Mixed Martial Arts
6.1 Authority
This Part governing Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is adopted pursuant to the authority granted in R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 41-5.2 (the "Act"), specifically including rulemaking authority under R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-25.
6.2 Purpose
A. This Part is adopted to assist the Department of Business Regulation (“Department”) in carrying out the administration and enforcement of the terms and provisions of the Act. In the development of this Part, the Department’s policy purposes are:
1. To protect the health, safety and well-being of the competitors;
2. To protect and promote the integrity of events for the benefit of the consuming public; and
3. To protect the collection of the tax levied upon events by the State of Rhode Island in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-27.
B. This Part shall be liberally construed and applied to effectuate and promote the stated policy purposes.
6.3 Incorporated Materials
A. In addition to the mandates of R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 41-5.2-8, 41-5.2-18, and 41-5.2-20, R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-25 expressly recognizes the standards, rules, regulations, handbooks, or other standards and procedures governing boxing as approved by the Association of Boxing Commissions (“ABC”). The ABC is a non-profit organization comprised of U.S. state and tribal representatives that regulate professional MMA, with an organizational mission to promote the uniformity of health and safety standards and other requirements pertaining to the conduct of sports events. This Part hereby adopts and incorporates by reference all of the following publications by the ABC:
1. ABC Unified Weight Classes - MMA. https://www.abcboxing.com/unified-%20weight-classes-mma/.
2. ABC Unified Rules of MMA "Fouls." http://www.abcboxing.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/2017-Fouls-Unified-Rules-MMA.pdf.
3. ABC and Combative Sports, Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts. https://www.abcboxing.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/abc-unified-rules-MMA-08012018.pdf.
B. § 6.3 of this Part does not automatically include later amendments to or editions of the incorporated material; however, the Division may periodically update this § 6.3 of this Part to re-incorporate the most recent version of the material incorporated through rulemaking including without limitation direct final rulemaking.
6.4 Definitions
A. “Announcer” means a person who announces information at an Event, including particularly introducing and giving information about athletes competing in an Event and announcing results and scores of an Event.
B. "Boxing Commission" means an entity authorized under state law to regulate Professional Boxing Matches and MMA Events.
C. "Closed circuit television" means any telecast of an Event which is not intended to be available for viewing without the payment of a fee, collected for or based upon each event viewed, for the privilege of viewing the telecast and includes the terms "pay per view".
D. "Competitor" means an athlete participant in an Event.
E. "Contest" and "Match" are synonymous, may be used interchangeably and mean an Event between two (2) Competitors in which the Competitors strive in good faith to win.
F. “Corner” or “Second” means a natural person, including a trainer or coach, authorized to assist a Competitor within the dressing room or alongside the combat area in preparation for, during the course of, or after the conclusion of a Competitor’s match.
G. “Division” means the Department of Business Regulation, Division of Gaming and Athletics.
H. "Event" or "Events" means a Contest, Match or Exhibition taking place within the State of Rhode Island where Professional MMA Competitors display or exhibit MMA.
I. "Exhibition" means an Event in which the Competitors show or display their skills without necessarily striving to win.
J. "Flagrant foul" means an intentional foul that causes a crippling injury upon an opponent, so that the injured contestant is adjudged incapable of continuing the contest or exhibition.
K. "Judge" means a Person licensed by the Division who attends the Event and who has the responsibility of scoring or judging the performance of the Competitors in the Event.
L. "Manager" means a person who receives compensation for service as an agent or representative of an MMA fighter.
M. "Matchmaker" means a person who, on behalf of the Promoter, proposes, selects, and arranges the fighters to participate in a professional MMA match.
N. “MMA event medical professional” or “Medical professional” means duly licensed Physicians and persons qualified to assist the Physician (including nurse practitioners, first aid instructors, and/or resuscitators/EMTs) participating in an Event.
O. "MMA registry" means any entity certified by the Association of Boxing Commissions for the purposes of maintaining records and identification of Professional MMA Competitors.
P. "Physician" means an individual currently licensed to practice medicine in the State of Rhode Island and who has been licensed by and is working for the Division during all Events.
Q. "Professional MMA competitor" means one who competes for a money prize or purse by engaging in MMA events.
R. "Promoter" means any entity or person who produces or stages any professional Contest or Exhibition.
S. "Purse" means the financial guarantee or any other remuneration for which contestants are participating in a contest or exhibition.
T. "Referee" means a Person to be licensed with the Division who has the general supervision of the Event and is present inside the cage during the Event.
6.5 Licenses
A. Licenses - Event
1. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-2, no Event shall take place or be conducted unless the Promoter of the Event has applied for and received a license from the Division (the "Event License"). An Event Application shall be received by the Division at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the scheduled Event. The Event Application shall be completed in full, shall be in compliance with and include all of the information required by R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-3, and shall also include the following:
a. Proof of compliance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-9 with respect to the fighting area.
b. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 41-5.2-4 and 41-5.2-23, proof of insurance and bond as required by §§ 6.7 and 6.8 of this Part.
c. A copy of the approval from the city or town authorities where the Event is to be held.
d. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-3, an application fee in the amount of eight-hundred-dollars ($800).
e. Bout Sheet listing the Competitors and the opponents with which they are matched.
f. Pursuant to the Division’s authority under R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-25, the following information regarding the Competitors and opponents identified in the bout sheet:
(1) The full legal name and relevant professional or stage name of each person, along with his/her date of birth and social security number;
(2) A current passport type photograph of each person;
(3) The complete fight record of each Competitor prior to the MMA Event for which the license is sought, including the full legal name of his/her opponent, any professional or stage name used by his/her opponent at the time of the fight, and the date, place, and result of each fight on the fight record; and
(4) A detailed summary of the contractual agreement between the applicant and each person who will perform as a Competitor in the Event for which the license is sought, including, among other things, the pecuniary gain or other consideration to be paid to or on behalf of each person by reason of his or her performance in the match or exhibition.
g. An itemization of the gross receipts and the expenses anticipated by the applicant in the conduct of the Event for which the license is sought;
h. The name, date of birth, and social security number of the person who will collect, hold, and transmit to the Rhode Island General Treasurer, on behalf of the applicant, the sums mentioned in R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-27.
i. Satisfactory proof that the applicant is the sole owner of the cage equipment to be used in the Event for which the license is sought. Sole ownership includes any lease or rental agreement under which the applicant enjoys control and custody of the cage equipment substantially equivalent to that of a sole owner.
j. Fire safety inspection approval for the Event from the appropriate municipal or state fire official with his or her signature and that of the Applicant.
k. Any other information as requested by the Division in the course of its review of the Event License Application.
2. In making its determination as to whether to issue or deny the Event License, the Division may in its discretion consider any factors which it deems appropriate. In addition, the Division reserves the right to place such conditions on the granting of an Event License as the Division deems necessary and reasonable pursuant to this Part and the Act.
3. No Event for which a license is required under R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-2 shall be advertised, announced, or otherwise publicly promoted until the license has been issued by the Division, or the Division approves the promotion after a substantially complete application for the license has been filed. A violation of this section shall be grounds for license denial or revocation pursuant to § 6.13 of this Part.
4. No Event license shall be issued unless the Division has inspected the building where the Event is to be conducted and determined that the building is suitable for the proposed Event.
a. In determining suitability, the Division shall consider the proposed location for the cage, the adequacy of the shower and dressing facilities for the Competitors, and all other matters relevant to the public welfare.
b. The Division shall re-inspect the proposed location within forty-eight (48) hours of the starting time for the first match in the licensed Event and, for good cause, may determine that the location is no longer suitable, in which case the Event license may be revoked in accordance with § 6.13 of this Part or subject to re-instatement upon such terms and conditions as the Division deems appropriate.
c. At least four (4) hours prior to the starting time for the first match in the licensed Event, the Division shall examine all equipment to be used by the Competitors during the Event, including cage equipment, gloves, and protector cups, as applicable. If for good cause the Division determines that the conduct of the Event with the equipment is not consistent with the highest regard for the safety and well-being of the Competitors, the Event license may be revoked in accordance with § 6.13 of this Part or subject to reinstatement upon such terms and conditions as the Division deems appropriate.
B. Licenses - Competitors
1. No person shall be a "Competitor" in an MMA Event unless licensed by the Division at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the starting time for the first Match or Exhibition (the "Competitor License"). The Competitor License Application shall be complete in all respects and shall be in compliance with and include all the information required by R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 41-5.2-3, 41-5.2-5, 41- 5.2-6, and 41- 5.2-7.
2. The Competitor Application shall include the following:
a. A detailed summary of the contractual agreement between the applicant and the licensee for the Event for which the applicant seeks to be licensed as a Competitor, including but not limited to the pecuniary gain or other consideration to be paid to, or on behalf of, the applicant by reason of his or her performance in the Event;
b. A detailed description of every ongoing medical condition and every illness, injury, current or pre-existing medical condition, or other incapacity suffered by the applicant within six (6) months of the Event for which the applicant seeks to be licensed as a Competitor, including but not limited to the dates of each illness, injury, or other incapacity, the name and address of all persons who treated or examined the applicant, the nature of the treatment prescribed (including the generic name for any medications or medicines prescribed), and whether the applicant has recovered;
c. The complete fight record of the applicant for the twelve (12) months prior to the Event for which the applicant seeks to be licensed as a Competitor, including the full, legal name of his or her opponent, any professional or stage name used by his or her opponent at the time of the Event, and the date, place, and results of the Event;
d. The date and circumstances of any disqualification, sanction, or denial of permission to compete imposed against the applicant by any state authority governing MMA within twelve (12) months of the Event for which the applicant seeks to be licensed as a Competitor;
e. The full, legal name of the applicant, every professional or stage name used by him or her, and his or her date of birth and social security number;
f. A current passport-type photograph of the applicant;
g. A report of a physician duly licensed by the Division that shall:
(1) Certify whether the applicant is fit to perform as a Competitor;
(2) Be based on a recently conducted complete examination of the applicant by the physician preparing the report; and
(3) Contain a complete medical history of the applicant and the results of such tests conducted by or on behalf of the examining physician as the medical history of the applicant warrants or as are material to the physician’s certification; and
h. A fifty-dollar ($50) application fee, pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-3.
3. Upon receipt of a Competitor Application, the Division shall review the Competitor Application to determine if it complies with the requirements of the Act and this Part. In connection therewith, the Division may require that the Competitor submit such additional information as the Division may deem necessary to enable it to complete its evaluation of the Competitor Application.
4. As part of the review conducted pursuant to § 6.5(B)(3) of this Part, no license shall be granted to a Professional MMA fighter who:
a. Has lost six (6) or more consecutive fights; or
b. Fails, in the sole discretion of the Division, to receive a satisfactory physician's certification.
C. Additional MMA License Types. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-2, the Division also licenses Managers and Seconds; Referees, Judges, Timekeepers; and MMA Event Medical Professionals. Applicants for such license types shall file applications on forms designated by the Division, in addition to the following:
1. Managers and Seconds. Persons applying as Managers must submit a copy of their contractual arrangement with a Competitor demonstrating that the person falls within the definition of Manager defined in § 6.4 of this Part. Applicants for Manager and Second licenses shall pay a fifty-dollar ($50) application fee pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-3.
2. Referees, Judges and Timekeepers must provide the Division with a current resume including but not limited to licensure in any jurisdiction and any past professional and/or amateur experience, which shall be reviewed for sufficiency at the sole discretion of the Division and shall pay a license fee in the amount of ten dollars ($10) pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-3.
a. Referee and Judge applicants must possess ABC certification upon application to the Division.
b. Judge applicants must be trained by a Judge licensed by the Division for two (2) MMA events and that licensed Judge must submit an evaluation of the Judge applicant to the Division for its review prior to licensure.
3. MMA Event Medical Professionals.
a. Physicians must be licensed and in good standing in Rhode Island, must have at least three (3) years of licensed professional experience, and their experience must be directly applicable to the anticipated medical needs of MMA Competitors as determined by the Division upon application to the Division, and:
(1) Any Physician applicant must provide the Division with his/her Certificate of Insurance from his/her medical malpractice insurance carrier;
(2) Prior to licensure, the applicant Physician must be trained by another Physician licensed by the Division for two (2) MMA events; and
(3) The Physician applicant shall pay a license fee of ten dollars ($10) pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-3.
b. Nurse Practitioners must be licensed and in good standing in Rhode Island, must submit a resume including but not limited to any licensure in any jurisdiction and any relevant experience, which shall be reviewed for sufficiency at the sole discretion of the Division, and shall pay a license fee of ten dollars ($10) pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-3.
c. Resuscitators must possess an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician-Cardiac (“AEMT-C”) license issued by the Department of Health upon application to the Division and must provide a copy of it to the Division and shall pay a license fee of ten dollars ($10) pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-3.
4. Licensed Inspectors.
a. The Division may designate and assign licensed Inspector(s) as its authorized representative(s) to evaluate the suitability of the proposed premises or equipment for an Event pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-9 and to monitor the Event, Competitors, and other participants subject to this Part for compliance with the Act and this Part.
b. Every licensed Inspector shall perform his/her duty at the direction of the Division and report actionable violations to the Division in accordance with reporting directions given by the Division.
c. No licensed Inspector shall hold any direct or indirect financial interest in any Event, Competitor, or other participant licensed under this Part.
d. Prior to licensure, Inspector applicants must provide the Division with a list of occupational experiences including but not limited to any licensure in any jurisdiction and any past professional and/or amateur experience, which shall be reviewed for sufficiency at the sole discretion of the Division. Prior to licensure, Inspector applicants must be trained by an Inspector licensed by the Division for two (2) MMA events and upon completion of the training the supervising Inspector shall submit a certification of said training to the Division.
e. Inspector applicants shall pay a license fee of ten dollars ($10) pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-3.
D. Participants Not Requiring Special Licensing
1. Matchmakers and Announcers. Matchmakers and announcers may participate in an MMA Event without being licensed. It shall be the responsibility of the Event Licensee to ensure that these non-licensed persons comply with the Act and this Part.
2. Athlete Competitors Acting as Corners/Seconds. All athlete Competitors must fill out the "Competitor's License Application Form". An athlete Competitor who also seeks to act as a Corner/Second at an Event in which the athlete Competitor is not personally competing may receive approval from the Division to do so by indicating such intent on his or her Competitor's license application. However, under no circumstances may a person licensed as a Corner/Second become licensed as a Competitor without filling out the requisite forms for the Competitor's license application.
6.6 License Duration, Suspension and Revocation
A. All Event Licenses issued pursuant to this Part shall be valid until the termination of the Event. All other Licenses issued pursuant to this Part shall be valid until December 31 of the year the License was issued.
B. R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-28 authorizes the Division to suspend or revoke a license issued under this Part. A licensee subject to such an action may request an opportunity for a hearing under § 6.6(D) of this Part.
C. The Division official in attendance at the Event shall be empowered to immediately suspend or revoke any License on an emergency basis if the Division official determines that any of the Licensees, including the Event Licensee, is in material non-compliance with the conditions of the License, this Part, or the Act.
D. The notice for and conduct of any hearings held pursuant to this Regulation or the state or federal Acts shall be governed by the applicable provisions of the Acts, the Department's Rules of Procedure for Administrative Hearings, Part 10-00-2 of this Title, and the Administrative Procedures Act, R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-35.
6.7 Insurance
A. General Liability. All Promoters shall furnish to the Division within twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Event satisfactory proof of commercial general liability insurance providing for at least a one-million dollar ($1,000,000) limit per occurrence, at least a one-million dollar ($1,000,000) limit per personal and advertising injury, and at least a two-million dollar ($2,000,000) general aggregate limit.
B. Health Insurance. All Promoters shall furnish to the Division within twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Event satisfactory proof of health insurance for the protection of Competitors participating in the Event. In accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-6, such insurance coverage shall provide for at least twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) to the Competitor for medical, dental, surgical and/or hospital care for all injuries sustained while participating in any sparring match, bout, contest or exhibition conducted under the control of said Promoter.
C. Death Benefit. All Promoters shall furnish within twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Event satisfactory proof of a death benefit payment of at least fifty-thousand dollars ($50,000) to the estate of the deceased Competitor if such death is occasioned by injuries received during the course of sparring or during the course of a bout, contest or exhibition conducted under the control of such Promoter.
D. The terms of the insurance coverage under this Part must not require the Competitor to pay a deductible for the medical, surgical or hospital care for injuries the Competitor sustains while engaged in a contest or exhibition.
E. Failure to produce proof of insurance required under this part shall be grounds for the denial or revocation of a License.
F. Sunday and Holiday Events. When the scheduled event takes place on a Sunday or a Holiday, proof of insurance in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-4 must be furnished to the Division within one (1) business day prior to said Event.
6.8 Bonds
A. In accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-23, no event license shall be granted unless the Promoter has executed and filed with the Division a bond in a penal sum of fifty-thousand dollars ($50,000), with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactory to the Division, running to the Division, conditioned upon the payment to the State of Rhode Island of the sums mentioned in R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-27, and upon faithful compliance by the licensee with the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 41-5.2 and with such other laws of the State as may be applicable to anything done by the licensee in pursuit of the license.
B. The bond shall also provide for the forfeiture to the State, recoverable at the suit of the Attorney General, of such sum, not exceeding ten-thousand ($10,000), as may be stipulated in the bond for each case of non-compliance.
6.9 Medical Examinations, Drug Testing and Record Keeping
A. Medical Examinations Required. Pursuant to the authority granted the Division in R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-3, every application for a Competitor license shall include each of the requirements listed in § 6.9(B) of this Part.
B. Each of the following tests shall be conducted by a Physician licensed within the United States, or by a Physician Assistant or a Nurse Practitioner acting under the supervision of a licensed Physician. The results of each test shall be reported on the Division provided form bearing the examiner’s name. It shall bear the statement "Fighter is cleared to participate", or "Fit to Compete", or "Medically Approved", if so concluded by the supervising physician, and it shall contain the supervising physician’s signature.
1. A comprehensive Physical Exam performed within one (1) year of the Event in accordance with § 6.5(B)(2)(g) of this Part.
2. An Ophthalmologic Eye Examination including a dilated retinal exam performed within one (1) year of the Event.
3. An EKG performed within one (1) year of the Event and interpreted and signed by a licensed Cardiologist or Physician.
a. In its discretion, considering an individual fighter's recent competitive activity, the Division may also require any Competitor thirty-five (35) years of age or older to submit to a Stress Test with a clearance letter from a licensed Cardiologist dated within one (1) year of the Event.
4. An MRI or CTScan performed within three (3) years of the Event. An MRI or CTScan remains valid for three (3) years from the date of the test. If the MRI or CTScan is over one (1) year old the Competitor must additionally submit a complete neurological examination, performed by a licensed Neurologist.
5. A negative HIV serology (AIDS blood test) dated within six (6) months of the Event.
6. A negative Hepatitis "B" Surface Antigen (HBV sAG) blood test dated within six (6) months of the Event. Negative Hep "B" cAb, eAg are not acceptable.
a. If a competitor has undergone a vaccination series for Hepatitis "B," he/she may present proof of immunity via a blood test called HBV sAb. If this test is positive, the fighter is considered immune to the virus and does not need to be tested for the HBV sAg.
7. A negative Hepatitis "C" serology (blood test) dated within six (6) months of the Event.
8. A pregnancy test for female Competitors dated within seven (7) to fourteen (14) days of the Event.
C. No Competitor shall be permitted to compete unless, not more than three (3) hours before the Event, a physician, licensed under this chapter, shall certify, in writing, that the Competitor is physically fit to engage in the Event. The certification shall be based in part on an examination of the Competitor by a duly licensed physician on the morning of the Event or at least six (6) hours before the Competitor is scheduled to enter the cage, whichever is earlier. The physician’s fee, as fixed by the Division, shall be paid by the licensee conducting the Event prior to the issuance of the certification by the physician. In the event that a Competitor cannot be certified as physically fit to engage in the Event, then such fact shall be made known to the public prior to the acceptance of an admission fee or the tender of an admission ticket for the Event. Any person who pays an admission fee prior to the disclosure that the Competitor is not certified as physically fit shall, at his or her election, be entitled to an immediate refund of the admission fee. The examinations required by this Part shall include an examination of the Competitor’s vision and eye condition.
D. Drug Testing. The administration or use of any substance identified on the "Prohibited List" published by the World Anti-doping Agency (www.usada.org/substances/prohibited-list/) either before or during an Event by any Competitor is prohibited.
1. For the purpose of verifying compliance with this rule, the Division may require that any Competitor submit to a urinalysis or blood test prior to or after the Event, or if recommended by the Physician, any other post-Event examination.
2. The Division may revoke or suspend the Competitor License of any Competitor whose urinalysis or blood test is positive for any substance on the Prohibited List and any such suspension may be no less than thirty (30) days and no more than six (6) months.
3. Should a winning Competitor's laboratory testing results return as a positive test his/her victory/win may be removed, a "no contest" decision may be entered into his/her MMA record, and each Competitor will be notified of any positive test result or change in match result using the contact information provided on his/her License Application.
4. All costs associated with the foregoing tests shall be borne by the Competitor and/or the Promoter.
E. Records. All medical reports and tests required to be performed pursuant to this Part or the Act shall be considered confidential and shall be open to examination only to the Division or its duly authorized representatives (including a Hearing Officer if applicable), to the Competitor and, upon written authorization of the Competitor to all such designated persons or Boxing Commissions.
F. In addition to any powers of the Referee provided in R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-17 and any other sections of this Part and the Act, the Referee may, in his or her discretion, request the Physician to examine a Competitor during a Match. Should the examination occur during the course of a round, the clock shall be stopped until the examination is completed.
6.10 Conflicts of Interest
A. No employee of the Division may belong to, contract with, or receive any compensation from, any Person who sanctions, arranges or promotes Professional MMA Matches or who otherwise has a financial interest in an active Professional MMA Fighters currently registered with an MMA Registry. For purposes of this section, the term "compensation" does not include funds held in escrow for the payment to another Person in connection with a Professional MMA Match.
B. No licensee shall have, directly or indirectly, any financial interest in a Competitor competing on premises owned or leased by the licensee, or in which the licensee is otherwise interested. No Competitor in an Event shall be paid for services before the services are rendered, and, should it be determined by the judges and referee that a Competitor did not give an honest exhibition of his or her skill, his or her services shall not be remunerated.
6.11 Reporting
Not later than forty-eight (48) business hours after the conclusion of a Professional MMA Match, the Division shall report the results of such Match and any related suspensions to each MMA Registry.
6.12 Miscellaneous
A. No male Competitor may participate in an MMA Event against a female Competitor or vice-versa.
B. Any Person applying for a Competitor's License without significant professional or amateur experience may be required to show proof of proper training as a Professional MMA Fighter.
C. In addition to the Physician who shall be in attendance at the Event, some ambulance and/or medical personnel with appropriate resuscitation equipment shall be continuously present at ringside. No match shall be allowed to commence without proper medical transportation (ambulance) readily available on the spot.
D. No liquid refreshments of any kind may be sold at the Event except in paper or plastic containers. Chairs must be securely attached so they are not portable.
E. Closed Circuit Television. No closed-circuit television shows of matches or exhibitions shall be permitted in the state unless the promoter has first obtained a permit/license from the Division. A promoter shall submit the application of the form provided by the Division and the application shall contain information pertaining to the dates, locations and cities in which the matches shall be shown.
F. Competitor Substitutions. No substitution of Competitors may be made within twenty-three (23) hours of the starting time for the first match in the Event. If one or more of the Competitors listed on the licensee’s application fails to appear for his or her examination with the Division, or to enter the cage and compete, and substitution is not permitted the contest or contests in which the Competitor was to appear shall be cancelled and notice of the cancellation shall be made to the public at the earliest practicable time.
G. Officials’ Compensation. The Division will publish an annual list specifying the compensation to be paid to licensed referees, judges, physicians, inspectors, lead inspectors, timekeepers and resuscitators for each Event worked in a given year. Compensation for a championship match may be established at a different rate than rates for other matches.
H. Corners. In any match there shall be not more than three (3) corner persons for each Competitor.
I. Facial lacerations. The license of a Competitor who suffers a laceration over or about an eye or nose during a licensed match may be suspended, and the Competitor may not be eligible for future licensing until a duly licensed physician certifies that the laceration is properly healed and not a cause to withhold licensing.
J. No Licensee shall sell or cause to be sold or issued more tickets or invitations purporting to admit to any Event more persons than are admissible according to the authorized capacity of the building, or part thereof actually used therefor.
6.13 Enforcement
A. Complaints and Investigations. All complaints regarding licensees or other persons for violations of this Regulation or the Act may be investigated by the Department. The Department may upon its own initiative, with or without a complaint, investigate violations of this Part or the Act.
B. Hearings. The notice for and conduct of any hearing held pursuant to this Part or the Act shall be governed by the applicable provision of the Act, the Department’s Rules of Procedure for Administrative Hearings, Part 10-00-2 of this Title, and the Administrative Procedures Act, R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-35.
C. Penalties. Pursuant to the authority granted the Division in R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-28, the Division may revoke or suspend a license for any violation of this Part, the Act, any other law of the state, or when the licensee has, in the judgment of the division, been guilty of any act or offense detrimental to the public interest.
6.14 Variances or Waivers
The Division, upon its own or at the request of any Licensee or of any applicant for a License, may grant variances or waivers of any portion of this Part in the Division’s sole discretion as it deems proper or necessary depending upon the facts and individual circumstances of the request.
6.15 Severability
If any provision of these regulations, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or application of these regulations which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions are declared to be severable.
Title | 230 | Department of Business Regulation (includes the Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner) |
Chapter | 30 | Commercial Licensing |
Subchapter | 30 | Gaming and Athletics |
Part | 6 | Mixed Martial Arts |
Type of Filing | Adoption |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 12/24/2019 to 01/04/2022 |
Regulation Authority:
R.I. Gen. Laws § 41-5.2-25
Purpose and Reason:
The adoption of the proposed MMA regulation will codify the application process for all MMA license types, will standardize licensure for MMA professional involvement consistent with other professional athletic licensure both in the State of Rhode Island and nationwide, and will provide a predictable set of provisions that protect the health and welfare of its professional Competitors and other essential licensees. The regulation provides protections for competitors and the attending public through provisions such as medical clearance and drug testing, ringside set-up and barriers, and the integrity of the sport through scoring oversight.