Regulations of the Comprehensive Early Childhood Education Program - Standards for Approval of Preschool and Kindergarten Programs
Title | 200 | Board of Education |
Chapter | 20 | Council on Elementary and Secondary Education |
Subchapter | 10 | Academic Standards, Programs and Operations |
Part | 6 | Regulations of the Comprehensive Early Childhood Education Program - Standards for Approval of Preschool and Kindergarten Programs |
Type of Filing | Amendment |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 07/01/2013 to 12/31/2018 |
Regulation Authority:
R.I.G.L. § 16-48-3
Purpose and Reason:
I. Section III (Standards One – Ten): Regulations were revised to reflect a common organizational structure and terms across the continuum of program quality regulations/standards which apply to various types of early learning programs: specifically the DYCF Child Care Licensing Regulations and the BrightStars Tiered Quality Rating System standards. II. Section III: Regulations reorganized and condensed to better support the field in understanding and demonstrating compliance: a. (Standard Five): The qualifications, experience and ongoing professional development requirements for each position (education coordinator, teacher and teacher assistant) have been merged into a single standard for each position. b. (Standard Six): The Administration Standards have been grouped around the following key concepts: general administration standards; continuous quality improvement standards; and staff evaluation and professional development standards. c. (Standard Seven): The content in the Curriculum Standards has been organized to align with the core components of a quality curriculum: context; content; teaching and facilitation; and process as outlined in the RI Early Learning and Development Standards professional development. d. (Standard Nine): The Differentiated Teaching and Learning Standards have been integrated into the Curriculum and Child Assessment sections (Standards Seven and Eight). III. Section III (Standards One and Two): Removed duplicative regulations that were already addressed in core approval, through either DCYF licensure or the BEP; IV. Section III (Standards One and Two): Added or revised regulations to align with best practice recommendations provided to DCYF licensure related to Health and Safety, and Facilities from National Association for Regulatory Administration; V. Section III (Standards One and Two): Grouped regulations applicable only to public schools separately; VII. Significant changes in the regulations include: a. Section III (Standard 1.8): Removed requirement that bathrooms be within 40 feet of classroom; b. Section III (Standard 1.14): Removed requirement that classrooms be on first floor; c. Section I : Aligned minimum hours of instruction required to state law for Kindergarten (Increase to 13.75 from 12); d. Section I: Added requirement that programs submit application to BrightStars within one year of applying for RIDE CECE Approval; e. Section III (Standard 4.1): Added option for Education Coordinator to hold BA plus 24 credits in Early Childhood Education without certification