by a job task analysis, are uniquely diverse and usually performed under the most adverse psychological and environmentally severe conditions. To a police officer, physical fitness relates to the development, and perhaps most importantly, the maintenance of the physiological readiness to perform critical job functions. A police officer’s physical fitness may mean the difference between success and failure in regards to a critical job function. Their safety and the safety of the community they have sworn to protect and serve may depend on their physical abilities. |
Physical Fitness Will Be Measured By: |
The physical fitness test battery consists of the five (5) following basic tests: |
1. 300 Meter Run |
2. Sit and Reach Test |
3. 1-Minute Sit-up Test |
4. 1 Repetition Maximum Bench Press |
5. 1.5 Mile Run |
Applicants must pass all of the above tests. |
The actual performance standard for each test is based on norms for a national population sample. |
The performance entrance requirement is based on the 40th percentile, and the graduation requirement is based on the 50th percentile for each age and gender group. |
Please refer to the tables included within this booklet to determine the applicable minimum qualification by age and gender. |
Minimum Physical Fitness Entrance Standards |
Male |
Assessment Battery |
Age <20 |
Age 20-29 |
Age 30-39 |
Age 40-49 |
Age 50-59 |
300 Meter Run |
59.0 |
59.0 |
58.9 |
72.0 |
83.2 |
Sit & Reach |
16.5 |
16.5 |
15.5 |
14.3 |
13.3 |
1 Minute Sit-up |
41.0 |
38.0 |
35.0 |
29.0 |
24.0 |
Max. Bench Press Ratio |
1.06 |
.99 |
.88 |
.80 |
.71 |
1.5 Mile Run |
12:29 |
12:29 |
12:53 |
13:50 |
15:14 |
Female |
Assessment Battery |
Age <20 |
Age 20-29 |
Age 30-39 |
Age 40-49 |
Age 50-59 |
300 Meter Run |
71.0 |
71.0 |
79.0 |
94.0 |
N/A |
Sit & Reach |
20.5 |
19.3 |
18.3 |
17.3 |
16.8 |
1 Minute Sit-up |
32.0 |
32.0 |
25.0 |
20.0 |
14.0 |
Max. Bench Press Ratio |
.58 |
.59 |
.53 |
.50 |
.44 |
1.5 Mile Run |
15:05 |
15:05 |
15:56 |
17:11 |
19:10 |
Minimum Physical Fitness Graduation Standards |
Physical Fitness Abilities Assessment |
The physical abilities course is comprised of two stages. The minimum success standard for stage 1 and 2 of this course, for both male and female recruit officers, is in the following table: |
Stage 1 |
3:02 (min/sec) |
Stage 2 |
1:19 (min/sec) |
In addition to the above, recruit officers must also meet the minimum standards of the following two assessment tests: |
Male |
Assessment Battery |
Age <20 |
Age 20-29 |
Age 30-39 |
Age 40-49 |
Age 50-59 |
300 Meter Run |
56.0 |
56.0 |
57.0 |
67.6 |
80.0 |
1.5 Mile Run |
11:58 |
11:58 |
12:25 |
13:05 |
14:33 |
Female |
Assessment Battery |
Age <20 |
Age 20-29 |
Age 30-39 |
Age 40-49 |
Age 50-59 |
300 Meter Run |
64.0 |
64.0 |
74.0 |
86.0 |
N/A |
1.5 Mile Run |
14:15 |
14:15 |
15:14 |
16:13 |
18:05 |
E. Liability Waiver Form
Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form |
In consideration of participation in the Rhode Island Municipal Police Academy, I understand and agree to the following: |
1.) The Candidate understands and recognizes that law enforcement and police training involves a degree of physical exercise and physical contact, certain inherent risks and dangers, which could result in physical and emotional injury, disability, or death. |
2.) The Candidate warrants, represents, and certifies that he/she is mentally and physically capable of participating in the Municipal Police Training Academy, has sufficiently prepared or trained for participation, and has not been advised to not participate by a qualified medical professional. The Candidate warrants, represents, and certifies that he/she does not suffer from a chronic/acute problem of the neck, back, wrist, knee, heart or muscular system, or another medical condition which could otherwise be made worse by participation in the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy. |
3.) The Candidate consents to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during the training. |
4.) The Candidate hereby waives all claims, releases, indemnifies and holds harmless the State of Rhode Island and all its officials, officers, agents and employees in both their public and private capacities, from any and all liability, claims, suits, demands, expenses of litigation, or causes of action which may arise by reason of injury to persons or loss of, damage to or loss of use of any property occasioned by error, omission or negligent act of the Candidate or any other persons with regard to this Agreement. |
5.) The Candidate hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the State of Rhode Island and all its officials, officers, agents and employees in both their public and private capacities, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suits, and liability of any kind, including all expenses of litigation, including but not limited to court costs and attorney fees for death or injury, or loss of, damage, to or loss of use of any property arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, except for gross negligence or unlawful conduct as determined by a Court of Law. |
6.) The Candidate intends that this Agreement shall be effective and binding upon his/her heirs, next of kin executors, administrators and assigns in the event of my death. |
I, the undersigned, have carefully read this Agreement in its entirety and fully understand all its terms. I am aware that the agreement contains a waiver of liability, an assumption of risk, and an agreement by me to release and indemnify the State of Rhode Island. I execute it voluntarily and will full knowledge of its significance. |
In witness whereof, I have executed this release on _______________________ in the State of Rhode Island. |
Signature |
Witnesses: |
F. Physical Performance Assessment (PPA) Liability Form
Physical Performance Assessment (PPA) |
In consideration of participation in the Physical Performance Assessment, I understand and agree to the following: |
1.) The Candidate understands and recognizes that Law Enforcement related testing involves a degree of physical exercise and physical contact, certain inherent risks and dangers, which could result in physical and emotional injury, disability or death. |
2.) The Candidate warrants, represents and certifies that he/she has reviewed and understand each and every separate test comprising the PPA that the Candidate will be required to perform, and states that he/she is not aware of possessing any physical or medical condition which will be aggravated, worsened or otherwise adversely affected by the strenuous nature of the PPA tests. |
3.) The Candidate warrants, represents and certifies that he/she is mentally and physically capable of participating in the Physical Performance Assessment (PPA), has sufficiently prepared or trained for participation, and has not been advised to not participate by a qualified medical professional. The Candidate warrants, represents and certifies that he/she does not suffer from a chronic/acute problem of the neck, back, wrist, knee, heart or muscular system, or anther medical condition which could otherwise be made worse by participation in the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy PPA. |
4.) The Candidate consents to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during the training. |
5.) The Candidate hereby waives all claims, releases, indemnifies and holds harmless the State of Rhode Island and all its officials, officers, agents and employees in both their public and private capacities, from any and all liability, claims, suits, demands, expenses of litigation, or causes of action which may arise by reason of injury to persons or loss of, damage to or loss of use of any property occasioned by error, omission, or negligent act of the Candidate or any other persons with regard to this Agreement. |
6.) The Candidate hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the State of Rhode Island and all its officials, officers, agents and employees in both their public and private capacities, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suits, and liability of any kind, including all expenses of litigation, including but not limited to court costs and attorney fees for death or injury, or loss of, damage to, or loss of use of any property arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, except for gross negligence or unlawful conduct as determined by a Court of Law. |
7.) The Candidate intends that this Agreement shall be effective and binding upon his/her heirs, next of kin executors, administrators and assigns in the event of my death. |
I, the undersigned, have carefully read this Agreement in its entirety and fully understand all its terms. I am aware that the agreement contains a waiver of liability, an assumption of risk, and an agreement by me to release and indemnify the State of Rhode Island. I execute it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. |
In witness whereof I have executed this release on ______________, in the State of Rhode Island. |
______________________________ |
Signature |
______________________________ |
______________________________ |
Title | 270 | Department of Public Safety |
Chapter | 30 | Academy Operations |
Subchapter | 00 | N/A |
Part | 2 | Rhode Island Municipal Police Academy Rules and Regulations (270-RICR-30-00-2) |
Type of Filing | Technical Revision |
Regulation Status | Active |
Effective | 09/17/2013 |
Regulation Authority:
R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-28-25
Purpose and Reason:
This technical revision is being filed to reformat the regulation for publication in the Rhode Island Code of Regulations. No substantive changes have been made.