Rhode Island State Police Civilian Employees Rules and Regulations


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Title 270 Department of Public Safety
Chapter XXX Old Regulations Which Were Not Assigned Chapter-Subchap-Part
Subchapter XX Old Regulations Which Were Not Assigned Chapter-Subchap-Part
Part 5879 Rhode Island State Police Civilian Employees Rules and Regulations
Type of Filing Adoption
Regulation Status Inactive
Effective 02/02/2010 to 02/28/2011

Regulation Authority:

RIGL 42-28-11

Purpose and Reason:

The purpose of this adoption is to provide rules and regulations for civilian members of the Rhode Island State Police. The substantive differences are: 1. There were changes made to the listing of the Chain of Command at the beginning of the rules and regulations. These changes were made because of changes in the structure of command in the Rhode Island State Police. 2. Chapter 1, Section 1 (Organization of the Division of State Police), letter (B): there is now only one Lieutenant Colonel under the Superintendent, which is reflected with the change. The sentence referencing “captains” was moved to put the ranks in order. 3. Chapter 1, Section 1 (Organization of the Division of State Police), letter (E): the Lieutenant Colonel-Administrative Services was removed because that is no longer a position within the Rhode Island State Police. 4. Chapter 1, Section 7 “Lieutenant Colonel – Chief of Administrative Services” was removed entirely because that is no longer a position. 5. Chapter 1, Section 8 (now 7): letters (C) and (D) were added to fully describe the three Majors who serve under the Superintendent and describe their individual duties. There are now three Majors: the Major – Chief Administrative Officer, the Major – Professional Standards Unit, and the Major - Department of Public Safety. 6. Chapter 1, Section 8: the Captain, Inspectional Services was added to include this position in the description of the organization of the Rhode Island State Police. This is not a new position, but it was decided this should be added to the rules and regulations. 7. Chapter I, Section 9 (B), “Lieutenant Colonel – Administrative Services,” was changed to “Major – Chief Administrative Officer,” due to changes in the structure of the Rhode Island State Police. 8. Chapter 1, Section 16 (Detective Bureau), (1): the Area Investigative Unit changed in name to the Major Crimes Unit. Within this section some of the language was changed to update the description of their duties. 9. Chapter 1, Section 16 (Detective Bureau) (3): “HIDTA” (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas) program was added to the Narcotics Unit, and the description of their function was added to this section. 10. Chapter I, Section 16 (Detective Bureau) (4): language was changed in the description of the Financial Crimes Unit to better explain their function. 11. Chapter 1, Section 16 (Detective Bureau) (5&6): Violent Fugitive Task Force is it’s own unit, and therefore the change had to be made to the rules and regulations to reflect this. 12. Chapter 1, Section 16 (Detective Bureau) (8 now 9): the responsibilities of the Property Officer were updated in this section. 13. Chapter 1, Section 17 (Administrative Services Bureau), (5)(d): the Accident Reports/Missing and Exploited Children Section was moved to this section, Technology and Communications Services Unit, from under the Traffic Services/Planning and Research Unit (Section 2), to update the rules and regulations, as this is the proper placement of this section within the state police structure. 14. Chapter II, Section 6 (Conduct), the language “as to be worthy of the esteem a public employee must enjoy,” was replaced with “ in a manner that brings honor and respect for, rather than public distrust of, state police personnel.” This change was made to clarify the purpose of this section. 15. Chapter II, Section 7 (Harassment and Discrimination), letter (A), the terms “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” were added so that this section was in full compliance with current state anti-discrimination laws. In letter (B) of this section the language was changed to reflect the updated process for these instances. 16. Chapter II, Sections 16 (B) (Conflict of Interest Statement) and 22 (Associations), the sentence “Such associations may be permitted where unavoidable because of family relationships with a Division employee,” to further clarify what is permissible under these sections. 17. Chapter II, Section 31 (Seeking Publicity), the language “use their official position within the department to” was added to clearly define what is prohibited under this section.