Minimum Standards and Regulations for Rhode Island Public Libraries
Title | 220 | Department of Administration |
Chapter | 60 | Enterprise Technology Strategy and Service |
Subchapter | 15 | Library and Information Services |
Part | 2 | Minimum Standards and Regulations for Rhode Island Public Libraries |
Type of Filing | Adoption |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 08/05/2013 to 08/05/2013 |
Regulation Authority:
These proposed standards and regulations have been prepared in accordance with Sections 29-3.1-4.1, 29-3.1-7, and 29-6-3, as well as Chapter 42-35 of the General Laws of Rhode Island, as amended.
Purpose and Reason:
The purpose of these Standards and Regulations for Rhode Island Public Libraries ("Minimum Standards") is to ensure that all Rhode Islanders have access to excellent public library service in their home town. These Minimum Standards replace in their entirety minimum standards adpoted in 2000. Rhode Island’s public libraries have matured significantly since the Library Board of Rhode Island last reviewed and adopted Minimum Standards for Rhode Island Public Libraries in 2000. Through proposed standards and regulations, the Library Board of Rhode Island hopes to continue to ensure the highest possible level of library service for all Rhode Islanders and while reducing the burden of annual paperwork required of the libraries that provide that service. The total number of Standards has been reduced from 54 to 23 Standards. The Standards have been revised with an eye toward becoming more measurable and to reflect clearer objectives. In comparison to the 2000 Standards, the proposed standards and regulations are streamlined, eliminate duplication and any items published elsewhere, such as by law or building code, defer to such laws and codes. Many of the Standards in the 2000 edition have also become an integral part of operations at all RI libraries. For example, in the 2000 Standards, number 8: “The library provides access for users to statewide library holdings both within the library and remotely 24 hours a day, seven days a week, via the World Wide Web.” Public libraries are members of Ocean State Libraries and as members all public libraries all comply. Standard 8 is still important for RI Libraries but compliance may be taken for granted from OSL membership and need no longer be explicit. Standards that may be seen as best practices already adopted are not included in this version. After the comment period, no changes were made to the proposed regulations.