Effective Communication with Persons of Limited English Proficiency (LEP)


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Title 214 Department of Children, Youth, and Families
Chapter XXX Old Regulations Which Were Not Assigned Chapter-Subchap-Part
Subchapter XX Old Regulations Which Were Not Assigned Chapter-Subchap-Part
Part 1072 Effective Communication with Persons of Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
Type of Filing Periodic Refile
Regulation Status Inactive
Effective 01/02/2002 to 12/27/2018

Regulation Authority:


Purpose and Reason:

The Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) maintains a system whereby staff providing services or information in person, in writing or by telephone are able, during all hours of DCYF operation, to communicate effectively with LEP beneficiaries and to provide such services in an equal manner.