Rules and Regulations-Recycling and Litter Control Grants


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Title 250 Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Chapter XXX Old Regulations Which Were Not Assigned Chapter-Subchap-Part
Subchapter XX Old Regulations Which Were Not Assigned Chapter-Subchap-Part
Part 829 Rules and Regulations-Recycling and Litter Control Grants
Type of Filing Periodic Refile
Regulation Status Inactive
Effective 12/31/2001 to 09/10/2017

Regulation Authority:

Title 37, Chapter 37-15 of the RIGL

Purpose and Reason:

The purpose of these rules and regulations is to provide for a grants program to be administered by the Department of Environmental Management. The objectives of the grant program is to increase the amount of materials recycled in Rhode Island, and to prevent, control, and clean up litter in the state.