Terminal Tariff Schedule (880-RICR-00-00-3)

880-RICR-00-00-3 ACTIVE RULE

There are proposed changes for this rule. View Details
My Page Title

3.1Scope and Applicability


3.3Incorporated Materials

3.4Definitions and Abbreviations

3.5Arrangements for Berths

3.6Use of Facilities

3.7Insurance Not Included, Penalties, Payments, and Liability


3.9Port Security Charges

3.10Crane Service and Hire

3.11Miscellaneous Services and Charges

Title 880 Quonset Development Corporation
Chapter 00 N/A
Subchapter 00 N/A
Part 3 Terminal Tariff Schedule (880-RICR-00-00-3)
Type of Filing Periodic Refile
Regulation Status Active
Effective 01/04/2022

Regulation Authority:

R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-64.10-6(d).

Purpose and Reason:

This rule is being refiled by the agency pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-35-4.1. No changes were made to the text of this rule.