Rules and Regulations Pertaining to HIV Counseling, Testing, Reporting, and Confidentiality [R23-6.3-HIV]
Title | 216 | Rhode Island Department of Health |
Chapter | XXX | Old Regulations Which Were Not Assigned Chapter-Subchap-Part |
Subchapter | XX | Old Regulations Which Were Not Assigned Chapter-Subchap-Part |
Part | 183 | Rules and Regulations Pertaining to HIV Counseling, Testing, Reporting, and Confidentiality [R23-6.3-HIV] |
Type of Filing | Repeal |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 03/22/2018 |
Regulation Authority:
RIGL §23-1.1
Purpose and Reason:
In accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, R.I. Gen. Laws Section 42-35-3(a)(1), the following is a concise statement regarding this rulemaking for the repeal of the Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Reporting and Testing of Infectious, Environmental, and Occupational Diseases [R23-10-DIS] and the Rules and Regulations Pertaining to HIV Counseling, Testing, Reporting, and Confidentiality [R23-6.3-HIV], and the consolidation of those regulations into the the rules and regulations for Reporting and Testing of Infectious, Environmental, and Occupational Diseases (216-RICR-30-05-1). These repeals and associated adoption provides clarity, updates the list of reportable diseases, and removes any language that duplicates existing statute without additional interpretation. This consolidation is meant to delineate the reporting and testing of infectious, environmental, and occupational diseases of public health importance. No comments were received during the public comment period for these repeals; therefore no non-technical revisions were made to the repeals posted for public comment, and no justification for not implementing suggested revisions is required. All comments received regarding the rules and regulations for Reporting and Testing of Infectious, Environmental, and Occupational Diseases (216-RICR-30-05-1) are addressed in RIDOH's concise explanatory statement for those regulations, filed as ERLID 8910. In the development of this repeal, consideration was given to: 1) alternative approaches; 2) overlap or duplication with other statutory and regulatory provisions; and 3) significant economic impact on small business. No alternative approach, duplication, or overlap was identified based on available information. The Rhode Island Department of Health has determined that the benefits of this repeal justify its costs.