Landscape Architects (formerly Rules and Regulations for Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects) (420-RICR-00-00-1)
1.1 Authority
This regulation is promulgated in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 5-51-2, 5-51-9 and 42-14-17 by the Rhode Island Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects with the approval of the Director of the Department of Business Regulation.
1.2 Scope
This regulation applies to the licensing and regulation of the practice of landscape architecture in Rhode Island.
1.3 Purpose
The purpose of this regulation is to describe the practices and procedures of the Board and to set forth the rules promulgated to enforce R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-1 et seq. for the regulation of the practice of landscape architecture within the state.
1.4 Definitions
A. “ASLA” means the American Society of Landscape Architects.
B. "Board" means the Rhode Island State Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects (hereinafter the “Board”), established pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-1 et seq. to regulate the practice of landscape architecture in the State of Rhode Island.
C. "Certificate of registration or license" means the document of authorization to practice and also the license to practice landscape architecture.
D. "CLARB" means the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards.
E. “COA” means the Certificate of Authorization.
F. “DEM” means the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.
G. “Department” means the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation.
H. “Director” means the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation or his or her designee.
I. "Direct control and supervision" means personal supervision of, knowledge of, and acceptance of responsibility for landscape architectural work by a registered landscape architect.
J. “Division of Design Professionals” means the administrative division of the Department of Business Regulation comprised of the Board of Examination and Registration of Architects, Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects, Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, and Board of Registration for Professional Land Surveyors, in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-84-1 et seq.
K. “L.A.R.E.” means the Landscape Architecture Registration Examination prepared and distributed by CLARB.
L. "Seal” means an embossed circular seal or rubber stamp of a design and size approved by the Board. It shall contain the name of the landscape architect, the registration number, the word “Registered” above the State’s emblem, and the words “Landscape Architect” below the registration number.
M. “UNE” means the Uniform National Examination previously prepared and distributed by CLARB.
1.5 Board Meetings
The Board shall hold at least three (3) meetings per year.
1.6 Examinations
A. General Examination Procedures:
1. The examination shall be the L.A.R.E prepared and administered by CLARB. The Board may administer a supplemental state exam if and only if approved by the Director of the Department of Business Regulation.
2. The Board shall, in its discretion, determine the content, grading standards, and administer any state supplemental examination(s) approved by the Director of the Department.
B. Application Procedures:
1. Application for registration by examination:
a. The date of the application deadline shall be determined by the Board but shall be no less than sixty (60) days before the examination date. Applications will be provided by the Board upon request. Applications, including all required documentation, must be received by the Board, and applicants must meet the requirements of the R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-6, on or before the application deadline. A full non-refundable payment shall be due within ten (10) business days of notification by the Board that an application has been approved.
b. Applications shall include three (3) references, including two (2) references from landscape architects each having at least four (4) years of experience as a registered landscape architect.
c. A two-year, full-time (35 hours/week) work experience is required according to R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-6(3). To show evidence of required landscape architectural experience, or experience under an allied professional, the applicant shall present documentation on the form(s) provided by the Board. The supervising landscape architect or allied professional shall verify the documentation of experience. Experience gained from part-time work performed on a regular basis with a minimum of ten (10) hours per week shall be accepted if the total hours are equal to the full-time employment requirement.
d. An approved course of study to fulfill the education requirement set forth by R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-6 shall include a Bachelor or Master of Landscape Architecture degree from an ASLA accredited program, or the following, at the discretion of the Board: a Bachelor or Master degree in a field related to landscape architecture, or completion of a non-accredited landscape architectural program.
e. Practical experience, as an alternative to the education requirement, shall mean full-time employment in landscape architectural work for a minimum of six (6) years under the direct supervision of an individual registered to practice landscape architecture under the laws of the state in which the work is performed. The applicant must present evidence to the satisfaction of the Board, of landscape architectural work performed by him or her, including drafting, grading, planting design, site design, and layout drawings.
f. Candidates who have taken and passed the L.A.R.E. at a CLARB testing site must meet the requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-6 and may be required to pass a state supplemental examination as deemed appropriate to the practice of landscape architecture in Rhode Island.
2. Board action relating to applications:
a. Failure to comply within thirty (30) days from the date of a written request from the Board for additional evidence or information or appearance before the Board may, in the discretion of the Board, be considered as just and sufficient cause for disapproval of the application.
1.7 Registration by Reciprocity
A. Applicants shall meet the requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-7 and have two (2) years experience of a grade and character acceptable to the Board.
B. The applicant shall provide evidence on the form supplied by the Board that his/her registration in the reciprocal state is current.
C. The applicant shall provide confirmation from the reciprocal state’s board that a Rhode Island registered landscape architect with comparable qualifications would be granted reciprocity in that state.
D. The applicant who has passed the UNE or L.A.R.E. shall provide confirmation of the passing grades and year of passing from the state board that administered the examination or CLARB. The Senior’s Examination administered by CLARB is accepted as equivalent to the L.A.R.E. or UNE.
E. A CLARB certificate submitted with the application form shall constitute documentation of qualifications.
F. The Board may require all applicants applying for reciprocity to pass such supplemental examination to the L.A.R.E. or to provide such additional documentation as is deemed appropriate to the practice of landscape architecture in Rhode Island and is approved by the Director of the Department of Business Regulation.
1.8 Renewal of Registration
A. One renewal notice shall be sent to each registered landscape architect and COA firm no less than 30 days before June 30 of the expiration year.
B. A penalty fee shall be charged for renewal fees received after June 30 of the expiration year.
C. It is the responsibility of each registered landscape architect to notify the Board in writing of any change in name or address.
1.9 Reinstatement of Expired Registration
A. A prior registrant whose registration has expired may be reinstated at the discretion of the Board.
B. The Board may request three (3) examples of work performed during the lapsed period.
C. A reinstated registrant shall pay the penalty fee, the annual renewal fee for each year the registration was expired, and the renewal fee for the current year.
D. A prior registrant whose registration has expired for five (5) years or more shall reapply for registration.
1.10 Discipline
All disciplinary matters shall be handled in accordance with the Department’s Rules of Procedure for Administrative Hearings, 230-RICR-10-00-2.
1.11 Use of Seal or Stamp
A. For the purpose of signing drawings, plans, specifications, reports and other contract documents, each registered landscape architect shall have an individual seal or stamp as described in definitions.
B. The seal/stamp shall be applied to the document and signed and dated by the registered landscape architect. The stamp or seal may be electronic. The stamp shall bear an original or an electronic signature.
C. No landscape designs, specifications or other landscape documents submitted to a federal, state or municipal agency for permit or authorization shall be submitted without the seal or stamp of the R.I. registered landscape architect responsible for the work.
1.12 Unlawful Practice
A. As set forth in R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-1 et seq., no person or firm shall represent himself/herself/itself as a practitioner of landscape architecture, or engage in the practice of landscape architecture, or offer to practice landscape architecture or use or employ any title, sign, card, or device implying that such person or firm is practicing or is authorized to practice landscape architecture in this State, without holding a certificate of registration issued by the Board.
B. Any person who violates the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-1 et seq. shall, upon finding of a violation be subject to penalty as set forth in R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 5-51-16 and 5-84-5.
C. The Board shall investigate any alleged violation of R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-1 et seq.
1.13 Hearings, Administrative Procedures, and Access to Public Records
A. Wherever a hearing is required by law, said hearing shall be conducted pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-51-17.1, the Department’s Rules of Procedure for Administrative Hearings, 260-RICR-10-00-2, and in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-35-1, et seq. Complaints shall be handled pursuant to 230-RICR-10-00-2.4. Where necessary, the Director of the Department shall appoint a Hearing Officer pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-6-8.
B. Requests for declaratory rulings and petitions for rulemaking shall be handled pursuant to the Department’s regulation for Declaratory Rulings and Petitions, 230-RICR-10-00-3, and in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-35-1 et seq.
C. Requests for records pursuant to the Access to Public Records Act shall be handled pursuant to the Department’s regulation for Access to Public Records, 230-RICR-10-00-1 and the Access to Public Records Act, R.I. Gen. Laws § 38-2-1 et seq.
1.14 Standards of Professional Conduct
A. Competence:
1. In practicing landscape architecture, a landscape architect shall act with reasonable care and competence, and shall apply the technical knowledge and skill which is ordinarily applied by landscape architects of good standing, practicing in the same locality.
2. In designing a project, a landscape architect shall take into account all applicable state and municipal laws and regulations. While a landscape architect may rely on the advice of other professionals (e.g., attorneys, engineers, and other qualified persons) as to the meaning and intent of such regulations, once having obtained such advice, a landscape architect shall not knowingly design a project in violation of such laws and regulations.
3. A landscape architect shall undertake to perform professional services only when he or she, together with those whom the landscape architect may engage as consultants, is qualified by education, training, and experience in the specific technical areas involved.
B. Conflict of Interest:
1. A landscape architect or firm shall not accept compensation for his/her/its services from more than one party on a project unless the circumstances are fully disclosed to and agreed by all interested parties.
2. If a landscape architect or firm has any business association or direct or indirect financial Interest which is substantial enough to influence his or her judgment in connection with his or her performance of professional services, the landscape architect shall fully disclose to his or her client or employer the nature of the business association or financial interest, and if the client or employer objects to such association or financial interest, the landscape architect shall either terminate such association or interest or offer to give up the commission or employment.
3. A landscape architect or firm shall not solicit or accept compensation from any material supplier, equipment supplier or contractor in return for specifying or endorsing their products or services unless the circumstances are fully disclosed to and agreed to by all interested parties.
4. When acting as the interpreter of construction or service contract documents and the judge of contract performance, a landscape architect or firm shall render decisions impartially, favoring neither party to the contract.
C. Full Disclosure:
1. A landscape architect or firm shall fully and accurately represent to a prospective or existing client or employer his/her/its qualifications and the scope of his/her/its responsibility in connection with work for which he/she/it is claiming credit.
1.15 Certificates of Authorization
A. Requirements for Certificates of Authorization:
1. Any firm that practices or offers to practice landscape architecture within the State of Rhode Island shall obtain a COA to do so prior to practicing or offering to practice landscape architecture in this State. COA application fee shall be waived for firms consisting of one person.
2. Each firm applying for a COA shall designate one or more landscape architect(s) registered in the State of Rhode Island as being in direct control and supervision of all landscape architectural work. The failure to so designate a landscape architect shall result in denial of the application.
3. Obtaining an individual registration as a landscape architect in this State does not entitle a person to a COA for a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship. A COA shall be applied for and obtained from the Board.
B. Criteria for Issuance of a Certificate of Authorization:
1. No COA shall be issued without a written application being filed with the Board.
2. At the time that the application is filed, the names of one or more landscape architects with valid registrations in the State of Rhode Island shall be provided. Each of the landscape architects so identified shall complete the affidavit prepared by the Board.
3. The Board shall not approve any application for a COA where the landscape architect in direct control and supervision is a subcontractor or independent contractor hired by the applicant.
4. Once issued, a COA shall remain valid for the period specified unless otherwise suspended or revoked. It is the responsibility of the firm to notify the Board when a landscape architect designated as being in direct control and supervision is no longer serving in that capacity. A COA for a firm without a designated landscape architect in direct control and supervision is no longer valid.
1.16 Fees
A. Fees apply equally to residents and non-residents and shall be paid in full before any action is taken by the Board. To any extent these fees vary from those imposed by statute, the statute controls.
Examination and re-examination |
To be determined based on the CLARB cost plus administrative costs |
Application for registration from applicant |
$150.00 via a CLARB testing site |
State supplemental examination section |
$25.00 (per section) |
Reciprocity Application |
$150.00 |
Certificate of Registration - Initial registration fee |
$30.00 |
Biennial Registration renewal fee |
$80.00 |
Reinstatement of expired Certificate of Registration |
$25.00 plus $ 40.00 for every year or portion of a year |
COA initial Application |
$50.00 |
Biennial COA renewal fee |
$100.00 |
Reinstatement of COA |
$25.00 plus $50.00 for every year or portion of a year. |
Title | 420 | Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects |
Chapter | 00 | N/A |
Subchapter | 00 | N/A |
Part | 1 | Landscape Architects (formerly Rules and Regulations for Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects) (420-RICR-00-00-1) |
Type of Filing | Direct Final Amendment |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 11/26/2017 to 06/24/2019 |
Regulation Authority:
R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 5-51-2, 5-51-9, and 42-14-17.
Purpose and Reason:
While reformatting the regulation for incorporation into the RICR, the Department identified some minor improvements, including: • Added §§ 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 for consistency with other Department regulations. • In § 1.4, added a few definitions for consistency across the Division of Design Professionals. • Deleted most of § 1.5 because the provisions either repeated statutory terms without adding additional content or were contrary to existing laws. Renamed the section. • In § 1.12, deleted paragraph D, which only repeated statutory terms without adding additional content. • Added references to R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-84-1 et seq., which contains statutes applicable to the Division of Design Professionals. • Deleted the former “Appeals” section and replaced it with § 1.13 entitled “Hearings, Administrative Procedures, and Access to Public Records.” This new section includes updated cross-references to the Department’s procedural regulations. Fees are the same but have been relocated to a chart for formatting purposes. These proposed amendments will result in no impact on small businesses. The Department does not expect these proposed amendments to be controversial.