Rules and Regulations for the Agricultural and Recreational Acquisition and Development, Roger Williams Park, and Roger Williams Zoo Grant Programs
Title | 250 | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management |
Chapter | 110 | Planning & Development |
Subchapter | 00 | N/A |
Part | 7 | Rules and Regulations for the Agricultural and Recreational Acquisition and Development, Roger Williams Park, and Roger Williams Zoo Grant Programs |
Type of Filing | Adoption |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 02/18/2016 to 02/18/2016 |
Regulation Authority:
42-17.1, as amended, in order to disburse funds allocated pursuant to Public Laws 145, 2014, Chapter 31, Article 5
Purpose and Reason:
This proposed rulemaking is offered consistent with the Governor's Lean initiative. Specifically, qualified municipalities, private organizations and public agencies will be afforded notice of the standards applicable for the award acquisition and utilization grants from those funds that are currently available or may be allocated in the future funding for similar agricultural and recreational acquisition and development projects. This rulemaking is intended to establish greater continuity of review standards and afford potential applicants assistance in pursuing planning opportunities.