Industrial Homework (260-RICR-30-05-3)
3.1 Authority
This Part is promulgated pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 28-18-6.
3.2 Purpose
The purpose of this Part is to regulate the uncontrolled continuance of industrial homework where wages are notoriously low and working conditions endanger the health of the worker, the protection of factory industries, which must operate in competition with homework and of the workers employed in homeworking and of the public interest of the community at large in their health and well-being.
3.3 Definitions
A. Whenever used in this Part, the following terms shall be construed as follows:
1. "Contract or job shop" means a business operated to process goods owned by another.
2. "Director of Labor" means director of the Rhode Island Department of Labor.
3. "Jewelry and allied industries" means
a. the manufacture of jewelry and related articles of whatever material composed, commonly or commercially so known, and articles of ornament or adornment, except clothing, of whatever material composed, intended or designed to be worn on apparel or carried or worn on or about the person, and shall include parts of these articles.
b. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the term jewelry shall expressly include the following: rings; bracelets; necklaces; earrings; brooches; bar pins; compacts and vanity cases; cigarette cases and lighters; buckles and ornaments for millinery, dresses, bags and shoes; buttons of a jewelry nature; ornamental handbag frames and clasps; religious medals; religious articles of a jewelry nature; rosary beads; insignia jewelry and medals, including those for clubs, fraternities, schools, colleges and other organizations; artificial pearls; beads of every material; watch bracelets and wrist watch attachment; collar buttons; men's jewelry; mechanical pens and pencils of ornamental design; watch cases; novelties of a jewelry nature of whatever material made; the products of all processes (whether in manufacturing plants, or in job shops, so called) which serve the jewelry industry, expressly including processing on which are employed bobbers, buffers, polishers, platers, engine turners, engravers, stonesetters, lacquerers, enamelers or solderers; the products of refiners and all other manufacturers, the major part of whose work is for the jewelry industry; and the products of manufacturers of flat stock, sheet, wire, tubing, chain and metal, findings for the jewelry industry.
4. "Jewelry homework" means the jewelry processing in a home, including the home of the employer in whole or in part, of material furnished by an employer of any article or articles to be returned to the employer.
5. "Occupations" means all occupations which have any part in the making, processing or production of jewelry, as the term is used herein, including tool making and hub and die cutting, and including the operations of carding, boxing and other preparations for shipment or sale and including office workers and errand boys.
3.4 Homework
Jewelry homework is hereby prohibited.
3.5 Registration
All contract or job shops herein servicing the jewelry and allied industries, as defined, shall register with the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training by October 1st of each year.
3.6 Requirements
A. All contract shops must meet the standards for industrial operation as may be established by federal statutes, the laws of this state and the ordinances of its political subdivisions. In addition such contract shop shall supply adequate light, heat, ventilation and toilet facilities.
B. Where zoning laws permit, a contract shop may be located in any building that does not have an entrance or other means of access to a house or other structure used as a residence. Access to the contract shop must be gained only by a separate entrance.
C. The operator of a contract shop must notify the Director of Labor within five business days of a change of location of the contract shop, and obtain another permit for the new location.
D. All duly registered contract shops must post the current permit in a conspicuous place where it may readily be viewed during an inspection of the premises by a duly authorized representative of the Director of Labor.
E. All suppliers of goods to contract shops are subject to all provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 28-18.
F. All suppliers' invoices for contracted work shall bear the permit number of the contract shop.
G. Failure to adhere to any of the above regulations may result in denial or revocation of a permit.
Title | 260 | Department of Labor and Training |
Chapter | 30 | Workforce Regulation and Safety |
Subchapter | 05 | Labor Standards |
Part | 3 | Industrial Homework (260-RICR-30-05-3) |
Type of Filing | Amendment |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 11/08/2018 to 01/04/2022 |
Regulation Authority:
§ 28-18-6
Purpose and Reason:
The purpose of this rule is to regulate the uncontrolled continuance of industrial homework where wages are notoriously low and working conditions endanger the health of the worker, the protection of factory industries, which must operate in competition with homework and of the workers employed in homeworking and of the public interest of the community at large in their health and well-being.