Park and Management Area Rules and Regulations (250-RICR-100-00-1)
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of these Rules and Regulations is for the control, custody, governance, and use of state Management Areas, State Parks, and other areas operated and maintained by the Divisions of Fish and Wildlife, Parks and Recreation, and Forest Environment within the Department of Environmental Management ("RIDEM").
1.2 Authority
These Rules and Regulations are promulgated pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 20-1-2, 20-1-4, and 20-1-8, and R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 42-17.1, 42-17.6, 42-17.10, 20-18, 20-15, 32-2 and 32-3 and in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-35, the Administrative Procedures Act.
1.3 Administrative Findings
These Rules and Regulations were initially promulgated in order to address the often confusing and sometimes conflicting situation that was created due to the fact that numerous regulations administrated by several different divisions had authority over certain aspects of the RIDEM’s Parks and Management Areas. This current amendment is an effort to make those Rules and Regulations more effective and user friendly.
1.4 Application
The terms and provisions of these Rules and Regulations shall be liberally construed to permit the RIDEM to effectuate the purposes of state law, goals, and policies.
1.5 Severability
If any provision of these Rules and Regulations or application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remainder of the Rules and Regulations shall not be affected thereby.
1.6 Superseded Rules and Regulations
On the effective date of these Rules and Regulations, all previous Rules and Regulations, and any policies regarding the administration and enforcement of Parks and Management Area Rules and Regulations shall be superseded. However, any enforcement action taken by, or application submitted to, the RIDEM prior to the effective date of these Rules and Regulations shall be governed by the Rules and Regulations in effect at the time the enforcement action was taken, or application filed.
1.7 Definitions
"Authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Management" means an employee or agent of the RIDEM.
"Archery equipment" means long bow, recurve bow, compound bow or crossbow.
"Blank gun" means any firearm designed to discharge only blank cartridges and is incapable of propelling any type of projectile.
"Camping" means the erecting of a tent or shelter of natural or synthetic material, preparing a sleeping bag or other bedding material for use, parking of a motor vehicle, motor home or trailer, or mooring of a vessel for the apparent purpose of overnight occupancy.
"Designated areas" means any part of a Public Reservation specially set aside for one or more purposes and identified as such either by the posting of a sign or signs or so posted at the Public Reservation headquarters.
"Disabled person” means an individual who has been issued by the Registry of Motor Vehicles, and whose vehicle displays a current certificate issued pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-28-7 entitling that individual to parking privileges afforded to a disabled individual.
"Domestic animals" means animals, which through extremely long association with humans, have been bred to a degree which has resulted in genetic changes affecting the temperament, color, conformation, or other attributes of the species to an extent that makes them unique and distinguishable from wild individuals of their species and as defined in Rules and Regulations Governing the Importation and Possession of Wild Animals, 250-RICR-40-05-3 .
“Firearm” means any machine gun, rifle, shotgun, pistol, air rifle, air pistol, and “blank gun”, “BB gun" or other instrument from which steel or metal projectiles are propelled, or which may readily be converted to expel a projectile.
“Float tube” means any device manufactured and sold for use as a fishing float tube.
“Management area” means public lands that are owned by the State of Rhode Island under the jurisdiction of the Department’s Division of Fish & Wildlife or Forest Environment or in conjunction with each other or subject to the enforcement authority of the Department.
“Motor vehicle” means every vehicle that is self-propelled including, but not limited to every vehicle that is propelled by an internal combustion engine or electric power, but not operated upon rails, or upon water.
“Migratory waterfowl” means per R.I. Gen. Laws § 20-3-34, all waterfowl species in the family Anatidae, including wild ducks, geese, brant, and swans.
“Native wildlife” means all species of animals, including all subspecies thereof, occurring naturally, either presently or historically, within the boundaries of the State of Rhode Island, regardless of where the animal originated.
“Off-road recreational vehicle” means any motorized vehicles which were manufactured or modified for use on terrain other than roads and streets and are not registered with the Registry of Motor Vehicles or its equivalent agency in a state other than Rhode Island for operation on roads or streets.
“Official written permission” means written permission obtained from an Authorized Representative of the RIDEM.
“Open air fire” means any fire in the outdoors or in a structure not completely enclosed by walls and a roof, including charcoal grills and gas stoves.
“Park” means any property under the jurisdiction of the Department’s Division of Parks and Recreation.
“Permitted organized fishing activity" means events or tournaments that are permitted through the RIDEM, Division of Fish and Wildlife with all rules and stipulations included therein. (See Fishing Regulations, 250-RICR-60-00-10)
“Person” means an individual, firm, corporation, society, association, partnership, or private or public body.
“Public reservation” means any property under the care, control or custody of the RIDEM.
"Proficiency testing" means the measurable demonstration of skills with bows and arrows or use of firearms using a set of standards as determined by the hunter education program.
"Rock climbing" means activities associated with a person moving upon, along, or across a non-horizontal rock surface, including but not limited to: scrambling, bouldering, free climbing, assisted climbing, and technical climbing.
"Scientific collector's permit" means a permit issued by the Division of Fish and Wildlife for the collecting, taking, handling, and or possession of any species of wild animal for purposes of scientific study or management, carrying out scientific experiments, or cultivation projects. (See Rules and Regulations Governing Collector's Permits, 250-RICR-60-00-4)
"Snowmobiles" means a motor vehicle designed to travel over ice or snow, and supported in whole or in part by skis, belts, or cleats.
"Special event" means any activity in which seventy-five (75) or more participants not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) participants assemble on a Public Reservation not under the jurisdiction of the Division of Parks and Recreation.
"Special use permit" means official written permission for authorized groups either organized or assembled by any means including advertisement or social media, of 10-75 people for Management Areas.
"Sponsor" means the person(s) who applies for authorization to conduct, or conducts a special event as that term is defined in § 1.7 of this Part.
“State lands management council” means internal Department coordinating group, which includes representatives from the Divisions of Fish & Wildlife, Parks & Recreation, Planning and Development, Forest Environment, and Law Enforcement. The council is responsible for issuing use permits, land use issues, improvements, maintenance and projects in Management Areas.
"Trash" means garbage, rubbish, waste papers, bottles or cans, debris, litter, oil, solvents liquid waste, or other discarded materials.
"Vehicle" means every device in, upon, or by which a person or property is or may be transported or drawn on land, except snowmobiles including devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or track.
"Volunteer" means individual(s) or groups providing an authorized service on Public Reservations for no financial gain.
"Wildlife food plot" means any parcel of land that is physically planted or manipulated to provide food and/or cover for wildlife.
1.8 Animals, Including Horses and Dogs
A. No person shall bring into a State Park property or picnic area any animal unless under control at all times on a leash of not more than six feet (6’) in length. The handler of all animals is responsible for cleaning up and proper disposal of all animal wastes.
B. In Management Areas, persons may walk leashed dogs and domestic animals. The leash shall not exceed 25 feet in length with animal under control at all times.
C. All dogs must be wearing a collar with a valid license tag on Public Reservations. See Hunting Regulations § 1.23 of this Part for additional dog and dog training regulations in Management Areas.
D. No person shall leave an animal unattended in a vehicle with the exception of dogs that are being used for hunting or dog trials between September 1st and March 31st.
E. No person shall bring onto any state bathing beach, East Beach/Ninigret Conservation Area, or Burlingame Picnic Area any animal from April 1st through September 30th.
F. Requirements for using the Reynolds Horseman’s Area, Arcadia:
1. Horses shall be allowed only on bridle trails and in designated areas. All users will clean up manure at campsites and dispose of it in bins provided.
2. Ring is to be used for riding or attended exercising, not to be used for turn out or hitching.
3. No camping permitted around ring.
4. Fencing must be self-supporting with no nails or fasteners allowed in trees.
5. Horses are not to be tied to trees.
6. Cemetery is not to be used for horse turnout.
7. Only one site can be used at a time.
8. Camping allowed in designated areas only (See Fires § 1.18 of this Part).
9. Camping fee of three dollars ($3.00) per night, per site.
10. Camping requirements (See Camping for Specific Areas § 1.14(A) of this Part).
G. Horseback riding is prohibited in the Great Swamp Management Area during the established small game season and the established shotgun deer season.
H. Horses shall be allowed only in designated areas and bridle trails, except by official written permission.
I. During the established small game and shotgun deer hunting seasons, horses are prohibited from the Arcadia Dog Training Area with the exception of Thornley and Midway Trails and other RIDEM designated trails.
J. The exercising, training, or running of dogs from March 15 through August 15 is prohibited except by official written permission, or in designated areas.
K. Cross-Country skiers are not allowed to bring dogs on designated cross-country ski trails.
L. The release of any animal within any Public Reservation is prohibited. (See Hunting Regulations § 1.23 of this Part) (See Camping for All Camping Areas § 1.13 of this Part.)
1.9 Annoying or Questionable Activities
A. Loitering is prohibited in or around restrooms.
B. Activities that interfere with designated activities are prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to engage in disorderly conduct as described below:
1. Person commits disorderly conduct if he or she intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly engages in fighting or threatening or in violent or tumultuous behavior; or in a public place or near a private residence that he or she has no right to occupy, disturbs another person by making loud and unreasonable noise which under the circumstances would disturb a person of average sensibilities;
2. Directs at another person in a public place offensive words which are likely to provoke a violent reaction on the part of the average person so addressed;
3. Alone or with others, obstructs a highway, street, sidewalk, railway, waterway, building entrance, elevator, aisle, stairway, or hallway to which the public or a substantial group of the public has access or any other place ordinarily used for the passage of persons’ vehicles, or conveyances;
4. Engages in conduct which obstructs or interferes physically with a lawful meeting, procession, or gathering;
5. Public nudity;
6. Public drunkenness.
C. Operation of sirens or any noise audible to a person of reasonable sensitive hearing at a distance of 200 feet from its source and other noise making devices or broadcast loud or raucous sounds or noises by use of an electrical amplifying system or sound track, is prohibited except by official written permission. Engine powered model airplanes, unmanned aircraft systems, model boats, rockets and model cars shall be operated on, over or from a Public Reservation only upon receipt of official written permission. Unmanned aircraft systems shall not be used to harass or disturb users, wildlife, or any natural resource at a Public Reservation.
D. The possession or use of a paint ball gun or any other mechanism, which propels a projectile is prohibited, except as otherwise provided in these regulations.
1.10 Archaeology
A. No one shall excavate, disturb, or conduct field investigations on any site or underwater historic property, nor shall anyone disturb or remove any specimens from any property under the care, control or custody of the RIDEM without first obtaining the written approval of the Director and a permit from the State Historical Preservation Commission.
B. All archaeological sites, underwater historic property, and archaeological specimens, as defined in the Antiquities Act of Rhode Island, R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-45.1, are the property of the State of Rhode Island.
C. Metal detectors and other location devices are restricted to designated areas during specified time periods.
1.11 Bicycles, Operator Propelled Vehicles
A. No person shall operate or ride a bicycle, scooter, skate board or other operator propelled vehicle or device in any unit or portion thereof, of the Division of Parks and Recreation after the Regional Manager has made a finding that conditions are unsafe for the operation of such vehicles and has issued an order prohibiting such activity.
B. Ice-skating is permitted only in designated areas and at designated times.
C. Cross-country skiing is permitted, except where specifically prohibited.
D. Downhill skiing and sledding is permitted only in designated areas.
E. Windsurfers, paddle boarders and kite surfers must launch and land only from designated areas.
F. During the established small game and shotgun deer hunting seasons, the use of mountain bikes is prohibited from the Arcadia Dog Training Area with the exception of Thornley and Midway Trails and other RIDEM designated trails (See § 1.23(H), Fluorescent Orange Requirements).
1.12 Boating Regulations
A. Boating is prohibited within the impoundment created by the Great Swamp dike, within the Great Swamp Management Area during the period September 1st through March 31st annually except by licensed migratory bird hunters. All motors are prohibited at all times.
B. Boats are prohibited on the following ponds:
1. Round Top Pond, Burrillville
2. Little Round Top Pond, Burrillville
3. Peck Pond, Burrillville
4 Deep Pond, Arcadia, (off Blitzkrieg Trail) Exeter
5. Frosty Hollow Pond, Exeter
6. Gristmill Pond, Glocester
7. Carolina Trout Pond, Richmond
8. Lower Roaring Brook Pond, Richmond
9. A.L. Mowry Pond, Smithfield
C. The launching, hauling, and operation of boats with motors of any kind are prohibited from state-owned and/or operated ramps on the following ponds:
1. Upper Roaring Brook Ponds, Exeter
2. Asa Pond, South Kingstown
D. The launching, hauling, and operation of boats with motors of any kind, except electric trolling motors, is prohibited from state-owned and/or operated ramps on the following bodies of water:
1. Spring Lake, Burrillville
2. Union Pond, Burrillville
3. Carbuncle Pond, Coventry
4. Shippee Mill Pond, Foster
5. Clarkville Pond, Glocester
6. Lake Washington, Glocester
7. Alton Pond, Hopkinton
8. Carr Pond, North Kingstown
9. Silver Spring Lake, North Kingstown
10. Blue Pond, Hopkinton (No ramp)
11. Simmons Mill Pond, Little Compton
12. Browning Mill Pond, Richmond
13. Pawtuxet River (Hope), Scituate
14. Barber’s Pond, South Kingstown
E. The use of motors in excess of ten (10) horsepower on boats launched, hauled, or operated from state-owned and/or operated ramps is prohibited on the following bodies of water:
1. Wilson Reservoir, Burrillville
2. Keach Pond, Glocester
3. Smith and Sayles Reservoir (Sand Dam), Glocester
4. Bowdish Reservoir, Glocester
5. Woonasquatucket Reservoir (Stump Pond), Smithfield
6. Indian Lake, South Kingstown
7. Tucker Pond, South Kingstown
8. Asheville Pond, Hopkinton
9. Locustville Pond, Hopkinton
10. Chapman’s Pond, Westerly
F. No person shall use any motor in excess of ten (10) horsepower launched from state-owned and/or operated ramps on Stafford Pond, Tiverton and Wilson Reservoir, Burrillville, with the exception that the use of motors in excess of ten (10) horsepower on boats launched, hauled, or operated from state-owned and/or operated ramps on Stafford Pond, Tiverton, and Wilson Reservoir, Burrillville is permitted for organized fishing activities possessing a valid permit from RIDEM, Division of Fish and Wildlife. (See Fishing Regulations, 250-RICR-60-00-10)
G. The use of motors in excess of ten (10) horsepower on boats launched, hauled, or operated from the state-owned ramp on Wakefield Pond in Burrillville is prohibited at all times. The use of any motor on a boat from this state-owned ramp, except electric trolling motors, is prohibited from June 20th to September 20th of any year, inclusive.
H. No person shall use any motor in excess of ten (10) horsepower launched from state-owned and/or operated ramps on Pascoag Reservoir at the state-owned launching ramp on Schoolhouse Road, Glocester with the exception that permitted organized fishing activities, i.e., tournaments shall be allowed to use motors in excess of ten (10) horsepower on the waters of Pascoag Reservoir at the state-owned launching ramp on Schoolhouse Road, Glocester, between the Saturday before Memorial Day and Labor Day of each year, inclusive.
I. The operation of boats with motors of any kind, except electric trolling motors, is prohibited on the waters of Olney Pond in Lincoln Woods State Park on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays between the Saturday before Memorial Day and Labor Day of each year, inclusive.
J. The operation of boats with motors of any kind except electric trolling motors, owned by persons other than the State of Rhode Island with motors in excess of ten (10) horsepower is prohibited upon Olney Pond except with official written permission from the RIDEM Division of Fish and Wildlife.
K. The use of motors in excess of ten (10) horsepower on boats launched, hauled, or operated on the waters of Breakheart Pond in Exeter and John L. Curran State Park is prohibited.
L. Only vehicles launching or landing a boat will be permitted to park in designated boat trailer areas, unless otherwise designated.
M. Galilee Boat Ramp Parking Lot is designated for vehicles with attached boat trailers in designated parking spaces only. Perpendicular parking along the perimeter fence only. Parking in the center of lot is prohibited. Parking is restricted to no longer than seventy-two consecutive hours. Any vehicle or trailer left longer than seventy-two consecutive hours will be towed at owner’s expense.
N. The mooring of boats, the parking of vehicles or engaging in any other activity on land or water so as to obstruct the use of a boat-launching ramp by others is prohibited.
O. Boats shall be launched only at designated areas.
P. Boats shall be tied up at State boat ramp facilities for no longer than 30 minutes.
Q. Gated access to the boat ramp located within the George Washington Management Area Campground (Bowdish Reservoir) is limited daily between 7:30 AM and 10:00 PM from Memorial Day to October 31st. Persons using the reservoir or boat ramp prior to 10:00 PM for authorized uses may exit the area unrestricted by gate access times.
1.13 Camping for All Camping Areas (See Camping for Specific Areas § 1.14 of this Part)
A. The washing of clothes, cooking utensils and actions relating to one’s personal hygiene shall be limited to a designated campsite or to facilities provided for that purpose.
B. Camping is allowed only in designated areas with official written permission from individual park facility.
C. The person, to whom a camping permit is granted, shall be eighteen (18) years of age or older, shall be an occupant of the campsite, shall provide the first and last names of members of the party, and shall be responsible for his or her party’s compliance with the rules and regulations of the RIDEM and all other applicable laws. Only those members listed shall use the campsites. Only one family (immediate family) is allowed per campsite. Non-family groups shall be limited to six (6) persons per campsite. Any person or persons voided on a camping permit are not allowed to reenter any camping area for the duration of the camping season.
D. All campers shall check in with the caretaker at the beginning of the camping period and shall surrender their camping permit to the caretaker at the end of the camping period, where applicable.
E. No pets are allowed in camping areas, unless with written permission, or as may be allowed in accordance with the provisions of current State Laws.
F. All visitors shall be out of the campsites by 10:00 PM each night. Campers shall be quiet between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM.
G. All campground permit holders must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. No person shall occupy a campground for more than a continuous two (2) week period, with a seven-day minimum break prior to any re-occupancy. Permit renewals are limited to three within the two-week maximum period and must be obtained prior to 8:30 AM on the date of permit expiration. Charlestown Breachway, Ninigret Conservation Area are exempted from this rule.
H. Each campsite must be occupied on the first night of the permit and must be occupied at least four (4) nights during each week of the camping period. Noncompliance with the above is grounds for immediate revocation of the permit.
I. Public nudity is prohibited. No person shall disrobe other than in tents, campers or other properly designated structures.
1.14 Camping for Specific Areas
A. Camping for specific management areas
1. Reservations for backpack areas and shelters will be accepted prior to stay. Payment for shelter reservations must be received within fourteen (14) working days of the date reservation is made and before the date of use. All permits must be picked up in person from Arcadia Forestry Headquarters.
2. Camping permits run from 12:00 PM on date of permit to 11:00 AM at end of camping period, except for the George Washington camp ground where camping permits run from 2:00 PM on the date of issue to 11:00 AM at the end of the camping period.
3. No person may occupy a backpack area or shelter for more than a continuous three (3) day period with a seven (7) day minimum break prior to any re-occupancy.
4. No person may occupy Reynolds Horsemen’s Area for more than a continuous four (4) day period with a one (1) day minimum break prior to any re-occupancy, unless with official written permission from Arcadia Forestry Headquarters. Use of this area is limited to campers with horses and a fee of three dollars ($3.00) per night, per site shall be paid to Rhode Island State Treasurer and mailed to: Arcadia Headquarters 260 Arcadia Road, Hope Valley, RI 02832.
5. No person may occupy canoe campsites for more than one (1) night, with a minimum break of seven (7) days prior to any re-occupancy, unless with official written permission from Arcadia Forestry Headquarters.
6. In the Arcadia and George Washington Campgrounds, no more than two (2) cars shall be parked at each campsite. Vehicles are prohibited in backpack areas, unless with official written permission from respective Forestry Headquarters.
7. Visitors are prohibited from backpack areas and shelters, unless with official written permission from respective Forestry Headquarters.
8. Campsites must be occupied each night of the camping period in backpack and shelter areas and Reynolds Horsemen’s Area.
9. No more than two (2) tents per site shall be allowed in Arcadia designated camping areas, unless with official written permission from respective Forestry Headquarters.
B. Camping for specific parks properties
1. No more than two motor vehicles shall be parked at each campsite.
2. Camping permits shall be issued at the parks on a "first-come, first-served" basis or by contacting our current campground reservation system provider. Campers shall be ready to set up camp on date of issuance. Permits shall not be issued by phone at the campground.
3. Camping permits shall run from 1:00 PM on the date of permit to 11:00 AM at the end of the camping period as indicated on the permit.
4. Reservations shall be accepted for state campgrounds through the authorized campground reservation system provider.
1.15 Dunes
Walking or crossing over the dunes is permitted only in designated areas.
1.16 Fees
A. “User Fees at State Beaches, Parks, and Recreational Areas,” 250-RICR-100-00-3, shall remain in effect and are incorporated herein by reference.
B. For persons with disabilities. - No fee shall be charged to any person with a disability in accordance with the provisions of State Law. R.I. Gen. Laws § 32-1-17. For purpose of this section fees shall include all fees for parking, admittance, or other user-fees for playing golf. The term fees shall not include licensing fees; camping fees, picnic table fees or specialized facility use fees, including but not limited to: fees for the use of equestrian areas, performing arts centers, game fields, and mule shed.
1.17 Firearms and Archery Equipment
A. Possession of a firearm or archery equipment is prohibited on Public Reservations, unless the person is duly licensed to hunt, is engaged in authorized hunting activity and is in possession of a firearm or archery equipment authorized pursuant to the governing RIDEM hunting regulations for the specific hunting activity in which the person is engaged or unless the person satisfies the requirements of any of the subsections below.
B. Target shooting is prohibited on Public Reservations except in designated areas (See Target Range Regulations § 1.33 of this Part).
C. Possession of a loaded firearm, archery equipment having a nocked arrow or bolt, or firearm with magazine or chamber from which all shells or cartridges have not been removed, located in or on any vehicle or conveyance while in or upon any part of a Public Reservation is prohibited unless possessed by a law enforcement officer pursuant to § 1.17(D) of this Part.
D. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 11-47-9.1, a law enforcement officer is authorized to possess a loaded firearm, including a concealed firearm, while in or upon any part of a Public Reservation except when engaged in authorized hunting activities when possessing any firearm other than the authorized firearm or archery equipment allowed pursuant to the governing RIDEM hunting regulation for the specific hunting activity is prohibited.
E. A person is authorized to possess blank guns for the purpose of dog training in designated areas from January 1st to September 30th.
1.18 Fires
No person shall kindle an open fire, including charcoal fires, except in designated areas or with official written permission. From March 15th through May 15th, no open fires are allowed between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM without burning permit issued by local fire department.
1.19 Fireworks
The possession or use of all classes of fireworks in any Public Reservation is prohibited except in designated areas with official written permission. Permission may be given at the Director’s discretion only as a part of a formal license agreement between the State of Rhode Island and the entity requesting permission. If granted, permission shall apply only to areas and times designated by the Director at his/her discretion and specified in the license. The Director may impose additional restrictions which he or she deems necessary.
1.20 Food, Beverage, Vending
A. No person shall possess, drink, sell or offer for sale any alcoholic beverages except as follows:
1. Permission may be requested from the Director of the RIDEM or his or her authorized representative to consume, serve, sell or offer for sale alcoholic beverages at events held at Fort Adams State Park. Requests shall be submitted in writing to the Director, or his/her authorized representative sixty (60) days in advance of the proposed date for the event. Permission may be given at the Director’s discretion only as a part of a formal license agreement between the State of Rhode Island and the entity requesting permission. If granted, permission shall apply only to areas and times designated by the Director at his/her discretion and specified in the license. The Director may impose additional restrictions which he or she deems necessary.
2. No person shall offer for sale, or attempt to sell any goods or services on any Public Reservation governed by these regulations without official written permission from the Director of the RIDEM or his/her authorized representative.
3. No person shall sell, offer for sale, or attempt to sell any ticket, privilege, or license of admission to an entertainment event, including, but not limited to, any place of public amusement, arena, stadium, theatre, performance, sport, exhibition, or athletic contest conducted in any part of a Public Reservation governed by these Rules and Regulations.
4. Any person found to be in violation of § 1.20(A)(3) of this Part at the discretion of the Chief of the RIDEM Division of Law Enforcement or his/her designee shall either be prosecuted for a violation of R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-22-26 or may be issued a citation pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 8-8.2.
5. Any person against whom the prosecution for a violation of R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-22-26 has been instituted or who has been issued a citation pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 8-8.2 for a violation of § 1.20(A)(3) of this Part, shall be immediately removed from, and barred from re-entering, the Public Reservation in which entertainment event is being conducted for a period of one year from the date of the person’s removal from the Public Reservation.
1.21 Groups, Meetings, Distribution of Printed Matter
A. Persons may distribute or exhibit printed or written material, and/or hold public meetings only in accordance with an official written permit which shall regulate only the time, place and manner of such exhibit, distribution or meeting. Holders of a Special Use Permit (the “Permittees”) may offer leaflets or other documents to any person at the Management Area or Park and display such materials on tents or motor vehicles owned by the permittees. However, the permittees are prohibited from posting or otherwise attaching such materials to trees, as well as structures or motor vehicles located on the Management Area or park other than described above.
B. Special Use Permit for the Division of Parks and Recreation:
Organized groups utilizing Public Reservations under the jurisdiction of the Division of Parks and Recreation, must submit prior written request to and have official written permission for a Special Use Permit from the Director or his/her authorized representative. Permits are also needed for any scientific, research, educational or volunteer activities regardless of number of people participating. (See § 1.30 of this Part for Special Event permits for groups between 75-150 people).
C. Any group or organization bringing youths under the age of eighteen (18) into any State Park, Beach, Recreation, or Management Area must provide adequate adult supervision for these youths and their activities.
D. Special Use Permit for Management Areas:
A Special Use permit is required for groups either organized, or assembled through advertisement or social media, of 10-75 people at Public Reservations not under the jurisdiction of the Division of Parks and Recreation. Permits are also needed for any scientific, research, educational or volunteer activities regardless of number of people participating. Special Use applications should be sent to Arcadia Forestry Headquarters (260 Arcadia Rd, Hope Valley, RI 02823).
1.22 Hours of Operation
All Management Areas are closed from one-half (1/2) hour after sunset to one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise, except for fishing, hunting, launching and/or mooring of boats, snowmobiling on established trails in Arcadia and George Washington-Pulaski (See § 1.27(K) of this Part), or as provided by official written permit issued by the Director or his authorized representative, or as otherwise provided under regulations promulgated in R.I. Gen. Laws § 32-2-4. No person or vehicle shall be allowed within the limits of a State Park or beach area between the hours of sunset and sunrise the following day except by official written permission or unless an area is designated otherwise by written regulation.
1.23 Hunting Regulations
A. The possession of a valid Rhode Island hunting, or combination hunting and fishing license, shall serve as a permit to hunt Public Reservations, including Undeveloped State Parks where hunting is allowed, and Tidal Lands pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Titles 20 and 18, and R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 20-18-2 and 20-18-3.
B. A valid hunting license is required for any State designated hunting season.
C. A permit to trap within a Public Reservation may be obtained from the Division of Fish and Wildlife.
D. The carrying of firearms and archery equipment on Public Reservations at any time is prohibited except as provided for in § 1.17 of this Part.
E. Individuals hunters, when pursuing small game, must check in, and out of State Management Area Hunter Check Stations each day they are open for upland season. Check station dates will be listed in the current Hunting and Trapping Season Abstract.
F. Dog training and all hunting, except for bow hunting for deer, and waterfowl hunting, as provided, is prohibited on State Land during the five (5) day period prior to small game season, unless otherwise provided (See Animals, Including Horses and Dogs § 1.8 of this Part).
G. No person shall engage in any activity that interferes or interrupts lawful hunting on a Management Area or Public Reservation.
H. Fluorescent Orange Requirement:
Fluorescent orange safety clothing is required during the hunting season statewide for all hunters. To meet this requirement, safety clothing must be solid daylight fluorescent orange. Fluorescent camouflage does not meet this requirement. The hunter orange must be worn above the waist and be visible in all directions. Examples that meet the orange requirements are a hat that covers 200 square inches or combination of hat and vest covering 500 square inches. The following orange requirements apply:
1. Two hundred (200) square inches by small game hunters during the small game season.
2. Two hundred (200) square inches by fall turkey hunters while traveling.
3. Two hundred (200) square inches by muzzleloader deer hunters during muzzleloading season.
4. Two hundred (200) square inches by archers during muzzleloader deer season when heading to/from an elevated stand.
5. Five hundred (500) square inches by all hunters and other users (including archers) during shotgun deer season.
6. Those hunters using pop-up blinds during the firearms deer season must display 200 square inches of fluorescent orange visible on the outside of the blind from all directions. Hunters must also wear orange in accordance with the rules for the specific season while in the blind.
7. Exempt from fluorescent orange requirements are:
a. Waterfowl hunters hunting from a boat or blind, over water or field, when done in conjunction with decoys.
b. Archery deer hunters (except during muzzleloader and shotgun deer season).
c. Hunters crow hunting over decoys.
d. First segment dove hunters.
e. Not required in areas limited to archery only by regulation.
8. All users of State Management Areas and designated Undeveloped State Parks not exempt under § 1.23(H)(7) of this Part, including but not limited to: hikers, bikers and horseback riders, are required to wear two hundred (200) square inches of solid daylight fluorescent orange from the second Saturday in September to the last day of February, and the third Saturday in April to the last day in May annually. Five hundred (500) square inches required for all hunters (including archers) and other users during shotgun deer season.
I. A hunting license is required when training dogs on wild game on State Management Areas, except when participating in state-sanctioned field trails.
J. Complete dressing of game birds and mammals on State Property is prohibited. Field dressing (removal of entrails only) is permitted. Head, skin, feathers, wings, tails, etc., shall remain attached to the carcass.
K. Dogs on State Management Areas allowed only under the following rules:
1. No dogs are allowed to be trained, run, or exercised or be permitted to run at large on State Management Areas from March 15th to August 15th, inclusive, without written permission of the State Land Management Council, except as otherwise provided in these regulations.
2. Walking of dogs on a leash of not more than 25 feet in length is permitted on roads and trails only.
3. All dogs being utilized in hunting or training activities must wear a collar bearing the name and address of the owner and the handler must hold in possession a valid dog license or tag but it does not need to be on the dog.
L. Dog Training Areas: Dog training shall be allowed on designated areas only, between January 1st and September 30th. During this period, dogs may run freely provided they are under the command of the trainer by voice, training collar, or check cord.
1. Areas designated for training dogs are: the Black Farm Management Area; the Nicholas Farm Management Area north of the Trestle Trail; and the Arcadia Midway Trial Area confined to the developed field complex east of Brook Trail, south of Austin Farm Road and west of the established field edges comprising the Midway fields area. Field trial areas are as depicted on maps drawn by the Division of Fish and Wildlife.
2. Training hours shall be sunrise to sunset.
3. All persons using areas for dog training shall possess a valid hunting license.
4. All dogs using areas shall be licensed and have proof of rabies vaccinations and all dogs being utilized in hunting or training activities must wear a collar bearing the name and address of the owner and handler must possess a valid dog license tag.
5. Training with live birds is permitted provided the bird is released unharmed.
6. Shooting of live birds for training purposes is prohibited.
7. Sanctioned field trial events may be held at the following locations by requesting a Special Use Permit application from the State Lands Management Council: Arcadia, Carolina, Durfee Hill Marsh, and Burlingame (Durfee) Pond, and Nicholas Farm.
M. John L. Curran State Park
1. All hunting shall be within the inner boundaries of the buffer zones marked as posted by the RIDEM.
2. Only shotguns and archery equipment may be possessed or used while hunting.
3. The hunting of and/or possession of Mourning Dove or Wild Pigeons (Rock Dove) is prohibited.
N. Ninigret Conservation Area/East Beach
Designated as an undeveloped State Park and is open for small game and Archery Deer Hunting only.
O. Simmons Mill Pond Management Area
Deer hunting using archery, muzzleloader and shotgun is permitted while hunting within the Simmons Mill Pond Management Area in Little Compton. Sunday hunting is allowed.
P. Hillsdale Management Area
Hunting is prohibited.
1.24 Miscellaneous Regulations
A. The playing of golf or the driving of golf balls is permitted only in designated areas at designated times.
B. Bicycles, mountain bikes, and horses shall only be used on designated trails and roads for said use.
C. Horses, bicycles or motorcycles are prohibited in streams, rivers or bodies of water except at designated crossings (trails and roads.) Exceptions are granted to hikers, fishermen, boaters, hunters and swimmers using official designated areas in an appropriate manner.
D. Closure of Management Areas and/or roads and trails may occur if environmental conditions warrant.
E. Washing of vehicles, bicycles, or animals is prohibited in any natural body of water.
F. The feeding of all wildlife, migratory waterfowl, or any feral animal is prohibited within any Public Reservation.
G. There shall be no traveling by vehicles in streams, rivers or bodies of water except to cross at designated crossings (trails, roads).
H. Wildlife Food Plots may only be entered by walkers, hikers, hunters, and for the purpose of training dogs. Entering Food Plots is prohibited between June 1st and August 15th, except for the purpose of training dogs in designated areas.
I. Rock climbing is permitted at State Parks, and Management Areas except at Fort Wetherill State Park, Jamestown. However, in State Park Areas individuals participating in rock climbing activities must sign a release and an approved waiver of liability prior to commencement of rock climbing activity. For organized group of any size, a group must submit a Special Use Application to the Division of Parks and Recreation and obtain prior written approval of said Application. In addition, each member of the group of participants must sign prior to commencement of any rock climbing activities in the State Parks. If the organized group is being sponsored by a commercial entity, the sponsor must provide evidence of the issuance of liability insurance in the amount of at least One Million ($1,000,000.00) Dollars naming the State of Rhode Island as an additional insured at the time of the submittal of its Special Use Application.
J. All users of State Management Areas and designated undeveloped State parks, including but not limited to: hikers, bikers and horseback riders, are required to wear two hundred (200) square inches of solid daylight fluorescent orange from the second Saturday in September to the last day of February, and the third Saturday in April to the last day in May, annually. Five hundred (500) square inches by all hunters and other users (including archers during shotgun deer season). Exemptions from these requirements are listed in § 1.23(H)(7) of this Part.
K. Tampering with, breaching or manipulating fencing at Public Reservations is prohibited.
L. Per the Rules and Regulations Governing Collector’s Permits, a collector’s permit is required for the collecting, taking, handling, and or possession of any species of wild animal for purposes of scientific study or management, carrying, out scientific experiments, or cultivation projects. A Special Use Permit is required for activities permitted by a Scientific Collector's Permit that take place or occur on Public Reservations.
1.25 Mooring
A. No person shall moor, dock or berth a vessel, boat, or any other object overnight except in designated mooring, docking, or berthing areas.
B. The Regional Manager may, by posting of an order, specify time limits for the mooring, docking, or berthing of a vessel, boat or any other object at mooring, docking, or berthing facilities. No person shall moor, dock, or berth a vessel, boat or any other object in violation of time limits so established (See also § 1.32 of this Part, Swimming and Bathing).
1.26 Motorcycle use in Arcadia Management Area
A. Motorcycle use is only allowed within designated areas of Arcadia Management Area subject to conditions of §§ 1.27(B) through (F) of this Part). Town and State roads within the Arcadia Management Area which are not part of the designated route may be used at any time provided all local and state motor vehicle regulations are adhered to. The designated trail for motorcycle use is subject to change or correction by the RIDEM if conditions warrant. The designated trail (18.9 miles’ total loop) for motorcycle use shall consist of gravel roads and fire trails as delineated on the Arcadia Trail Map and described as follows: Arcadia Road; Austin Farm Road; Brook Trail; Barber Road; Blitzkrieg Trail; Bliven Trail; Frosty Hollow Road; Mt. Tom Road; Summit Road; Old Ten Rod Road (White Church Trail).
B. Only street-legal registered motorcycles operated by riders who hold a valid motorcycle operator’s license may use the area. Operators must also maintain liability insurance according to Rhode Island State Laws.
C. No riding shall be allowed behind any gated gravel or fire trail unless said roads are designated for motorcycle use. Motorcycles are not allowed on hiking trails and single-track trails.
D. No new motorcycle trails shall be cut, marked, or created within the Arcadia Management Area.
E. Trails may be periodically closed by RIDEM for use by motorcycles when habitat or natural resource protection issues, weather, or road conditions warrant. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, high/extreme fire danger or seasonal muddy conditions. There shall be no motorcycle riding beyond gated portions of the loop during March, April, and before 1:00 PM during May.
F. Speed limit on the trail designated for motorcycle use shall be 25 mph or as posted.
G. Use of “trials” motorcycles in the Arcadia Management Area is covered under a separate Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Rhode Island Trials Club and RIDEM. The MOU designates the portion of Arcadia where trials riding can occur and the time of year that use is permitted. The use of the Management Area by RITC and the MOU will be evaluated by RIDEM on an annual basis to determine if changes are necessary in order to protect the natural resources of the Arcadia Area.
1.27 Motor Vehicles
A. The traffic laws of the State of Rhode Island are fully applicable unless these regulations provide otherwise.
B. All motor vehicles must be legally street registered and operated by a licensed driver.
C. Motor vehicles shall be operated only in designated areas, no motor vehicles are allowed off roads or trails where prohibited, except with official written permission. All electrically propelled devices, except those used to assist handicap or disabled persons are prohibited on state property unless with official written permission.
D. No person shall park a vehicle so as to block any road, gate or trail or to prevent access to others, nor shall they block another vehicle in a designated parking area, nor shall any vehicle be parked in any area, where prohibited.
E. The speed limit is 25 miles per hour unless otherwise posted.
F. The operator of a motor vehicle shall grant the right-of-way to all pedestrians, persons on horseback and who are using or crossing roads, trails or highways.
G. Airborne conveyances such as balloons, gliders, engine-powered airplanes unmanned aircraft systems, and ultra-lights shall not be operated without official written permission from Individual Park Facility Manager.
H. Off-Road recreational vehicles shall be legally street registered and used in accordance with law. Their use shall be limited to designated areas or trails at designated times.
I. No person shall wash, polish, clean, change oil, or repair any motor vehicle or motorcycle in a Public Reservation.
J. Snowmobile Operation -General snowmobiles shall be allowed at designated areas and at times designated for those areas.
1. Snowmobiles must operate within the posted speed limit for that area.
2. Operators shall grant the right-of-way to all pedestrian, horses and vehicular traffic when operating and crossing roads or trails.
3. Snowmobiles shall not operate in a manner intended to or reasonably be expected to harass, drive or pursue any wildlife.
4. In addition to firearm restrictions in R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-3.2, when carrying archery equipment while operating a snowmobile, all arrows shall not be nocked and shall be secured to the bow or in a quiver or other container.
K. Snowmobile Operation-Management Area
1. Hours of operation are one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to 11:00 PM in Arcadia and George Washington, only. During the period one-half (1/2) hour after sunset to 11:00 PM, the buddy system must be used.
2. Hours of operation are one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to one-half (1/2) hour after sunset in Burlingame Management Area, Wickaboxet, and Woody Hill, only.
3. During the established shotgun deer season, snowmobiling is not permitted in Management Areas.
L. Snowmobiles Operation-Parks
Hours of operation are sunrise to sunset in Burlingame, Colt, Lincoln Woods and Snake Den. (See Snowmobiles R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-3.2).
M. The vehicle patterns as established by the filing on May 5, 1972 Regulations of the Department of Natural Resources for Colt State Park, which became effective on June 1, 1972, and which were submitted and recodifed in 2017, shall remain in force and are incorporated herein by reference.
N. The Les Pawson Loop in Lincoln Woods, shall have a one-way counter-clockwise traffic pattern with two exceptions. When the gates across the road are closed, traffic shall be two-way. That section of road, which lies between Twin River Road and the North Parking Lot area, shall be two-way.
O. Commercial vehicles in excess of two and one-half (2-1/2) tons gross weight are prohibited on the highway running through Veterans Memorial Parkway in East Providence, Dean Parkway in Cranston, and Narragansett Parkway in Warwick, except by official written permission.
1.28 Picnicking and Playing Field Permits
A. No person shall use a picnic table at Goddard Memorial State Park, Burlingame Picnic Area, or Lincoln Woods State Park without first obtaining a permit.
B. When conflicts arise in permit applications for playing field league use, the following priorities shall apply:
1. Every consideration shall be given by the Division of Parks and Recreation to provide opportunities, consistent with public safety, for such conflicting recreational uses by time or space zoning or by other controls and devices.
2. Prior playing field league users will receive first consideration for traditional times and areas.
3. Children's playing leagues will receive priority over adult leagues and use shall be established pursuant to items 1 and 2 stated above.
C. Users of the pavilion and/or ball field at Browning Mill Pond must obtain a permit prior to use from the Arcadia Headquarters, 260 Arcadia Road, Hope Valley, RI 02832, (401) 539-2356.
1.29 Refunds
No refunds are allowed unless authorized by the Director or designee.
1.30 Special Events
A. Arcadia, Big River, Diamond Hill and George Washington Management Areas
1. Special event permits are required for any group of 75 participants or more and shall not exceed a total of 150 participants. No more than four (4) Special Event Permits shall be issued during the period designated in § 1.30(A)(2) of this Part.
2. Permits will be issued during the period of July 1st through September 30th only.
3. Exemptions from the limitation on the maximum participants and/or time of year restrictions may be granted by the RIDEM for educational workshops, use of picnic/beach areas, and use of RIDEM boat launching ramps for fishing tournaments.
4. Applications to hold a Special Event must be submitted to State Lands Management Council for review and approval to Arcadia Forestry Headquarters (260 Arcadia Rd, Hope Valley, RI 02823). Applications must be submitted from January 1st to the last day of February of the year that the event will take place. Applications will be reviewed by RIDEM to determine if they meet the requirements specified by this policy. If necessary, permit applications will be selected by a lottery drawing that will be held on the first Monday in March at 1200 hours (noon). In the event that all the allotted special event permits are not filled by the first Monday in August, remaining permits will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. No more than two special event permits will be issued per year per individual recreation use type to allow fair access to other user groups.
5. RIDEM, at its sole discretion, will determine the suitability of a proposed event at the Management Area requested and may refuse permission if the event threatens the integrity of the Management Area’s natural resources, including but not limited to: soil, water, fish, wildlife, and forest and RIDEM’s responsibility to provide for availability to the public for multiple use of the area.
6. RIDEM at its sole discretion can impose restrictions or refuse to permit an event during periods of high or extreme fire danger or where environmental, public health, and/or safety concerns so dictate.
7. Special event sponsors shall be responsible for the following in running an event:
a. Paying for adequate RIDEM Law Enforcement personnel during events.
b. Notifying and obtaining written permission for said use from all local towns/cities affected by the event. Written permission must be submitted before the permit will be issued.
c. Notifying state and local police, fire, and rescue of the event.
d. All event sponsors shall provide a liability insurance policy of $1,000,000 and must sign an indemnification of the state and all its employees. Event sponsors shall be required to post a bond payable to RIDEM in an amount RIDEM determines to be necessary and appropriate to reimburse RIDEM for any damages incurred as a result of the event and which has not been repaired by the event sponsors within seven (7) days of the closing of the event. The event sponsors shall also be required to execute an agreement in which the sponsors agree to be personally liable, both jointly and severally, for any damage as determined by RIDEM to have resulted from the permitted event over and above amount of the bond.
e. All participants must sign a liability waiver and release for the State.
f. Event sponsors shall be responsible for repairing any damage to the Management Area caused by the event in the time designated in the permit.
g. Event sponsors are responsible for removing all signs, markers, and trash from the Management Area caused by the event within one week of its conclusion.
h. Event sponsors shall provide to RIDEM an estimation of the number of spectators that can be expected for an event.
i. RIDEM reserves the right to include additional special conditions on any permitted event if conditions so warrant.
j. These regulations do not apply to the use of areas under the jurisdiction of the RIDEM’s Division of Parks and Recreation.
1.31 State Park Policies
Specific written policies relating to individual park units may be promulgated by Regional Park Managers with the prior approval of the Chief of the Division of Parks and Recreation. Such written policies shall be kept on file at the Division of Parks and Recreation headquarters.
1.32 Swimming, Bathing, Floating
A. No person shall bathe or swim except in areas specifically designated for such purposes and only during posted or permitted times.
1. Within the confines of a protected beach area there shall be no ball playing, frisbees, kite flying, swimming during electrical storms or when conditions are considered to be unsafe, animals allowed, or use of snorkels, facemasks, or scuba diving gear.
2. Boogie boards may only be used during designated times and in designated areas approved by Beach Managers or Lifeguard Supervisors.
B. The use of flotation equipment and other objects including fishing float tubes capable of supporting a person while the person is in the water, is prohibited in the following areas:
1. All designated bathing areas, except that a Coast Guard Approved Personnel Floatation Devices (PFDs) may be utilized in designated swim areas by individuals with disabilities under the supervision of an adult and approval of a Beach Manager or Lifeguard Supervisor.
2. Carolina Trout Pond, Richmond
3. Frosty Hollow Pond, Exeter
4. Little Round Top Pond, Burrillville
5. A.L. Mowry Pond, Smithfield
1.33 Target Range Regulations
A. Gun Handling Requirements:
1. While using the target range, all users shall:
2 Treat all firearms as if loaded. Keep the muzzle of the firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times. Keep firearms pointed down range while on the firing line.
3. Keep his/her finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
4. Keep the action open and the firearm unloaded until ready to shoot. For range purposes, muzzleloader firearms are considered unloaded when free of powder, projectile, and primer.
5. Know his/her target and what is beyond.
6. Know how to safely operate his/her firearm.
7. Use only the correct ammunition for his/her firearm.
8. Not handle firearms or stand at the firing line where firearms are present while others are down range or during any “cease fire” period.
9. In the event a “cease fire” command is called by any individual on the range, immediately bench all firearms, and move to the area behind the yellow line known as the “ready line.”
10. In case of misfire or hang fire, point his/her firearm down range until it can be safely cleared.
11. Perform aimed fire only. No uncontrolled rapid fire, shooting from the hip, “combat style” shooting, or drawing from a holster.
12. Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.
13. Transport firearms to and from the parking lot unloaded and cased. Holstered firearms are not permitted. Upon entering the firing line, firearms must be uncased at the shooting bench with the muzzle pointed down range.
14. Control his/her firearms and ammunition to prevent access by unauthorized persons.
B. General Range Regulations - At all times, while present on the target range, all individuals shall observe the following:
1. No cell phones or electronic devices not related to shooting are allowed on the firing line.
2. Dress properly. No flip-flops, sandals or open toed shoes. No sleeveless shirts, tank tops, bikini tops, low cut blouses or shirtless.
3. Know and obey all range regulations and commands.
4. Know where others are at all times and be aware of his/her surroundings.
5. No smoking on, or within twenty (20) feet of the firing line.
6. Climbing on berms and backstop is prohibited.
7. Mining of lead from berms and backstop is prohibited.
8. Firing at targets on the ground, or placing targets on the berms or backstop is prohibited.
9. Firing at objects other than prescribed targets is prohibited.
10. No incendiary (tracer type) ammunition or targets are allowed.
11. Guests are not allowed on the firing line.
12. Please limit range time to one (1) hour when others are waiting to shoot.
13. The Wildlife Management Area requirement of solid daylight fluorescent orange is not required of Rifle/Pistol Range users.
C. Regulations for Rifle/Pistol Range
1. The discharge of any firearm other than a handgun, shotgun, rim fire rifle, muzzleloader rifle, or air gun is prohibited on the 50-yard rifle/pistol range. The Division of Fish & Wildlife reserves the right to allow or disallow additional types of firearms as deemed appropriate to facility modifications and/or use.
2. The use of shot ammunition on the pistol/rifle range is limited to patterning for seasonal hunting. Appropriate shot and patterning targets required.
3. No firing from positions forward of the designated firing line.
4. No firing from positions other than a designated shooting lane.
5. Use only the provided target stand designated for your shooting lane. No cross firing to other shooting lanes.
6. Use paper targets only no larger than 15” x 20”. All other targets are prohibited. Human silhouette targets and targets depicting people are not allowed.
D. Regulations for Clay Target Range
1. The discharge of any firearm other than a shotgun is prohibited on the clay target range.
2. Ammunition is limited to maximum shot size of # 7-1/2 lead, or equivalent size non-toxic shot. No larger shot size or slugs are permitted on the shotgun range.
3. Clay pigeons are the only allowable target on the shotgun range.
4. Shoot from designated shooting stations only.
5. Guns are to be unloaded, actions open, when not standing in a designated shooting station.
6. Load no more than two (2) shells at a time.
7. Only two (2) shooters may simultaneously utilize the shotgun range.
8. At no time shall shots be fired, or clay targets launched toward the parking area or rifle range.
E. Administrative Rules
1. All users must obtain a range permit prior to using the target range. The RI Division of Fish & Wildlife reserves the right to limit the number of permits issued. Target Range Permits are non-transferable.
2. To apply for a range permit, all applicants eighteen (18) years of age or older must:
a. Obtain an application from the RI Division of Fish & Wildlife, Great Swamp Field Headquarters, 277 Great Neck Rd., West Kingston, RI 02892 or the Fish and Wildlife Education Office at 1B Camp E-Hun-Tee Place, Exeter, RI 02822 or at
b. Complete the application form and have his/her signature notarized.
c. Attach a copy of your driver’s license or other government issued picture ID along with one of the following certifications:
(1) State issued Hunter Education Card
(2) Valid, state issued, firearms hunting license
(3) RIDEM Pistol/Revolver Certification Card (Blue Card)
(4) Valid, RI Department of Attorney General Pistol Permit
(5) Active Military I.D.
(6) Equivalent Certification as determined by the RI Division of Fish and Wildlife.
d. Mail the completed application package along with a LEGAL SIZE, self-addressed stamped envelope to: Range Permit, RI Division of Fish and Wildlife, 1 B Camp E-Hun-Tee Place, Exeter, RI 02822.
e. When this material is received, applicants will be notified that they are eligible to attend a range safety briefing. A range pass will be issued at the conclusion of the range safety briefing. Applications for minors (under 18 years of age) must include the notarized signature and a copy of the driver’s license or other government issued picture ID of a parent or legal guardian. Minors are exempt from requirement three (3) of the application process. Illegible, incomplete, or incorrect permit applications will not be processed.
f. For renewal of permits issued in 2010 or later, please complete the Target Range Permit Application and check the RENEWAL box at the top right and attach your previous permit. It is not necessary to attach your certification or have your signature notarized unless you are moving from a “minor” to an “adult” permit in which case you must apply as a new user. Users who renew must attend a safety briefing to be updated on any changes in regulations or policy.
3. All minors (under 18) must be accompanied by a “qualified adult” when using the range. A “qualified adult” is any person twenty-one (21) years of age or older who is permitted by law to possess and use a firearm. The “qualified adult” must also possess a valid range permit and is directly responsible for the actions of minors under their supervision. The “qualified adult” must assure by direct supervision that minors follow all mandated safety procedures. The “qualified adult” shall supervise only one (1) minor at a time.
4. All individuals must wear present their Range Permit so it is visible to other users and to supervisory personnel and picture ID to the Range Safety Officer when signing in. The permit will be retained by the Range Safety Officer for the duration of the visit and will be returned when signing out. The Range Safety Officer has the authority to retain the permit of any individual found to be in violation of Target Range Regulations. The Range Permit must be presented, upon request, to any authorized person.
5. Persons so designated by the RI Division of Fish & Wildlife are authorized to carry out the Rules and Regulations with regard to range users.
6. Hours of operation will vary by season and environmental conditions and availability of staff. The Division of Fish & Wildlife reserves the right to alter hours and days of operation as conditions warrant.
7. The primary use of the range is for Hunter Education training. Secondary use is for public practice. Range may be closed without notice for special training, maintenance, safety, or weather conditions.
8. Pets must be leashed and strictly controlled at all times. No pets are allowed on the firing line. At no time should pets be allowed to interfere with the range operation.
9. Parking is allowed in designated parking area only.
10. Individuals are responsible to dispose of all trash generated, including shell casings, prior to leaving the range.
11. Assumption of the risk of injury and Indemnification:
In exchange for a person’s use of the target range facility or issuance of a range permit for such use or the issuance of a range permit to a minor at the person’s request, said person agrees that he/she shall at all times assume full liability for any injuries which he/she or the subject minor may suffer while at or near the target range facility. In addition, said person shall hold the state and its agents harmless from any and all claims or damage suits arising from the person’s or the subject minor’s actions at or near the target range facility either by way of omission or commission.
F. Administrative Suspension/Revocation of Permit:
1. With the understanding that public safety is a primary goal of the Division of Fish & Wildlife; the use of the Great Swamp Range is a privilege extended only to those individuals who demonstrate the knowledge and skills to safely use a firearm in public. Due to potential risk associated with the public use of firearms in a manner other than as dictated in these regulations, the Range Safety Officer has the authority to immediately seize the range permit of any individual who demonstrates said unsafe behavior. The Range Safety Officer has the discretion to impose a temporary suspension of shooting privileges and / or repeat of the Range Safety Briefing. In the event of a severe or repeat infractions, shooting privileges may be permanently revoked.
2. Any person aggrieved by a suspension decision pursuant to § 1.33 of this Part. Permanent revocation of a range permit, determination to suspend or revoke a range permit, may appeal the decision in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act, R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 42-35 and 42-17, the Administrative Adjudication for Environmental Matters Act.
G. Administrative Penalties:
1. Any person who is found, pursuant to the authority of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-17.1-2, to have used or to have attempted to use the target range prior to having been issued a range permit or during a period when the range is closed shall be assessed an administrative penalty in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00).
2. Any person who is found, pursuant to the authority of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-17.10 to have used or to have attempted to use the target range during the period of a suspension/revocation of his or her range permit pursuant to § 1.33(F) of this part, shall be assessed an administrative penalty in the amount of one hundred dollars ($ $100.00).
3. Any person aggrieved by a final decision pursuant to § 1.33(G) of this Part, may appeal the decision in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act, R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 42-35 and 42-17.10, the Administrative Adjudication for Environmental Matters Act.
1.34 Trash and Litter
A. No person shall bring into any Public Reservation any trash, ashes, garbage or any other material for the purpose of disposal.
B. All trash and waste material shall be deposited in receptacles provided for that purpose and shall not be left on the grounds or waters.
C. In areas designated as carry in /carry out, all trash must be carried out of the area for proper disposal.
1.35 Trees, Shrubs, Buildings
A. No person shall cut, remove or damage any tree, stone walls, natural element or feature, including but not limited to: fossils and minerals, shrub or vegetation except with official written permission, nor shall any person deface or alter any structure, sign, or other public property or improvements.
B. No person(s) shall create or mark trails without official written permission in any Public Reservation.
1.36 Area Specific Regulations
A. Bay Islands:
1. Camping in the Bay Islands is prohibited.
2. From the period April 1st through August 15th annually the following areas are closed to entry: Dyer Island, Hope Island and Gould Island. During this time period, no person is allowed to enter these areas without official written permission from the Director. During this time period, disturbing or molesting any nesting birds at these area is prohibited.
3. All cats, dogs, and other domestic animals are prohibited at all times at Dutch Island, Dyer Island, Gould Island, Hope Island, and Patience Island; except that hunting dogs may be used at Hope Island while hunting small game or migratory birds only during the open seasons set by the Department, and hunting dogs may be used at Patience Island while hunting migratory birds only during the open seasons set by the Department.
B. Beavertail State Park:
The RIDEM "Rules and Regulations for the Development and Operation of Beavertail State Park, Jamestown, Rhode Island," which were received by the Office of the Secretary of State on August 15, 1980, and which were submitted and recodified in 2017, shall remain in force and are incorporated herein by reference.
C. Charlestown Breachway:
1. Camping permits shall be issued at the Charlestown Breachway on a "first-come, first-serve” basis. Camping is limited to fully self-contained vehicles. The permits shall run from 1:00 PM on date of issuance to 11:00 AM at end of camping period.
2. No camping units with any type of canvas shall be allowed in the day use or camping areas.
3. No camping shall be allowed in the day use lot.
4. At Charlestown Breachway the maximum period of permit is seven days. There shall be a four-day minimum break prior to any re-occupancy.
5. All visitors to the camping area will pay the daily parking rate and park in the day use parking lot.
6. Only one additional non-towed vehicle is allowed to be parked in the camping area per site. Vehicle pass is required.
D. Campground Reservations:
Reservations shall be accepted for State camping areas in accordance with the procedures and policies established by the RIDEM, and amended as necessary, for the proper administration of a campground reservation system and with a State authorized campground reservation system provider.
E. Salty Brine State Beach:
The parking lot at Salty Brine State Beach is for the use of State Beach Patrons only. All vehicles using the lot must fit within the designated parking spaces and cannot protrude or obstruct any traffic within the parking lot.
F. Ninigret Conservation Area/East Beach:
1. No more than thirty (30) day use barrier beach vehicles, RIDEM inspected, are permitted beyond the beach parking lot at any one time.
2. Camping permits shall be issued at the Ninigret area on a "first-come, first-served" basis. Camping is limited to self-contained vehicles, properly RIDEM inspected and licensed. Only twenty (20) camping permits may be issued at any one time. The permits shall run from 1:00 PM on the date of issuance to 11:00 AM at the end of camping period.
3. At the end of a consecutive 72-hour period, self-contained units must leave the Ninigret area and empty holding tanks at designated dumping stations. This operation shall be verified by the clerk on duty at the dump station.
4. No person may occupy a campground for more than a continuous four (4) day period with a three (3) day minimum break prior to any re-occupancy.
5. Parking shall be allowed only in designated areas. All holes and ruts caused by immobilized vehicles shall be filled and the area left in good condition by the operator of the vehicle causing damage.
6. All persons and vehicles must vacate the designated beach parking area by sunset. Parking is prohibited in the beach parking area before sunrise.
7. Day use vehicles displaying a season pass or paying the daily beach fee will be allowed only in the beach parking area designated for this purpose, unless given official written permission to use the Back Track.
G. Purgatory Chasm:
1. Parking is prohibited from sunset to sunrise the following day.
2. Parking in excess of thirty (30) minutes is prohibited.
H. Salter Grove:
No person or vehicle shall be allowed within the limits of the State Park at Salter Grove, in the City of Warwick, between the hours of sunset and sunrise the following day except by official written permission by City of Warwick.
I. Meshanticut Grove:
No person or vehicle shall be allowed within the limits of Meshanticut State Park, in the City of Cranston, between the hours of sunset and sunrise the following day except by official written permission.
J. Hatcheries:
All State Fish Hatcheries are closed to public use.
K. Hillsdale (De Coppet):
Hunting, horseback riding and cycling are prohibited.
L. Dutch Island:
The entry upon Dutch Island is prohibited - no person is allowed to enter onto Dutch Island without official written permission from the Director.
1.37 Penalties for Violation
A. Any person found to have violated any rule and/or regulation by the RIDEM, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $100.00 for each violation, except § 1.33 of this Part, which is governed by §§ 1.33(F)(2) and (G) of this Part, RIDEM to have violated any rule and/or regulation shall be subject to the issuance of a summons and complaint required by the rules and procedures promulgated by the Chief Judge of the District Court governing the Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal in order to institute proceedings before that Tribunal.
B. All persons failing to pay or evade payment of any user or admission fee shall be subject to the penalty provision of R.I. Gen. Laws § 32-20-4, as amended. Any persons found to have violated any of these rules and regulations shall be subject to a fine not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars.
C. No person shall refuse or neglect to obey the direction of any environmental police officer or forest ranger or any other authorized representative of the RIDEM.
1.38 Appendix 1- State Parks and Beaches
Beavertail State Park * |
Blackstone River State Park Bikeway |
Brenton Point State Park |
Burlingame State Park |
Burlingame Campground |
Burlingame North Camp* |
Cocumcussoc Park* |
Colt State Park** |
East Bay Bike Path |
Fisherman’s Memorial State Park (Campground) |
Fort Adams State Park |
Fort Wetherill State Park |
George Washington State Park (Campground) |
Goddard Memorial State Park |
Haines Memorial State Park |
John H. Chaffee Nature Preserve |
J.L. Curran State Park * |
Lincoln Woods State Park |
Meshanicut Park |
Ninigret Conservation Area / East Beach* |
Pulaski State Park |
Snake Den State Park * |
Rocky Point |
Trestle Trail Bike Path |
Washington Grove* |
* Undeveloped, State Park, hunting permitted according to § 1.23 of this Part and current Hunting Regulations and Abstract. |
** Licensed waterfowl hunters are permitted to access Mill Gut via Colt State Park with unloaded and cased firearms. |
Charlestown Breachway-Camp Area |
Ninigret Conservation Area / East Beach-Camp Area* |
East Matunuck State Beach |
Misquamicut State Beach |
Salty Brine State Beach |
Scarborough North & South Beaches |
Roger W. Wheeler State Beach |
1.39 Appendix 2-Management Areas
Arcadia |
Bay Islands |
Black Hut |
Black Farm |
Big River |
Buck Hill |
Burlingame |
Carolina |
Diamond Hill |
Durfee Hill |
Dutch Island |
Dyer Island |
Eight Rod |
Galilee Bird Sanctuary |
George Washington |
Gould Island |
Grass Pond Preserve |
Great Swamp |
Grills Preserve |
Hillsdale |
Hope Island |
Killingly Pond |
Newton Swamp |
Nicholas Farm |
Patience Island |
Prudence Island |
Rockville |
Round Top |
Sapowet Marsh |
Simmons Mill |
South Shore |
Succotash Marsh |
Tillinghast |
Wickaboxet |
Woody Hill |
Note: See Hunting & Trapping Abstract for restrictions |
Title | 250 | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management |
Chapter | 100 | Parks & Recreation |
Subchapter | 00 | N/A |
Part | 1 | Park and Management Area Rules and Regulations (250-RICR-100-00-1) |
Type of Filing | Amendment |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 11/05/2017 to 08/27/2019 |
Regulation Authority:
RIGL Chapters 42.17.1, 42.17.6, 20-15, 32-2 and 32-3, and RIGL 20-1-2, 20-1-4, and 20-1-8, and 42-35 of the Administrative Procedures Act of RIGL of 1956, as amended.
Purpose and Reason:
The purpose of these Rules and Regulations is for the control, custody, governance, and use of State Management Areas, State Parks, and other areas operated and maintained by the Division of Fish and Wildlife, Parks and Recreation, and Forest Environment within the Department of Environmental Management. The content of the rule was updated to clarify language, references and remove redundancy of regulations, and to conform to statewide codification standards.