RI Life Safety Code (450-RICR-00-00-8)
8.1 Introduction
Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.3-3, the Life Safety Code of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc., (NFPA 101), 2018 edition, with annexes, except those portions specifically reserved, deleted, altered, added to, or otherwise amended as outlined in Part 8 herein, and including all of the specific amendments to NFPA 101, as outlined in Part 8 herein, is hereby adopted by reference as the Rhode Island Life Safety Code. Copies of NFPA 101, 2018 edition, are available from the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169-7471. The National Fire Protection Association’s telephone number is 617-770-0700. Copies of NFPA 101, 2015 edition, have also been made available to state-operated libraries in Rhode Island.
Electronic copies of the reservations, deletions, alterations, additions and other amendments to this code, also known as the Rhode Island Fire Code Section 8, will be initially made available on the Fire Board’s website at http://www.fsc.ri.gov/. Copies shall subsequently be available from LexisNexis/Matthew Bender & Co., 701 E. Water Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902. The LexisNexis telephone number is 1-800-446-3410.
The State Fire Marshal is the sole authority having jurisdiction for the strict enforcement of the Rhode Island Life Safety Code. The Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review is the sole authority having jurisdiction for administration of the Rhode Island Life Safety Code.
Except as outlined below, the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review is the sole authority having jurisdiction to grant variances, waivers and amendments from, or to review and accept any proposed fire safety equivalencies and alternatives to, the strict adherence to the provisions of the Rhode Island Life Safety Code and all referenced standards therein. Notwithstanding the above, the State Fire Marshal and his or her designees are hereby authorized to approve dimensional relief within the egress systems of any existing building in accordance with NFPA 101 and its annexes. Such dimensional relief shall be known as “AHJ modifications”. All “AHJ modifications” must be in writing and submitted to the State Fire Marshal's Office for recording. Once recorded by the State Fire Marshal's Office, the “AHJ modification” shall remain as permanent relief for the building as long as the use and/or occupancy of the building remains the same. Any change of use and/or occupancy shall subject the building to review under the relevant codes and reconsideration of the “AHJ modification” in light of the new use or occupancy.
For the purposes of uniform administration, and with the exception of “AHJ modifications” as outlined above, all other exceptions listed in the Rhode Island Life Safety Code and its referenced standards, allowing for a discretionary waiver by the authority having jurisdiction, shall be referred directly to the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review as outlined in § 1.7.1(A) of this Subchapter et seq. The only official formal and binding interpretations of the provisions of the Rhode Island Life Safety Code and its referenced standards are those approved and published by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review pursuant to the procedures outlined in § 1.7.1(C) of this Subchapter et seq.
All new buildings and structures, for which a building permit was issued on or after July 1, 2021, shall be subject to the provisions of the Rhode Island Life Safety Code addressing the new occupancy unless this requirement is specifically modified by the issuance of a blanket variance by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review to allow a grace period for plans, submitted after the above date, to be reviewed under the prior Code.
All existing buildings and structures, and those buildings and structures for which a building permit was issued prior to July 1, 2021, shall be subject to the provisions of the Rhode Island Life Safety Code addressing the existing occupancy.
Any existing building or structure, subject to the provisions of the Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code for existing Buildings and Structures, shall also comply with the existing occupancy provisions of the Rhode Island Life Safety Code addressing the current or proposed occupancy.
All existing required protection systems, such as sprinklers, fire alarms, emergency lighting and exit signs, installed in existing buildings, shall continue to be properly maintained. Non-required systems shall either be maintained, have the devices removed, or marked, to the satisfaction of the AHJ, so as to notify the public as the absence of these systems. Prior to the removal or marking of any non-required system, the system’s owner must first comply with the procedures outlined in § of this Code. The above marking of any de-activated system shall be at the direction and to the satisfaction of the State Fire Marshal or his or her designee
The provisions of NFPA 101, 2018 edition, as amended and referenced below, and incorporated herein as the “Rhode Island Life Safety Code”, shall be preceded by the acronym “RILSC”. All of the remaining provisions of NFPA 101, 2018 edition, adopted as the “Rhode Island Life Safety Code”, but not specifically addressed below, shall likewise be identified by the acronym “RILSC” preceding it. (Accordingly, “Chapter 1” below would be identified as “RILSC 1”. Likewise, “§ 1.1.2” below would be identified as “as RILSC 1.1.2”.)
1.1 Scope
(Amd) 1.1.1 Title.
The Title of this Code shall be known as the “Rhode Island Life Safety Code,” is cited as such, and shall be referred to herein as “this Code” or “the Code.”
(Add) Relationship to other fire codes.
The “Rhode Island Life Safety Code” (NFPA 101, 2018 Edition, as amended) and the “Rhode Island Fire Code” (NFPA 1, 2018 Edition, as amended) comprise the “Rhode Island Fire Safety Code” pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.1-2.
The “Rhode Island Life Safety Code” is the major component of the “Rhode Island Fire Safety Code” which includes all other statutory mandates found in R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-28 along with any additional Rules and Regulations adopted, by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 23-28.3-3 and 23-28.1-2.
1.3 Application
(Amd) 1.3.1 New and Existing Buildings and Structures.
The Code shall apply to both new construction and existing buildings and structures. All new buildings and structures, for which a building permit was issued on or after July 1, 2021, shall be subject to the provisions of Rhode Island Fire Safety Code addressing the new occupancy. All existing buildings and structures, and those buildings and structures for which a building permit was issued prior to July 1, 2021, shall be subject to the provisions of the Rhode Island Fire Safety Code addressing the existing occupancy. Any existing building or structure, subject to the provisions of the Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code for Existing Buildings and Structures, shall also comply with the existing occupancy provisions of the Rhode Island Fire Safety Code addressing the current or proposed occupancy. All active fire protection systems, such as sprinklers, fire alarms, emergency lighting and exit signs, installed in existing buildings shall be properly maintained.
(Amd) 1.4 Equivalency.
Nothing in this Code is intended to prevent the use of systems, methods, or devices of equivalent or superior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, durability, and safety over those prescribed by this code provided that any proposed equivalent systems, methods and devices are first approved by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review.
(Amd) 1.4.2 Approval.
The system, method, or device shall be approved for the intended purpose by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review.
(Amd) 1.4.3 Equivalent Compliance.
Alternative systems, methods, or devices approved as equivalent by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review shall be recognized as being in compliance with this code.
(Amd) 1.6 Enforcement and Administration.
(Add) 1.6.1 Enforcement.
The State Fire Marshal is the sole authority having jurisdiction for the strict enforcement of the provisions of this Code. The State Fire Marshal shall have authority to appoint and certify as many Deputy State Fire Marshals and Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshals as are deemed necessary to strictly enforce the provisions of this Code. All such Deputy State Fire Marshals and Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshals maintain their certification at the pleasure of the State Fire Marshal. Accordingly, all Deputy State Fire Marshals and Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshals shall be allowed to enforce this code as long as they maintain their certification in the above positions by the State Fire Marshal.
(Add) Modifications.
The State Fire Marshal and his or her designees are hereby authorized to approve dimensional relief within the egress systems of any existing building in accordance with NFPA 101 and its annexes. Such dimensional relief shall be known as “AHJ modifications”. All “AHJ modifications” must be in writing and submitted to the State Fire Marshal's Office for approval and recording. Once approved and recorded by the State Fire Marshal's Office, the “AHJ modification” shall remain as permanent relief for the building as long as the use and/or occupancy of the building remains the same. Any change of use and/or occupancy shall subject the building to review under the relevant codes and reconsideration of the “AHJ modification” in light of the new use or occupancy.
(Add) 1.6.2 Administration.
The Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review is the sole authority having jurisdiction for administration of this Code. Accordingly, the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review is the sole authority having jurisdiction to grant variances, waivers and amendments from, or to review and accept any proposed fire safety equivalencies and alternatives to, the strict adherence to the provisions of this Code and all referenced standards herein. For purposes of uniform administration, all exceptions listed in this Code, and its referenced standards, allowing for a discretionary waiver by the authority having jurisdiction, shall be referred directly to the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review as outlined in § 1.7.1 of this Subchapter, et seq.
Procedures, adopted by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, addressing administrative appeals, are outlined in §§ 1.7.1(A) through (L) of this Subchapter.
Procedures, adopted by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, addressing administrative hearings and court appeals, are outlined in §§ 1.7.2(A) through (BB) of this Subchapter.
Procedures, adopted by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, addressing the Board’s rule making authority, are outlined in §§ 1.7.3(A) through (E) of this Subchapter.
Procedures, adopted by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, addressing code interpretation by the board, are outlined in §§ 1.7.4(A) through (G) of this Subchapter.
(Add) 1.6.3
Police and other enforcement agencies shall have authority to render necessary assistance in the enforcement of this Code when expressly requested to do so by the State Fire Marshal.
(Add) 1.6.4
The State Fire Marshal may delegate to other qualified individuals such powers as are necessary for the proper enforcement of the Code. The Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review may delegate to its appointed staff such powers as are necessary for the proper administration of this Code.
(Add) 1.6.5
The State Fire Marshal is authorized to inspect, at all reasonable times, any building or premises for dangerous or hazardous conditions or materials as set forth in this Code and the general provisions of the Fire Safety Code. The State Fire Marshal may order any person(s) to remove or remedy such dangerous or hazardous condition or material. Any person(s) failing to comply with such an order shall be in violation of the Fire Safety Code. Any person so charged with a violation of this Code shall have the right to appeal the order of the State Fire Marshal to the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review. An appeal shall automatically stay the State Fire Marshal’s order. However, where the State Fire Marshal, or his or her designee, advises that such an automatic stay would endanger the public and/or the owner’s tenants or employees, the Chairperson of the Board, or his or her designee, may, for such good cause shown, suspend the automatic stay of the State Fire Marshal's order pending review by the full board.
(Add) 1.6.6. Abatement.
The State Fire Marshal, or his or her designee within the division, or an Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshal in accordance with the guidelines established by the State Fire Marshal, has the authority to summarily abate any condition which presents immediate danger to life. The conditions that present an “immediate danger to life” are outlined under the definition of “abatement or to abate a condition” found in Fire Safety Code § 1.5 of this Subchapter. A failure to abate a condition that presents a clear and immediate danger to life shall be grounds for the person issuing the order to abate, to require that the premises be vacated. Any such order to vacate the premises shall be either approved in writing by the State Fire Marshal or a designee of the State Fire Marshal who has been given advanced written authority by the State Fire Marshal to approve such actions.
(Add) 1.7
When a conflict between the language of the original 2018 Edition of NFPA 101-Life Safety Code and any specific Rhode Island amendment occurs, the conflict shall initially be resolved by the Office of the State Fire Marshal.
(Amd) 2.2
NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code®, 2020 edition, as adopted, reserved and amended by the State Building Code Standards Committee as the Rhode Island Electrical Code (SBC-5), 510-RICR-00-00-5.
NFPA 72®, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, 2019 edition. Any conflict or citation inconsistency with the provisions of this edition and references to the 2016 edition, shall be resolved in favor of the most stringent requirement as determined by the State Fire Marshal subject to appeal to the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review.
(Res) NFPA 720, Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection and Warning Equipment, 2015 edition. This standard was withdrawn by NFPA on August 14, 2018 and the requirements incorporated into NFPA 72, 2019 edition.
(Amd) Apartment Building.
A building or portion thereof containing four (4) or more dwelling units with independent cooking and bathroom facilities.
Congregate Family Living Facility: A building or part thereof that contains sleeping rooms where residents share the entire house and live, cook and function together as a single housekeeping unit.
(Add) 3.4 Rhode Island Specific Definitions
(Add) 3.4.1 Abatement or to Abate a condition: Abatement, or to abate a condition, is the reduction, decrease, or diminution of a hazardous condition that presents immediate danger to life. The term "immediate" denotes that action is or must be taken either instantly or without any considerable loss of time. The condition may be singular or may be a set of conditions that in combination present an “immediate danger to life.” Such conditions, that present an “immediate danger to life,” shall include improper management or use of flammable and combustible materials, liquids and gases, pyrotechnics, fireworks or explosives, malfunctioning automatic sprinklers, fire alarms and emergency lighting, malfunctioning heating and electrical systems, blocked or inadequate exits or means of egress, the overcrowding of assembly occupancies and such other conditions as may be established by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review.
(Add) 3.4.2 Reserved.
(Add) 3.4.3 Authority Having Jurisdiction (Enforcement). Unless specifically defined to the contrary in this code, the authority having jurisdiction for the enforcement of this code shall be the State Fire Marshal. The State Fire Marshal may delegate this enforcement authority to any Deputy State Fire Marshal or Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshal that he or she certifies and appoints pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.2-1 et seq. However, as a condition of their continued certification, all such appointed Deputy State Fire Marshals and Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshals shall apply the Code, consistently and uniformly across the State, under the guidance of the State Fire Marshal.
(Add) 3.4.4 Bed and Breakfast Home. An owner and/or innkeeper occupied building that provides sleeping accommodations for up to sixteen (16) guests. Every “Bed and Breakfast Home” must further have originated as a private home and must have at least three hundred (300) square feet of common space (i.e., dining room, living room, etc.) for guest use, and must further provide breakfast. Finally, the owner and/or innkeeper must occupy the building twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, while guests are utilizing the facility. The owner and/or innkeeper of the Bed and Breakfast Home shall have a plan of action, approved by the local official, to assure the safety of the guests in the event the owner or innkeeper is required to temporarily leave the facility unsupervised for limited periods during the day.
(Add) 3.4.5 Certificate of Occupancy. After the building official inspects the building or structure and, after consultation with the AHJ enforcing the provisions of this Code, finds no violations of the provisions of this Code or other laws that are enforced by the department of building safety, the building official issues an official document known as a “certificate of occupancy” that generally contains the following:
1. The building permit number.
2. The address of the structure.
3. The name and address of the owner.
4. A description of that portion of the structure for which the certificate is issued.
5. A statement that the described portion of the structure has been inspected for compliance with the requirements of this Code for the occupancy and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified.
6. The name of the building official.
7. The edition of the code under which the permit was issued.
8. The use and occupancy, in accordance with the provisions of the State Building Code.
9. The type of construction as defined in the State Building Code.
10. The design occupant load.
11. If an automatic sprinkler system is provided, whether the sprinkler system is required.
12. Any special stipulations and conditions of the building permit.
(Add) 3.4.6 Citation System: A system of enforcement outlined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.2-14.
(Res) 3.4.7
(Add) 3.4.8 Compliance Order: For the purposes of this Code, a compliance order is defined as a command or direction authoritatively given to a building owner or occupant to provide conformance with the Fire Safety Code. A compliance order takes effect when a building owner or occupant, after proper notice, has exhausted his/her administrative appeals or has failed to avail himself/herself of appropriate administrative appeals within a reasonable period of time after receiving proper notice.
(Add) 3.4.9 Emergency Shelter Occupancy: An occupancy or portion thereof used on a temporary basis to provide sleeping accommodations for transient or displaced individuals who have no other shelter arrangements during periods of severe weather or during the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster.
(Add) 3.4.10 Family Day Care Home. The term "family day care home" means any home other than the child's home in which child day care in lieu of parental care and/or supervision is offered at the same time to at least four (4) but not more than eight (8) children who are not relatives of the care giver, and which is licensed by the State Department of Children, Youth, and Families and subject to the Department's Regulations.
(Add) 3.4.11 Funeral Establishment: An assembly occupancy, as defined by R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-33.2-1(11) as a “fixed place, establishment or premises, licensed by the Department of Health, devoted to the activities which are incident, convenient, or related to the care and preparation, arrangement, financial and otherwise, for the funeral, transportation, burial or other disposition of human bodies and including, but not limited to, a suitable room with all instruments and supplies used for the storage and/or preparation of dead human bodies for burial or other disposition.”
(Add) 3.4.12 Organized Dining Facility. A place of public accommodation which is characterized as a facility where private events are held and where the primary source of revenue, in general, is derived from rental charges for use of the facility and service of food. Such a facility shall not provide for cover charges or have as a primary attraction any event where entertainment is provided by a live band or recorded music. Such a facility primarily provides for organized banquets, private parties, fund raisers, wedding receptions, ceremonial events and the like.
(Add) 3.4.13 Nightclub: A place of public accommodation, which in general is characterized by all of the following:
1. Provides entertainment by a live band or recorded music generating above normal sound levels.
2. Has as its primary source of revenue, in general, the sale of beverages of any kind for consumption on the premises and/or cover charges. Food, if served, is considered a secondary attraction.
3. Has an occupant load in total or in any single area or room of at least one hundred (100) patrons.
Nothing in this definition shall be construed to include any place of public accommodation or any event within a place of public accommodation, which is in its nature distinctly private.
(Add) 3.4.14 Place of Worship: A building or structure, or an area thereof, the occupancy of which is for the religious rites and services and communal functions of a congregation, and which shall include sanctuaries, gathering halls, meeting rooms and offices and related facilities of the congregation, which may be located in the same, in connected, or in proximate structures.
(Add) 3.4.15 Suspended Ceiling: A ceiling system consisting of a grid of channels or “T-bars” suspended from the structure above for readily removable acoustical tiles or lay- in panels.
(Add) 3.4.16 Reserved.
(Add) 3.4.17 Three Family Apartment Building.
A building or portion thereof containing three (3) dwelling units with independent cooking and bathroom facilities. This Code shall provide reasonable standards for the installation of smoke and carbon monoxide detection in three (3) family apartment buildings.
8.1.4 CHAPTER 4 – General
The Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for the enforcement of this Code may approve the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) by the building official provided the major life safety systems (sprinkler, fire alarm, approved egress system, etc.) are operational in the area of the building to be so occupied. The AHJ is further authorized to require any additional safeguards he or she deems necessary to ensure the life safety of the temporary occupants.
(Add) Existing fire protection systems, or portions thereof, shall only be removed in accordance with the following procedure:
1. The building owner shall request that the State Fire Marshal or local AHJ conduct a full inspection of the facility to determine whether the fire protection system is currently required and if there are any other Fire Code deficiencies in the subject facility. All such deficiencies must be corrected before removing or modifying the fire protection system.
2. The State Fire Marshal or the local AHJ conducting the full inspection shall further advise the owner if any variances, previously granted, would be voided in the absence of the fire protection system. If such variances were granted, the owner must either correct the underlying deficiencies, or secure additional relief from the Fire Board, before removing or modifying the fire protection system.
(No Modifications)
(Amd) Definition – Apartment Building. A building or portion thereof containing four (4) or more dwelling units with independent cooking and bathroom facilities.
(Add) The minimum separate safeguards are as follows:
1. No dwelling unit of a residential occupancy shall have its sole means of egress pass through any nonresidential occupancy in the same building unless both of the following conditions exist:
a) Where the building is protected throughout by an approved, automatic sprinkler system in accordance with § 9.7 OR the sole means of egress from the dwelling unit of the residential occupancy to the exterior shall be separated from the remainder of the building by fire barriers having a minimum one (1) hour fire resistance rating.
b) The sole means of egress from the dwelling unit of the residential occupancy shall not pass through a high hazard contents area, as defined in §
2. Dwelling units of a residential occupancy shall be permitted to be located above a nonresidential occupancy only where one of the following conditions exists:
a) Where the dwelling unit of the residential occupancy and exits therefrom are separated from the nonresidential occupancy by construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than one (1) hour.
b) Where the nonresidential occupancy is protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with § 9.7.
c) Where the building is protected throughout by an automatic fire detection system in accordance with § 9.6.
§ shall not be construed as to require that any or all occupancies be separated. These sections simply establish the separation requirements necessary if a building owner chooses to have a portion of the building not comply with the most restrictive requirements of the occupancies involved. All non-separated occupancies are mixed occupancies, as defined in §, and must comply with the provisions of this Code covering mixed occupancies.
(Amd) New handrails shall be installed to provide a clearance of not less than one and one half inch (1 ½”) (38 mm) between the handrail and the wall to which it is fastened.
(Add) Maintenance
(Add) All fire escape stairs shall be maintained in good physical repair and remain useable at all times.
(Add) Maintenance of fire escape stairs shall include:
1. Exit access shall remain clear and unobstructed at all times.
2. All moving parts shall remain operable at all times.
3. All structural members including landings, railings, stair components, handrails, guards, and support or mounting components shall be free of rust and corrosion.
4. All surfaces subject to corrosion shall be painted.
(Add) Fire escape stairs that are not properly maintained and show signs of structural instability shall be repaired prior to continued use. All repairs shall be inspected by a person or firm acceptable to the State Fire Marshal.
(Add) Maintenance
(Add) All fire escape ladders shall be maintained in good physical repair and remain useable at all times.
(Add) Maintenance of fire escape ladders shall include:
1. Exit access shall remain clear and unobstructed at all times.
2. All moving parts shall remain operable at all times.
3. All structural members including landings, railings, stair components, handrails, guards, and support or mounting components shall be free of rust and corrosion.
4. All surfaces subject to corrosion shall be painted.
(Add) Fire escape ladders that are not properly maintained and show signs of structural instability shall be repaired prior to continued use. All repairs shall be inspected by a person or firm acceptable to the State Fire Marshal.
(No Modifications)
New generator controllers shall be monitored by the fire alarm system, where provided, or at a location approved by the AHJ, for the following conditions:
1. Generator running
2. Generator fault
3. Generator switch in non-automatic position
Exception: A generator remote annunciator may be installed adjacent to the fire alarm control unit or fire alarm remote annunciator with the approval of the AHJ to satisfy this requirement.
(Add) Where a building fire alarm system is provided, existing emergency generators shall be monitored by the fire alarm system for generator running.
Exception: A generator remote annunciator may be installed adjacent to the fire alarm control unit or fire alarm remote annunciator with the approval of the AHJ to satisfy this requirement.
(Add) Any business that is open less than six (6) months a year shall be considered a seasonal business with low-volume cooking operations and as such, shall be exempt from the semiannual maintenance requirements of 96:11.4 and shall only be required to perform said maintenance annually prior to reopening for the season.
(Add) 9.2.5 Where a building fire alarm system is provided, it shall be interconnected to the building’s heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) line voltage controls so that any individual fan supplying two thousand (2,000) ft³/min. (cfm) (56.63 m³/min.) or greater capacity of any ventilating system not used for pressurization of a fire safe area shall automatically shut down any time, other than drills or when testing, that any initiating device connected to the fire alarm system is activated as provided in § (6).
(Add) 9.2.5 The requirements of 9.2.5 may be modified or omitted in areas where automatic shutdown may interfere with clean room operations, temperature controlled environments protecting sensitive equipment, or other building operations as approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
Except as modified herein, new elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and moving walks shall be in accordance with the requirements of ASME A17.1/CSA B44, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators and the Rhode Island Elevator Safety Code, 260-RICR-30-10-1.
Except as modified herein, existing elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and moving walks shall conform to the requirements of ASME A17.3, Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators and the Rhode Island Elevator Safety Code, 260-RICR-30-10-1.
Elevators in accordance with ASME A17.1/CSA B44.7, Performance-Based Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, shall be deemed to comply with ASME A17.1/CSA B44, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, or ASME A17.3, Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators and the Rhode Island Elevator Safety Code, 260-RICR-30-10-1.
All existing elevators shall conform to the Fire Fighters’ Emergency Operations requirements of ASME A17.3, Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators and the Rhode Island Elevator Safety Code, 260-RICR-30-10-1.
Elevators shall be subject to periodic inspections and tests as specified in ASME A17.1/CSA B44, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators and the Rhode Island Elevator Safety Code, 260-RICR-30-10-1.
All elevators equipped with fire fighters’ emergency operations in accordance with § 9.4.3 shall be subject to a monthly operation with a written record of the findings made and kept on the premises as required by ASME A17.1/CSA B44, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators and the Rhode Island Elevator Safety Code, 260-RICR-30-10-1.
The elevator inspections and tests required by § shall be performed at frequencies complying with the Rhode Island Elevator Safety Code, 260-RICR-30-10-1.
The Authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), for the purpose of enforcing the Rhode Island Life Safety Code, § 9.6 shall be the State Fire Marshal or his or her designee and those parties certified by the State Fire Marshal as prescribed by R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 23-28.2-6 and 23-28.2-9.
Where required, a fire alarm system shall be installed, tested, and maintained in accordance with the applicable requirements of this Chapter, NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, and NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. Any conflicts between the provisions of this Chapter, as amended and NFPA 72 shall be resolved in favor of the provisions of this Chapter as determined by the State Fire Marshal.
All systems and components shall be approved for the purpose for which they are installed, and listed or approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
(Amd) Where a required fire alarm system is out of service for more than four (4) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period for repair, maintenance or testing, the authority having jurisdiction shall be notified, and the building impairment procedures shall comply with NFPA 72.
(Add) With the written approval of, and subject to any additional safeguards mandated by the AHJ, the fire alarm systems, or portions thereof may be temporarily disabled for events or other occasions by qualified personnel where environmental, mechanical or human factors would lead to unnecessary nuisance, accidental or intentional false alarms.
(Add) Whenever the terms “hardwired 120 vAC-powered” “hard-wired” or “hardwired” are used in this Code as it relates to the primary power supply for single or multiple station smoke alarms or carbon monoxide (CO) alarms, the provisions of § 72:29.9.1 (2019) shall apply.
(Add) Whenever the term “wireless” is used in this Code as it relates to household fire alarm systems and/or single or multiple station alarms, it shall mean low-power radio (wireless) and the provisions of 72:§ 29.10.8 (2019) shall apply.
Manual fire alarm boxes shall be double-action, key locked and shall be keyed the same as the fire alarm control unit door lock. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72.
Existing single-action manual fire alarm boxes that are provided with listed protective covers, with or without a local signal, may be continued in use and deemed compliant with the double-action requirement of §
Manual fire alarm boxes, new and existing, used in systems not equipped for emergency forces notification shall be marked “In case of emergency, pull handle, then call 9-1-1”.
(Amd) Where a sprinkler system provides automatic detection and alarm system initiation, it shall be provided with an approved alarm initiation device that operates within ninety (90) seconds when the flow of water is equal to or greater than that from a single automatic sprinkler.
(Amd) Where a total (complete) coverage fire alarm system is required by another section of this Code, automatic detection shall be provided as follows:
1. Automatic detection shall be located in all areas of the building as required by NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, for total (complete) coverage;
2. The detection required by § shall include automatic smoke detectors in all common corridors, the top of all stairwells, stairwell landings at each floor level, elevator machine rooms and machine spaces, and all elevator landings; and
3. Areas of the building not identified in §, but requiring detection based on §, shall be permitted to be protected by automatic heat detectors or an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system.
(Add) Where required by Chapters 11 through 43, an automatic fire detection system for initiation of the signaling system shall be provided in accordance with all of the following:
(1) Smoke detectors installed in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, shall be provided in all common corridors, lobbies, the top of all stairwells, stairwell landings at each floor level, elevator machine rooms and machine spaces, and all elevator landings.
(2) Combination rate of rise and one hundred thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit (135º F) to one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit (140º F) fixed temperature heat detectors installed in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, shall be provided in kitchens located within dwelling units, storage rooms greater than twenty-four (24) square feet, utility rooms, electrical rooms, mechanical equipment rooms, maintenance shops, locker rooms, projection booths, above stage areas, below accessible stage areas, integral or attached garages and elevator hoistways.
(3) Combination rate of rise and one hundred thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit (135º F) to one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit (140º F) fixed temperature heat detectors installed in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, shall be provided in spaces of twenty four inches (24”) (0.61 m) or more above suspended ceilings.
(4) Automatic fixed temperature heat detectors with a rating of one hundred ninety degrees Fahrenheit (190º F) to two hundred degrees Fahrenheit (200º F) installed in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, shall be provided in common kitchens with cooking equipment, boiler or furnace rooms, common laundry rooms and accessible attics.
(5) Spaces twenty-four inches (24”) (0.61m) or more above suspended ceilings shall be exempt from the requirements of § if the building is of Type I or Type II construction and all interior surfaces of the above ceiling space have a Class A or B interior finish rating and the space is not utilized for storage.
In locations where heat detectors and/or smoke detectors are required, the type and/or temperature rating of the heat detector or smoke detector may be modified if the type or temperature rating of the device is unsuitable due to environmental or structural conditions unique to that location or where multiple nuisance alarms have occurred, subject to the approval of the AHJ.
(Add) Where a specific temperature rating or type of heat detector is specified elsewhere in this code, rate anticipation detectors, line-type detectors, beam detectors or other type detectors listed for the application may be installed where approved by the AHJ.
(Amd) Where duct-type smoke detectors are installed in HVAC systems in buildings requiring a fire alarm system, the duct-type smoke detectors shall be connected to the fire alarm control unit to signal an audible and visual supervisory signal at the fire alarm control unit and annunciator. An alarm condition shall not occur unless specifically requested and authorized by the AHJ.
(Amd) Automatically transmitted or approved live voice evacuation or relocation instructions shall be permitted to be used to notify occupants and shall comply with either §§ or
(Amd) Automatically transmitted or approved live voice evacuation or relocation instructions shall be in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code
(Amd)* Where permitted by Chapters 11 through 43 and subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction, automatically transmitted or live voice announcements shall be permitted to be made via a voice communication or public address system that complies with the following:
1. Occupant notification, either live or recorded, shall be initiated at a constantly attended receiving station by personnel trained to respond to an emergency.
2. An approved secondary power supply shall be provided for other than existing, previously approved systems.
3. The system shall be audible above the expected ambient noise level.
4. Emergency announcements shall take precedence over any other use.
(Amd) RILSC Where emergency forces notification is required by this Code and provided for in a building in a city, town, or fire district having a public emergency alarm reporting system, the protected premises fire alarm reporting system within the building shall be connected into the public emergency reporting system via a local energy master box, auxiliary transmitter, radio master box, or other approved method so that any fire alarm signal within the building will be automatically transmitted to the community’s communications center.
(Add) Systems requiring emergency forces notification in buildings in a city, town, or fire district not having a public emergency alarm reporting system shall be connected to the community communications center via a remote supervising station alarm system or other method in a manner approved by the AHJ so that any fire alarm signal within the building will be automatically transmitted to the community’s communications center.
(Add) Whenever any supervisory signal or trouble signal is required to sound and be displayed at a location that is constantly attended by qualified personnel, signals that sound and are displayed in a public or common area of the building shall be deemed to be in compliance.
(Add) All fire alarm control units connected to the local Public Emergency Alarm Reporting System shall be configured to restore the emergency forces notification circuit when an alarm signal is acknowledged and/or the notification appliance circuit(s) silenced.
(Add) Where emergency forces notification is provided, multiple-zone signaling from the protected premises fire alarm control unit shall be provided in any jurisdiction capable of receiving multiple-zone signals and shall be provided as required by the AHJ.
(Add) In complexes consisting of multiple building clusters, a single means of connection in accordance with § may be used to accomplish emergency forces notification provided that each building is clearly identified visually on site in a manner approved by the AHJ (i.e.: strobe lights, etc.)
(Amd) Where required by another section of this Code, the following functions shall be actuated:
1. Release of hold-open devices for doors or other opening protective’s
2. Stairwell or elevator shaft pressurization
3. Smoke management or smoke control systems
4. Unlocking of doors
5. Elevator recall and shutdown
6. HVAC shutdown
7. Operation of exterior horn/strobe notification appliances
(Add) Where the functions identified in §§, (6) or (7) are provided, they shall be actuated upon the initiation of any manual fire alarm box, automatic initiating device or extinguishing system operation installed within the building.
(Add) A manual override for each fire safety function installed in accordance with § shall be provided at the fire alarm control unit for maintenance, drills and testing of the fire alarm system.
(Add) All buildings that have a fire alarm system required by this Code that requires emergency egress and relocation fire drills to be held shall have a key-operated drill switch to activate the notification appliances in the building, installed at a remote location outside of the fire alarm control unit, subject to the approval of the AHJ. The drill switch key shall not be the same as the fire alarm control unit key.
(Add) A directory or zone map as required by the AHJ shall be provided for every required fire alarm system. The directory or zone map shall be provided in a location deemed acceptable by the AHJ.
(Amd) For the purposes of alarm annunciation, each floor of the building shall be considered as not less than one (1) zone, unless otherwise permitted by §§, or another section of this Code.
(Amd) Where the building is protected by an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with §, the sprinkler system shall be permitted to be annunciated on the fire alarm system as a single zone.
(Add) Where a building is protected by an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with §§ or (3), any alarm originating from a sprinkler or a Class II or Class III standpipe connection shall provide two (2) separate indications on the system annunciator, one to indicate “sprinkler/standpipe” and one (1) to indicate the activated zone.
(Add) Where an existing building that is not classified as a high-rise is protected by an existing sprinkler system in accordance with §, the sprinkler system shall be permitted to be annunciated on the fire alarm system as a single zone.
(Add) Supervisory signals, including the operation of sprinkler control valve supervisory switches or duct type smoke detectors, shall be permitted to annunciate as a trouble signal on existing fire alarm systems.
(Add) In complexes consisting of multiple building clusters without emergency forces notification, each building shall be clearly identified visually on site in a manner approved by the AHJ (i.e.: strobe lights, etc.).
(Add) 9.6.8 Equipment
(Add) The fire alarm system owner shall provide a twenty-four (24) hour emergency telephone number of the owner or owner’s representative for the fire department or AHJ to call in the event of an alarm or trouble condition. This telephone number shall be conspicuously posted at the fire alarm control unit.
(Add) Where emergency forces notification is provided in accordance with §, the fire alarm system shall be provided with a standby battery source capable of supplying the entire system for sixty (60) hours.
(Add) Where emergency forces notification is not provided in accordance with §, a weather-proof horn/strobe notification appliance shall be installed on the exterior of the building at a location approved by the AHJ.
(Add) The audible provisions of § shall not apply to residential board and care occupancies equipped with a weather-proof strobe notification appliance installed on the exterior of the building at a location approved by the AHJ.
(Add) Fault isolation modules or bases shall be installed on all signaling line circuits to prevent a wire-to-wire short circuit fault from disabling more than twenty-five (> 25) devices on any circuit.
(Add) When a common signaling line circuit serves more than one (1) floor of a building, fault isolation modules shall be installed to prevent a wire-to-wire short circuit fault on one (1) floor from disabling the remainder of the SLC on any other floor.
(Add) When control and/or signaling modules are used for the activation of notification appliance circuits or to initiate emergency forces notification, fault isolation modules shall be installed on each side of the control or signaling module.
(Add) Low-Power Radio
(Add) Low-Power Radio (Wireless) Systems shall comply with all provisions of this Chapter and NFPA 72.
(Add) 9.6.9 Installation and Wiring
(Add) Transponders, Data Gathering Panels, Nodes, etc. shall communicate with the Central Processing Unit (CPU) via a Class "X" Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) meeting the requirements as described in NFPA 72.
(Add) Signaling line circuits (SLC), initiating device circuits (IDC) and notification appliance circuits (NAC) shall be installed utilizing Class “A” pathways meeting the requirements as described in NFPA 72.
(Add) The requirement of § shall not apply to fire alarm systems not requiring emergency forces notification.
All fire alarm system wiring within a building and between buildings in multiple building clusters shall be installed in metal raceway with steel couplings and box connectors or type MC cable rated as FPL and two (2) hour fire rated for penetrations by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Cast-type "LB" or "T" type connectors shall be permitted. An equipment-bonding conductor shall be provided in all flexible metallic raceways unless otherwise exempted elsewhere in this Code.
(Add) All conductors for emergency forces notification circuits shall be installed in separate raceways from all other conductors.
Wiring between buildings may be buried if enclosed in PVC conduit using approved IMSA cables, or installed either using approved direct burial type MC cable or run aerially with approved IMSA shielded cable(s) subject to approval by the AHJ.
All conductors shall be minimum #16 gauge and be solid copper, type “thhn”, “thwn” or “tfn” unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. All wiring shall be run continuously from device to device. With the approval of the AHJ, junction points may be made due to construction hardships where a continuous run would be impractical.
(Add) Junction points between devices shall be permitted on existing fire alarm systems provided the conductors are terminated on terminal strips.
UL listed type MC cable connectors with insulated bushings and screw type cable attachments or box clamps with anti-short inserts shall be used in all MC cable installations. Connectors shall be made of steel, not the cast type.
The color code for all newly installed fire alarm system conductors shall be as follows:
1. INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUIT shall be red and black. Red shall be positive and black shall be negative [IDC/SLC].
2. NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUIT shall be blue and white. Blue shall be positive and white shall be negative. When speakers, bells, chimes or other audible/visual appliances are used in lieu of horns, this color code shall be followed [NAC].
3. STROBE CIRCUIT, if a separate feed is required, shall be blue and white. Blue shall be positive and white shall be negative.
4. SMOKE DETECTOR CIRCUITS, if a separate power feed is required, shall be brown and violet. Violet shall be positive and brown shall be negative.
5. “LOCAL” SMOKE DETECTOR CIRCUITS, if an interconnect wire between sounder bases is required, shall be violet.
6. AUXILIARY REMOTE POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITS shall be brown and violet. Violet shall be positive and brown shall be negative.
7. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC DOOR HOLDBACK CIRCUITS shall be gray and gray if powered by twenty-four (24) vDC or black and white if powered by one hundred twenty (120) vAC.
8. MUNICIPAL MASTER BOX TRIPPING CIRCUITS shall be orange and orange.
9. ELEVATOR RECALL CIRCUITS shall be brown and yellow.
11. REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR CIRCUITS shall be violet and numbered at each end or as specified by the control unit manufacturer.
12. MUNICIPAL FIRE ALARM LOOP from the master box to the municipal loop shall be black and white.
Primary AC power and/or battery charger circuits shall be on a dedicated branch circuit(s). Circuit disconnecting means shall have a red marking, shall be accessible only to authorized personnel, and shall be identified as “FIRE ALARM CIRCUIT.” Where the disconnecting means is a circuit breaker located within a distribution panel, a circuit breaker lock listed for use with that breaker shall be provided. The location of the circuit disconnecting means shall be permanently identified inside the fire alarm control unit. AC and DC portions of the system shall be installed in separate raceways.
Terminal cabinets shall be provided at all junction points, except for previously approved installations. Terminal cabinets shall be red with hinged locked covers. All conductor splices or terminations shall be made on screw- type terminal blocks – wire nuts, butt or crimp type connectors shall not be used. All terminals within a terminal cabinet shall be properly identified.
Exception: Crimp-type connectors may be used on bonding conductors.
(Add) 9.6.10 System Acceptance
(Add) A pre-acceptance test will be held with the installer and the manufacturer's technical representative present. The pretest shall be a one hundred percent (100%) test as follows:
1. Manually operate every manual fire alarm box, activate restorable heat detector with heat.
2. Manually operate or electrically short out every non-restorable fixed temperature heat detector.
3. Activate every smoke detector with smoke generated from a wick/punk source or in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications to demonstrate that smoke can enter the chamber and initiate an alarm.
4. Activate (mechanically or electrically) all automatic extinguishing system switches – the discharge of the extinguishing agent shall not be required.
5. Activate and time every water sprinkler/standpipe flow switch by a flow of water through the inspectors' test valves.
6. Verify all notification appliances as operational.
(Add) Prior to the final operational acceptance test, a NFPA 72 Fire Alarm System Record of Completion shall be prepared and submitted to the fire alarm system owner and the AHJ. The contractor shall prepare and submit a single line diagram of each installation, as built, indicating wiring between equipment and locations of control units, initiating devices and notification appliances to the owner and AHJ.
(Add) The installing contractor shall conduct a final acceptance test including a complete functional test of the system in the presence of the AHJ and the manufacturer's authorized technical representative. During this test each circuit shall be tested by class, or style or both, to assure the circuit’s capability to continue to operate during specified fault condition.
(Add) The fire alarm system may be placed in operation prior to final acceptance if in the opinion of the AHJ it will enhance public safety or provide property protection during the final phases of construction. In this case all devices shall be thoroughly cleaned or replaced prior to the system acceptance test. The system shall not be placed in operation without the written permission of the AHJ. Under no circumstances will this be considered a final acceptance test.
(Add) At the time of the final acceptance test, a Uniform Test Report (UTR) as prescribed by § shall be completed and a sticker affixed to the fire alarm control unit.
(Add) 9.6.11 Maintenance and Testing
(Add) All fire alarm systems shall be tested quarterly with twenty-five percent (25%) of all initiating devices operated with each test. A different twenty-five percent (25%) of the above-mentioned devices will be operated at each inspection so that the entire system will have been tested at the end of a twelve (12) months period as per NFPA 72.
(Add) A fire alarm system with twenty-four (24) or fewer initiating devices shall be tested semiannually with fifty percent (50%) of all initiating devices operated with each test so that the entire system will have been tested at the end of a twelve (12) months period as per NFPA 72.
(Add) Certification of tests and results shall be forwarded to the AHJ and the fire alarm system owner from the person(s) or firm performing the test within ten (10) days of the completion of the test. The person(s) or firm performing the testing of the fire alarm shall notify the AHJ within five (5) days, in writing, after any cancellation of a testing agreement with the fire alarm owner.
(Add) Certification of any periodic testing required by the Code shall be on the Uniform Testing Report (UTR) as prescribed in NFPA 1, § 1.13.1(3) and issued by the State Fire Marshal. This UTR shall be utilized by all persons and firms performing fire alarm testing and inspections pursuant to this Code and shall bear the name and license number of the licensed person performing the test.
(Add) In addition to the required testing requirements above, all system smoke detectors located within the protected premises shall be externally cleaned at least once every twelve (12) month period.
(Add) All persons and firms performing any installation, servicing, maintenance and/or testing & inspections required by this Chapter shall be licensed in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-6-2, “Electricians – Work for Which License Required.”
(Add) Fire protection for elevator installations shall be as follows:
(a) In buildings where automatic sprinklers are required, automatic sprinklers may be omitted within all elevator machine rooms and elevator hoistways and pits where elevator hoistways are constructed of non-combustible or limited-combustible materials and comply with vertical opening provisions outlined in § 8.6 of the Rhode Island Life Safety Code. Sprinklers shall be installed in elevator pits and elevator hoistways where hoistways are constructed of combustible materials.
(b) Heat detectors shall continue to be required within elevator hoistways and smoke detectors shall continue to be required within elevator machine rooms as required by the Rhode Island Life Safety Code.
(c) Elevator machine rooms shall be used for no purpose other than elevator machine rooms.
(Add) Certification of any periodic testing required by the Code shall be on the Uniform Testing Report (UTR) as prescribed in NFPA 1, §§ 1.13.1(12) & (13) and issued by the State Fire Marshal. This UTR shall be utilized by all persons and firms performing automatic sprinkler or standpipe testing and inspections pursuant to this Code and shall bear the name and license number of the licensed person performing the test.
(Add) Whenever any supervised automatic sprinkler supervisory signal is required to sound and be displayed at a location that is constantly attended by qualified personnel or at a remotely located receiving facility, signals that sound and are displayed in a public or common area of the protected premises shall be deemed to be in compliance.
(Amd) 9.12 Where required by another section of this Code, carbon monoxide (CO) detection and warning equipment shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 72 (2019).
(No Modifications)
(Add) Emergency voice/alarm communication systems shall also be provided with standby amplifiers equal to the amount of amplification required for the complete system operation.
(Add) Smoke detectors shall be installed in stairwells at the first floor, every third (3rd) floor thereafter and at the top of every stairwell.
(Add) Where partial or selective evacuation is required by the AHJ, stairwell smoke detector activation shall not cause an evacuation signal to be sounded; however; emergency forces notification shall occur.
(Amd) Assembly occupancies shall be provided with an approved fire alarm system in accordance with §§ 9.6.1 and 12.3.4, unless otherwise permitted by §§ or
(Add) Places of worship with a calculated occupant load of seventy-four (74) or fewer occupants and no more than one (1) story above grade shall not be required to be provided with a fire alarm system.
(Amd) Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Add) A manual fire alarm box shall be installed on every stage, near any fixed lighting control panel and in any projection booth.
(Add) Manual fire alarm boxes, with the approval of the AHJ, may be omitted from required exits and installed in such supervised locations as bar areas, hostess stands, refreshment stands, ticket booths or other areas constantly attended by properly trained staff whenever the facility is occupied.
(Amd) Notification. Occupant notification by both audible and visible means shall be provided automatically in accordance with § 9.6.3.
(Amd) Audible occupant notification in places of assembly classified as theaters and all other places of assembly with an occupant load in excess of one hundred fifty (150) persons shall be by means of voice announcements in accordance with §
(Amd) Evacuation or relocation instructions shall be permitted to be made via a voice communication or public address system in accordance with §
(Add) Upon the activation of any fire alarm system in any place of assembly classified as a nightclub or theater, the fire alarm system shall be interconnected with the building systems so that all emergency lights or other appropriate lighting shall activate and that all other conflicting sounds and visuals shall cease.
(Add) Emergency forces notification shall be provided in accordance with where one (1) of the following conditions exists:
1. The place of assembly has a total occupant load of three hundred one (301) or greater.
2. The place of assembly is classified as a nightclub place of assembly and has an occupant load of one hundred fifty (150) or greater.
3. The place of assembly is classified as a theater.
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) In any assembly occupancy where the exemption to the requirement for automatic sprinklers is utilized, the fire alarm system shall meet the requirements for total (complete) coverage.
Exception: Places of Worship.
(Add) 12.4.12 Nightclubs
All nightclubs, as defined in § 3.4.13, shall comply with the requirements of §§ through and shall be inspected annually by the AHJ.
Each stage area, within a nightclub, shall be provided with a minimum of two fire extinguishers maintained in accordance with NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers and approved by the AHJ.
(Add) 12.4. 12.3
The responsible management of each nightclub shall provide an audible announcement of the location of emergency exits prior to each act or set.
The responsible management of each nightclub shall have an emergency plan for the rapid evacuation of the premises approved by the State Fire Marshal. The plan shall identify the egress system of the building, explain, on a step-by-step basis, how the crowd manager on duty will complete the evacuation, and explain how the crowd manager will direct the occupants to safety in the event of one or more blocked exits.
In places of assembly which have scheduled activities for recreational, educational, political, fraternal, social, or amusement purposes, the owner or management must inspect every exit from the building not more than ninety (90) minutes prior to the beginning of any event, meeting, concert, etc. If the inspection reveals blocked exits, the scheduled presentation must not begin until the exits are cleared and made easily accessible, assuring the safety and welfare of the patrons.
The use of open flame devices or pyrotechnic devices, outlined in § 12.7.3, shall be limited to the places of assembly with occupancy loads in excess of one thousand (1,000) persons and to those places of assembly, that are theaters, with occupancy loads of greater than three hundred (300) but less than one thousand one (1,001). All such places of assembly must be fully sprinkled and further protected by a fire alarm system providing emergency forces notification.
Exception: Places of Worship.
(Amd) 12.7.6 Crowd Management
The crowd manager and crowd management supervisor shall receive appropriate training in emergency planning and basic crowd control techniques, by the State Fire Marshal, or his or her designee.
The crowd manager(s) identified in § shall be in addition to the detail fire fighter(s) identified in §§ through
(Add) Admissions supervised.
Admissions to all places of assembly shall be supervised by the responsible management or by the person or persons delegated with the responsibility by the management, and the responsible person shall not allow admissions in excess of the maximum occupancy posted by the State Fire Marshal or his or her designee.
All places of assembly with an occupancy load of greater than one thousand (1,000) people shall have a minimum of one (1) uniformed fire fighter, and any additional uniformed fire fighters on duty when deemed necessary by the chief of the local fire department or the designee of the State Fire Marshal in the local fire department.
All places of assembly, of less concentrated use, with an occupancy load of greater than three hundred (300) people, but less than one thousand one (1,001) people, shall have a uniformed fire fighter and any additional uniformed fire fighters on duty when deemed necessary by the chief of the local department or the designee of the State Fire Marshal in the local fire department.
All places of assembly, of concentrated use, with an occupancy load of greater than fifty (50) people, but less than one thousand one (1,001) people shall have a uniformed fire fighter and any additional uniformed fire fighters on duty when deemed necessary by the Chief of the local fire department or the designee of the State Fire Marshal in the local fire department except as provided under §
All places of assembly, of concentrated or less concentrated use, with an occupancy load of greater than fifty (50) people, but less than one thousand one (1,001) people, being utilized for activities that could potentially cause the place of assembly to be unsafe, dangerous or hazardous shall have a minimum of one (1) uniformed fire fighter on duty during such activity and any additional uniformed fire fighters on duty when deemed necessary by the Chief of the local fire department or the designee of the State Fire Marshal in the local fire department unless this requirement is specifically waived in writing for each such event.
The cost of all fire fighters on duty under §§ through shall be borne by the management of the facility.
Fire fighter(s) assigned a detail pursuant to §§ through shall be equipped with portable communication devices which shall be provided by the local fire department to allow direct communication to the dispatcher of the local fire department.
The provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.2-17 shall apply to any fire fighter assigned a detail, to a place of assembly, pursuant to §§ through
Any building owner or occupant may request a partial or full exemption from the mandates of §§ through by the State Fire Marshal and/or the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review.
(Add) 13.1.8 Places of Worship
A Place of Worship is defined as a building or structure, or an area thereof, the occupancy of which is for the religious rites and services and communal functions of a congregation, and which shall include sanctuaries, gathering halls, meeting rooms, rooms used on a limited basis for religious education, offices and related facilities of the congregation, which may be located in the same, in connected, or in proximate structures.
In areas where there are incidental uses such as non-licensed day care or nurseries the provisions of the Rhode Island Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72, as amended, also shall apply.
Any one (1), two (2) or three (3) family residential building that comes under the classification of a Place of Worship that is utilized as a rectory, parsonage, convent or other residence used exclusively for religious personnel, shall only be required to be protected by approved hardwired smoke alarms. In addition, approved carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed when these CO alarms would be otherwise required under the fire code provisions covering one (1), two (2) and three (3) family homes.
Any religious-related business office use of a portion of a one (1), two (2) or three (3) family residential building, or a place of worship, as outlined above, that is confined to a space of less than one thousand (1,000) square feet of that building, shall not be required to maintain a fire alarm system provided that the above required smoke alarm and/or CO detection system is operational and maintained. Larger business office space, up to the square footage threshold for fire alarm coverage as outlined in this code, may be exempted from fire alarm coverage if it is properly separated from the remainder of the residential building, by approved “acceptable separation”, as outlined in §
(Add) Approved existing Places of Worship.
Any place of worship, existing as of January 1, 2008, shall be deemed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 13, upon meeting the following fifteen (15) requirements within the time frames provided in this Code. The owners and/or operators of any such existing Place of Worship shall not be required to comply with any additional assembly occupancy requirements. The above owners and/or operators may also seek an additional time extension from the Fire Board.
1. The building maintains a fire alarm system that complies with the provisions of § 9.6 and Chapter 13 of this Code to the satisfaction of the State Fire Marshal, Deputy State Fire Marshal and/or the Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshal (hereinafter the “AHJ”);
2. Buildings that provide licensed nursery or licensed day care services shall maintain an approved system of either hardwired or wireless smoke and carbon monoxide alarms installed in accordance with NFPA 72, 2019 edition, and any additional requirements of these occupancies;
3. The building maintains emergency lighting approved by the AHJ. Buildings with an occupant load less than three hundred (300) persons and used solely for worship shall not be required to meet this section. In addition, one (1) story buildings used only during daylight hours shall not be required to meet this section;
4. The building maintains approved exit signage, if so required by the AHJ;
5. The building shall maintain egress calculated for its maximum occupancy with a minimum of two (2) means of egress. The egress doors within a Place of Worship may be allowed to swing opposite to the direction of exit travel provided that these doors are held in an open position, to the satisfaction of the AHJ, by either hold-open devices, during all hours when the Place of Worship is occupied as a place of assembly or by trained ushers as outlined below. The AHJ may further approve a plan of action allowing trained ushers to open these doors during an evacuation of the Place of Worship.
6. The walls of the internal means of egress are made of plaster and/or gypsum wallboard, are in good repair, and maintain an approximate fire rating of twenty (20) minutes. The AHJ is hereby authorized to accept the existing hard wood or other substantial construction of a sanctuary and/or fellowship or parish hall and not require these materials to be coated with a Class A or B flame spread material. Religious banners, cloth coverings, flowers and other limited vegetation, in reasonable amounts, shall be permitted. The AHJ is authorized to approve the temporary placement of a freshly cut natural Christmas tree in accordance with an approved plan addressing the care, maintenance and eventual removal of the fresh-cut Christmas tree.
7. All combustible covering materials, within the approved egress systems, such as existing paneling or wainscoting, mounted on approved plaster or gypsum wallboard walls or ceilings, shall be rendered flame resistant by the application of an approved Class A flame-spread rated material to the satisfaction of the AHJ;
8. The existing dimensions of the egress system appear to adequately support the rapid evacuation of the building, in the opinion of the AHJ and the internal means of egress may contain winding stairs;
9. There shall be no smoking allowed in Places of Worship;
10. Any furnace or boiler in the building shall be equipped with an approved remote shutoff switch approved by the AHJ;
11. Any furnace, boiler or comparable central heating plant above one hundred sixty thousand (160,000) BTU input and all floor mounted units requiring a non-combustible floor by their listing, shall be either segregated from the remainder of the building by an enclosure maintaining an approximate one hour rating or protected by domestically-supplied sprinkler head(s) to the satisfaction of the AHJ;
12. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with § 9.9;
13. Automatic sprinkler coverage, only if specifically required by the State Fire Marshal in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.6-24.
14. Any commercial cooking equipment shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, 2017 edition. Provided however, this requirement shall not apply where the cooking equipment is used only to reheat or warm food and there is the absence of smoke or grease-laden vapors. In cases where there is an intermittent use of commercial cooking equipment used for actual cooking, not exceeding two (2) hours per week as an annual average, this requirement shall be waived by the AHJ provided that a plan of action is approved by the AHJ for each use.
The management of a Place of Worship shall not allow the operation, within the facility, of a commercial deep fat fryer unit, such as a “fry-o-lator”, without first providing that potentially hazardous commercial deep fat fryer unit with approved ventilation control and fire protection, in accordance with the referenced edition of NFPA 96, at the direction and to the satisfaction of the AHJ. The above requirement shall be waived if the deep fat frying unit is currently protected by a properly maintained ventilation control and fire protection system that had been previously approved by an AHJ.
15. The use of any open flame(s) shall be in accordance with 101:13.7.3.
Any new construction, renovations, alterations, reconstruction and/or additions to an existing Place of Worship, covered by the above fifteen (15) point plan, shall comply with the applicable Fire Codes covering those activities in an existing place of assembly. Notwithstanding the above, the existing portions of a Place of Worship shall not be required to be sprinkled unless they are not separated, from any new addition proposed for assembly occupancy, by approximately one (1) hour fire rated separation. In the absence of an approximate one (1) hour fire separation between an existing and a new assembly occupancy, the merged existing and new assembly occupancies shall be calculated on the basis of fifteen (15) square feet per person to determine whether sprinklers are to be required.
(Amd) Assembly occupancies shall be provided with an approved fire alarm system in accordance with §§ 9.6.1 and 13.3.4, unless otherwise permitted by §§ or
(Add) Places of worship with a calculated occupant load of seventy-four (74) or less occupants and no more than one (1) story above grade shall not be required to be provided with a fire alarm system.
(Amd) Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Add) A manual fire alarm box shall be installed on every stage, near any fixed lighting control panel and in any projection booth.
(Add) Manual fire alarm boxes, with the approval of the AHJ, may be omitted from required exits and installed in such supervised locations as bar areas, hostess stands, refreshment stands, ticket booths or other areas constantly attended by properly trained staff whenever the facility is occupied.
(Amd) Notification. Occupant notification by both audible and visible means shall be provided automatically in accordance with § 9.6.3.
(Amd) Audible occupant notification in all places of assembly classified as theaters shall be by means of voice announcements in accordance with §
(Amd) Evacuation or relocation instructions shall be permitted to be made via a voice communication or public address system in accordance with §
(Add) Upon the activation of any fire alarm system in any place of assembly classified as a nightclub or theater, the fire alarm system shall be interconnected with the building systems so that all emergency lights or other appropriate lighting shall activate and that all other conflicting sounds and visuals shall cease.
(Add) Emergency forces notification shall be provided in accordance with where one (1) of the following conditions exists:
1. The place of assembly has a total occupant load of three hundred one (301) or greater.
2. The place of assembly is classified as a nightclub place of assembly and has an occupant load of one hundred fifty (150) or greater.
3. The place of assembly is classified as a theater.
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) In any existing place of worship where the exemption to the requirement for automatic sprinklers is utilized, the fire alarm system shall not be required to meet the requirements for total (complete) coverage.
Unless exempted by another provision of this Chapter, all existing places of assembly shall be completely protected by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system installed and maintained in accordance with §
The requirements of shall not apply to the following:
1. Any place of assembly of less concentrated use, such as an organized dining facility, with occupancy of three hundred (300) or fewer people, calculated at fifteen (15) square feet per person. (The above fifteen (15) square feet per person calculation shall be exclusive of any separately calculated limited incidental spaces designated as a waiting area by the AHJ. The above fifteen (15) square feet per person calculation shall also not apply to buildings, containing separately calculated booths or similar fixed seating, determined not to be concentrated occupancies by the AHJ.)
2. Any place of assembly of concentrated use, with an occupancy of three hundred (300) or fewer people, not meeting the definition of a nightclub as outlined in § 3.4.13.
3. Any place of assembly of concentrated use, meeting the definition of a nightclub, as outlined in § 3.4.13, with a posted maximum occupancy of less than one hundred fifty (150) people.
4. Any existing building used exclusively as a place of worship as defined in § 13.1.8. (This exemption shall include places of worship with incidental business offices, religious education programs, and other programs designed watch children during the limited period of time that their parents or guardians attend religious services in the building. It shall also include the temporary programs outlined in Chapter 27 of this Code. This exemption shall not include places of worship maintaining such licensed activities as child day care and bingo. Permission for limited one (1) time or annual events may be sought from the AHJ in accordance with an approved plan of action. Denial of this permission may be appealed to the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review.)
5. All existing licensed “funeral establishments”, having an occupancy capacity of five hundred (500) or fewer persons, shall not be required to be sprinkled provided they install and maintain a full coverage fire alarm system, at the direction and to the satisfaction of the State or local Fire Marshal with jurisdiction.
As a further condition of the above relief, the Board directs that there shall be no smoking in all licensed “funeral establishments” and there shall be no open flame with the exception of approved gas log fireplaces having glass doors. Additionally, the Rhode Island Funeral Directors’ Association and the State Fire Marshal’s Office will coordinate crowd management training for the owners and operators of all licensed “funeral establishments.”
The chemical storage in all embalming rooms shall comply with the RIFC edition and its referenced codes and standards. Additionally, all crematoriums shall be suitably separated and shall further comply with all Federal and State Fire, Mechanical, Building and Health Code standards.
Any attached garage(s), not suitably separated in the opinion of the State or local Fire Marshal with jurisdiction, shall be further protected with approved heat detection connected to the fire alarm system protecting the facility. Existing boiler rooms may utilize properly engineered, domestically-supplied, sprinkler head(s), installed in accordance with local water board requirements (if any), in lieu of the enclosure requirements. All such facilities shall have egress approved for their maximum occupant load. Finally, any existing dimensional issue, determined to be a structural hardship by the State or local Fire Marshal with jurisdiction, may be granted a modification by that State or local Fire Marshal in accordance with the procedure outlined in §
The occupancy of any place of assembly without a required fire alarm system and/or sprinkler system, shall have its maximum occupancy adjusted by minus ten percent (10%) for the absence of a fire alarm system and minus twenty percent (20%) for the absence of a sprinkler system, when sprinklers are required by law or Regulation. Such downward adjustment in occupancy shall be cumulative and shall cease to apply when the premises are in compliance with the requirements for fire alarm systems and sprinklers, and shall not affect any other requirements of this Code, or the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, applicable to the premises. This section shall not be construed to act as an exemption for otherwise required fire protection systems.
(Add) Existing high-rise buildings shall be provided with a detection, alarm and communication system in accordance with § 11.8.4 and an emergency command center complying with § 11.8.6.
(Add) 13.4.12 Nightclubs
All nightclubs, as defined in § 3.4.13, shall comply with the requirements of §§ through and shall be inspected annually by the AHJ.
Each stage area, within a nightclub, shall be provided with a minimum of two (2) fire extinguishers maintained in accordance with NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers and approved by the AHJ.
The responsible management of each nightclub shall provide an audible announcement of the location of emergency exits prior to each act or set.
The responsible management of each nightclub shall have an emergency plan for the rapid evacuation of the premises approved by the State Fire Marshal. The plan shall identify the egress system of the building, explain, on a step-by-step basis, how the crowd manager on duty will complete the evacuation, and explain how the crowd manager will direct the occupants to safety in the event of one (1) or more blocked exits.
In places of assembly which have scheduled activities for recreational, educational, political, fraternal, social, or amusement purposes, the owner or management must inspect every exit from the building not more than ninety (90) minutes prior to the beginning of any event, meeting, concert, etc. If the inspection reveals blocked exits, the scheduled presentation must not begin until the exits are cleared and made easily accessible, assuring the safety and welfare of the patrons.
The use of open flame devices or pyrotechnic devices, outlined in § 13.7.3, shall be limited to the places of assembly with occupancy loads in excess of one thousand (1,000) persons and to those places of assembly, that are theaters, with occupancy loads of greater than three hundred (300) but less than one thousand one (1,001). All such places of assembly must be fully sprinkled and further protected by a fire alarm system providing emergency forces notification.
Exception: Places of worship.
(Amd) 13.7.6 Crowd Management
The crowd manager and crown management supervisor shall receive appropriate training in emergency planning and basic crowd control techniques, by the State Fire Marshal, or his or her designee.
The crowd manager(s) identified in § shall be in addition to the detail fire fighter(s) identified in §§ through
(Add) Admissions supervised.
Admissions to all places of assembly shall be supervised by the responsible management or by the person or persons delegated with the responsibility by the management, and the responsible person shall not allow admissions in excess of the maximum occupancy posted by the State Fire Marshal or his or her designee.
All places of assembly with an occupancy load of greater than one thousand (1,000) people shall have a uniformed fire fighter, and any additional uniformed fire fighters on duty when deemed necessary by the Chief of the local fire department or the designee of the State Fire Marshal in the local fire department.
All places of assembly, of less concentrated use, with an occupancy load of greater than three hundred (300) people, but less than one thousand one (1,001) people, shall have a uniformed fire fighter and any additional uniformed fire fighters on duty when deemed necessary by the Chief of the local fire department or the designee of the State Fire Marshal in the local fire department.
All places of assembly, of concentrated use, with an occupancy load of greater than fifty (50) people, but less than one thousand one (1,001) people shall have a uniformed fire fighter and any additional uniformed fire fighters on duty when deemed necessary by the Chief of the local fire department or the designee of the State Fire Marshal in the local fire department except as provided under §
All places of assembly, of concentrated or less concentrated use, with an occupancy load of greater than fifty (50) people, but less than one thousand one (1,001) people, being utilized for activities that could potentially cause the place of assembly to be unsafe, dangerous or hazardous shall have one (1) uniformed fire fighter on duty during such activity and any additional uniformed fire fighters on duty when deemed necessary by Chief of the local fire department or the designee of the State Fire Marshal in the local fire department unless this requirement is specifically waived in writing for each such event.
The cost of all fire fighters on duty under §§ through shall be borne by the management of the facility.
Fire fighter(s) assigned a detail pursuant to §§ through shall be equipped with portable communication devices which shall be provided by the local fire department to allow direct communication to the dispatcher of the local fire department.
The provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.2-17 shall apply to any fire fighter assigned a detail, to a place of assembly, pursuant to §§ through
Any building owner or occupant may request a partial or full exemption from the mandates of §§ through by the State Fire Marshal and/or the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review.
(Amd) In cases where instruction is incidental to some other occupancy, the section of this Code governing the other occupancy shall apply. Sunday schools or church schools that are not used for daily classes throughout the week shall comply with the section of this Code dealing with places of worship.
(Amd) Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with § 9.6.
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a total (complete) coverage fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) The requirement of § shall not apply to educational occupancies equipped throughout with an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with § and an automatic smoke detection system in accordance with §
Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Add) Annual Inspections
All educational occupancies shall be inspected annually by the AHJ.
(Amd) In cases where instruction is incidental to some other occupancy, the section of this Code governing the other occupancy shall apply. Sunday schools or church schools that are not used for daily classes throughout the week shall comply with the section of this Code dealing with places of worship.
(Amd) Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with § 9.6.
(Amd) Emergency Forces Notification shall be in accordance with §
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a total (complete) coverage fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) The requirement of § shall not apply to educational occupancies equipped throughout with an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with § and an automatic smoke detection system in accordance with §
Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Add) 15.3.6 Corridors
(6) In buildings protected throughout by a total (complete) fire alarm system with emergency forces notification, self-closing devices shall not be required on normally occupied classroom doors provided that teachers and other faculty/staff are trained to close all doors in the event of an emergency.
(Amd) 15.4.2 High-Rise Buildings. High-rise buildings shall comply with § 11.8.1 and be provided with a detection, alarm and communication system in accordance with § 11.8.4 and an emergency command center complying with § 11.8.6.
(Add) Annual Inspections
All educational occupancies shall be inspected annually by the AHJ.
(Add) It shall be recognized that, in buildings. or portions thereof, housing certain clients who exhibit behavior that is harmful to themselves or others, it might be necessary to lock egress doors to confine and protect building inhabitants.
(Add) Buildings, or sections thereof, that primarily house clients who, in the opinion of the governing body of the facility, the governmental licensing agency, or authority having jurisdiction, are incapable of self-preservation under emergency conditions shall be permitted to have locking arrangements complying with the provisions of §
(Add) The requirements of § shall only apply when staff is available in all secured client-occupied areas to perform certain fire safety functions as required in §§ through, and 18.7.
(Amd) General. Day-care occupancies shall be provided with a fire alarm system in accordance with § 9.6.
(Amd) Initiation. Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Add) Emergency forces notifications shall not be required for day care occupancies with less than nineteen (19) clients, under three thousand (3,000) ft2 (278.71 m2) and located on a ground floor.
(Amd) Detection. Where a fire alarm system is required, a total (complete) coverage fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) In addition to the requirements of §, smoke detectors shall be installed in all lounges, recreation areas and sleeping rooms within the day-care occupancy.
(Add) Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms. Every child day-care occupancy shall be provided with either hardwired or wireless smoke and carbon monoxide alarms installed in accordance with the referenced edition of NFPA 72. Local smoke alarms shall not be required in areas protected by system smoke detectors.
(Add) A. The application or use of single-station carbon monoxide alarms in sleeping areas is considered the equivalent of installations in dwelling units.
Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Amd) Single-station or multiple station carbon monoxide alarms or detectors shall be provided in accordance with § 9.12 in day care homes where client sleeping occurs.
(Add) It shall be recognized that, in buildings or portions thereof, housing certain clients who exhibit behavior that is harmful to themselves or others, it might be necessary to lock egress doors to confine and protect building inhabitants.
(Add) Buildings, or sections thereof, that primarily house clients who, in the opinion of the governing body of the facility, the governmental licensing agency, or authority having jurisdiction, are incapable of self-preservation under emergency conditions shall be permitted to have locking arrangements complying with the provisions of §
(Add) The requirements of § shall only apply when staff is available in all secured client-occupied areas to perform certain fire safety functions as required in §§ through, and 19.7.
(Amd) General. Day-care occupancies shall be provided with a fire alarm system in accordance with § 9.6.
(Amd) Initiation. Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Emergency forces notification shall be accomplished in accordance with § 9.6.4.
(Amd) Emergency forces notifications shall not be required for day care occupancies with less than nineteen (19) clients, under three thousand (3,000) ft2 (278.71 m2) and located on a ground floor.
(Amd) Detection. Where a fire alarm system is required, a total (complete) coverage fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) In addition to the requirements of §, smoke detectors shall be installed in all lounges, recreation areas and sleeping rooms within the day-care occupancy.
Exception: The requirements of this section shall not apply to rooms that have previously approved hardwired smoke alarms AND system heat detectors or automatic sprinklers.
(Add) Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms. Every child day-care occupancy shall be provided with either hardwired or wireless smoke and carbon monoxide alarms installed in accordance with the referenced edition of NFPA 72. Local smoke alarms shall not be required in areas protected by system smoke detectors.
(Add) A. The application or use of single-station carbon monoxide alarms in sleeping areas is considered the equivalent of installations in dwelling units.
Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Add) Carbon Monoxide Alarms.
Day-care homes shall be provided with either hardwired or wireless carbon monoxide alarms installed in accordance with the referenced edition of NFPA 72.
(Amd) General. A total (complete) coverage fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Amd) A total (complete) coverage fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided, unless otherwise permitted by §
(Add) Health care occupancies built or converted prior to January 1, 2005 shall be permitted to have a fire detection system complying with §
Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Amd) All high-rise buildings containing health care occupancies shall be protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with the RIFC, NFPA 1, as amended.
(Add) High-rise buildings shall be provided with a detection, alarm and communication system in accordance with § 11.8.4 and an emergency command center complying with § 11.8.6.
(Amd) General. Ambulatory health care facilities shall be provided with fire alarm systems in accordance with § 9.6, except as modified by §§ through
(Amd) Initiation. Initiation of the required fire alarm systems shall be by manual means in accordance with § 9.6.2 and by means of any required sprinkler system waterflow alarms, detection devices or detection systems.
(Add) Detection. A total (complete) coverage fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Amd) General. Ambulatory health care facilities shall be provided with fire alarm systems in accordance with § 9.6, except as modified by §§ through
(Amd) Initiation. Initiation of the required fire alarm systems shall be by manual means in accordance with § 9.6.2 and by means of any required sprinkler system waterflow alarms, detection devices or detection systems.
(Add) Detection.
1. (Add) A total (complete) coverage fire detection system in accordance with shall be provided, unless otherwise permitted by §
2. (Add) Ambulatory health care occupancies built or converted prior to January 1, 2005 shall be permitted to have a fire detection system complying with §
Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Amd) Emergency forces notification shall be accomplished in accordance with § 9.6.4.
(Amd) Detection. An approved fire detection system, including a smoke detection system throughout all resident sleeping areas and adjacent day rooms, activity rooms, or contiguous common spaces, shall be in accordance with § as modified by §§ through
Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Amd) 22.4.3 High-Rise Buildings. High-rise buildings shall comply with §§ 11.8.3, 11.8.4 and 11.8.6.
(Amd) Detection, Alarm, and Communications Systems (Nonsprinklered Buildings). A fire alarms system in accordance with §§ 22.3.4 and 9.6 shall be provided.
(Amd) Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by manual means in accordance with § 9.6.2 and by means of any required sprinkler system water flow alarms, detection devices, or detection systems, unless otherwise permitted by the following:
1. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be permitted to be locked, provided that staff is present within the area when it is occupied and staff has keys readily available to unlock the boxes.
2. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be permitted to be located in a staff location, provided that both of the following criteria are met:
a. The staff location is attended when the building is occupied.
b. The staff attendant has direct supervision of the sleeping area.
(Amd) Emergency forces notification shall be accomplished in accordance with § 9.6.4.
(Amd) Detection. An approved fire detection system, including a smoke detection system throughout all resident housing areas, shall be in accordance with § as modified by §§ through
Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Add) Existing high-rise buildings shall comply with §§ 11.8.4 and 11.8.6.
24.1.1 Application
The Rhode Island Fire Code’s application to one (1) and two (2) family dwellings is strictly limited to the installation of smoke and carbon monoxide smoke detection as outlined in sections §§ 24.6.1 through as outlined below. §§ 24.1 through may therefore only be otherwise utilized by the AHJ if they are specifically referenced by §§ 24.6.1 through or are referenced by, and mandated under, a separate occupancy section of this code.
(Add) 24.6.1
Compliance with State Building and Minimum Housing Codes.
All one (1) and two (2) family dwellings shall remain subject to, and comply with, the State Building Code SBC-2, 510-RICR-00-00-2 adopted pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-27.3 et seq.
All one (1) and two (2) family dwellings shall further remain subject to, and comply with the Minimum Housing Standards outlined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 45-24.2-1 et seq.
(Add) 24.6.2 Installation of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms-New and converted buildings.
All buildings hereinafter constructed or converted for residential occupancy, including mobile and modular homes, shall be provided with smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, installed in accordance with §§ and and NFPA 72, 2019 edition, at the direction and to the satisfaction of the AHJ.
The above smoke and carbon monoxide alarms may be installed as either separate or combination units approved by the AHJ.
In addition, an interconnected smoke alarm(s) shall be installed in all communicating attached garages for which a building permit was issued on or after January 1, 2019.
EXCEPTION: Rate-of-rise heat detectors, fixed-temperature heat detectors or other type detectors or alarms, listed for these applications, may be installed in situations where physical, environmental or other conditions would render smoke alarms impractical.
The above smoke and carbon monoxide alarms may be either hardwired or wireless units approved by the AHJ.
The local fire authorities certified by the State Fire Marshal as prescribed in R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.2-6, in cooperation with the local Building Code Officials, shall enforce the provisions of this Chapter.
Compliance with the above provisions shall be considered a prerequisite to the approval, by the fire authority, of any certificate of occupancy issued by the building official pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-27.3-120.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner to maintain in operable condition smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, installed as required pursuant to this Chapter, and the owner shall make operable, within seven (7) days after being notified by certified mail by the occupant and/or enforcement official, any inoperable alarms.
If the owner fails to make the alarms operable within the required seven (7) days, the tenant may cause the alarms to be made operable if the reasonable total reasonable cost of making the repairs does not exceed the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00), and the tenant may deduct from his or her rent the actual reasonable cost of repairs not to exceed fifty ($50.00).
The payment of the reasonable costs, outlined in §, shall not exempt the owner from the payment of fines for violation of this Code as outlined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.3-9.
(Add) 24.6.3 Installation of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms-Existing Buildings
All occupied residential properties, including mobile homes, shall, at the responsibility of the seller before title to the property is transferred, be provided with smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, installed in accordance with NFPA 72, 2019 edition, , at the direction and to the satisfaction of the AHJ.
The above smoke and carbon monoxide alarms may be installed as either separate or combination units approved by the AHJ. Carbon monoxide alarms required by § 24.6.3 shall be in accordance with §
The requirements for the above smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms or detectors shall be as follows:
(Add) Homes built in 1976 or prior:
(1) Smoke Alarms shall be installed outside sleeping areas and on each level of the dwelling unit(s) (including basements).
(2) Smoke Alarms shall be permitted to be battery operated.
(3) Smoke Alarms are not required to be interconnected.
(4) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be installed outside sleeping areas.
(5) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be permitted to be battery operated.
(6) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors are not required to be interconnected.
(Add) Homes built on and after January 1, 1977 through December 31, 2001:
(1) Smoke Alarms shall be installed outside sleeping areas and on each level of the dwelling unit(s) (including basements).
(2) Smoke Alarms shall be hard-wired with battery backup.
(3) Smoke Alarms shall be required to be interconnected.
(4) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be installed outside sleeping areas.
(5) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be permitted to be battery operated.
(6) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors are not required to be interconnected.
(Add) Homes built on and after January 1, 2002 through February 19, 2004:
(1) Smoke Alarms shall be installed outside sleeping areas and on each level of the dwelling unit(s) (including basements).
(2) Smoke Alarms shall be hard-wired with battery backup.
(3) Smoke Alarms shall be required to be interconnected.
(4) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be installed outside sleeping areas.
(5) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be hard-wired with battery backup.
(6) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be required to be interconnected.
(Add) Homes built on and after February 20, 2004 through December 31, 2012:
(1) Smoke Alarms shall be installed inside each bedroom, outside sleeping areas and on each level of the dwelling unit(s) (including basements) (In accordance with NFPA 72 (2002 Edition).
(2) Smoke Alarms shall be hard-wired with battery backup.
(3) Smoke Alarms shall be required to be interconnected.
(4) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be installed outside each sleeping area.
(5) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be hard-wired with battery backup.
(6) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be required to be interconnected.
(Add) Homes built on and after January 1, 2013 through September 30, 2016:
(1) Smoke Alarms shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 (2010 Edition).
(2) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 720 (2012 Edition).
(Add) Homes built on and after October 1, 2016:
(1) Smoke Alarms shall be installed in accordance with § and NFPA 72 (2013 Edition).
(2) Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors shall be installed in accordance with § and NFPA 720 (2015 Edition).
(Add) Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ through, newly constructed or converted bedrooms or sleeping areas shall comply with the requirements for new construction in place at the time of construction or conversion.
The above smoke and carbon monoxide alarms may be installed as follows:
(1) Where the above provisions require both smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms or detectors, combination devices shall be permitted and deemed acceptable.
(2) Where smoke alarms are required, household fire alarm systems, in accordance with NFPA 72 (2013 Edition), shall be permitted and deemed to be acceptable.
The local fire authorities shall enforce the provisions of this chapter. The State Fire Marshal’s Office may enforce the provisions of this chapter when so requested to by the local authority or when the local authority is either unwilling or unable to fulfill its obligations under this chapter.
The local fire authority that performs smoke and carbon monoxide alarm inspections in all residential occupancies shall, at the time of the inspection, be allowed to charge a thirty dollar ($30.00) fee for the inspection of any residential occupancy. The responsibility of this charged fee will be borne by the seller on each occurrence before title to the property is transferred. A sixty dollar ($60.00) fee will be allowed for any subsequent re-inspection of the same residential occupancy due to improper installation, wrong location, improper wiring method, or the seller’s failure to maintain a mutually agreed upon appointment with the local fire authority that performs the inspection function. The fees collected by the local fire authority shall be used for fire prevention purposes in that particular city, town, fire district, or other municipal subdivision.
At the time of the transfer of title, the seller must provide the purchaser with a certificate from the fire department for the community in which the dwelling is located stating that the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms have been inspected within one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the date of sale and has been determined to be in good working order. The fire department for the community in which the dwelling is located must inspect the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms of the dwelling within ten days of a request from the owner. The inspection may be conducted by qualified personnel of the department or the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Neither the fire department nor the State Fire Marshal shall be liable for any damage caused by the subsequent malfunction of a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm which it inspected.
Transfers of real property are exempt from compliance with the provisions of 24.6.2 and 24.6.3 if:
(1) The property being transferred does not contain residential dwellings;
(2) Within the past six (6) months a certificate of use or occupancy has been issued for the property being transferred;
(3) The property being transferred currently maintains the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, as certified by the local AHJ, in accordance §;
(4) The property being transferred is uninhabitable without the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy;
(5) The property is being transferred pursuant to a foreclosure sale, a tax sale, as a redemption of a tax sale, or in lieu of foreclosure, and provided further that the requirements of this Chapter 24 shall be met prior to the re-occupancy of the property;
(6) The property is being transferred by operation of law, or pursuant to an order of any United States Court, or any Superior or Family Court of the State of Rhode Island, and provided further that such court order specifically directs non-compliance with this Chapter 24; or
(7) The property is being acquired by the State for demolition and will not be sold or used by the State for residential purposes.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner to maintain in operable condition smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, installed as required pursuant to this Chapter, and the owner shall make operable, within seven (7) days after being notified by certified mail by the occupant and/or enforcement official, any inoperable system.
If the owner fails to make the alarms operable within the required seven (7) days, the tenant may cause the alarms to be made operable if the reasonable total reasonable cost of making the repairs does not exceed the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00), and the tenant may deduct from his or her rent the actual reasonable cost of repairs not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).
Owners of existing residential properties, previously required to install smoke alarms, shall maintain those detectors in good operating condition.
Owners of existing residential properties, previously required to install smoke alarms, shall not be required to immediately install the carbon monoxide alarms. However, full compliance with § 24.6 shall be required with the next transfer of title.
8.1.25 CHAPTER 25 – Three Family Apartment Building
(Add) 25.1 Compliance with State Building and Minimum Housing Codes.
(Add) 25.1.1
All three (3) family apartment buildings shall remain subject to, and comply with, the State Building Code adopted pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-27.3 et seq.
(Add) 25.1.2
All three (3) family apartment buildings shall further remain subject to, and comply with the Minimum Housing Standards outlined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 45-24.2-1 et seq.
(Add) 25.2 Installation of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms.
(Add) 25.2.1 New Three-Family Apartment Buildings
All three (3) family apartment buildings hereinafter constructed or converted for residential occupancy, including modular homes, shall be provided with smoke alarms, installed in accordance with §
(Add) In addition to the smoke alarms required within the dwelling unit, smoke alarms shall also be located in common areas as follows:
(1) On each floor landing of common stairways
(2) In common corridors
(3) In common basements
Exception: Common area smoke alarms shall not be required in three (3) family apartments that are protected with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
(Add) The smoke alarms required by § shall all be interconnected, however, shall not be interconnected with any dwelling unit smoke alarms.
(Add) All three (3)family apartment buildings hereinafter constructed or converted for residential occupancy, including modular homes, shall be provided with carbon monoxide alarms in accordance with § 9.12.
Carbon monoxide alarms shall only be required where either of the following conditions exist:
(1) Dwelling units with communicating attached garages, unless otherwise exempted by §
(2) Dwelling units containing fuel-burning appliances or fuel-burning fireplaces.
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms shall not be required in the following locations:
a. In garages
b. Within dwelling units with communicating attached garages that are open parking structures as defined by the Building Code
c. Within dwelling units with communicating attached garages that are mechanically vented in accordance with the Mechanical Code
The above smoke and carbon monoxide alarms may be installed as either separate or combination units approved by the AHJ.
The above smoke and carbon monoxide alarms may be either hardwired one hundred twenty (120) vAC powered devices with an approved secondary (standby) power source or low-power radio (wireless) devices. Hardwired AC-powered devices utilizing wireless interconnection technology shall be permitted.
The local fire authorities certified by the State Fire Marshal as prescribed in R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.2-9, in cooperation with the local building code officials, shall enforce the provisions of this Chapter. The State Fire Marshal’s Office may enforce the provisions of this Chapter when so requested to by the local authority or when the local authority is either unwilling or unable to fulfill its obligations under this Chapter.
Compliance with the above provisions shall be considered a prerequisite to the approval, by the fire authority, of any certificate of occupancy issued by the building official pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-27.3-120.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner to maintain in operable condition smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, installed as required pursuant to this Chapter, and the owner shall make operable, within seven (7) days after being notified by certified mail by the occupant and/or enforcement official, any inoperable alarms.
If the owner fails to make the alarms operable within the required seven (7) days, the tenant may cause the alarms to be made operable if the reasonable total reasonable cost of making the repairs does not exceed the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00), and the tenant may deduct from his or her rent the actual reasonable cost of repairs not to exceed twenty ($20.00).
The payment of the reasonable costs, outlined in §, shall not exempt the owner from the payment of fines for violation of this Code as outlined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.3-9.
(Add) 25.2.2 Existing Three-Family Apartment Buildings
All existing three (3) family apartment buildings used for residential occupancy, including modular homes, shall, be provided with smoke alarms, installed in accordance with §
(Add) The provisions of § shall not apply.
(Add) In addition to the smoke alarms required within the dwelling unit, smoke alarms shall also be located in common areas as follows:
(1) On each floor landing of common stairways
(2) In common corridors
(3) In common basements
Exception: Common area smoke alarms shall not be required in three (3) family apartments that are protected with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
(Add) The smoke alarms required by § shall all be interconnected, however, shall not be interconnected with any dwelling unit smoke alarms.
(Add) All existing three (3) family apartment buildings used for residential occupancy, including modular homes, shall be provided with carbon monoxide alarms in accordance with § 9.12.
Carbon monoxide alarms shall only be required where either of the following conditions exist:
(1) Dwelling units with communicating attached garages, unless otherwise exempted by §
(2) Dwelling units containing fuel-burning appliances or fuel-burning fireplaces.
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms shall not be required in the following locations:
a. In garages
b. Within dwelling units with communicating attached garages that are open parking structures as defined by the Building Code
c. Within dwelling units with communicating attached garages that are mechanically vented in accordance with the Mechanical Code
The above smoke and carbon monoxide alarms may be installed as either separate or combination units.
The above smoke and carbon monoxide alarms may be either hardwired one hundred twenty (120) vAC powered devices with an approved secondary (standby) power source or low-power radio (wireless) system devices. Hardwired AC-powered devices utilizing wireless interconnection technology shall be permitted.
The local fire authorities certified by the State Fire Marshal's Office as prescribed in R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-28.2-9, in cooperation with the building code officials, shall enforce the provisions of this Chapter. The State Fire Marshal’s Office may enforce the provisions of this Chapter when so requested to by the local authority or when the local authority is either unwilling or unable to fulfill its obligations under this Chapter.
(Add) 25.2.3 Power Supplies
(1) Power supplies for smoke alarms shall be in accordance with NFPA 72 (2019).
(2) Power supplies for carbon monoxide alarms shall be in accordance with NFPA 72 (2019).
(Add) 25.2.4
The local fire authority that performs smoke and carbon monoxide alarm inspections in all residential occupancies shall, at the time of the inspection, be allowed to charge a thirty dollar ($30.00) fee for the inspection of any residential occupancy. The responsibility of this charged fee will be borne by the seller on each occurrence before title to the property is transferred. A sixty dollar ($60.00) fee will be allowed for any subsequent re-inspection of the same residential occupancy due to improper installation, wrong location, improper wiring method, or the seller’s failure to maintain a mutually agreed upon appointment with the local fire authority that performs the inspection function. The fees collected by the local fire authority shall be used for fire prevention purposes in that particular city, town, fire district, or other municipal subdivision.
At the time of the transfer of title, the seller must provide the purchaser with a certificate from the fire department for the community in which the dwelling is located stating that the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms have been inspected within one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the date of sale and has been determined to be in good working order. The fire department for the community in which the dwelling is located must inspect the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms of the dwelling within ten (10) days of a request from the owner. The inspection may be conducted by qualified personnel of the department or the State Fire Marshal’s Office. No fire department nor the State Fire Marshal shall be liable for any damage caused by the subsequent malfunction of a smoke or carbon monoxide alarm which it inspected.
Transfers of real property are exempt from compliance with the provisions of §§ 25.2.2 through if:
1. The property being transferred does not contain residential dwellings;
2. Within the past six (6) months a certificate of use or occupancy has been issued for the property being transferred;
3. The property being transferred currently maintains the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, as certified by the local AHJ, in accordance with §;
4. The property being transferred is uninhabitable without the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy referenced in §;
5. The property is being transferred pursuant to a foreclosure sale, a tax sale, as a redemption of a tax sale, or in lieu of foreclosure, and provided further that the requirements of this Chapter shall met prior to the re-occupancy of the property;
6. The property is being transferred by operation of law, or pursuant to an order of any United States Court, or any Superior or Family Court of the State of Rhode Island, and provided further that such court order specifically directs non-compliance with this Chapter; or
7. The property is being acquired by the State for demolition and will not be sold or used by the State for residential purposes.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner to maintain in operable condition smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, installed as required pursuant to this chapter, and the owner shall make operable, within seven (7) days after being notified by certified mail by the occupant and/or enforcement official, any inoperable alarms.
If the owner fails to make the alarms operable within the required seven (7) days, the tenant may cause the alarms to be made operable if the reasonable total reasonable cost of making the repairs does not exceed the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00), and the tenant may deduct from his or her rent the actual reasonable cost of repairs not to exceed fifty ($50.00).
Owners of existing residential properties, previously required to install smoke alarms, shall maintain those detectors in good operating condition.
The State Fire Marshal is hereby authorized to consult with the Chief Judge of the Rhode Island Family Court to develop and implement a plan of action, addressing the installation appropriate limited smoke and carbon monoxide detection for the immediate safe temporary placement of children, supervised by the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families, in properties covered under this Chapter.
The requirements of this Chapter shall apply to buildings that provide sleeping accommodations for sixteen (16) or fewer persons on either a transient or permanent basis, with or without meals, but without separate cooking facilities for individual occupants, except as provided in Chapter 24 and/or §§ through (Bed and Breakfast Homes and Congregate Family Living Facilities) as outlined below.
A “Bed and Breakfast Home” is defined as an owner and/or innkeeper occupied building that provides sleeping accommodations for up to sixteen (16) guests. Every “Bed and Breakfast Home” must further have originated as a private home and must have at least three hundred (300) square feet of common space (i.e. dining room, living room, etc.) for guest use, and must further provide breakfast. Finally, the owner and/or innkeeper must occupy the building twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, while guests are utilizing the facility. The owner and/or innkeeper of the Bed and Breakfast Home shall have a plan of action, approved by the local official, to assure the safety of the guests in the event the owner or innkeeper is required to temporarily leave the facility unsupervised for limited periods during the day.
A “No Smoking” policy, throughout the building, shall be strictly enforced.
With the exception of fireplaces and/or wood stoves, approved by local fire department and/or the local mechanical inspector, there shall be no open flame in the bedrooms of these facilities. Specifically, candles, incense or similar materials shall not be allowed in the bedrooms. All approved fireplaces and/or wood stoves shall further be provided with approved metal screens or glass doors. Any fireplace or wood stove located in the common areas shall also be approved by local fire department and/or the local mechanical inspector with the above safeguards.
All “Bed and Breakfast Homes” require hardwired, interconnected smoke and carbon monoxide alarms installed in accordance with the Regulations and standards of Chapter 24. There shall be approved detection in each sleeping room.
All “Bed and Breakfast Homes” with a capacity of between four (4) and six (6) guests shall meet the following requirements for this occupancy:
1. Hardwired or low power radio wireless interconnected smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72, 2019 edition.
2. Emergency lighting shall be installed in any corridors and/or stairways greater than eight feet (8’) in length.
3. Externally illuminated exit signs shall be installed.
4. An evacuation plan, containing alternative emergency egress routes, shall be presented to the local fire authority for approval.
5. The owner and/or innkeeper shall receive comprehensive fire extinguisher training.
6. It is recommended that the facility be annually inspected by the local fire authority. Any existing curtains, bedding, rugs or similar flammable materials, shall only be replaced, in the future, by fire retardant materials, manufactured and/or treated to the satisfaction of the local fire authority.
7. Any existing fire detection and/or suppression system shall be maintained as a required system.
All “Bed and Breakfast Homes” with a capacity of between seven (7) and sixteen (16) guests shall meet the following requirements for this occupancy:
1. A fire alarm system installed in accordance with § shall be provided.
2. Hardwired or low power radio wireless interconnected smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72, 2019 edition. (May be incorporated into the above fire alarm system).
3. Solid core doors, maintaining an approximate fire rating of twenty (20) minutes, shall be installed in the existing egress system door jambs with spring-loaded hinges. The local fire authority may approve an alternative plan of action allowing historically significant doors, with an approved Class-A flame-spread finish and spring loaded hinges, to be retained.
4. Emergency lighting shall be installed in any corridors and/or stairways greater than eight feet (8’) in length.
5. Externally illuminated exit signs shall be installed.
6. An evacuation plan, containing alternative emergency egress routes, shall be presented to the local fire authority for approval.
7. The owner and/or innkeeper shall receive comprehensive fire extinguisher training.
8. The facility shall be annually inspected by the local fire authority. Any existing curtains, bedding, rugs or similar flammable materials, shall only be replaced, in the future, by fire retardant materials, manufactured and/or treated to the satisfaction of the local fire authority.
9. Any existing fire detection and/or suppression system shall be maintained as a required system.
Any building complying with the above “Bed and Breakfast Home” guidelines, with a capacity in excess of sixteen (16) guests, shall be required comply with the requirements for a “Hotel and Dormitory” occupancy as outlined in the provisions of Chapters 28 or 29, as applicable (new or existing), of the Rhode Island Life Safety Code.
Congregate Family Living Facility is defined as a building or part thereof that contains sleeping rooms where residents share the entire structure and live, cook and function together as a single housekeeping unit. Every “Congregate Family Living Facility” must further have originated as a private residence, shall be limited to no more than two (2) stories in height and shall not exceed two thousand five hundred (2,500) gross square feet.
All “Congregate Family Living Facilities” require smoke and carbon monoxide alarms installed in accordance with the regulations and standards of Chapter 24. There shall be approved detection in each sleeping room.
All “Congregate Family Living Facilities” with a capacity of between four (4) and six (6) residents shall meet the following requirements for this occupancy:
1. Interconnected smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72.
2. Emergency lighting shall be installed in any corridors and/or stairways greater than eight feet (8’) in length.
3. Externally illuminated exit signs shall be installed.
4. An evacuation plan, containing alternative emergency egress routes, shall be presented to the local fire authority for approval, and upon approval shall be posted in every sleeping room.
All “Congregate Family Living Facilities” with a capacity of between seven (7) and sixteen (16) residents shall meet the following requirements for this occupancy:
1. A fire alarm system installed in accordance with § shall be provided.
2. Interconnected smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72. (May be incorporated into the above fire alarm system).
3. Solid core doors, maintaining an approximate fire rating of twenty (20) minutes, shall be installed in the existing egress system door jambs with spring-loaded hinges. The local fire authority may approve an alternative plan of action allowing historically significant doors, with an approved Class-A flame-spread finish and spring-loaded hinges, to be retained.
4. Emergency lighting shall be installed in any corridors and/or stairways greater than eight feet (8’) in length.
5. Externally illuminated exit signs shall be installed.
6. An evacuation plan, containing alternative emergency egress routes, shall be presented to the local fire authority for approval, and upon approval shall be posted in every sleeping room.
7. Any existing fire detection and/or suppression system shall be maintained as a required system.
Any building complying with the above “Congregate Family Living Facilities” guidelines, with a capacity in excess of sixteen (16) residents, shall be required comply with the requirements for a “Hotel and Dormitory” occupancy as outlined in the provisions of Chapters 28 or 29, as applicable (new or existing), of the Rhode Island Life Safety Code.
Lodging and rooming houses shall be provided with a fire alarm system in accordance with § 9.6.
(Amd) Initiation. Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by manual means in accordance with § 9.6.2, a fire detection system required by §, and by alarm initiation in accordance with § in buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with § 26.3.6.
(Amd) Detection. Where a fire alarm system is required, a system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Amd) Approved single-station smoke alarms shall be installed in accordance with § in every sleeping room.
(Amd) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors in accordance with §§ 9.12 and shall be provided in lodging or rooming houses where either of the following conditions exists:
1. Lodging or rooming houses with communicating attached garages, unless otherwise exempted by §
2. Lodging or rooming houses containing fuel-burning appliances or fuel-burning fireplaces.
(Add) Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
All new lodging or rooming houses shall be protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with §
Every existing lodging or rooming house built, or converted to this occupancy, on or after June 29, 1990, shall be protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with §
Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with § 9.9 of this Code.
Any furnace or boiler in the building shall be equipped with an approved remote shutoff switch approved by the AHJ.
(Add) 27.1 General Requirements.
(Add) 27.1.1 Application.
The requirements of this Chapter shall apply to buildings that provide temporary emergency sleeping space for sixteen (16) or fewer persons unless a greater number of occupants is specifically approved by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review.
Places of worship, maintaining this temporary occupancy in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, shall not lose their exception from the requirements of §§ and as outlined in § of this Code.
For buildings with larger occupancies, the requirements of Chapters 28 and 29 are applicable. The owners of such facilities may seek interim relief from specific requirements from the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review.
All emergency shelter occupancies shall be located on the on the first (1st) floor or on the level of exit discharge unless specifically authorized by the AHJ to be located on a lower or upper level.
(Add) 27.2 Means of Escape Requirements
(Add) 27.2.1
There shall be at least two (2) clearly defined means of escape to grade from the space used as an emergency shelter.
(Add) 27.2.2
The means of escape, stairways and doors shall comply with the provisions of §§ through 26.2.3 of this Code.
(Add) 27.2.3
The means of escape shall be further protected with emergency lighting and exit signs approved by the AHJ.
(Add) 27.3 Protection.
(Add) 27.3.1 Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detection
Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detection shall be immediately provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of § 26.3.4. All such facilities shall also be in compliance with § 26.3.4 of this Code.
(Add) 27.3.2 Supervision
At least one (1) responsible adult, approved by the AHJ and not a resident of the emergency shelter occupancy, shall maintain a fire watch during all hours of occupancy of the emergency shelter facility.
In shelters used to temporarily house families, a responsible adult member of each such family may be approved by the AHJ to maintain the fire watch referenced in §
The responsible adult(s) must be trained in fire prevention techniques, fire department notification, evacuation procedures and fire extinguisher operation by the AHJ prior to being approved to oversee the fire watch.
The owner or management of the shelter shall provide the AHJ with a schedule listing the names of the responsible adults conducting the fire watch and the times to which they have been assigned this duty.
A fire fighter on duty, as defined in §§ and may be substituted for the responsible adult at the discretion of the owner or management of the emergency shelter facility.
(Add) 27.3.3 Protection from Hazards.
No smoking shall be allowed in any building utilized as an emergency shelter facility during any and all periods of this occupancy.
No cooking shall be allowed in any building utilized as an emergency shelter facility during any and all periods of overnight occupancy. If specifically authorized by the AHJ, cooking, with the appropriate temporary safeguards required by the AHJ, may be allowed during limited periods when the occupants are all awake and fully capable of self preservation.
(Add) 27.3.4 Fire Extinguishers.
A minimum of two (2) fire extinguishers, installed at the direction and to the satisfaction of the AHJ, shall be provided in every emergency shelter facility in accordance with section of this Code.
(Amd) Detection. A fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
All new hotel and/or dormitory occupancies shall be protected throughout by approved automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with §
Every hotel and/or dormitory occupancy, every addition hereafter made to a hotel and/or dormitory, and every building hereafter converted for the purposes of a hotel and/or dormitory shall be completely protected by an approved system of automatic sprinklers installed and maintained in accordance with §
(Add) Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in all new hotel occupancies in accordance with § 9.9 of this Code.
(Add) Any furnace or boiler in the building shall be equipped with an approved remote shutoff switch approved by the AHJ.
(Amd) General. A fire alarm system in accordance with § 9.6, except as modified by §§ through, shall be provided.
(Amd) Initiation. The required fire alarm system shall be initiated by each of the following:
(1) Manual means in accordance with § 9.6.2, unless there are other effective means to activate the fire alarm system, such as a complete automatic sprinkler or automatic detection system, with a manual fire alarm box in accordance with § required.
(2) Manual fire alarm box located at the hotel desk, office or other convenient central control point under continuous supervision by responsible employees. If a central control point is deemed impractical by the AHJ, a manual fire alarm box located in the common means of egress shall be deemed compliant.
(3) Required automatic sprinkler system
(4) Required automatic detection system other than sleeping room smoke alarms
(Amd) Guest rooms and guest suites specifically required and equipped to accommodate hearing impaired individuals shall be provided with a visible notification appliance.
(Amd) In areas subject to occupancy, other than guest rooms and guest suites, visible notification appliances shall be provided.
(Amd) Emergency forces notification shall be accomplished in accordance with § 9.6.4.
(Amd) Detection. Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) A combination rate of rise and one hundred thirty-five degree Fahrenheit (135° F) to one hundred forty degree Fahrenheit (140° F) fixed temperature heat detector shall be installed in every sleeping room, other than sleeping rooms equipped with an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with §
(Add) Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detection Systems.
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors in accordance with §§ 9.12 and shall be provided in hotels and dormitories where either of the following conditions exists:
1. Guest rooms or guest suites with communicating attached garages, unless otherwise exempted by §
2. Guest rooms or guest suites containing a permanently installed fuel-burning appliance or fuel-burning fireplace.
(Add) Where required by §, carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in the following locations:
1. Outside of each separate guest room or guest suite sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping rooms
2. On every occupiable level of a guest room and guest suite
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms and carbon monoxide detectors as specified in § shall not be required in the following locations:
1. In garages
2. Within guest rooms or guest suites with communicating attached garages that are open parking structures as defined by the Building Code
3. Within guest rooms or guest suites with communicating attached garages that are mechanically ventilated in accordance with the Mechanical Code
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be provided in areas other than guest rooms and guest suites in accordance with § 9.12, as modified by §
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s published instructions in the locations specified as follows:
1. On the ceilings of rooms containing permanently installed fuel-burning appliances or fuel-burning fireplaces.
2. Centrally located within occupiable spaces adjacent to a communicating attached garage
(Add) Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
Every existing hotel and/or dormitory occupancy built, or converted to this occupancy, on or after June 29, 1990, and all existing hotels and/or dormitories of construction types III, IV and V, as outlined in NFPA 220, which have sleeping accommodations for guests or employees above the third story, shall be protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with §
(Amd) Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in all existing hotel occupancies in accordance with § 9.9 of this Code.
(Amd) High-rise buildings shall comply with §§, 11.8.4 and 11.8.6.
Any furnace or boiler in the building shall be equipped with an approved remote shutoff switch approved by the AHJ.
(Amd) General. Every apartment building, other than those meeting §, shall be provided with a fire alarm system in accordance with amended 9.6 of this Code, except as modified by §§ through
(Amd) A fire alarm system shall not be required in buildings where each dwelling unit is completely separated from other contiguous dwelling units by fire barriers (see § 8.3) having a fire resistance rating of not less than one (1) hour, and where each dwelling unit has either its own independent exit or its own independent stairway or ramp discharging at grade. However, such exempted buildings shall fully comply with the provisions for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in accordance with §§ and
(Amd) Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Add) Emergency forces notification shall not be required for apartment occupancies containing less than twelve (12) dwelling units between fire barriers (see § 8.3). The above fire barriers shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than two (2) hours.
(Amd) Detection. Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Add) Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in all new apartment occupancies in accordance with § 9.9 of this Code.
(Add) As an alternative to the location requirements for portable fire extinguishers outlined in § 9.9 of this Code, the owner or management of a new apartment building may provide each apartment unit with an approved fire extinguisher installed at the direction and to the satisfaction of the AHJ.
(Add) Any furnace or boiler in the building shall be equipped with an approved remote shutoff switch approved by the AHJ.
(Amd) The requirements of this Chapter shall apply to existing buildings or portions thereof currently occupied as apartment occupancies. In addition, the building shall meet the requirements of one (1) of the following options:
1. Option 1, buildings without fire suppression or detection systems, where each dwelling unit has independent egress and suitable separation from other contiguous dwelling units, only when specifically permitted by §§ and
2. Option 2, buildings provided with a complete approved automatic fire detection and notification system in accordance with §
3. Option 3, buildings provided with approved automatic sprinkler protection in selected areas, as described in §
4. Option 4, buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system.
5. Option 5, buildings previously inspected and deemed compliant with § prior to January 1, 2013 shall be deemed in compliance with the requirements of this Chapter, provided the building continues to comply with §
(Add) Approved apartment buildings.
Any existing apartment building, that was originally converted to this occupancy from an existing one (1), two (2), or three (3) family dwelling, shall be deemed in full compliance with the provisions of this Chapter 31, upon meeting the following fifteen (15) requirements on or before January 1, 2013:
1. The building maintains a fire alarm system that complies with the provisions of §§ 31.3.4 and 9.6; and
2. The building maintains an approved system of either hardwired or lower power radio wireless smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed in accordance with the referenced edition of NFPA 72 and NFPA 720; and
3. The building maintains emergency lighting approved by the AHJ; and
4. The building maintains approved exit signage, if so required by the AHJ; and
5. The building shall have at least two (2) means of egress of which one (1) may be a properly maintained existing fire escape or platform and ladder system, approved by the AHJ.
6. The walls of the internal means of egress are made of plaster and/or sheetrock, are in good repair, and maintain an approximate fire rating of twenty (20) minutes as determined by the AHJ; and
7. All combustible covering materials, within the approved egress systems, such as existing paneling or wainscoting, mounted on approved plaster or sheetrock walls or ceilings, shall be rendered flame resistant by the application of an approved Class A flame-spread rated material to the satisfaction of the AHJ; and
8. The existing dimensions of the egress system appear to adequately support the rapid evacuation of the building in the opinion of the AHJ.
9. The internal means of egress may contain winding stairs approved by the AHJ.
10. Approved solid core or steel doors, maintaining an approximate fire rating of twenty (20) minutes, have been installed in the existing egress system door jambs, with approved spring loaded hinges, to the satisfaction of the AHJ; and
11. Existing fire escapes, platform and ladder systems, maintained in good repair, may be utilized as a second (2nd) means of egress, as approved by the AHJ. The above existing fire escape systems may be accessed through windows providing a clear opening of at least five and seven tenths (5.7) square feet, as approved by the AHJ. All locks and locking devices shall be permanently removed from the doors to the rooms providing access to the fire escape system; and
12. Any furnace or boiler in the building shall be equipped with an approved remote shutoff switch approved by the AHJ.
13. Any furnace, boiler or comparable central heating plant above one hundred sixty thousand (160,000) BTU input and all floor mounted units requiring a non-combustible floor by their listing, shall be either segregated from the remainder of the building by a one (1) hour rated enclosure or protected by domestically-supplied sprinkler head(s) to the satisfaction of the AHJ.
14. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with § of this Code. As an alternative to the location requirements for portable fire extinguishers outlined in § of this Code, the owner or management of the apartment building may provide each apartment unit with an approved fire extinguisher installed at the direction and to the satisfaction of the AHJ.
15. Every existing apartment building, containing more than six (6) living units between approved fire barriers (see § 8.3) having a fire resistance rating of two (2) hours, built or converted to this occupancy, on or after June 29, 1990 shall be provided with sprinkler coverage, at the direction and to the satisfaction of the AHJ, in accordance with the standards outlined in the referenced editions of NFPA 13 or NFPA 13R where applicable.
(Amd) Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Add) Emergency forces notification shall be not required for apartment occupancies containing less than twelve (12) dwelling units between fire barriers (see § 8.3). The above fire barriers shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than two (2) hours.
(Amd) Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Amd)* Smoke alarms shall be installed in accordance with § outside every sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on all levels of the dwelling unit, including basements.
(Add) Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detection Systems.
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors in accordance with §§ 9.12 and shall be provided apartment buildings where either of the following conditions exists:
1. Dwelling units with communicating attached garages, unless otherwise exempted by §
2. Dwelling units containing a permanently installed fuel-burning appliance or a fuel-burning fireplace.
(Add) Where required by §, carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in the following locations:
1. Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping rooms
2. On every occupiable level of a dwelling unit
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms and carbon monoxide detectors as specified in § shall not be required in the following locations:
1. In garages
2. Within dwelling units with communicating attached garages that are open parking structures as defined by the Building code
3. Within dwelling units with communicating attached garages that are mechanically ventilated in accordance with the mechanical code
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be provided in areas other than dwelling units in accordance with § 9.12, as modified by §
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s published instructions in the locations specified as follows:
1. On the ceilings of rooms containing permanently installed fuel-burning appliances or fuel-burning fireplaces
2. Centrally located within occupiable spaces adjacent to a communicating attached garage
(Add) Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
Every existing apartment building, containing more than six (6) living units between approved fire barriers (see § 8.3) having a fire resistance rating of not less than two (2) hours, built, or converted to this occupancy, on or after June 29, 1990 shall be protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with §
The workmanship and the materials of the sprinkler installation specified in § shall meet the requirements of § 9.7.
(Amd) Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in all existing apartment occupancies in accordance with § 9.9 of this Code.
(Amd) As an alternative to the location requirements for portable fire extinguishers outlined in § 9.9 of this Code, the owner or management of an existing apartment building may provide each apartment unit with an approved fire extinguisher installed at the direction and to the satisfaction of the AHJ.
(Amd) High-rise buildings shall comply with §§ and and §§ 11.8.4. and 11.8.6.
(Amd) General. Every residential board and care occupancy shall be provided with a fire alarm system in accordance with amended § 9.6 of this Code.
(Add) Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Add) Detection. A fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Amd) All facilities shall be protected throughout by an approved, automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with § using quick response or residential sprinklers.
(Add) Any furnace or boiler in the building shall be equipped with an approved remote shutoff switch approved by the AHJ.
(Amd) Detection.
(Amd) A fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Amd) General. Every residential board and care occupancy shall be provided with a fire alarm system in accordance with amended § 9.6 of this Code.
(Amd) Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Add) Detection. A fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detection Systems.
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors in accordance with §§ 9.12 and shall be provided residential board and care occupancies where either of the following conditions exists:
1. Living areas with communicating attached garages, unless otherwise exempted by §
2. Living areas containing a permanently installed fuel-burning appliance or fuel-burning fireplaces
(Add) Where required by §, carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in the following locations:
1. Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping rooms
2. On every occupiable level of a living area
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms and carbon monoxide detectors as specified in § shall not be required in the following locations:
1. In garages
2. Within living areas with communicating attached garages that are open parking structures as defined by the Building Code
3. Within living areas with communicating attached garages that are mechanically ventilated in accordance with the Mechanical Code
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be provided in areas other than living areas in accordance with § 9.12, as modified by §
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s published instructions in the locations specified as follows:
1. On the ceilings of rooms containing permanently installed fuel-burning appliances or fuel-burning fireplaces
2. Centrally located within occupiable spaces adjacent to a communicating attached garage
(Add) Any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of amended § 9.6 of this shall be resolved in favor of compliance with the most reasonable combined requirements as determined by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Amd) All facilities shall be protected throughout by an approved, automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with § using quick response or residential sprinklers.
(Add) Any furnace or boiler in the building shall be equipped with an approved remote shutoff switch approved by the AHJ.
(Amd) General. Every residential board and care occupancy shall be provided with a fire alarm system in accordance with amended § 9.6 of this Code.
(Amd) Initiation. The required fire alarm system shall be initiated by each of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with § 9.6.2.
2. Manual fire alarm box located at a convenient central control point under continuous supervision of responsible employees
3. Automatic sprinkler system.
4. Required detection system, other than sleeping room smoke alarms
(Amd) Emergency forces notification shall be accomplished in accordance with § 9.6.4.
(Amd) Detection.
(Amd) A fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Add) A combination rate of rise and one hundred thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit (135° F) to one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit (140° F) fixed temperature heat detector shall be installed in every sleeping room, other than sleeping rooms equipped with an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with §
(Add) Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detection Systems.
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors in accordance with §§ 9.12 and shall be provided residential board and care occupancies where either of the following conditions exists:
1. Living areas with communicating attached garages, unless otherwise exempted by §
2. Living areas containing a permanently installed fuel-burning appliance or fuel-burning fireplaces
(Add) Where required by §, carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in the following locations:
1. Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping rooms
2. On every occupiable level of a living area
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms and carbon monoxide detectors as specified in § shall not be required in the following locations:
1. In garages
2. Within living areas with communicating attached garages that are open parking structures as defined by the Building Code
3. Within living areas with communicating attached garages that are mechanically ventilated in accordance with the Mechanical Code
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be provided in areas other than living areas in accordance with § 9.12, as modified by §
(Add) Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s published instructions in the locations specified as follows:
1. On the ceilings of rooms containing permanently installed fuel-burning appliances or fuel-burning fireplaces
2. Centrally located within occupiable spaces served by the first supply air register from a permanently installed, fuel burning HVAC system
3. Centrally located within occupiable spaces adjacent to a communicating attached garage
(Add) All facilities shall be protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with § 9.7, as modified by §§ and
(Amd) 33.3.4 Special Provisions
(Add) High-rise buildings shall comply with §§ 11.8.4 and 11.8.6.
(No Modifications)
(No Modifications)
(Amd) General
All Class A mercantile occupancies, all Class B mercantile occupancies occupying more than three thousand (3,000) square feet per floor for sales purposes, and all mercantile occupancies requiring sprinkler coverage, under this Code or the State Building Code, shall be provided with a fire alarm system in accordance with § 9.6
(Amd) Initiation
Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Occupant Notification
The required fire alarm system, once initiated, shall perform one of the following functions:
1. It shall activate an alarm in accordance with § 9.6.3 throughout the mercantile occupancy.
2. Positive alarm sequence in accordance with § shall be permitted.
(Amd) Emergency Forces Notification
Emergency forces notification shall be provided for all Class A mercantile occupancies and all Class B mercantile exceeding twelve thousand (12,000) gross square feet and shall include notifying both of the following:
1. Fire department in accordance with § 9.6.4
2. Local emergency organization, if provided
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Amd) Automatic sprinkler systems, where required by either this Code or the Rhode Island Building Code, in either Class A or Class B mercantile occupancies shall be supervised in accordance with § 9.7.2.
(Amd) Initiation
Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Occupant Notification
The required fire alarm system, once initiated, shall perform one of the following functions:
1. It shall activate a general alarm in accordance with § 9.6.3 throughout the mall, and positive alarm sequence in accordance with § shall be permitted.
2. Occupant notification shall be made via a voice communication or public address system in accordance with §
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Amd) Initiation
Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Occupant Notification
The required fire alarm system, once initiated, shall activate an alarm in accordance with throughout the mercantile occupancy, and positive alarm sequence in accordance with § shall be permitted.
(Add) Detection
(Add) A fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Amd) General
All Class A mercantile occupancies, all Class B mercantile occupancies occupying more than three thousand (3,000) square feet per floor for sales purposes, and all mercantile occupancies requiring sprinkler coverage, under this Code or the State Building Code, shall be provided with a fire alarm system in accordance with § 9.6.
(Amd) Initiation
Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Occupant Notification
The required fire alarm system, once initiated, shall perform one (1) of the following functions:
1. It shall activate an alarm in accordance with § 9.6.3 throughout the mercantile occupancy, and both of the following also shall apply:
a. Positive alarm sequence in accordance with § shall be permitted.
b. A presignal system in accordance with § shall be permitted.
2. Occupant notification shall be made via voice communication or public address system in accordance with §
(Amd) Emergency Forces Notification
Emergency forces notification shall be provided for all Class A mercantile occupancies and all Class B mercantile exceeding twelve thousand (12,000) gross square feet and shall include notifying both of the following:
1. Fire department in accordance with § 9.6.4
2. Local emergency organization, if provided
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Amd) Extinguishing Requirements
Mercantile occupancies shall be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with § in any of the following locations:
1. Throughout all mercantile occupancies three (3) or more stories in height not protected by an approved fire alarm system providing emergency forces notification.
2. Throughout all mercantile occupancies built or converted on or after June 4, 1976 that are more than two (2) stories in height above the basement and constructed of Type III, IV or V construction in accordance with NFPA 220.
3. Throughout stories below the level of exit discharge where such stories have an area exceeding two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet (232 m2) and are used for the sale, storage, or handling of combustible goods and merchandise.
4. Throughout multiple occupancies protected as mixed occupancies in accordance with § 6.1.14 where the conditions of §§, (2), or (3) apply to the mercantile occupancy.
(Amd) The provisions of § shall not apply to existing mercantile occupancies with a total gross area less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet (1115 m2).
Automatic sprinkler systems, where required by either this Code or the Rhode Island Building Code, in either Class A or Class B mercantile occupancies, shall be supervised in accordance with § 9.7.2.
(Amd) 37.4.2 High-Rise Buildings. High-rise buildings shall comply with §§ 11.8.4 and 11.8.6.
(Amd) Initiation
Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Occupant Notification
The required fire alarm system, once initiated, shall perform one (1) of the following functions:
1. It shall activate a general alarm in accordance with § 9.6.3 throughout the mall, and positive alarm sequence in accordance with shall be permitted.
2. Occupant notification shall be made via a voice communication or public address system in accordance with §
(Add) Detection
(Add) A fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Amd) Initiation.
Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Occupant Notification
The required fire alarm system, once initiated, shall perform one (1) of the following functions:
1. It shall activate a general alarm in accordance with § 9.6.3 throughout the mercantile occupancy, and positive alarm sequence in accordance with § shall be permitted.
2. Occupant notification shall be made via a voice communication or public address system in accordance with §
(Add) Detection
(Add) A fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(Amd) General
A fire alarm system in accordance with § 9.6 shall be provided in all business occupancies where any one (1) of the following conditions exists:
1. The occupancy is three (3) or more stories in height.
2. The occupancy is subject to fifty (50) or more occupants above or below the level of exit discharge (five thousand (5,000) square feet).
3. The occupancy is subject to three hundred (300) or more total occupants (thirty thousand (30,000) square feet).
4. All business occupancies in which sprinkler coverage is required by either this Code or the Rhode Island Building Code.
(Amd) Initiation. Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Occupant Notification
The required fire alarm system, once initiated, shall activate a general alarm in accordance with § 9.6.3 throughout the building, and positive alarm sequence in accordance with § shall be permitted.
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
All new business occupancies shall be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with § in any of the following locations:
1. Throughout all new business occupancies three (3) or more stories in height.
2. Throughout all new business occupancies exceeding twelve thousand (12,000) square feet (1115 m2) in area.
3. Throughout multiple occupancies protected as mixed occupancies in accordance with § 6.1.14 where the conditions of §§ or (2) apply to the new business occupancy.
Automatic sprinkler systems, where required by either this Code or the Rhode Island Building Code, in new business occupancies shall be supervised in accordance with § 9.7.2.
(Amd) General
A fire alarm system in accordance with § 9.6 shall be provided in all business occupancies where any one of the following conditions exists:
1. The occupancy is three (3) or more stories in height.
2. The occupancy is subject to fifty (50) or more occupants above or below the level of exit discharge (five thousand (5,000) Square feet).
3. The occupancy is subject to three hundred (300) or more total occupants (thirty thousand (30,000) square feet).
4. All business occupancies in which sprinkler coverage is required by either this Code of the Rhode Island Building Code.
(Amd) Initiation. Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Occupant Notification
The required fire alarm system, once initiated, shall activate a general alarm in accordance with § 9.6.3 throughout the building, and positive alarm sequence in accordance with § shall be permitted.
(Amd) Emergency Forces Notification
Where a fire alarm is required by this chapter, emergency forces notification shall be provided and shall include notifying both of the following:
1. Fire department in accordance with § 9.6.4
2. Local emergency organization, if provided
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
All existing business occupancies shall be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with § in any of the following locations:
1. Throughout all business occupancies built or converted on or after June 4, 1976 that are more than two (2) stories in height above the basement and constructed of Type III, IV or V construction in accordance with NFPA 220.
2. Throughout multiple occupancies protected as mixed occupancies in accordance with § 6.1.14 where the conditions of § apply to the existing business occupancy.
The provisions of § shall not apply to existing business occupancies with a total gross area less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet (1115 m2).
Automatic sprinkler systems, where required by either this Code or the Rhode Island Building Code, in existing business occupancies shall be supervised in accordance with § 9.7.2.
(Add) All high-rise buildings shall comply with §§ 11.8.4 and 11.8.6.
(Amd) General
A fire alarm system in accordance with § 9.6 shall be provided in all industrial occupancies where any one (1) of the following conditions exists:
1. The total gross area exceeds ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
2. Any one (1) floor above or below the level of exit discharge exceeds two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet.
3. All industrial occupancies in which sprinkler coverage is required by either this Code of the Rhode Island Building Code.
(Amd) Initiation.
Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Occupant Notification
The required fire alarm system, once initiated, shall activate a general alarm in accordance with § 9.6.3 throughout the building,
(Add) Emergency Forces Notification
In buildings where a fire alarm is required, emergency forces notification shall be provided in buildings greater than thirty thousand (30,000) gross square feet in area and shall include both of the following:
1. Fire department in accordance with § 9.6.4
2. Local emergency organization, if provided
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
(No Modifications)
Low hazard storage occupancies, and the specific non-residential farm buildings listed below, shall not be required to have a fire alarm system:
1. All non-residential, farm buildings such as barns, riding rinks, horse stables and farm stands that are not utilized as places of assembly and are not open to the general public.
2. All non-residential farm buildings such as barns, riding rinks and horse stables, that are either solely owner occupied or accessed solely by the owners of horses stabled within.
3. All non-residential farm buildings such as barns, riding rinks, horse stables and farm stands, without electricity and heat;
4. All greenhouses.
Storage occupancies with ordinary or high hazard contents not exceeding an aggregate floor area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet (930 m2) shall not be required to have a fire alarm system.
(Amd) Initiation. Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by all of the following means:
1. Manual means in accordance with §,
2. Where automatic sprinklers are provided, initiation of the fire alarm system by sprinkler system waterflow.
3. An approved fire detection system in accordance with §
(Amd) Occupant Notification
The required fire alarm system shall meet one (1) of the following criteria:
1. It shall provide occupant notification in accordance with § 9.6.3.
2. It shall sound an audible and visible signal in a constantly attended location for the purposes of initiating emergency action.
(Add) Emergency Forces Notification
Where a fire alarm is required, emergency forces notification shall be provided in buildings greater than thirty thousand (30,000) gross square feet in area and shall include both of the following:
1. Fire department in accordance with § 9.6.4(2)
2. Local emergency organization, if provided
(Add) Detection
(Add) Where a fire alarm system is required, a fire detection system in accordance with § shall be provided.
8.1.43 CHAPTER 43 – Building Rehabilitation (Reserved)
The Fire Board hereby temporarily reserves Chapter 43 for further review and the eventual development of an updated Rehabilitation Code with participation from both the Rhode Island Building Commission and the Joint Committee on the Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code for Existing Buildings and Structures. Until the new updated Rehabilitation Code is adopted, the Rhode Island Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code, previously adopted by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, and the Rhode Island Building Commission, is hereby re-adopted, in full, as FIRE SAFETY CODE SECTION 9.
(Add) 44.1
In any building where a fire alarm system is exempted due to the minimum occupant load provisions or the minimum square footage provisions of Chapters 12 through 43, a fire alarm system as prescribed in § 9.6 may be required by the State Fire Marshal where it is proven that life safety of the occupants is compromised due to the hazard of contents, proximity of exposures, limitations to fire department vehicle access or other such hazardous conditions.
Title | 450 | Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review |
Chapter | 00 | N/A |
Subchapter | 00 | N/A |
Part | 8 | RI Life Safety Code (450-RICR-00-00-8) |
Type of Filing | Amendment |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 07/01/2021 to 07/01/2021 |
Regulation Authority:
R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 23-28.1-2 and 23-28.3-3
Purpose and Reason:
To update the current editions of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code from the 2015 editions to the 2018 editions. In addition, all current Formal Interpretations and Blanket Variances to the existing editions have been incorporated.

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