Safe Operations of Summer Camps During the COVID-19 Emergency


8.1 Authority

A. These regulations are promulgated pursuant to the authority conferred under R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 23-1-1, 23-1-17, and 42-35 and to Executive Order 20-35 for the purpose of, and in the interest of the public health, establishing certain criteria for summer camps to be operated in Rhode Island during the COVID-19 state of emergency.

B. These regulations supplement 216-RICR-50-15-7 entitled “Safe Activities by Covered Entities during the COVID-19 Emergency”.

C. These regulations are intended to supplement and not replace COVID-19 related regulations promulgated by other State agencies and departments.

8.2 Incorporation by Reference

A. These regulations hereby adopt and incorporate the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), COVID-19, Guidance for Child Care Programs That Remain Open, updated as of April 21, 2020,, not including any further editions or amendments thereof and only to the extent that the provisions therein are not inconsistent with these regulations.

B. Upon withdrawal of the R.I. state of emergency, as it relates to COVID-19, these new procedures shall lapse after three business days from the withdrawal of the State of Emergency for Rhode Island.

8.3 Definitions

A. Wherever used in this Part, the terms listed below shall be construed in the following manner:

  1. Child” or “Children” means individual or individuals who is or are:

    1. at least five (5) years old; and

    2. participating in educational programs corresponding to kindergarten through 12th grade.

  2. COVID-19” means the disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

  3. COVID-19 symptoms” means the occurrence of any of the symptoms of COVID-19, as set forth in CDC guidance, when they develop over a period of hours to days and cannot be explained by allergies or other non-infectious disease. Such symptoms include, among others, chill, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, body aches or other symptoms consistent with fever, temperature measured above 100.4°F, cough, congestion, sore throat, shortness of breath, headache, or new loss of taste and smell.

  4. Day camp” means a program that:

    1. operates during school breaks for more than two (2) hours but fewer than twelve (12) hours each day; and

    2. does not include child day care services required to be licensed under R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-12.5-4.

  5. DHS” means the Rhode Island Department of Human Services.

  6. Primitive or outpost camp” means a camp or other site at which the basic needs such as places of abode, water supply systems and permanent toilet and cooking facilities are not usually provided.

  7. Provider” means an individual, a corporation, a government agency, a partnership, a trust, an association, or an organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not, or any receiver, trustee, or other liquidating agent of any of the foregoing while acting in such capacity that offers a summer camp or summer camps.

  8. Residential camp” means a camp which provides overnight facilities.

  9. RIDOH” means the Rhode Island Department of Health.

  10. Social distancing” has the same meaning ascribed to it in § 7.2(A)(14) of this Subchapter.

  11. "Stable group” means the same individuals, including children, staff, and counselors, being in the same group each day.

    1. Children shall not change from one group to another.

    2. Stable groups must occupy the same space each day.

  12. Summer camp” means any day camp, primitive or outpost camp, or residential camp which conducts a program for children.

  13. Visitor” means a person other than the provider, any campers, camp counselor or other staff member present at the summer camp.

8.4 Summer Camp Group and Size Limit

  1. Summer camps shall be carried out in stable groups not exceeding fifteen (15) people and consisting of up to fourteen (14) campers.

  2. If there is more than one (1) group of campers at one (1) facility, stable groups shall each occupy separate rooms or spaces separated by half walls, structural dividers, or other physical partitions.

  3. Stable groups of children shall not mix with other stable groups.

8.5 Social Distancing Within Stable Groups Is Not Required

  1. Social distancing shall not be required within each stable group; however, providers shall make an effort to implement age-appropriate measures for promoting social distancing and activities that do not lead to close contact between campers.

  1. At least fourteen (14) feet should be maintained between stable groups.

8.6 Written Plans for Safe Operations

  1. Any provider operating summer camps serving more than fifty (50) children shall submit the written plan required by § 7.4(A)(1) of this Subchapter to DHS for review and approval.

  1. Any provider operating summer camps serving fifty (50) or fewer children shall develop and maintain a written plan in accordance with § 7.4(A)(1) of this Subchapter and make the plan available to DHS or RIDOH upon request.

8.7 Summer Camp Administration

  1. In coordination with RIDOH pursuant to § 7.4(A)(9) of this Subchapter, each provider shall collect and maintain, at a minimum, the following information on each child camper:

    1. Name and home address(es) of the child

    2. Name, phone number and address of each parent and caregiver

  2. Drop-Offs/Pick-Ups

    1. During the COVID-19 emergency, providers shall create a drop-off and pick-up protocol that adheres to CDC guidelines (see § 8.2(A) of this Part).

    2. Providers shall require a self-attestation form, developed and approved by the DHS and RIDOH, be completed at the time of drop off for the purpose of screening for COVID-19 symptoms.

    3. Posting of Plans. During the COVID-19 emergency, providers shall post their COVID-19 approval forms and plans as described in § 8.6 of this Part in a visible area.

  3. Visitors to Facilities

    1. Visitors should be discouraged from visiting summer camp facilities during the COVID-19 emergency to limit the possible exposure to children campers and summer camp staff.

    2. Any individual who must visit shall document their arrival and departure time on a visitor log that must be maintained on-site and made available to DHS and RIDOH upon request.

    3. Any individual who must visit shall complete a self-attestation form developed and approved by DHS and RIDOH, for the purpose of screening for COVID-19 symptoms.

    4. Visitors shall maintain six (6) feet social distancing from others except between parents/caregivers and children in their care.

  4. Providers shall have an isolation room or area that can be used to isolate a sick child that adheres to CDC guidelines (see § 8.2(A) of this Part).

  5. Hygiene

    1. Providers shall stock, and make accessible, a sufficient supply of items required to maintain personal hygiene for children and staff.

    2. Summer camp staff shall wash their hands with liquid soap and warm running water, or hand sanitizer if liquid soap and warm running water are not feasible, as needed and:

      1. after each diaper change;

      2. after personal toileting;

      3. after assisting a child with toileting;

      4. after wiping a runny nose;

      5. after touching any bodily fluid;

      6. before and after using water, sand, or other sensory tables;

      7. after messy play; and/or

      8. before any food preparation or service.

    3. Summer camp staff shall ensure that children wash their hands with liquid soap and warm running water, or hand sanitizer if liquid soap and warm running water are not feasible, as needed and:

      1. after each toileting;

      2. before each meal or snack;

      3. after wiping or blowing their nose;

      4. after touching any bodily fluid;

      5. before and after using water, sand, or other sensory tables;

      6. after messy play; and/or

      7. upon entry from the outdoors.

  6. Cleaning of Facilities

    1. Providers shall ensure the performance of environmental cleaning of their summer camp facilities and maintain cleaning records in accordance with §§ 7.4(A)(6) and (7) of this Subchapter.

    2. During the COVID-19 emergency, providers shall adhere to the CDC guidelines for cleaning and sanitizing (see § 8.2(A) of this Part). DHS or RIDOH, or both, may issue further guidance on cleaning and sanitizing as CDC continues to update its guidance for summer camps.

    3. Providers shall limit indoor shared play space.

    4. All outdoor toys and playground equipment must be cleaned and sanitized in adherence to CDC guidelines, between use by different stable groups (see § 8.2(A) of this Part).

8.8 Further Guidance

DHS or RIDOH, or both, may issue further guidance on these regulations.

8.9 Severability

If any provision of these regulations, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or application of the regulations which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions are declared to be severable.

Title 216 Department of Health
Chapter 50 Environmental Health
Subchapter 15 Healthy Environment
Part 8 Safe Operations of Summer Camps During the COVID-19 Emergency
Type of Filing Adoption
Regulation Status Inactive
Effective 06/09/2020 to 10/07/2020

Regulation Authority:

R.I. Gen. Laws § 21-1-1
R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-1-17
R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-35
Executive Order 20-35

Purpose and Reason:

Establishing protocols summer camps must follow in order to operate in Rhode Island during the COVID-19 state of emergency.

Brief statement of Reason for Finding Imminent Peril:

The stay at home order for the state of Rhode Island caused by COVID-19, the new disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, was lifted on May 8. In order to prevent further spread of COVID-19 as the state begins to reopen, protective measures must be implemented for summer camps to protect the health and welfare of summer camp staff, summer camp attendees and their families.