Use Tax - Payment of by Purchasers


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Title 280 Department of Revenue
Chapter XXX Old Regulations Which Were Not Assigned Chapter-Subchap-Part
Subchapter XX Old Regulations Which Were Not Assigned Chapter-Subchap-Part
Part 409 Use Tax - Payment of by Purchasers
Type of Filing Amendment
Regulation Status Inactive
Effective 12/01/2011 to 03/17/2018

Regulation Authority:

RIGL 44-1-1 et. seq. and 44-19-33.

Purpose and Reason:

The purpose of this rule making process is to implements Chapters 44-18 and 44-19 of the Rhode Island General Laws. Specifically to include in use tax the purchase of prewritten computer software delivered electronically of by load and leave and package tour and scenic and sightseeing transportation services. Also, changes to the regulation in style and format. This regulation shall take effect on December 1, 2011 and shall amend and supersede regulation SU 95-114 promulgated January 1995.