A.The purpose of these rules and regulations is to allow the salvaging of road-killed wildlife through a Wildlife Roadkill Savage (WRS) Permit.
A.These rules and regulations are promulgated pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 20-1-1; 20-1-2; 20-1-4; 20-1-8; 20-1-13; 20-1-18; 20-15-2 and 20-15-7, and Chapter 42-17.1; and in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-35, the Administrative Procedures Act.
14.3Administrative Findings
A.These rules and regulations are required in order to ensure public health, safety, welfare and utilizing of a resource by permitting the salvage of road-killed wildlife.
A.For the purposes of these regulations, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
1.“Dispatch” means the humane destruction of an animal accomplished by a method that results in a swift death for animals that are certain to not or unlikely to survive after collision with a vehicle.
2.“Permittee” means an individual, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity that applied for or received a WRS permit.
3.“Person” means an individual, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity.
4.“Salvage wildlife” means wildlife that has been struck by a vehicle and either killed or is injured to the point where humane dispatch is required and is being collected for consumption or to use or possess parts of the animal.
5.“Wildlife roadkill salvage permit” or "WRS" means a permit in which a person/permittee is required to obtain in order to salvage and possess wildlife struck by a vehicle.
14.5Regulations for Salvaging Road-killed Wildlife
A.All person attempting to collect salvage wildlife must complete a Wildlife Roadkill Salvage (WRS) report within 24 hours of collecting and possessing wildlife salvage. Reports may be completed online or over the phone. Callers can leave a message at The Great Swamp Headquarters phone with the information in § 14.8 of this Part.
B.A person may use a WRS permit to possess one wildlife animal killed by, or humanely dispatched only because of, a vehicular collision. Each individual animal requires its own unique WRS permit.
C.Salvage wildlife may not be tagged and possessed with carcass tags issued for the purpose of hunting.
D.Any person who is picking up wildlife to be salvaged must comply with all roadway rules and regulations while removing the animal. Vehicles shall be parked off the roadway and out of the line of traffic. The permittee acknowledges and accepts all risks associated with collecting road-killed animals on state roadways and do so at the permittee’s own risk.
E.Any salvage wildlife must be removed in its entirety from the roadway by the permittee.
14.6Humane Dispatch
A.A person may not kill an injured or wounded animal that they encounter for the purpose of salvage. Any law enforcement officer (DEM environmental police officer, local, or state police) may, however, when on the scene of a collision, kill an animal injured in the collision if the animal is unlikely to survive the collision and then that animal may be taken for salvage.
14.7Allowable Species to Salvage
A.No person shall salvage any wildlife other than the following species:
1.White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus),
2.Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo),
3.Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus),
4.Coyote (Canis latrans),
5.Red fox (Vulpes vulpes),
6.Gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus),
7.Rabbit (Sylvilagus species),
8.Beaver (Castor canadensis),
9.Squirrel (Sciuridae species),
10.Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus),
11.Raccoon (Procyon lotor),
12.Fisher (Pekania pennanti),
13.Woodchuck (Marmota monax),
14.Mute swans (Cygnus olor).
14.8Information Required to Obtain a WRS Permit
A.The Division may issue a wildlife roadkill salvage permit (WRS) to persons meeting the criteria set forth in these regulations to take, handle, and or possess any species listed in these regulations that is found to be hit by a vehicle.
B.A valid and current WRS permit issued by the Division is required to take, handle or possess any species of animal that was struck by a vehicle within Rhode Island.
C.Applicants for a WRS permit shall complete and submit an application on forms provided by the Division.
D.Required information
1.Permittee information.
c.Phone Number.
e.Affiliation (Personal, hunt club, state official).
2.Location, date, and time of salvage.
3.Animal information.
b.Age (young, adult, or unknown).
c.Animal sex (male, female, or unknown).
a.Meat and/or consumption.
b.Other (hide, hair, skull, feathers, mount, pet food).
14.9Consumption and Use of Salvaged Wildlife
A.A person with a WRS permit may possess all parts of the animal including meat, hide, hoofs, claws, bones (providing compliance with § 14.9 of this Part), feathers, and antlers.
B.Meat rendered from salvaged animals must be used for consumption and shall not be used for bait or other purposes.
C.Meat rendered from salvaged animals may not be sold.
D.Meat rendered from salvaged animals may not be donated to licensed retail or manufacturing facilities for further distribution.
E.Any unused meat or animal parts shall be disposed of properly or at a legal disposal site.
F.Rhode Island DEM makes no guarantee as to the fitness for consumption of wild animal meat collected under a WRS permit. Persons salvaging and consuming this meat do so at their own risk.
14.10WRS Permit
A.Once a permit is obtained it must remain in your possession until the meat is packaged and frozen for consumption or the animal is skinned and stretched for hide use.
14.11Regulatory Enforcement
A.Any person who collects salvage wildlife consents to allow any authorized representative of the Department access to enter upon his or her premises, access to his or her vehicle, or access site at which the salvaged animal was found and removed to conduct inspections for compliance of these regulations.
B.The Department shall immediately seize road-killed carcasses or parts that are possessed in violation of these regulations.
14.12Right to Administrative Hearing
A.Denial of a license or certificate of registration: Any person denied the issuance or reissuance of a permit pursuant to this Part may request an appeal as provided by R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-17.7 and pursuant to Part 10-00-1 of this Title (“Rules and Regulations for the Administrative Adjudication Division”), by presenting a written request for a hearing within thirty (30) days of the applicant’s receipt of the denial. The written request must be presented to the clerk of the Administrative Adjudication Division, 235 Promenade Street, Room 350, Providence, RI 02908.
B.Enforcement action: Any person adversely affected by a decision of the Director for an enforcement action pursuant to these regulations may file an appeal in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-17.7 and Part 10-00-1 of this Title (“Rules and Regulations for the Administrative Adjudication Division”) by presenting a written request for a hearing within twenty (20) days of the applicant’s receipt of the notice of the enforcement action. The written request must be presented to the clerk of the Administrative Adjudication Division, 235 Promenade Street, Room 350, Providence, RI 02908.