Rhode Island Industrial Hemp Program


My Page Title




1.4Incorporated Materials


1.6Application Process – Grower and Handler

1.7Application Process – Distributor and Retailer

1.8Issuance of Licensing Agreement and License

1.9Inspection, Sampling and Testing

1.10Program Registry Identification Cards

1.11Operational Requirements

1.12Methods of Extraction

1.13Licensees' Reporting Requirements

1.14Institutions of Higher Education

1.15Violations and Enforcement; Penalties

1.16 Severability

Title 230 Department of Business Regulation (includes the Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner)
Chapter 80 Marijuana
Subchapter 10 Industrial Hemp
Part 1 Rhode Island Industrial Hemp Program
Type of Filing Direct Final Amendment
Regulation Status Inactive
Effective 06/11/2022 to 08/14/2024

Regulation Authority:

R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 2-26-1
et seq.

Purpose and Reason:

The purpose of this Part is to describe the licensing and regulation of industrial hemp growth, production, distribution and retail sales as an agricultural product as provided for in R.I. Gen. Laws § 2-26-4 and AIA 2018, § 297 as it pertains to the hemp growers, handlers, retailers and distributors and the employees of each, as participants in the state's Industrial Hemp Program.

The Department is proposing to delete § 1.11(J)(5) wherein it prohibits a retailer from selling products intended for aerosolization or vaporization. The final version of the 2021 amendments (effective 10/10/21) deleted a similar and symbiotic provision at § 1.11(H)(1)(f), as represented in the last Concise Explanatory Statement. Vape delivery systems and their associated cartridges/products are already regulated pursuant to 216-RICR-50-15-6, Licensing of Electronic Nicotine-Delivery System Distributors and Retailers, administered by RIDOH. § 1.11 (J)(5) should have been deleted in conjunction with § 1.11(H)((1)(f) in the 2021 proposed amendments. This rulemaking corrects that oversight. 

The Department does not expect these proposed amendments to be controversial.  The proposed amendment will take effect thirty (30) days after publication if no objection is received.