Starting RIght, Child Care Assistance Program, Section 0850
Title | 218 | Department of Human Services |
Chapter | 20 | Individual and Family Support Programs |
Subchapter | 00 | N/A |
Part | 4 | Starting RIght, Child Care Assistance Program, Section 0850 |
Type of Filing | Amendment |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 12/01/2015 to 03/30/2016 |
Regulation Authority:
RIGL 42-102-9, RIGL 42-102-11, RIGL 40-6-2-1.1
Purpose and Reason:
Renaming the Back to Work Pilot Program to Child Care for Training. Removing the sunset date of 1/1/15 of the pilot program. Increasing the CCAP provider rates. Renaming Addendum 3 from CCAP Approved Provider Reimbursement Rates to Maximum Weekly Reimbursement Rates. The new rates are reflected in Addendum 3. Making a technical revision to clarify that the minimum requirement for 20 hours/week of employment for a two-parent family, must be achieved by each individual parent and cannot be combined to reach the minimum 20 hours/week.
Brief statement of Reason for Finding Imminent Peril:
To ensure appropriate distribution of provider payments per the Governor's budget article and avoid wrongful discontinuance of benefits.