Basic Education Program (200-RICR-20-10-1)
1.1 Setting Directions for the Local Education Agency
A. The Basic Education Program (BEP) is a set of regulations promulgated by the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education pursuant to its delegated statutory authority to determine standards for the Rhode Island public education system and the maintenance of local appropriation to support its implementation under R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-60-4.
B. The BEP must be read in concert with all other applicable legal mandates, under both federal and state law, in order to ascertain the full rights afforded to every student in the Rhode Island public education system. The BEP, along with the other applicable regulations and standards promulgated and adopted by the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education, is designed to ensure that high-quality education is available to all public school students, regardless of where they reside or which school they attend. The standards set forth in this title are designed to be measurable in order to determine compliance with the law and, more generally, to determine whether equality of educational opportunity is being provided at the local level.
C. Central to the concept of equal educational opportunity is the presence of a basic level of academic and support programs that demonstrate substantial compliance with established qualitative standards, coupled with a demonstrated commitment to continuous improvement, including a sufficiency of resources dedicated to those efforts. Though each Local Education Agency (LEA) may offer additional options to its students, each student must be provided equal access to at least the services that are described in these regulations. It is not required that every school offer every service detailed in the BEP, but it is required that LEAs ensure equal access to mandated services for each and every student. Information gathered as a result of measuring LEA compliance with the BEP will allow different constituencies to bring an informed perspective to the ongoing process of improving the Rhode Island public education system. The BEP is regulatory in nature and, as such, has full force of law.
1.1.2 Council on Elementary and Secondary Education Expectations for a Statewide Education System
A. Establishing Requirements for the Basic Education Program.
1. The mission of the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education is to lead and support schools and communities in ensuring that all students achieve at the high levels needed to lead fulfilling and productive lives, to succeed in academic and employment settings, and to contribute to society.
2. In order to fulfill its mission, the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education has articulated the requirements for the BEP for all LEAs that ensure that every public school student will have equal access to a high quality, rigorous, and equitable array of educational opportunities from PK-12. The Council on Elementary and Secondary Education has established substantive and measurable standards and requirements for curriculum, instruction, and assessment systems; student and family supports for academic work and career success; and administration, management, and accountability. In establishing these requirements, the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education was intentional in its integration of 21st century student skills and outcomes, i.e., the economic, civic, language, cultural, and global competencies Rhode Island students will need to become lifelong learners and global citizens.
B. Aligned and Cohesive Education System Dedicated to Continuous Improvement
1. The Council on Elementary and Secondary Education believes that an aligned and cohesive education system is required in order to ensure that all Rhode Island students are adequately prepared for life beyond secondary education. This aligned and cohesive education system shall be focused on student achievement and student mastery of skills needed to succeed as lifelong learners, workers, and citizens. To accomplish the delivery of a sound, high-quality education to every student, the school, LEA, and state must ensure that policies, programs, and systems are connected and directed toward the common purpose of improving achievement for all students. The Council on Elementary and Secondary Education recognizes that this aligned, cohesive system actively operates within the larger context of social, human, and education systems that affect all Rhode Islanders throughout their lives.
2. The BEP provides a framework with which the state and LEA can work in concert to improve education results for all students in Rhode Island. The BEP is anchored in the philosophy of continuous improvement and is characterized by collaboration and teamwork among the education partners who share a commitment to improving education. The BEP requires that all public education systems be aligned and integrated so as to support student achievement.
C. Building Capacity for a Cohesive and Aligned System
1. The Council on Elementary and Secondary Education acknowledges that implementing an aligned, cohesive system requires a long-term investment in building the capacity of individuals, institutions, and educational communities to develop the knowledge, skills, and resources for effecting sustainable improvement.
2. The four essential capacities that require ongoing development at every level of the system include:
a. Focused, visionary, accountable Leadership;
b. Active, responsive, dynamic Personnel Supports;
c. Organized, accessible, transparent Infrastructure; and,
d. High quality, rigorous, and authentic Content.
3. The presence or absence of capacity-building - from state to district, from district to school, and from school to classroom - is the determinative factor in the success or failure of educational improvement efforts.
D. Functions and Indicators for the Education System
1. In order to ensure implementation of the BEP, the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education directs the Commissioner of Education, with appropriate input from affected constituencies, to establish a set of functions and performance indicators at all levels of the education system. The Council on Elementary and Secondary Education directs the Commissioner to design and implement a clear and focused quality assurance system for monitoring and improving the effectiveness of the systems. The Commissioner shall develop and issue applicable guidance to ensure LEA implementation.
1.1.3 Expectations for the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in Implementing the Basic Education Program
A. Responsibilities of the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
1. The primary responsibility of the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (RIDE) is to ensure the full implementation of the Rhode Island Comprehensive Education Strategy (CES) by developing and implementing a standards-based approach for each element of the BEP. The BEP sets forth or incorporates standards established by the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education in all regulated areas deemed essential to guarantee the provision of a minimally adequate education for all public school students. It is the responsibility of RIDE to develop relevant standards for adoption by the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education, to develop and maintain systems to accurately measure compliance with said standards, to develop statewide operational systems that reduce costs and burdens at the local level, to work with each LEA to improve performance at the local level, and to ensure that the LEA is effective in support of its schools.
B. Functions of the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
1. RIDE fulfills its leadership role in ensuring an alignment of effort in the full implementation of the BEP requirements by carrying out the following functions:
a. Establishing clear expectations for systems, educators, and students;
b. Providing systems with the capacity and resources to enable LEAs to meet state expectations;
c. Ensuring quality assurance and quality control of LEA efforts through an effective system of indicators, data collection, analysis, and public reporting; and
d. Leveraging innovative partnerships to ensure fidelity of implementation and to overcome barriers to improvement.
2. In carrying out its leadership role, RIDE has a responsibility to exercise its authority under state and federal law to intervene in LEAs and schools that are not closing student achievement gaps, are not continuously improving, or are not reaching state performance standards.
1.1.4 Expectations for the Local Education Agency in Implementing the Basic Education Program
A. Responsibilities of the Local Education Agency
1. The primary responsibility of the LEA is to create and sustain high quality learning environments that meet the standards set forth in the BEP. In these regulations, the LEA includes the governing board, central-level and school-level personnel. The LEA shall ensure that learning is at all times the ultimate focus of every individual employed by the agency. Full implementation of the BEP requires that student learning be the primary reference point for decision making, responsive policy development, resource allocation, and personnel assignment and evaluation.
2. To carry out its primary responsibility, each LEA requires able, informed leadership and management at all levels of its system (governing board, central administration, school and classroom) that can guide, motivate, and support implementation of the BEP. The administration, management and accountability of LEA leadership are specified in §§ 1.4.1, 1.4.2, and 1.4.3 of this Part.
3. Each LEA shall ensure that its schools are compliant with the BEP, as well as with all other requirements related to student achievement as measured by state and local assessments. To fulfill these responsibilities, the LEA shall identify and/or develop appropriate measures to ensure LEA effectiveness and efficiency that shall include, but not be limited to, the seven LEA functions identified by RIDE. This integrated framework of functions, outlined below, builds a common language regarding the specific collective behaviors that are required in order to improve learning for both students and educators and serves as a common point of reference for school, district, and state agency operations and improvement efforts.
B. Functions of the Local Education Agency
1. Each LEA shall address seven core functions in order to ensure that all of its schools are providing an adequate education to every student:
a. Lead the Focus on Learning and Achievement. The LEA shall provide on-site direction that continuously guides site-based leadership; identify expectations and accountability for implementation of proven practices; and address barriers to implementation of identified educational goals.
b. Recruit, Support, and Retain Highly Effective Staff. The LEA shall recruit, identify, mentor, support, and retain effective staff; build the capacity of staff to meet organizational expectations; and provide job-embedded professional development based on student need.
c. Guide the Implementation of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. The LEA shall provide access to rigorous, guaranteed, and viable curricula for all students; ensure differentiated instructional strategies, materials, and assessments; and build systems that provide opportunities for common planning and assessment.
d. Use Information for Planning and Accountability. The LEA shall develop and implement proficiency-based comprehensive assessment systems; distribute results of measured school progress and student performance; and maintain responsive and accessible information systems.
e. Engage Families and the Community. The LEA shall implement effective family and community communication systems; engage families and the community to promote positive student achievement and behavior; and provide adult and alternative learning opportunities integrated with community needs.
f. Foster Safe and Supportive Environments for Students and Staff. The LEA shall address the physical, social, and emotional needs of all students; ensure safe school facilities and learning environments; and require that every student has at least one adult accountable for his or her learning.
g. Ensure Equity and Adequacy of Fiscal and Human Resources. The LEA shall identify and provide requisite resources to meet student needs; allocate fiscal and human resources based on student need and overcome barriers to effective resource allocation at the school level.
1.2 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
1.2.1 A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
A. Framework for a Comprehensive Curriculum
1. The Council on Elementary and Secondary Education charges each LEA to ensure that its students are provided with a comprehensive program of study that is guaranteed and viable in each content area from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 (PK-12) so that its students are prepared for post-secondary education or productive employment. Each curriculum shall be developed to meet or exceed state content standards that have been adopted by the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education. In the absence of state-adopted standards in a content area, each LEA shall align its curriculum to national content standards specific to that content area. Each LEA shall formally adopt a set of curriculum documents that specify the content standards, instructional practices, materials, program, texts and assessments, and grading practices that are based on the community’s rigorous achievement descriptions for its students and that account for the expectation that students must be globally aware and internationally competitive.
a. These curriculum documents shall explicitly communicate how students will be supported so that they can achieve high standards through multiple pathways and attain success in the 21st century global economy. Programs of study that are in one of the sixteen (16) critical-industry career cluster areas shall reflect the relevant academic content standards as well as the applicable national or industry skill standards. These supports shall account for multiple delivery models and settings while maintaining the common foundation of content standards and rigorous expectations for achievement. All curriculum documents shall include a Response to Intervention model as an integral component of supports and curriculum design.
b. All curriculum documents shall be aligned vertically and horizontally so that they provide direction in planning instructional strategies. Each LEA shall ensure that students across the district have access to the written curriculum in order to ensure continuity and comparability across schools or teachers within and across grade levels. Each LEA shall also ensure that all students are provided with a cohesive program of study that leads to graduation proficiency across all grade levels within the district.
c. All curriculum documents shall be made public and be easily accessible to the community.
B. Curriculum Management and Supports
1. Each LEA shall establish a comprehensive set of district-wide policies that will guide the development, alignment, and implementation of curriculum, instruction, and assessment systems to ensure that all students become proficient life-long learners. These policies shall be made public and be easily accessible to the community.
2. Each LEA shall develop and implement a written comprehensive curriculum-management plan that establishes the guidelines and procedures for the design, implementation, monitoring, and revision of the district-wide curriculum. The comprehensive management plan shall have the following components:
a. A defined method for designing curriculum, based on state and national standards, that includes access and opportunity for all students;
b. A curriculum-mapping process for measuring the gaps between the intended and delivered curriculum across all classrooms;
c. An approach to coordinating and articulating curriculum requirements across levels, within grades, between grades, across content areas, and with postsecondary education; and,
d. A defined method for supporting and monitoring the implementation of the delivered curriculum, instruction, and assessment systems.
3. Each LEA shall ensure that the curriculum, instruction, and assessment systems are maintained and continuously improved by:
a. Identifying the roles and responsibilities of district personnel to support curriculum development, implementation, monitoring, and revision;
b. Providing ongoing supervision that evaluates and supports the implementation of the written curriculum;
c. Coordinating all available resources (fiscal, personnel, and time) to support curriculum development, implementation, revision, and evaluation;
d. Having sufficient personnel, resources, and time to design and implement an aligned curriculum, instruction, and assessment system;
e. Engaging professional staff in the development of curriculum design and in the selection of instructional materials;
f. Providing sufficient professional development to all staff to ensure curriculum implementation with fidelity;
g. Disseminating current PK-12 written curriculum and related documents to professional staff and the community; and,
h. Communicating publicly the results of curriculum, instruction, and assessment design and activities to the community.
4. Curriculum management and supports enable the LEA to address the following functions: Guide the Implementation of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment and Recruit, Support and Retain Highly Effective Staff.
C. Comprehensive Program of Study
1. Each LEA shall provide a comprehensive program of study in English language arts, mathematics, social studies, the sciences, visual arts & design and the performing arts, engineering and technology, comprehensive health, and world languages throughout the PK -12 system. This program of study shall integrate literacy (reading, writing, speaking, and listening), applied learning, and the use of information and communication technology across all content areas. Reading integration shall include vocabulary development, instruction in initial understanding, analysis and interpretation of content-area text, reading strategies as they relate to each content area, and the assurance that there is a breadth of text covered in each content area. The integration of writing and oral communication shall include the reading-writing connection, particularly in informational writing as well as the development of oral-communication strategies.
2. Each comprehensive program of study shall reflect curriculum, and differentiated instruction, and assessment practices that provide a coherent and articulated development of students’ skills and abilities in each content area that emphasize the following:
a. Grades PK-4 shall focus on building student fluency and conceptual understanding in literacy and numeracy through the integration of content area;
b. Grades 5-8 shall focus on integrating content-based coursework while attending to content-based literacy and numeracy development; and
c. Grades 9-12 shall offer courses within and across content areas that are in predictable sequences to ensure that all students have access to all content necessary to become proficient. Further, each LEA shall integrate career-and-technical education programs of study as part of its high-school course offerings. Career and technical education programs of study shall be tied to one or more pathways identified for critical-industry career clusters. These programs of study shall specify coursework and experiences needed to move students through high school to completion and success in postsecondary education and careers, using combinations of traditional and career-and-technical education courses, as well as project-based and work-based experiences and/or dual enrollment.
3. In addition, each LEA shall develop specific curricula and programming that address the learning needs of:
a. English language learners by attending to student profiles (e.g., education history and achievement and age of entry to the United States);
b. Students with disabilities by addressing goals of the Individual Educational Program or 504 Plan;
c. Students at risk for not completing their education; and
d. Students in need of advanced academic opportunities.
D. English Language Arts
1. A high quality English language arts education program of study is essential for a student’s ability to communicate and comprehend effectively. The skills, knowledge, and competencies of the language arts, (i.e., reading and written and oral communication), pervade all content areas.
2. The Rhode Island English language arts standards are embedded within the local and state reading and written/oral communication standards, the Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) for grades K-8, and the Grade Span Expectations (GSEs) for grades 9-12. The GLEs and GSEs identify the reading and written and oral communication knowledge and skills expected of all students in all content areas. Therefore, each LEA shall:
a. Establish an English language arts curriculum that is aligned instructionally with the local and state standards (GLEs and GSEs). Each LEA shall establish an English language arts curriculum that is aligned to the English language arts Alternate Assessment GSEs for students with significant cognitive disabilities who participate in the Alternate Assessment. In addition, each LEA shall maintain congruence among and across the curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
b. Develop a coordinated and integrated K-12 English language arts curriculum that addresses the content clusters within local and state reading and written and oral communication standards (GLEs and GSEs), includes contemporary texts, and encourages students to be active participants within the community.
E. Mathematics
1. A high quality mathematics program of study leads to mathematics literacy for all students. Every student shall have a rigorous mathematics program that is focused on the development of concepts and the acquisition of basic and advanced skills. Basic skills and conceptual understanding are entwined, and both are necessary so that a student can successfully apply mathematics, conceptualize problems, and solve them.
2. The Rhode Island K-8 GLEs and the High School GSEs specify the mathematics standards for all students. The Rhode Island mathematics standards identify the mathematics concepts and skills expected of all students in four areas: Numbers and Operations; Geometry; Functions and Algebra; and Data, Statistics, and Probability for grades K-12. Additionally, for grades K-8, standards are developed in two areas: Problem Solving, Reasoning, and Proof; and Communication, Connection, and Representation. Each LEA shall establish a mathematics curriculum that is aligned with the Mathematics Alternate Assessment GSEs for students with significant cognitive disabilities who participate in the Alternate Assessment.
3. Each LEA shall ensure that the coherent and coordinated K-12 mathematics curriculum addresses:
a. Research-based approaches to developing mathematics skills;
b. Learning activities that emphasize mathematical communication and reasoning skills and incorporate mathematical tools and technology;
c. The use of manipulatives during the acquisition of skills and conceptual understanding; and,
d. Applied learning activities that demonstrate the use of mathematics in daily life.
F. Social Studies
1. A high quality program of social studies fosters life long participation in civic life and social action that leads to effective and productive citizenship in a world that is culturally diverse and interdependent. It fosters the ability to apply inquiry processes and to employ the skills of data collection and analysis, collaboration, decision-making, and problem solving. The social studies subject area includes the following social sciences: history and historical thinking skills, geography, economics, political science/government, civics, sociology, and anthropology.
2. Each LEA shall ensure that the coherent and coordinated K-12 curriculum for social studies includes coursework designed to develop:
a. Student knowledge, skills, and attitudes as indicated in the GSEs for Civics & Government and Historical Perspectives/Rhode Island History;
b. Student understanding of how the world operates in this interconnected era through geography, political science, and economics; and,
c. Student understanding of human behaviors, beliefs, ideologies, cultures, and backgrounds through history, sociology, anthropology, and other related social sciences.
3. Each LEA shall ensure that a coherent and coordinated curriculum for social studies includes opportunities for the study of these major themes (within the broader subject areas in which they are found):
a. Culture (history, geography, sociology, global studies);
b. Time, Continuity, and Change (history, global studies);
c. People, Places, and Environments (history, geography, sociology, global studies, environmental studies);
d. Individual Development and Identity (citizenship, law-related education);
e. Individuals, Groups, and Institutions (political science, citizenship, law-related education, global studies);
f. Power, Authority, and Governance (political science, citizenship, law-related education, global studies);
g. Production, Distribution, and Consumption (economics, global studies, consumer education);
h. Science, Technology, and Society (environmental studies, global studies);
i. Global Connections (global studies, history, political science, geography); and
j. Civic Ideals and Practices (political science, citizenship, law-related education).
G. Science
1. A high quality science education program of study leads to scientific literacy for all students. The K-12 GSEs in science identify the science concepts and skills expected of all students in Earth and Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science at grade spans K-4, 5-8, and high school. Additionally the Rhode Island K-12 GSEs in science incorporate the Unifying Themes (i.e., inquiry, nature of science, models and scale, form and function, systems and energy, and patterns of change) necessary to integrate the different scientific disciplines. Key among these themes is scientific inquiry through which students experience learning that is relevant, engaging, meaningful, and authentic. Scientific inquiry is inextricably tied to creating opportunities for students to formulate questions and hypotheses, plan investigations, conduct investigations, and develop explanations and evaluations. Each LEA shall establish a science curriculum that is aligned to the Science Alternate Assessment GSEs for students with significant cognitive disabilities who participate in the Alternate Assessment.
2. Each LEA shall ensure that the coherent and coordinated K-12 curriculum for science includes an inquiry-based approach that devotes a sufficient amount of instructional time to learning experiences that ensure all students develop and demonstrate applied learning skills appropriate to the content area and grade level.
H. Dance, Music, Theater and Visual Arts & Design
1. A high quality arts education program of study leads to arts literacy for all students and includes dance, music, theatre, and visual arts and design. Students shall be provided with sufficient opportunities to create, perform, and respond in each of their arts courses so as to achieve proficiency. The Rhode Island K-12 Grade Span Expectations in the Arts specify the arts standards for all students.
2. Each LEA shall ensure that the coherent K-12 curricula for the arts include:
a. Artistic Process: Creative problem solving using the tools, techniques, and technology of one or more art forms in order to make the imagined tangible;
b. Cultural Context: Purpose and motivation fundamental to art-making for all societies; and integration of arts history, analysis, and criticism;
c. Communication: Personal expression, creativity, and meaning through the use of symbols representative of each art form; and sharing of the human experience with image, sound, movement, words, space, time, and/or sequence; and
d. Aesthetic Judgment: Applying knowledge in order to reflect on and evaluate the work of self and others.
3. Classes in at least visual arts and design and music shall be available for each student in each grade through the middle level. Curriculum that includes dance and theatre shall adhere to the applicable grade span expectations. A program of study shall exist for all secondary students to enable them to demonstrate proficiency in at least one art form. Additionally, secondary school students shall be provided with the opportunity to do multiple levels of coursework in visual arts and design in both two and three dimensions and in at least one performing arts discipline.
I. Engineering and Technology
1. A high quality engineering and technology program of study leads all students to the awareness that we live in a human built world. The K-12 GSEs in engineering and technology provide the standards to advance the technological literacy of all students. A program of study in engineering and technology addresses how every human built activity is dependent on various tools, machines, and systems.
2. The GSEs in engineering and technology are closely based upon the Standards for Technological Literacy and are organized around:
a. the impact of technology on human kind;
b. problem solving processes involving the application of content knowledge, acquired skills, and creativity; and
c. the selection and appropriate use of technology.
3. Each LEA shall ensure that the coherent and coordinated K-12 curriculum for engineering and technology includes:
a. An inquiry based approach that promotes hands-on learning, including problem based and design based learning;
b. Opportunities for students to make connections among a variety of technologies; and
c. Integration of the GSEs, rather than focusing on individual standards in isolation.
J. World Languages
1. A high quality world language program of study prepares students to be able to communicate in languages other than English, understand other languages and cultures, and prepare for post-secondary options. Each LEA shall provide opportunities for students to study a language other than English. The offerings may include both classical and modern languages, and the determination of the offerings shall be based on the needs and interests of students, the community, and the global economy. Therefore, each LEA shall provide:
a. Coursework in a minimum of two languages other than English at the secondary level and offerings of at least three consecutive years of the two selected languages;
b. A planned program of study including coursework in the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing along with the cultural background associated with each taught language; and
c. A program of study that includes connections to real-world applications.
2. Although not required, instruction in at least one world language other than English at the elementary school level is recognized as best practice.
K. English Language Acquisition
1. A high quality English language acquisition program of study leads to English language proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening as outlined within the English language proficiency standards for students K-12, developed in partnership with the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Consortium. These standards outline the social and academic language students need in order to participate fully in an English language classroom. A comprehensive program of study is aligned to the Regulations Governing the Education of English Language Learners and thoughtfully considers the programmatic structures and supports that these students require based on their diverse backgrounds and learning needs.
2. Each LEA shall offer, to the extent possible, opportunities for students to maintain and develop their first language. In addition to these standards, programs of study shall attend to the following factors:
a. Varying ages and grade spans of students;
b. Identification of potential disability (e.g., learning disability);
c. Linguistic and cultural backgrounds; and
d. Differences in life and educational experiences.
L. Comprehensive Health
1. A high quality health education program of study leads to health literacy for all students, providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain healthy lifestyles. Health Literacy for All Students: The Rhode Island Health Education Framework outlines the seven standards for health education and the concepts and skills expected of all students at grade spans K-4, 5-8, 9-10, and 11-12. These expectations are further outlined in the companion document, Comprehensive Health Instructional Outcomes, by grade span within each health content area.
2. Each LEA shall ensure that the coherent and coordinated K-12 curriculum for health includes:
a. Instruction in all content areas: personal health, mental and emotional health, injury prevention (including violence prevention), nutrition, sexuality and family life, disease prevention and control, and substance use and abuse prevention - including specific topic areas required by state statute;
b. An emphasis on developing the key skills (i.e., accessing information and services, analyzing social influences on health, assessing personal risks, goal-setting, decision making, communication, negotiation, and advocacy) that cut across all health content areas and on practicing health-enhancing behaviors;
c. Sequential, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate instruction K-12;
d. Medically accurate information; and
e. Compliance with statutory requirements for instructional time as well as with other requirements in the Rules and Regulations for School Health Programs.
M. Physical Education
1. A high quality physical education program of study leads to the development of knowledge and skills necessary to lead a physically active lifestyle. The Rhode Island Physical Education Framework: Supporting Physically Active Lifestyles through Quality Physical Education outlines the six standards for physical education and the concepts and skills expected of all students at grade spans K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
2. Each LEA shall ensure that the coherent and coordinated K-12 curriculum for physical education includes:
a. Movement Forms and Principles, Motor Skills, Physical Activity, Personal Fitness, Personal and Social Responsibility, and Influences on Physical Activity;
b. Student assessments that address all standards and instructional objectives, including the appropriate use of fitness testing;
c. Sequential, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate instruction K-12;
d. Development of personal fitness plans, at least at the secondary level;
e. Instructional strategies that keep all students active at least 50% of class time; and
f. Compliance with statutory requirements for instructional time as well as with other requirements in the Rules and Regulations for School Health Programs.
N. Library and Media
1. A high quality library-media program provides all students with multiple opportunities to access and interact with library-media instruction and materials necessary to acquire proficiency in the essential learning skills that support the curriculum. Resources, which include books, written materials, internet resource materials, multimedia materials, information technology, and integrated instruction, must be appropriate to the ages of the students served by the school.
2. The library-media resources shall be accessible to all enrolled students and personnel.
3. Each LEA shall ensure that its library-media program addresses the Rhode Island Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning by attending to the following:
a. Reading. An effective LEA library-media program recognizes that reading is a foundational skill that begins with decoding and comprehension and leads to interpretation and development of new understandings. The school library-media program enhances the reading curriculum and provides students with opportunities to read widely and extensively for lifelong learning, personal growth, and enjoyment.
b. Information Literacy. At the heart of every successful school library-media program is the teaching of effective learning strategies and information literacy skills integrated into classroom curricula. The ability to find and use information, (information literacy), is the key to lifelong learning. A successful LEA library-media program has as its goal the development of capable, creative, and responsible lifelong learners. Rather than simply disseminating information, library-media programs shall be collaborative and centered on the process of learning.
c. Independent Learning. An effective LEA library-media program shall assist all students in becoming active and creative locators, evaluators, and users of information to solve problems and to satisfy their own curiosity. Accessing, evaluating, and using information is the authentic learning that any successful school library-media program seeks to promote.
d. Social Responsibility. An effective library-media program teaches students to seek information from diverse sources, contexts, disciplines, and cultures; to respect the principles of equitable access to information, intellectual freedom, and intellectual property rights; to use technology responsibly and ethically; to share knowledge and information collaboratively with others; and to respect others’ ideas and backgrounds and to acknowledge their contributions.
1.2.2 Effective Instruction for All Students
A. Standards and Practices for Effective Instruction
1. Each LEA shall implement a set of coherent, organized instructional strategies designed to ensure positive improvements in student learning. Organized strategies shall be based on current research and adjusted according to student progress monitoring and assessment data. These organized strategies shall focus on the needs of all students using strategies for differentiated instruction based on principles of learning, human growth and development; and shall ensure that explicit instruction of reading, writing, speaking and listening is integrated across content areas. The organized strategies shall include specific interventions for students who are not meeting proficiency standards or are at risk for non-promotion or dropping out of school. Similarly, strategies shall be in place to expand and extend learning for students who are proficient on grade level expectations. Each LEA shall develop and implement homework policies that are clear and developmentally appropriate for each grade level.
2. The Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS) and the Rhode Island Standards for Educational Leadership shall be used by the LEA to plan for professional development, provide feedback for improvement, and monitor the delivery of a guaranteed and viable curriculum for all students.
3. Each LEA shall articulate guidelines for effective instruction that will ensure that educators, including educational leaders, develop a sufficient understanding of content, pedagogy, and assessment practices so as to address student learning across grade levels as described in the Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS) and the Rhode Island Standards for Educational Leadership. These guidelines shall identify the components and elements of effective instruction to include:
a. Questioning and discussion techniques that address depth of knowledge;
b. Active engagement in learning activities;
c. Different delivery methods to include, but not be limited to, teacher-directed instruction, inquiry-based problem solving, modeling and demonstration, and project-based learning and presentation;
d. Differentiated instruction to address the needs of all students;
e. Grouping of students that allows for individual, small-group, and whole class structures;
f. Reflecting and self assessment regarding learning;
g. Multiple opportunities for cross content learning;
h. Applying concepts and understanding in new contexts;
i. Using an array of learning environments that extend application of knowledge and skills beyond the classroom; and
j. Accessing an array of texts, technology, and materials to support learning.
4. Each LEA shall design a schedule of instructional time across grades PK-12 that ensures that all students and teachers have multiple opportunities and supports to access the learning goals in the comprehensive program of study.
5. Each LEA shall have a cohesive system of high quality professional development (see § 1.4.2(B) of this Part) that addresses the state and national standards in the content areas, the district designed curriculum, the research-based instructional strategies and practices that focus on all students, assessment practices for monitoring student progress, and implementation of selected programs, texts, and materials with fidelity.
6. Each LEA shall provide common planning time within and across grades and content areas so that educators address student learning needs, monitor progress, and identify effective instructional practices.
B. Resources and Materials Aligned to Curriculum
1. Each LEA shall provide the necessary programs, texts, and materials that ensure that students are supported fully in acquiring the knowledge and skills specified in a comprehensive program of study. Programs, texts, and materials shall be in sufficient quantity to ensure that students can engage in and complete all curriculum activities.
2. Each LEA shall ensure that the selection of programs, texts, and materials are:
a. Aligned to the GLEs and GSEs and LEA curriculum design;
b. Research-based and current;
c. Selected with input from educators representing all grade levels and courses; and
d. Universally designed to ensure access for all students.
1.2.3 Comprehensive Assessment and Reporting Systems
A. Components of a Comprehensive Assessment System
1. Each LEA shall develop a comprehensive assessment system that includes measures of student performance for the purposes of formative, interim, and summative evaluations of all students in each core content area. All measurements shall adhere, to the extent possible, to the principles of the National Council on Measurement in Education, while ensuring that assessments are free from bias and that universal design features are embedded in the assessments. All student assessment data shall conform to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
2. Each comprehensive assessment system shall include the specific strategies used for screening, diagnosing, and monitoring individual students in literacy and numeracy. Systems shall include assessments of sufficient frequency and relevance as needed to ensure that students have access to diverse pathways to support their Individual Learning Plans. These assessments must be coordinated with the evaluation process for determining student eligibility for an Individualized Education Program and for receiving English Language Learner services.
3. The following components shall be embedded in each comprehensive assessment system:
a. The name or type of assessment (e.g., Stanford 10, teacher developed assessment, observation, comprehensive course assessment for Algebra I);
b. The category of assessment (e.g., formative, interim, summative);
c. The purpose and use of data (e.g., teacher questioning at the end of class to determine instructional next steps, end-of-unit exam to be used as a grade, evaluation from an internship, Developmental Reading Assessment, interim assessment to determine student progress and success of reading intervention);
d. The scoring procedures (e.g., teacher scored using rubrics and anchor papers developed by grade-alike or content-alike cross-district teachers, machine scored by publisher) along with the expected turnaround time for providing feedback to students;
e. The implementation schedule (e.g., daily, monthly, twice each quarter, annually); and
f. The allowable accommodations and/or modifications for specific students.
4. Each LEA in Rhode Island shall have tools and procedures for interpreting and analyzing assessment data for the purposes of student, program, and instructional evaluations. The tools and procedures shall account for the varying levels of use among the education community, from school committee to the individual classroom teacher.
B. Grading and Reporting
1. Each LEA shall develop policies and procedures for grading and reporting assessment data at the student, group, school, and district levels. These policies and procedures shall be made accessible to the community. Student grades shall be supplemented with a narrative of student progress on meeting course goals. Student behavior and effort shall be reported separately from academic achievement.
2. Student level grading shall be based on multiple measures of student work collected in multiple formats (e.g., paper and pencil, oral presentations, projects) and under varying conditions (on demand, timed and untimed, over extended periods, with and without revisions). Student level grading must be based on state or national content standards and be supported by achievement level descriptors written for each grading level.
3. Student progress and reporting to students and families shall occur on a regular and timely basis. Informal feedback to students, both oral and written, shall occur daily at the elementary school level and at least weekly at the middle and high school levels. Formal reporting with families shall occur within two weeks after the close of a quarter or trimester and immediately if a student is at risk of failing. All reporting policies shall be made public. All reporting of student progress and achievement shall be clear and shall use a variety of formats for communicating (telephone, notes, report cards, conferences, etc.) and, when possible and necessary, multiple languages. Students shall be involved in grading and reporting processes, (e.g., self assessing, participating in parent-teacher conferences, journals).
1.2.4 Evaluation of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
A. Each LEA shall have an evaluation plan with timelines for ongoing and formal reviews of curriculum, instruction, and assessment systems. The plan shall include the gathering of both qualitative and quantitative data to make informed decisions about improvements and revisions to the established curriculum, instruction, and assessment systems. The plan shall:
1. Involve educators, community members, and experts in the review process;
2. Describe the evaluation methods and techniques, including activities, timeframe, and use of results;
3. Specify the plan for professional development needed to address any gaps between the written and taught curriculum;
4. Communicate to the public the results of the review; and
5. Develop a plan of action for schools and students not making progress.
B. Each LEA shall ensure that curriculum, instruction, and assessment systems are reviewed and evaluated for effectiveness at least every five years.
1.3 Safe, Healthy, and Supportive Learning Environment
1.3.1 Academic Supports and Interventions
A. Academic Supports and Interventions for All Students
1. Each LEA shall ensure that all students have the opportunity and skills necessary to access the systems of developmentally appropriate, targeted, and responsive academic supports and interventions for learning that they need to become college, work, and career ready. These supports and interventions enable the LEA to address the following functions: Foster Safe and Supportive Environments for Students and Staff, Engage Families and the Community, and Use Information for Planning and Accountability.
2. Each LEA shall provide supplemental academic supports and interventions that are evidence-based in the areas of literacy, numeracy, science, social studies, history, and speech and English language acquisition. Such supplemental academic supports and interventions shall be provided to students in K-12 when students are determined, through an LEA systematic problem-solving approach, to be at risk of not successfully achieving proficiency on state assessments and/or Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements.
3. The academic supports and interventions of each LEA shall:
a. Coordinate with and supplement instruction in the guaranteed and viable comprehensive program of study;
b. Provide sufficient instructional time to enable all students to achieve proficiency in the GLEs or GSEs or alternate GSEs in any area required for graduation, as well as to meet LEA-established standards for promotion;
c. Apply uniform entrance and exit criteria;
d. Address cultural and linguistic needs of students; and
e. Include student progress monitoring through the LEA systematic problem-solving approach.
4. For each student receiving or discontinuing an academic support or intervention, the LEA shall provide written notice to the parent(s) or guardian(s) that must:
a. Describe the academic support or intervention being delivered or discontinued;
b. Describe the systematic problem-solving approach used to identify the student’s need for support or intervention;
c. Describe the exit criteria for the support or intervention; and
d. Be provided in the parent’s native language.
5. Each LEA shall provide for students who are homebound, hospitalized, or capable of only intermittent school attendance for medical reasons, a sufficient degree of academic support, including tutoring if necessary, to allow for regular academic progress in the student’s program of study. These supports shall commence when the LEA becomes aware that the student’s sustained or intermittent absence will result in a significant regression in academic progress.
B. Supports and Interventions through Systematic Problem Solving
1. Each LEA shall provide student-centered, data-driven supports and interventions utilizing a problem-solving process, building on the foundation of a guaranteed and viable comprehensive program of study. This process shall be comprehensive and systematic and focused at the individual student level in order to provide access to supports and interventions as may be necessary at the classroom, school, and district levels to ensure that each student is provided with supports and interventions designed to enable that student to achieve academic success. The LEA shall provide a full continuum of universal, targeted, and intensive supports that are culturally and linguistically appropriate, research-based, and designed to respond to student needs in compliance with the specific requirements for support services described herein.
2. Each LEA shall develop school and district level data-based, decision-making teams. These teams shall review comprehensive assessment data to develop, evaluate and modify academic instruction and support services. Descriptions of such teams shall include the purpose of each team, team composition, and the frequency with which each team meets.
3. The LEA’s problem-solving approach to determine appropriate levels of support and intervention must include identification of student-based issues (specifying both target and actual performance), identification of supports and interventions developed to address those issues, measurements designed to evaluate responsiveness, and the identification of responsible LEA staff.
C. Personalized Learning Environment
1. Each LEA shall ensure that schools will implement strategies for creating personalized environments to optimize learning. Each LEA shall:
a. Establish PK-12 protocols for communication and record sharing that will facilitate successful transition from grade to grade, school to school, district to district, and high school to postsecondary opportunities;
b. Establish structures by which every student is assigned a responsible adult, in addition to a school counselor (where applicable), who is knowledgeable about that student’s academic, career, and social and personal goals; and
c. Establish protocols for the development, implementation and student-based monitoring of Individual Learning Plans.
D. Comprehensive Guidance
1. Each LEA shall establish and maintain a Comprehensive School Counseling Guidance (CSC) Program, including guidance and counseling services, available to all students in grades K-12. Each LEA shall ensure that the CSC Guidance program shall:
a. Be developed and delivered in accordance with the Rhode Island Framework for Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling Programs;
b. Support each student in meeting the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) standards in the academic, career, and personal and social domains;
c. Be a coordinated effort among the professional counseling staff and the rest of the educational community; and
d. Include services to be provided to students at each developmental stage and specify how the services will be provided to all students.
E. Multiple Opportunities for Achieving and Exceeding Proficiency Standards
1. Each LEA shall provide all students with multiple learning opportunities that support meeting proficiency. Each LEA shall:
a. Establish pathways that represent a set of courses and other programs within its guaranteed and viable comprehensive course of study and that provide students with the means to meet their academic and career goals. These pathways shall include Advanced Placement (AP) courses, career and technical programs, dual enrollment, and opportunities for extended applied learning (e.g., internships, job shadowing, and community service learning);
b. Establish processes to ensure that all pathways maintain high expectations for all students and provide all students with the same level of academic rigor;
c. Establish, or provide access to, before and after school programs that provide additional supports and interventions for attaining proficiency; and
d. Establish alternate programs for graduation for youth at-risk, including those students entering LEAs as latecomers. These alternate programs will require a comprehensive and coordinated effort between the LEA and community agencies and must include strategies differing from traditional programs in their use of material, instructional approaches, or concentration of time on skills. Alternate programs may include, but are not limited to, on-line or correspondence courses, day and evening academies, workforce training programs, and adult education.
1.3.2 Supportive and Nurturing School Community
A. Each LEA shall ensure that schools create a climate of safety, security and belonging for all students and adults, thereby establishing an environment that builds respectful relationships, enhances productive learning and teaching, promotes school engagement, and promotes academic success. Each LEA shall accomplish this goal by ensuring that each school:
1. Is safe, respectful, and free of discrimination;
2. Establishes protocols for on-going student, family, and community engagement; and
3. Provides expanded learning opportunities and academic enrichment.
B. Safe and Respectful Environment
1. Each LEA shall build a safe and respectful learning environment by addressing the components described in §§ 1.3.2(A) through (F) of this Part.
C. Freedom from Discrimination
1. Each LEA shall identify and remove barriers to students and adults that are based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, language, gender, religion, economic status, disability, or sexual orientation.
2. Each LEA shall comply with all relevant state and federal statutes and regulations regarding discrimination.
D. Right to a Safe School
1. Each LEA shall ensure that students who are on school grounds before, during, and after school, during recess, and during other intermissions are appropriately supervised by adults.
2. Each LEA shall follow state statute that states that each student and staff member has a right to attend or work at a school that is safe and secure, that is conducive to learning, and that is free from the threat, actual or implied, of physical harm.
E. Prevention of Bullying, Harassment, Hazing, Teen Dating Violence, and Sexual Violence.
1. Each LEA shall:
a. Prevent and respond appropriately to incidents of bullying, hazing, teen dating violence, sexual violence, and related issues;
b. Promote nonviolent conflict resolution techniques in order to encourage attitudes and behaviors that foster harmonious relations;
c. Provide professional development, training, resources, and other means to assist students, staff, and other adults in the school building or at school sponsored activities in carrying out these responsibilities; and
d. Comply with relevant state and federal statutes regarding these issues.
F. Positive Behavioral Supports and Discipline
1. Each LEA shall ensure that schools promote a positive climate with emphasis on mutual respect, self-control, good attendance, order and organization, and proper security. Each LEA shall develop protocols that define a set of discipline strategies and constructs that ensure that students and adults make positive behavioral choices and that are conducive to a safe and nurturing environment that promotes academic success.
2. Each LEA shall ensure that:
a. Schools engage in a participatory process (involving students and staff) to assess periodically the school climate and to adopt or develop strategies to improve conditions (see the Board of Education Policy Statement on Student Rights);
b. Students and parents/guardians are notified of district and school rules related to conduct and shall receive regular instruction regarding these rules. In addition, parents/guardians, and students shall be provided with information about early warning signs of harassing and intimidating behaviors, such as bullying, as well as prevention and intervention strategies;
c. Schools provide a structure of incentives that adequately reward students for their efforts and achievements. Attention shall be given to rewarding a diversity of accomplishments and to broadening the availability of rewards;
d. Schools have a clearly delineated system for ensuring compulsory attendance for children six (6) to sixteen (16) that includes:
(1) Procedures for noting daily absenteeism and investigating unexcused absences;
(2) Procedures for noting the required period of attendance of students attending at- home instruction approved by the school committee or at a private day school approved by the Commissioner of Education; and
(3) The appointment of truant (or attendance) officers whose duties shall include referring truant students to appropriate school support services and procedures for enforcing any given case through civil action filed in Family Court;
e. Disciplinary actions are fairly administered for all students and comply with state laws mandating that certain violations be considered on a case by case basis; recognizing that there is no mechanism in Rhode Island law for expulsion of students; and
f. Schools shall provide a continuum of interim alternative educational placement options to continue a student’s education while suspended that ensure the safety of the student and the school community.
G. Student, Family, and Community Engagement
1. Students can offer viable solutions to some of the policy, program, and funding challenges our changing schools face. In addition, it is both possible and desirable to create structures and processes to facilitate student engagement at the district and school levels. Each LEA, therefore, shall:
a. Establish policies, processes, and procedures that facilitate regular (i.e., at least quarterly) participation of a representative group of school youth in discussions regarding how to improve the school environment, curriculum, and instruction to ensure increased access to challenging, hands-on learning experiences and supports and to ensure student success on state and local achievement measures;
b. Document the process of selection and orientation of these youth as well as the proposals that they put forth, how these proposals were evaluated, and the extent to which they were incorporated in LEA decision-making; and
c. Authorize and support youth led events to solicit input from and provide feedback to the larger school community.
2. Each LEA shall provide a broad spectrum of activities, programs, and services that directly involve families in their children’s education and personally engage families in the school. Therefore, each LEA shall adopt the national Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs, which state:
a. Communication: Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful;
b. Parenting: Parenting skills are promoted and supported;
c. Student Learning: Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning;
d. Volunteering: Parents are welcome in the school, and their support and assistance are sought; and
e. School Decision Making and Advocacy: Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children and families.
3. Each LEA shall facilitate partnerships with community organizations and agencies, municipal entities, and businesses to meet the needs of students and families. Therefore, each LEA shall establish communication strategies that will engage community partners, including:
a. Ensuring community representation on the school improvement team or other decision-making teams;
b. Identifying and recruiting businesses to provide career exploration activities for students;
c. Soliciting community organizations or business members to mentor students;
d. Facilitating on-site services of local organizations at the school, e.g. counseling, food pantry, tax assistance, legal aid; and
e. Recruiting volunteers from community organizations and businesses.
H. Expanded Learning Opportunities, Academic Enrichment and Adult Education
1. Each LEA shall develop a system for the provision of a broad array of high quality expanded learning opportunities that will that strengthen school engagement, support academic success, and expand all students’ educational experiences. Academic enrichment opportunities shall address diverse learning needs and capabilities, individual interests, connections to the community, and engagement in activities beyond what is provided during the regular school day. These opportunities shall include strategies that differ from those in the regular program either in use of material, instructional strategies or concentration of time on skills. Therefore, each LEA shall:
a. Develop and implement policies and protocols that allow out-of-school time for activities that meet rigorous criteria to fulfill academic, graduation, or credit requirements;
b. Provide students with opportunities for experiential learning, community service, and skill building;
c. Create and maintain working partnerships to ensure that dropouts and youth at risk of dropping out will achieve a high school credential and be ready for work and/or postsecondary education and training or apprenticeship. These shall include, but not be limited to, partnerships with a Department of Labor and Training approved Youth Center, a RIDE approved adult education program, and a state approved provider of wrap-around support services; and
d. Create and maintain an active partnership with a RIDE approved and high performing adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program. The purpose of this partnership is to ensure that older English Language Learners who cannot graduate with their age cohort must have age appropriate opportunities until age twenty-four to complete their secondary education and become proficient in English.
1.3.3 Health and Social Service Supports
A. Health, mental health, and social service needs of children and their families may be barriers to academic success. Each LEA shall therefore provide and/or facilitate partnerships with community agencies to provide, on site or through referral, a broad array of services and supports to meet these needs.
B. Health Services
1. Each LEA shall implement and comply with the requirements of the Health Services section of the Rules and Regulations for School Health Programs, addressing school health staff, health and dental screenings, physical examinations, records review and maintenance, medication administration, emergency care, chronic disease care, compliance with immunization regulations, and compliance with any other state or federal health related regulations and statutes.
C. Psychological and Mental Health Services
1. Mental and emotional health issues directly impede students’ abilities to learn. Such issues include bullying, alcohol and drug abuse, depression, anxiety, and domestic violence, as well as psychiatric disorders.
2. Therefore, each LEA shall:
a. Ensure that students have access to a coordinated program of culturally and linguistically responsive psychological and mental health services, on site or through effective referral systems;
b. Ensure that school psychological and mental health services will be provided by appropriately credentialed, high quality staff. Services must provide for identification of risks and assessment of service needs; primary prevention; individual, family, and group counseling; consultative services; and resource and service coordination; and
c. To the extent practicable, ensure that schools coordinate with community youth development, prevention, and treatment efforts.
D. Social Services
1. Research indicates that when families’ basic needs are met, there is a higher likelihood that the students will succeed in school. Therefore, each LEA shall ensure that effective outreach strategies will be utilized to support families’ access to health and social services through on-site services and/or through effective referral systems to. These strategies shall:
a. Be driven by needs identified through school and community data;
b. Be family centered;
c. Be provided in a respectful and culturally responsive manner;
d. Be provided in the family’s native language, to the extent practicable;
e. Address a comprehensive array of issues, including but not limited to hunger, housing, homelessness, health insurance, employment, pregnant and parenting teens, family illness, child abuse and domestic violence, legal issues, and issues related to foster care and Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) custody; and
f. Help families to navigate social service systems and access community resources.
E. Physical Activity and Nutrition Services
1. Research shows that students are better able to learn when they are engaged in regular physical activity and receive adequate and proper nutrition. Therefore, each LEA shall:
a. Ensure the provision of statutorily required, standards-based instruction in physical education;
b. Implement a policy for physical activity and nutrition and a plan to address the physical activity and nutrition needs of students;
c. Provide daily recess opportunities for students in grades Kindergarten through grade 5;
d. Provide a variety of physical activity opportunities to students in grades 6 through 12, such as stretch breaks, dance programs or classes, intramural athletics, interscholastic athletics, or other activities; and
e. Ensure that schools implement and comply with state and federal statutes and regulations that promote good nutrition, including those related to school food service programs and snacks.
F. School Safety Planning and Emergency Procedures
1. Each LEA shall protect the health and safety of students and staff, through the implementation of comprehensive school safety planning and the development of emergency procedures to address a wide range of potential emergency situations, including, but not limited to, incidents of fire, natural disasters, violence, disease related crises or epidemics, terrorism, and hazardous material spills.
2. Each LEA shall develop plans that include prevention, planning, communication, response, and recovery. School and district personnel shall work with state and local emergency personnel, as appropriate, in the planning and implementation of safety plans.
1.3.4 Safe and Healthy Physical Environment
A. The school facilities -- consisting of the site, building, equipment, and utilities - are major factors in the functioning of the educational program. The facilities provide more than a place for instruction; they assist or limit the potential for student achievement of desirable learning outcomes. High performing schools provide high quality learning environments, conserve natural resources, consume less energy, are easier to maintain, and provide an enhanced community resource. Above all, a high performing school provides an environment that enhances the primary mission of schools: the education of future citizens.
B. Each LEA shall recognize and promote the belief that 21st century high performing school facilities must provide a physical environment that contributes to the successful conduct of the program that has been designed to meet the educational needs of students. This requirement encompasses provisions for a variety of areas for instruction and for extra class, recreational, and community activities.
C. Each LEA shall ensure that buildings are adequate to meet current demands as required by the Rhode Island Standards for School Buildings and Facilities (“SBC-13”) and § 1.4.2(D) of this Part. The spaces within each building should be sufficiently flexible to provide for multiple uses of the area in the overall educational and activity programs. The facilities shall have adequate space with respect to student enrollment, the instructional program, and necessary administrative and supporting services. As such:
1. Each classroom or laboratory shall be adequate to serve the specific purpose for which it is intended and shall have sufficient area to accommodate each student.
2. Each school shall maintain a designated area that affords access to library-media resources, as appropriate to the age of students in the school.
3. Storage space, such as a safe-designated area, shall be provided so that materials and equipment may be securely stored in a space other than in student instructional areas. Storage of hazardous materials shall be in accordance with OSHA requirements.
1.4 Administration, Management, and Accountability of the Local Education Agency
1.4.1 Accountable Management
A. Leading the Focus on Student Learning and Continuous Improvement
1. At all levels of the LEA system, leadership shall focus on student learning and development and create educational environments conducive to learning. LEA leadership shall establish and communicate agreed upon standards for student learning and development, based on relevant state grade level and grade span expectations, that reflect both the disciplinary content of critical subjects—including career and life related subjects--and the essential thinking skills required to explore, invent, develop, and communicate important intellectual products within these subjects. In addition, LEA leadership shall ensure that all management and operating systems are focused on student learning and achievement.
2. The primary method for leadership to achieve the focus on student learning is the management of a continuous improvement process, which consists of the following five elements:
a. Collect relevant qualitative and quantitative data to assess performance in relation to measurable expectations;
b. Use available data to measure gaps in current performance of students, educators, and systems against state standards;
c. Develop and disseminate integrated school and LEA level plans that clearly describe what each person involved in the plan should do;
d. Implement improvement plans with fidelity and sufficient resources, including time; and
e. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of improvement efforts using relevant qualitative and quantitative data and make such reports publicly available.
B. Management Duties and Responsibilities
1. The LEA is ultimately responsible for operating a system of education and support services that is reasonably designed and adequately resourced to achieve compliance with all aspects of the BEP. The primary responsibility of the administration is the leadership and management of the educational system at multiple levels.
2. Each LEA shall employ a chief executive, under the direction of the established governing board, who is responsible for the leadership, management, operation, and accountability of the LEA and who shall be the chief administrative agent and highest ranking education professional employed by the governing board. The chief executive shall provide the vision and educational leadership for creating a high performing education system that is focused on student learning and development. Within the parameters of law, the chief executive shall assign administrative and supervisory personnel, including building level leadership to assist in the effective management of the LEA. Although the chief executive may delegate appropriate powers and duties so that operational decisions can be made at various administrative levels, he or she is accountable for the execution of these powers and duties.
3. The chief executive shall comply with provisions of federal and state law, including the full implementation of the BEP, as well as with applicable municipal charter provisions and with all ordinances and directives of the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education. Under the supervision of the governing board, the chief executive shall exercise his or her management authority to accomplish the following responsibilities that are deemed by the Board of Education to be essential to the mission of implementing a statewide system of public education:
a. Planning and Evaluation: The chief executive shall effectively accomplish system-wide planning and evaluation, including:
(1) Implementation of policies and strategic plans developed in conjunction with and approved by the governing board, as well as development and implementation of administrative procedures necessary to implement board policy;
(2) Establishment and implementation of district wide plans and programs that are applicable to all schools; identification of roles and responsibilities for carrying out such plans that will entail analysis of the plans and leveraging and engaging partners to accelerate improvement efforts; and,
(3) Evaluation of the effectiveness of educational plans, policies, and programs to meet the needs of the students of the LEA, including implementing the governing board’s policies concerning curriculum and ensuring the availability of multiple pathways of instruction, student support systems, textbooks, and local assessment systems in order to provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum for all students.
b. Organizational Structure: The chief executive shall establish an academic organization within the LEA in order to ensure continuous improvement of learning and teaching, including:
(1) Establishment and implementation of annual and daily school calendars based on the learning needs of students;
(2) Creation of building and staffing plans based on the educational program needs of the LEA;
(3) Establishment and implementation of grade and program organizations within the levels of the LEA that ensure that students achieve proficiency on all state achievement standards;
(4) Establishment of structures to ensure communication and collaboration among constituency groups to assist in the development and implementation of programs and policies; and
(5) Establishment and implementation of specific procedures, internal controls, and timelines designed to provide the state with written assurances that the LEA goals and objectives will be met.
c. Information: The chief executive shall oversee a comprehensive information system of data collection, analysis and reporting, including relevant achievement criteria and measurement sufficient to inform the LEA about its progress in improving student learning. To that end, the information system shall support meaningful communication and professional learning.
d. Human Capital: The chief executive shall oversee administration of the personnel function consistent with personnel standards, policies, and the table of organization established by the governing board that includes: policies and procedures for recruiting, supporting and retaining highly effective staff; ongoing supports to improve the effectiveness of staff; cohesive professional development; and evaluation of personnel performance.
e. Fiscal Oversight: The chief executive shall oversee the development and adoption of a responsible budget with spending priorities that reflect the LEA strategic plan and that is focused on student learning and continuous improvement.
f. Facilities Oversight: The chief executive shall oversee the administration of an operational and maintenance program that will ensure that all educational facilities and transportation programs are efficiently operated, properly maintained, and in a safe condition for students, staff, and the community.
g. Communication: The chief executive shall lead the development and implementation of a comprehensive system of communication that ensures that all district staff, parents, guardians, and the community at large are fully informed regarding the goals, programs, opportunities, achievements, and needs of the education system. To that end, the chief executive shall articulate educational issues and values to district staff, the community and other governmental agencies. He or she shall be accessible to community members and shall work with them to further the LEA goals and to build a strong, positive community commitment to public education.
4. In performing his or her management responsibilities, the chief executive shall adhere to the operational requirements outlined in § 1.4.2 of this Part.
1.4.2 Accountable Operational Systems
A. Information
1. A comprehensive, integrated information system is essential to the creation and support of a 21st century learning environment. High quality information systems allow the collective LEA community to continuously improve. High quality information systems enable accurate and reliable data collection, analysis, and reporting.
2. The LEA shall provide data and reports as are required by federal or state law and Board of Education regulations or as are necessary for ensuring all aspects of accountability. These data and information shall provide the basis for meaningful comparisons of data by the LEA. These data and information will also provide the basis for the information required to set policies, align resources, and ensure equality of educational opportunities. The LEA shall provide appropriate access to its information systems and shall utilize all state and federal data systems necessary to implement its information system.
3. Information systems enable the LEA to address the following functions: Lead the Focus on Learning and Achievement; Use Information for Planning and Accountability; and Engage Families and the Community. Information Systems shall adhere to state and federal laws regarding open records, public access, security, and confidentiality, as applicable. The system shall interface with various types of communications networks and shall be designed to accommodate anticipated advances in technology, to the greatest extent possible.
4. The LEA shall develop and adequately maintain comprehensive, accessible, and transparent information systems with specific implementation strategies that address the following components:
a. Student Learning
(1) The information system shall promote achievement of the academic standards in the classroom and lifelong learning and success in our digital society; enhance student acquisition of technology and information literacy skills needed to succeed in the classroom, higher education and the workplace; ensure that each student has sufficient access to technology to support achievement of the academic standards; promote learning, including English language acquisition; and foster remediation to enhance student learning and close achievement gaps.
b. System Efficiency and Effectiveness
(1) The information system shall improve student achievement data collection, analysis, reporting, and decision making; maintain and improve the LEA student record keeping and assessment efforts; maintain and enhance personnel and fiscal records and functions; maintain and enhance governance, operations, and administration; and promote cost effective sharing of informational resources.
c. Communication and Support
(1) The information system shall facilitate and improve meaningful communication between and across all members of the school community; support intra-district dialogue that addresses mutual expectations; maintain and improve routine operations that enhance accessibility for end users, and connect the school community to local, state, and global networks and supports.
d. Technical Support
(1) The information system shall provide ongoing support on interpreting and using information for planning, professional development and continuous improvement and shall enable staff to exchange ideas with peers and to establish communities of practice.
B. Human Capital
1. Improving achievement requires recruitment of talented educators driven by strategic human capital management. Human capital management involves the practices of recruiting, developing, rewarding and retaining talented and demonstrably successful staff. The human capital management system enables the LEA to address the following functions: Recruit, Support and Retain Highly Effective Staff; Use Information for Planning and Accountability, and Ensure Equity and Adequacy of Fiscal and Human Resources. In order to effectively meet these functions, each LEA shall maintain control of its ability to recruit, hire, manage, evaluate, and assign its personnel.
2. Each LEA shall develop, implement, and monitor a human capital management system that is connected to its educational improvement strategy, and supports the people with the knowledge and skills necessary to execute that strategy. Human capital management systems shall adhere to standards and state regulations that relate to professional knowledge, skills, and competencies expected of all staff. Human capital management systems shall contain the following components:
a. Policies and Procedures to Recruit, Support, and Retain Highly Effective Staff.
(1) The LEA shall establish a set of policies and an array of strategies to recruit, hire, and retain highly effective district and school personnel; said policies and strategies shall align to district needs, focus on screening methods for determining candidate knowledge and skills to match the needs of the LEA, promote early identification of openings, use research-based protocols and incentives to address LEA related factors affecting retention and its impact on mobility trends, and address staffing low performing schools with highly effective and experienced staff.
(2) The LEA shall establish effective procedures for ensuring the completeness and security of personnel records and files for all of its employees. The LEA shall provide for proper storage, retention, and access. Each LEA shall have a policy for the examination of personnel records by individual employees. All personnel records shall adhere to state and federal laws regarding open records, public access, security, and confidentiality, as applicable.
b. Ongoing Supports to Staff
(1) Staffing schools and districts with qualified and effective personnel requires a systems approach that allows support for all staff throughout their professional careers. The LEA shall provide differentiated support to all staff. These supports shall include induction programs to support the developing proficiencies for new staff and staff serving in new assignments, mentoring and coaching to enhance professional learning and to foster peer relationships, job embedded professional development for continuous improvement, a compensation system reasonably related to achieving the purposes of these regulations, and a targeted support system for staff in need of improving their performance.
(2) Each LEA shall develop and implement policies and protocols that promote the health of school employees to support their overall well-being and their performance as educators and role models, including, as necessary, wellness programs, employee assistance programs, referral systems, and/or other services or supports as may be needed to help school staff maintain healthy lifestyles.
c. Cohesive System of Professional Development
(1) Effective professional development is planned systematically, driven by multiple sources of data and designed with input from staff. It is job embedded and considers an individual’s growth needs as well as district and school improvement goals. A cohesive system of professional development is designed to affect student achievement and overall student success as well as to enable professional growth. It shall be informed by analysis of district needs and aligned with state expectations for student proficiency and professional standards. The LEA shall require all staff to participate in professional development that is structured and coordinated to ensure that all support staff meet their individual as well district goals. The LEA shall monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of professional development and make necessary changes to support individual growth and the effectiveness of resources.
d. Evaluation of Personnel Performance
(1) Appraising personnel performance and quality is an extremely important factor affecting student learning. The LEA shall establish a set of clearly detailed and widely disseminated policies and procedures for the supervision and evaluation of all staff. These policies and procedures shall include personnel policy statements, job descriptions that outline job functions and responsibilities, and assignment and discipline of all LEA staff.
3. In order to ensure that all staff show consistent positive impact on student learning, the LEA shall have a formal evaluation process that is completed on a regular basis and is compliant with applicable legal requirements. The evaluation system promotes the growth and effectiveness of staff, provides feedback for continuous improvement, and includes processes for disciplinary action and exiting of ineffective staff. The evaluation system shall be developed, implemented and managed by persons with the necessary qualifications, skills, and training. The evaluation system shall be described in sufficient detail so that it is clear who is responsible and what is expected.
C. Fiscal Oversight
1. Each LEA shall ensure the fiscal health of the LEA and provide public accountability through the adoption of sound fiscal policies and oversight of the LEA financial condition. Furthermore, the LEA shall ensure that the financial systems support the LEA mission that includes goals for student achievement and a high quality educational program. Fiscal oversight enables the LEA to address the following functions: Ensure Equity and Adequacy of Fiscal and Human Resources and Use Information for Planning and Accountability. To accomplish this, the following components must be in place:
a. Efficient and Effective Finance System
(1) Each LEA shall adopt and maintain a financial accounting system, in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), and with requirements prescribed by the Commissioner of Education, in which all revenue and expenditure data shall be recorded. This system shall be the basis for the periodic reporting of financial data by the LEA to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
(AA) Each LEA shall use the best available techniques of long range planning, budget development, and budget administration and shall establish efficient procedures for accounting, reporting, purchasing, contracting, making payments, auditing, maintaining fixed assets, and fulfilling all other areas of fiscal management. These procedures will be accomplished by:
(i) Developing budget policies and strategies for optimal protection, investment, and allocation of resources;
(ii) Managing the federal grants process for integrating federal, state, and local resources and for ensuring timely reconciliation of accounts and submission of federal grant reports;
(iii) Ensuring that all financial transactions are in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles as well as with internal policies and procedures;
(iv) Maintaining a cash management process that ensures timely, accurate drawdown of funds;
(v) Developing appropriate procedures and policies for procurement as well as for managing bids and contracts;
(vi) Monitoring of cash flow, revenue, budget, and expenditures on an ongoing basis; and,
(vii) Providing a quarterly upload of financial data to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
2. Each LEA shall utilize a financial accounting system that permits the reporting of all school LEA revenues and expenditures in accordance with the Uniform Chart of Accounts as issued by the Office of the Auditor General and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This system shall integrate with other key systems, including those for human resources, payroll, and asset protection.
3. Each LEA shall maintain an adequate system of internal controls and shall establish and document such policies and procedures as are necessary to ensure an effective management system for the accountability of funds administered by the LEA. Internal controls shall promote operational efficiency and effectiveness, provide reliable financial information, safeguard assets and records, encourage adherence to prescribed policies, and comply with applicable statutes and regulations.
D. Audit and Accountability
1. In accordance with state law, municipalities and regional school LEAs shall engage an independent certified public accountant to make a detailed post audit of their financial records. LEAs that are part of the primary government of a municipality shall be included in the post audit of the municipality and shall not be required to obtain a separate post audit.
a. Annual audits of municipalities and LEAs shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and government auditing standards.
b. The selection of auditors is subject to final written approval by the State Auditor General. Municipalities and school LEAs shall not engage auditors nor shall they contract for their services until such written authorization is received from the Auditor General.
c. Each LEA shall, within six months of the close of its fiscal year, arrange for and undergo an independent audit of its financial records and submit the report of this audit to the Office of the Auditor General, the state Director of Administration, and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, no later than December 31 of each year.
d. In conjunction with the audit process, independent auditors shall also audit the compliance of an LEA with the Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCOA). A special report, due no later than December 31 of the year, shall be provided to the Office of the Auditor General and to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
e. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall conduct review and follow-up procedures to ensure that audit exceptions are evaluated and appropriate actions are taken. The Commissioner of Education shall be notified of any material and significant findings that reflect on the ability of the LEA to provide a high quality education or that indicate that progress toward satisfactory resolution is not being made.
E. Facilities Oversight
1. LEA facilities, consisting of the site, building, equipment, and utilities, are major factors in the functioning of the educational program. The LEA facilities provide more than a place for instruction; the physical environment assists or limits student achievement of desirable learning outcomes. Facilities oversight enables the LEA to address the following functions: Foster Safe and Supportive Environments for Students and Staff and Ensure Equity and Adequacy of Fiscal and Human Resources.
2. The 21st century high performing LEA must provide physical environments that contribute to the successful performance of educational programs designed to meet students’ educational needs. The buildings must be adequate to meet current demands as required by the Rhode Island Standards for School Buildings and Facilities (“SBC-13”). The spaces within must be sufficiently flexible to provide for multiple uses of the area, including educational and non-educational programs. The facilities shall have adequate space with respect to student enrollment, the instructional program, and necessary administrative and supporting services. The facilities oversight system shall adhere to standards and state regulations and shall address the following:
a. Facilities Planning, Coordination, and Maintenance
(1) Each LEA shall prepare a long range Educational Facilities Master Plan (EFMP), with annual revisions and updates that address all facilities under the control of the district and that is aligned with the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The LEA shall develop methods and procedures to coordinate their facility planning with local governments and related comprehensive community plans. The LEA shall develop a Comprehensive Maintenance Plan (CMP) with annual revisions and updates, using the template provided in the School Housing Aid and School Construction Regulations.
b. Safe, Healthy, and Sanitary Physical Environments
(1) All school facilities, which shall include buildings, grounds, and equipment necessary for the provision of instructional programs, shall be operated and maintained in safe, healthful, and sanitary condition. The physical environment of all schools shall be in compliance with local, state, and federal standards, codes, laws, and regulations regarding health and safety, accessibility, and energy conservation. Each LEA shall have a chemical hygiene plan.
c. Adequate Facilities to Promote Student Learning and Development
(1) LEA facilities shall be sufficiently flexible to provide for multiple uses of the area in regard to both educational and supplementary activity programs. The facilities shall have adequate space with respect to student enrollment, the instructional program, and necessary administrative and supporting services. Instructional environments, including classrooms, laboratories, library-media centers, and recreational facilities, shall be adequate to serve the specific purpose for which they are intended, shall have sufficient area to accommodate each student, and shall afford access to resources as appropriate to the age of the students in the school.
F. Communications
1. Each LEA shall develop, implement, and monitor a comprehensive system of communication that ensures that parents, guardians, and the community at large are fully informed regarding the goals, programs, opportunities, achievements, and needs of the education system.
2. Communication systems enable the LEA to address the following functions: Lead the Focus on Learning and Achievement; Use Information for Planning and Accountability and Engage Families and the Community. Each LEA shall develop and implement a written comprehensive communication plan that establishes the guidelines and procedures for the design, implementation, monitoring, and revision of the district wide communication system. The comprehensive communication plan shall address the following:
a. Strategies to fully inform parents, guardians, and students of their individual rights under state and federal laws as well as to keep the public fully informed about the goals, programs, opportunities, achievements, and needs of the education system in a timely manner and in a culturally and linguistically responsive format;
b. Communication methods that accommodate the needs of all members of the public, including the visually or hearing impaired, those whose primary language is not English, and those with other special needs;
c. Opportunities for the public to give input on LEA issues and operations;
d. Strategies for ensuring that staff members are responsive to requests by parents, guardians, and members of the public for information or assistance and for providing staff members with professional development regarding service to the public, parental engagement, and community relations;
e. The organizational structure for implementing the communication strategies throughout the school community and within and across the district and its schools; and
f. The process for approval, review (based on data and information collected regarding the efficacy of the LEA communication system), revision, and renewal of the LEA communication plan.
1.4.3 Accountability for Continuous Improvement
A. Accountability for Continuous Improvement
1. Rhode Island has incorporated the accountability requirements set forth in the No Child Left Behind Act into its existing state system as set forth in the Comprehensive Education Strategy (CES). This unified system serves as the basis for classifying schools and districts based on whether the schools have met Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) on the state assessments for English language arts and mathematics and other indicators of progress.
2. Each LEA shall develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate an accountability system, using information from multiple sources, to inform analysis of the many aspects of the education system. Relevant data shall consist of a combination of contextual and demographic information, measures of student learning, curriculum and instruction strategies and practices, and perceptual or evaluative data.
3. The accountability system shall:
a. Include the processes and written plans described in §§ 1.2.3(A) and (B) of this Part for a comprehensive assessment system and identified in § 1.3 of this Part for systemic problem solving;
b. Specify policies, procedures, and strategies for public reporting that comply with state and federal reporting requirements and ensure broadly accessible and timely dissemination of information;
c. Establish procedures by which a thorough self-study of the district functions and capacities for continuous improvement, as stated in § 1.4.1 of this Part shall be conducted using criteria established by the Commissioner of Education, as indicated in § 1.4.3 of this Part; and,
d. Include development of a plan that demonstrates how the LEA will use self-study findings to inform allocation of resources, strategic planning, and differentiated supports to schools.
B. Intervention and Support
1. Based on the accountability system described above, the LEA shall design a system of differentiated supports and interventions for schools that are not closing achievement gaps, are not continuously improving, or are not reaching state performance standards. The differentiated system of supports shall include specific strategies and investments that address:
a. Leadership. Strengthening hierarchical and distributive leadership capacity to accelerate performance;
b. Personnel. Changes or enhancements to staffing, professional development, mentoring, technical assistance, peer observation, and modeling effective practices;
c. Infrastructure. Modifications in organizational structures, processes, resources, and materials that serve as barriers to improvement; and,
d. Content. Intensifying academic and developmental programs, practices, and initiatives, based on scientific research.
2. The LEA shall develop a district action plan and individual school plans that identify and develop solutions that take into account the underlying causes for low performance by students, set forth a detailed and adequately resourced implementation strategy, and provide for evaluation of the improvement efforts. These plans shall be disseminated to the public in a timely manner.
3. Failure to increase student performance to target levels at the school level shall result in increased LEA oversight responsibility on a year to year basis. Consecutive years without demonstrated improvement shall result in state intervention and decreased local authority. In cases in which there is insufficient LEA leadership capacity to implement these directives, the LEA must communicate said lack of capacity to the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education.
1.5 Definitions
A. "21st century learning environment" means, in a 21st century learning environment all students are able to learn, instruction is engaging, interactive, contextual in the real world, student centered and differentiated for individual learners needs; 21st century tools and technologies are integrated into the learning process; systems (technological and otherwise) are student and learning focused; and personnel engage in continuous professional growth to maintain their skills and knowledge.
B. "Alternate assessment (RIAA)" means an assessment for the small number of students who cannot participate in large-scale assessments even with accommodations. The RIAA is based on Alternate Assessment Grade Span Expectations (AAGSEs) in reading, mathematics, science, and writing that are an extension of the NECAP Grade Level Expectations (GLEs).
C. "Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs)" means a set of state-established benchmarks for monitoring changes in performance among and across student subgroups, schools, and districts. States established the objectives as part of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) required by the federal No Child Left Behind Act
D. "Capital Improvement Program (CIP)" means a long-range plan, typically five years, which identifies capital needs in a district and provides a funding schedule and timeline for implementation.
E. "Comprehensive assessment system" means a system that draws on data from the state/national level, the district/school level, and the classroom level to a) improve education, b) determine success, and c) provide feedback to relevant stakeholders (e.g., students, teachers, policy makers, the community). Components of the assessment system include:
1. "Formative assessments" mean the processes used by teachers and students during instruction that provide feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes;
2. "Interim assessments" mean the assessments that fall between formative and summative assessment and are used to evaluate students’ knowledge and skills relative to a specific set of academic goals; and
3. "Summative assessments" mean assessments generally given at the end of some unit of time such as the semester or school year to evaluate students’ performance against a defined set of content standards. (Achieve/Aspen Center for Achievement).
F. "Comprehensive education strategy" means the state's blueprint for comprehensive system-wide restructuring of the state's public schools. There are two central themes within CES: Improving Teaching and Learning and Creating Responsive and Supportive Systems.
G. "Curriculum mapping" provides a timeline for instruction that is typically organized into blocks of time, (e.g. monthly, quarterly). The map outlines prerequisite skills and knowledge, benchmarks, goals and alignment of standards between grades and courses in order to ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn all agreed upon standards.
H. "Differentiated instruction" means to recognize that students have varying background knowledge, readiness, learning styles, interests and abilities in the same class. The model requires teachers to be flexible in their approach to teaching by adjusting the format and presentation of information to learners so that they can access the same curriculum. It requires a blend of whole class, group, and individual instruction.
I. "Dual enrollment" means a successful acceleration mechanism that allows high school students to pursue an advanced curriculum related to their postsecondary interests.
J. "Financial Accounting Standards Board” means an organization whose mission is to establish and improve standards of financial accounting and reporting for the guidance and education of the public, including issuers, auditors, and users of financial information.
K. "Generally accepted accounting principles" means a term used to refer to the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting used in any given jurisdiction.
L. "Governmental Accounting Standards Board" means a board with a mission establish and improve standards of state and local governmental accounting and financial reporting that will result in useful information for users of financial reports and guide and educate the public, including issuers, auditors, and users of those financial reports.
M. "Grade span and grade level expectations" means:
1. "Grade Span Expectations (GSEs)" - at any grade - represent content knowledge and skills that have been introduced instructionally at least one to two years before students are expected to demonstrate confidence in applying them independently.
2. "Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)" differentiates performance on concepts, skills, or content knowledge between adjacent grade levels, and as a set, lead to focused, coherent, and developmentally appropriate instruction without narrowing the curriculum.
N. "Guaranteed and viable curricula" means a curriculum that provides both the opportunity and time for students to learn. It ensures that the curriculum is implemented consistently by all teachers to all students. It is based on a commitment from the districts and its schools that the written, taught, and learned curriculum is aligned so that all students learn agreed upon standards.
O. "Individual learning plans" means a planning and monitoring tool that helps to customize and direct students’ goals and development in three domains: academic, career, and personal/social.
P. "Individualized Education Program” or “IEP" means a written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with federal law.
Q. "Induction programs" mean the vehicles that facilitate systemic sustained enhancement to school culture and the teaching profession. These programs combine mentoring, professional development and support, and evaluation for at least the first two years of a beginning educator’s professional career.
R. "Local Educational Agency (LEA)" means a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a State for either administrative control or direction of, or to perform a service function for public elementary or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a State, or for a combination of school districts or counties that is recognized in a State as an administrative agency for its public elementary schools or secondary schools.
S. "No Child Left Behind Act" means the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) -- the main federal law affecting education from kindergarten through high school. NCLB is built on four principles: accountability for results, more choices for parents, greater local control and flexibility, and an emphasis on doing what works based on scientific research.
T. "Performance Based Graduation Requirements (PBGR)" means a set of uniform requirements that is consistent with the high school regulations, GLEs / GSEs and State Scholars Initiative.
U. "Personalization" means a learning process in which schools help students assess their own talents and aspirations, plan a pathway toward their own purposes, work cooperatively with others on challenging tasks, maintain a record of their explorations, and demonstrate learning against clear standards in a wide variety of media, all with the close support of adult mentors and guides.
V. "Personalized Learning Plan (PLP)" means a plan of action used to accelerate a student’s learning in order to move toward grade level reading proficiency.
W. "Positive behavior supports" means a set of practices used to organize teaching and learning environments and experiences for students which facilitate the student’s successful self-awareness, self-management, and engagement with others and with the learning process.
X. "Response to Intervention (RTI)" means seeking to prevent academic failure through early intervention, frequent progress measurement, and increasingly intensive research-based instructional interventions for children who continue to have difficulty. In middle level schools and high schools there are three levels, or “scaffolds,” of support for improving all students’ reading.
Y. "Scaffolded literacy" means the three levels of support for improving all students' reading:
1. A school-wide discipline-specific program for all students,
2. Targeted literacy supports for students reading more than one and up to two years below grade level, and
3. Intensive literacy intervention for students reading more than two years below grade level.
Z. "Site-based leadership" refers to building-level leaders (e.g. principals, school improvement team members, parents, teachers) who are responsible for creating educational environments conducive to student learning and making decisions that promote student achievement.
AA. "Uniform chart of accounts" means a uniform system of numbers used to account for all of the revenues and expenditures in schools.
BB. "Universal design" means the design of products and environments to be useable by all people, to the greatest degree possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.
CC. "W-APT (WIDA Access Placement Test)" means a test designed to help schools provide ELL students with the most appropriate instruction given the student's knowledge of English.
Title | 200 | Board of Education |
Chapter | 20 | Council on Elementary and Secondary Education |
Subchapter | 10 | Academic Standards, Programs and Operations |
Part | 1 | Basic Education Program (200-RICR-20-10-1) |
Type of Filing | Technical Revision |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 07/29/2009 to 01/04/2022 |
Regulation Authority:
R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-60-4
Purpose and Reason:
This Technical Revision is being promulgated to correct a numbering error in Section 1 where the numbering of the subsections skips from 1.1.3 to 1.1.5. The numbering has been corrected and no substantive revision was made to this rule.