Rhode Island Veterans Home: General Rules of the Rhode Island Veterans Home
3.1 Authority
A. The Director of Veterans Affairs is authorized under R.I. Gen. Laws § 30-24-2 to establish appropriate rules and regulations for the government and management of the Rhode Island Veterans Home.
B. The Director of Veterans Affairs has delegated responsibility for these rules and regulations to the Administrator of the Rhode Island Veterans Home.
C. These regulations adhere to the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 200d, et seq.) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services implementing regulations (45 C.F.R. Parts 80 and 84).
D. The Office of Veterans Affairs does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, or handicap in acceptance for or provision of services or employment in its programs and activities. Under the provisions of applicable law, the Office of Veterans Affairs does not discriminate based on sex, age, creed or political belief.
3.2 Purpose
To establish rules and regulations for governing the admission, conduct, and discharge of the residents of the Rhode Island Veterans Home.
3.3 Basic Eligibility
A. Persons eligible for admission to the Rhode Island Veterans Home is restricted to any person who:
1. Has served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Merchant Marine, Coast Guard or Air Force of the United States for a period of ninety (90) days or more, and
2. Such period began or ended during any foreign war in which the United States shall have been engaged or in any expedition or campaign for which the United States government issued a campaign medal, and
3. Was honorably discharged, and
4. Shall be deemed to need such care provided at the Rhode Island Veterans Home.
B. Any person who has served less than the ninety (90) day period and who was honorably discharged from service, and who acquired a service-connected disability or disease, may be admitted.
C. The applicant must be accredited to the enlistment or induction quota of the State of Rhode Island or shall have resided in the State of Rhode Island for at least two (2) consecutive years prior to the date of application.
D. The Rhode Island Veterans Home will accept any veteran with a diagnosis for which it is licensed. The Medical Director shall retain the power to approve or disapprove any admission based on a veteran’s diagnosis.
E. Admission to the Rhode Island Veterans Home is voluntary. Admission shall be made without discrimination as to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, marital status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, assets, or income.
3.4 Eligible Dates of Service for Admission
A. WORLD WAR II: December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946
B. KOREAN CONFLICT: June 27, 1950 to January 31, 1955
C. VIETNAM ERA: August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975 (February 28, 1961 – May 7, 1975 for veterans who served “in country” before August 5, 1964)
D. PERSIAN GULF ERA: August 2, 1990 through a date to be set by law or Presidential Proclamation
3.5 Resident Rights
A. Each resident shall have personal rights which include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. To be accorded dignity in their personal relationships with staff, residents and other persons.
2. To be accorded safe, healthful and comfortable accommodations, furnishings and equipment.
3. To be free from corporal or unusual punishment, freedom from abuse, neglect and exploitation such as forced isolation, humiliation, intimidation, mental abuse or other actions of a punitive nature, such as withholding of monetary allowances or interfering with daily living functions such as eating or sleeping patterns or elimination.
4. To be informed by the licensee of the provisions of law regarding complaints such as confidentiality.
5. To have the freedom of attending religious services or activities of their choice and to have visits from the spiritual advisor of their choice.
6. To visit the facility prior to residence along with their family and responsible persons.
7. To have their family or responsible persons regularly informed by the licensee of activities related to their care or services including ongoing evaluations, as appropriate to the resident’s needs.
8. To have communications to the licensee from their family and responsible persons answered promptly and appropriately.
9. To have their visitors, including ombudspersons and advocacy representatives, visit privately during reasonable hours but without prior notice, provided that the rights of other residents are not infringed upon.
10. To wear their own clothes; to keep and use their own personal possessions, including their own toilet articles; and to keep and be allowed to spend their own money unless contraindicated.
11. To have access to individual storage space for private use.
12. To have reasonable access to telephones, to make and receive confidential calls.
13. To mail and receive unopened personal correspondence.
14. To receive or reject medical care, including right to choose a physician (this may require a transfer to the unit that physician covers).
15. To receive assistance in exercising the right to vote.
16. To move from the facility.
3.6 Admission Procedures
A. Application for Admittance
1. Upon request, the Veterans Affairs Office sends an application packet to Veteran/family. Once the application is returned to the Rhode Island Veterans Home, the Veteran will be placed on the Admission List.
2. A letter will be sent to the applicant/family upon receipt of application. A checklist will be included to request any missing documentation, and an open file of application and supplemental information will be kept in Veterans Affairs Office until time of admission.
3. Once the applicant’s name is reached on the Admission List, he or she will be offered a date for admission. If accepted, a clinical social worker will meet with the applicant to complete the clinical assessment. If the applicant/family decline admission into the RI Veterans Home, an offer will be made for the Veteran’s name to be placed on the Rhode Island Veterans Home Inactive List.
4. A Veteran may be considered for immediate admission if they qualify for end of life care. Completion of the End of Life Certification Form should be submitted with the Veteran’s application.
B. Inactive List Procedure
1. All eligible applicants will be offered the opportunity to have their name placed on the Inactive List for a period of one year.
2. The name of the Veteran and the date of inactive status shall be put on the Inactive List.
3. It shall be the responsibility of the Veteran or family to notify the Rhode Island Veterans Home when they would like their application reactivated to the regular Admission List. Written or electronic correspondence shall be sent to the Veteran/family notifying them of this responsibility.
4. When notified by the Veteran/family to return to the Active Admission List, the applicant’s name and date of notification will be placed at the bottom of the Active Admission List.
5. The applicant will be responsible for submitting updated documentation, as needed.
6. Should the applicant/family not contact the Rhode Island Veterans Home within a period of one year, the RIVH will send a letter to the applicant removing the individual’s name from the Inactive List. All applicants can request a new application at any time.
C. Advance Directive. Residents are encouraged to place on file a Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare (DPOAH) or a Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST).
D. Next-of-kin
1. Upon admission, residents are required to furnish the name, address and telephone number of the person or persons to be called in the event of any emergency.
2. If a change occurs in the name, or family, or telephone number of a next-of-kin, resident or family is required to promptly notify the business office or social service office.
E. Wills. Upon admission, each resident is urged to have a will drafted and notify the Home as to location of the will or provide a copy. This action will assure the resident that their assets will revert to a person or persons of their choice.
F. Intestacy. If a resident does not execute a will, property/monies/assets under State Law, including joint savings accounts belonging to a resident at the time of their death at the Home, after payment of funeral expenses which shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and after payment of the reasonable debts and expenses of the deceased resident, shall become the property of the State of Rhode Island for eventual deposit in the Veterans Home Fund pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 30-24-9.
3.7 Selection of Funeral Director
A. Upon admission, residents are required to indicate the selection of a Funeral Director. This selection may be changed by the resident at any time by notifying Social Work Service.
B. The selection shall be submitted for review by the resident's specified next-of kin or guardian. The Home does not assume the financial responsibility of the resident's burial, but can, when necessary, make appropriate arrangements for a resident's burial.
C. An amount of up to $10,000 may be released for funeral expenses for burial of a resident possessing such assets.
3.8 Bed Retention
A. It is the policy of the Rhode Island Veterans Home to allow its residents to retain their bed when absent provided they comply with the Home's maintenance fee regulation, Part 2 of this Subchapter, Rhode Island Veterans Home: Administrative Procedures for the Billing and Collection of Maintenance Fees.
B. Residents who are hospitalized and whose nursing care requirements cannot be met at the Rhode Island Veterans Home shall be discharged as of the date notification from the hospital as to the extent of the resident's complexity of care and subsequent admission to another facility.
C. Residents shall nominate an individual (next-of-kin or guardian) to exercise their bed retention rights in the event to which they are unable.
D. Residents or their nominee, who fails to elect discharge within fifteen (15) days from the date of absence, shall be maintained on the rolls and subject to the procedure for billing and collection of maintenance fees.
3.9 Federal Medicare Insurance
A. All residents eligible for Federal Medicare Insurance Parts A & B or other medical insurance must maintain coverage in the event hospitalization or special medical procedures is obtained on a private basis.
B. Residents are required to meet all costs, including transportation, from their own funds, for private medical services.
3.10 General Rules
A. The following rules have been established in accordance with the General Laws of the State of Rhode Island, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and applicable regulations of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
B. Smoking/Tobacco Usage
1. Per Executive Order 91-40, the Home is a smoke-free environment. Residents can smoke in Designated Areas only. The resident’s treatment team will evaluate and determine whether resident is deemed an independent smoker or supervised smoker.
2. All Residents found in violation of posted smoking policy will be subject to the following restrictions as determined by the Treatment Team.
a. A first offense will result in a 14-day restriction in which all smoking paraphernalia will be issued and or cleared by the charge nurse.
b. A second offense will result in a 30-day restriction.
c. A third offense will result in a 60-day restriction.
d. A fourth offense will result a 90-day restriction.
e. All offenses will be reviewed by the Treatment Team to determine if there is a need for continuous supervision as well as if the individual is a danger to self or others which can result in a discharge due to safety issues.
C. Personal Care
1. Residents are required to keep themselves clean at all times unless the physician has determined that the resident requires assistance.
2. Residents shall bathe or shower, frequently, but at least twice a week or more frequently as reviewed by treatment team.
3. Residents shall wear clean clothing.
4. Residents shall be clean-shaven; beards and/or mustaches must be neatly trimmed.
5. Residents may use the Home's free barbering service.
6. Residents wearing pajamas outside of respective nursing unit area are required to wear a robe.
D. Living Environment. Unless otherwise excused for reason of extreme physical disabilities, residents shall maintain their bedside area in a neat and clean condition. In addition, residents shall:
1. Deposit refuse in the appropriate containers provided for such purposes when inside or outside of the building.
2. Keep rooms neat and orderly, to insure health and safety. Inspections will be held if necessary to insure health and safety of the facility.
3. Not store any kind of perishable food in their room.
4. Exercise every precaution against fire and respond to every fire alarm in accordance with instructions from staff.
5. Dress appropriately in accordance with the prevailing weather.
E. Solicitations
1. No resident (or employee) shall bring any article for sale to the Home; nor shall any resident (or employee) engage in the business of selling articles to employees or residents of the Home.
2. No resident shall enter into any contract which in any way obligates the Rhode Island Veterans Home.
3. Residents will not lend or borrow money from each other or from staff.
F. Clothing and Personal Effects
1. Residents with income will be required to purchase their own clothing and other personal effects. For the convenience of residents, these articles are available through the private PX vendor (Gift Shop) located within the Home.
2. Residents without income can be issued clothing, toilet articles, and other essential items which are necessary to health and comfort.
a. For the convenience of residents, a private laundry vendor is provided by the Home.
b. Unit areas provide a washer and dryer with detergent available.
3. Storage for excess luggage and personal property is available in the resident storage rooms located in the commons building.
4. Residents will observe quiet time after 10:00 p.m. and before 6:00 a.m.
5. Residents will be appropriately attired outside of their living quarters, i.e., dining and common areas. Residents wearing pajamas outside of respective nursing unit area will be required to wear a robe.
G. Valuable Personal Property – All Residents
1. Residents are requested to complete an inventory listing upon admission.
2. The facility recommends that residents should have all valuable personal property (television, radio, watch, electric shaver, etc.) marked for permanent identification.
3. Residents are encouraged to utilize the two locked drawers for valuables in each resident room.
H. Music Policy. To ensure the comfort and well-being of all, a resident will be allowed the use of personally-owned radio/music device if operated at a reasonable volume and played with respect to Quiet Time Policy (10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.).
I. Television Policy
1. Each resident room is furnished with a television. Residents may also use a personal television. Residents are expected to comply with the Quiet Time Policy (10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.) by lowering the volume or using headphones.
2. Cable and internet access is available from RI Licensed Providers at the resident’s expense.
J. Wheelchairs
1. Personally-Owned Wheelchairs
a. Nursing care residents may purchase a wheelchair, with medical approval and/or an assessment by the occupational therapy department.
b. These wheelchairs will remain the exclusive property of the resident with the following conditions:
(1) Repairs which are required are the responsibilities of the resident or his guardian.
(2) A resident or guardian can arrange for the purchase and delivery a wheelchair through the Business Office.
(3) Residents assessed incapable of safe operation may be reviewed by the Treatment Team.
2. Veterans Administration-Provided Wheelchairs
a. The Providence VA Medical Center may provide wheelchairs based on medical necessity.
b. Residents assessed incapable of safe operation may be reviewed by the treatment team.
K. Automobiles. Any resident with an automobile on the RIVH grounds must have a valid RI driver’s license, maintain valid vehicle registration and inspection, and show proof of insurance. Failure to do so will result in removal of the vehicle from the grounds.
L. Telephones. Residents may use cell phones, phones provided by cable service providers, or receive messages from the nursing staff.
M. Field Trips. Residents attending authorized field trips require medical approval.
N. Residents Council
1. Residents Council shall be authorized to promote activities and improvements of the resident services if in compliance with the Residents Right Policy.
2. The Residents Council consists of volunteer residents. The function of the Residents Council is to enhance the services of the Home without interfering with the Administrative authority of the agency.
3. The Resident Council will be governed by by-laws approved by the residents.
O. Family Council. The Family Council meets monthly. The Council is represented by past and current family members and friends. All family members and friends are invited to attend the monthly meetings.
3.11 Finance
A. No resident or employee of the Home, other than the Administrator, Assistant Administrator or the Physical Security Officer, shall take for safekeeping any money or article of value from any resident of the Home.
B. No resident or employee of the Home, other than the Administrator, Assistant Administrator, or a Designee, shall cash a benefit check or be involved with any matter concerning resident’s funds.
C. Residents are encouraged to use the on-site RI Credit Union to receive all outside funds to allow for direct deposit of monetary maintenance fees.
D. Supervision of Monetary Benefits
1. The administration of the Home may be appointed as fiduciary for a resident as deemed necessary for the Social Security Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs, or the State Ombudsman.
2. Residents should not have more than $100.00 on their person at any time and should secure all cash in locked drawers in their rooms.
3. The Administrator or his designee shall be authorized to open monetary benefit correspondence to assure timely processing.
4. The Administration or his designee will insure each resident has $150 for personal needs, available in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 30-24-10.
E. Maintenance Fee. Charges at the Rhode Island Veterans Home are in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 30-24-10 and Part 2 of this Subchapter, Rhode Island Veterans Home: Administrative Procedures for the Billing and Collection of Maintenance Fees.
3.12 Medical
A. Medical Rounds
1. Any resident requesting an appointment with the Home physician shall do so through the nursing unit Charge Nurse.
2. Medical Rounds are conducted daily Monday through Sunday.
B. Professional Medical Services
1. Residents shall consider the Home's physician as their attending physician and should take all prescribed medications and follow all advice and regimen laid down by the Home physician and medical staff. If a resident refuses treatment, the resident shall be informed of the medical consequences of this action. If a resident is mentally incapable of making a competent decision, approval will be sought from the guardian, next-of-kin, or other person of record legally entitled to give such approval. If the Rhode Island Veterans Home physician orders the hospitalization of a resident, the Veterans Administration Hospital will be notified of the order in accordance with established policy. Residents may choose to use Private Hospitals when they have coverage.
a. If admission to a Veterans Administration facility cannot be accomplished, the Home's physicians shall arrange transfer to another medical facility for essential treatment or medical procedures. Residents are responsible for all costs incurred in a private facility.
b. If a resident requests the services of a private physician or private hospital, the resident or guardian shall be responsible for all costs (including transportation).
2. Residents requesting services of an eye doctor, foot doctor, oral surgeon or other specialist not on the staff, shall consult first with the Medical Department.
a. The Medical Department should be informed of an appointment with the Physician of the Resident's choice.
b. Payment for such private medical services shall be the responsibility of the resident, guardian, or his family.
C. Alcohol Control
1. Alcohol consumption by staff on the grounds is strictly prohibited.
2. A resident’s alcohol consumption shall be limited by his or her Treatment Team if it interferes with the resident’s health or social adjustment, and/or interferes with the safety and well-being of others. Alcohol consumption is permitted if part of a religious observance or ceremony.
3. The Home's Administrator may order restrictions to clinically obtain and promote sobriety of a resident utilizing the following procedure:
a. 1st situation - 14 days restricted to facility and grounds
b. 2nd situation - 30 days restricted to facility and grounds
c. 3rd situation - 60 days restricted to facility and grounds
d. 4th situation - 90 day restricted to facility and grounds
4. All offenses will be reviewed by the Treatment Team to determine if there is a need for continuous supervision. Residents who present as a danger to self or others may be discharged due to safety issues. The resident will be offered substance abuse treatment and counseling sessions by social services.
D. Illegal Substances. Narcotics prohibited by federal law may not be used by residents or staff members on the grounds.
E. Dental Services. Residents requiring dental services, shall contact the charge nurse of their respective ward. Costs incurred for dental services provided outside the facility are the responsibility of the resident.
F. Medical Communications
1. When a resident receives any communication from the Veterans Administration, Social Security Administration, or any other agency requesting resident to report for medical examination or for any reason, residents must refer communication to the medical office immediately. Residents will complete the proper release form on admission.
2. If a resident receives a Veterans Administration ID card, it shall be the resident's responsibility to turn this card into the medical office. It is essential that this procedure be followed so the Home can arrange appointments and suitable means of transportation.
G. Medical Devices. Residents in need of a medical device (surgical supports, artificial limbs, hearing aids, leg braces, etc.) shall consult first with the Home physician. If approved by the Home physician, the resident shall request the assistance of the medical department. The resident shall not independently arrange these services.
H. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The HIPAA Privacy Rule (the Rule) enhances the privacy protections afforded to individual consumers at all levels of health care treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. The Rule requires health care providers, health plans, and health care clearinghouses to carefully monitor the use and disclosure of an individual’s protected health information (PHI). The Rule requires the RIVH to provide patients with a notice of the patient’s privacy rights and the privacy practices of the RIVH called a Notice of Privacy Practices (Notice). All necessary forms and notices shall be provided upon admission.
3.13 Social Services
A. Social Work Services are available to every resident.
B. Counseling services are provided to residents in need of psychotherapy, group or individual therapy and substance abuse related problems.
C. Residents are encouraged to have their relatives, guardian or next-of-kin, consult with social service in conjunction with their treatment plan.
3.14 Conduct of Residents
A. Firearms, weapons of any type, narcotics prohibited by federal law, unauthorized medication, and knives with blade length more than two (2) inches are not allowed.
B. Electrical appliances equipped with heating elements (hot plates, heating pads, percolators, toasters, grills, etc.) are not allowed.
C. Fighting or the threat of violence between residents could result in the immediate disciplinary discharge of each member.
D. Residents under a restriction may be discharged for disciplinary reasons should the restriction be broken.
E. Abuse of profanity and vulgarity towards staff and other residents may subject the offender to disciplinary action or discharge.
F. No resident shall interfere with building equipment or Facility Operations.
G. Residents shall exercise every care to preserve the furnishings and equipment of the Home.
H. Radios music devices and televisions shall be kept at a reasonable volume. Quiet Time will be observed between 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
I. Residents may not mark or otherwise deface the walls, trees or other property.
J. Expectorating (spitting) anywhere inside or within the immediate area outside the building is strictly forbidden. Handkerchiefs/tissues are to be used for this purpose and deposited in an appropriate waste container.
3.15 Discipline
A. Offenses which could lead to disciplinary action or discharge:
1. Violating the Smoking Policy
2. Stealing
3. Fighting and/or threating of violence towards others
4. Abusing alcohol or using illegal substances on the grounds
5. Returning to the Home under the influence of liquor which exceeds the legal limit
6. Failing to comply with the alcohol policy
7. Refusing to keep clean (person and clothing)
8. Throwing refuse about the premises
9. Expectorating (spitting) on floors and other forbidden areas
10. A.W.O.L. – Absence Without Leave.
11. Acting in an abusive manner towards staff and other residents.
12. Tampering with building equipment
13. Defacing property (marking walls or furnishings)
14. Using profanity or vulgarity in an abusive manner when interacting with staff or other residents
15. Violating the automobile policy
16. Failing to comply with monetary regulations
17. Violating any federal, state or local ordinance
18. Violating other RIVH Rules & Regulations Policies
B. Common Disciplinary Action
1. Any resident in violation of disciplinary offenses will be subject to disciplinary action as follows:
a. A first offense will result in a 14-day restriction.
b. A second offense will result in a 30-day restriction.
c. A third offense will result in a 60-day restriction.
d. A fourth offense will result in a warning of possible discharge.
e. A fifth offense, a disciplinary discharge or indefinite restriction will be carried out with notification to the next-of-kin.
f. Refusal to accept or comply with a disciplinary action may result in a disciplinary discharge.
g. Disciplinary Discharge may supersede all of the above disciplinary actions, depending upon offenses, following all State regulations referencing such actions.
2. Residents receiving disciplinary action will be notified of the procedure for appealing any discipline imposed.
C. Appeal
1. A resident may appeal a disciplinary decision but must do so in writing within five (5) working days of the issuance of the disciplinary action. Appeals submitted more than five (5) calendar days after the disciplinary decision is imposed will be presumed to be untimely except for good cause shown in the sound discretion of the Administrator.
2. The Administrator will act on the appeal expeditiously, but no later than five (5) calendar days following the filing of the appeal. The Administrator may conduct an independent inquiry into the matter and will notify the resident of the outcome of the appeal.
3. The Administrator’s decision on the appeal is final.
3.16 Visitors
A. Children are prohibited from visiting residents unless they are accompanied by an adult.
B. Visitors must sign in at each neighborhood.
C. Residents residing in the domiciliary area will be permitted to visit other members in Nursing Unit.
D. Animals must be on a leash and fully vaccinated. Prior to bringing an animal into the facility, family or visitor must provide proof of vaccination with the Activity Director.
3.17 Leave of Absences
A. A resident may be eligible for a day leave, overnight or extended leave. Failure of resident to return punctually from an authorized leave is subject to disciplinary action.
B. A resident shall be entitled an extended leave of absence of no more than 72 continuous hours per week, or no more than two (2) day leave passes per week. Any deviation from this policy shall be determined by the Administrator and Treatment Team.
C. Leave of absences are issued by all nursing units and approved by the attending physician.
1. Residents requiring medication while on leave will be provided medications at their respective nursing station only upon issuance of a leave.
2. Resident, next-of-kin, or guardian will be required to sign a medication release form when receiving medication before leaving on leave of absence.
3. Resident, upon return to the Home from leave, must report immediately to his or her respective nursing station and turn in all unused medication and again sign the medication release form.
4. Resident who returns to the Home, prior to the expiration of his leave, will report to the charge nurse, turn all unused medication, and any remaining time due on the leave will be cancelled.
D. Requests from resident on authorized leave for extension of the leave or to return late, leave must be made directly to the charge nurse. The treatment team will approve the requests.
3.18 Discharges
A. A resident requesting to leave the Home is required to inform Social Service. Upon departure, the resident shall take all personal belongings with them.
B. Voluntary Discharge. Residents who have been formally discharged at their request may not re-apply until the expiration of three (3) months from the date of discharge.
C. Against Medical Advice Discharge. Residents who are discharged at their own request, but against the advice of the Home physicians, may not reapply to the Home until the expiration of six (6) months from the date of discharge.
D. Program Discharge
1. A resident in need of and accepting a planned discharge to another treatment facility may be readmitted without time limitations, provided the treatment facility progress reports indicate improvement of the veteran's problem to the extent acceptable to the Home and Treatment Team.
2. Residents whose hospitalization results in complex nursing care requirements not readily available at the Rhode Island Veterans Home and are Program Discharged may be readmitted when their nursing care requirements can be managed at the Rhode Island Veterans Home.
E. Disciplinary Discharge
1. A resident discharged for disciplinary reasons may not apply for readmission to the Home until the expiration of six (6) months from the date of discharge.
2. A resident leaving the Home without formally requesting a discharge will be considered as being discharged for disciplinary (A.W.O.L.) reasons.
3. Any deviation from this policy shall be determined by the Administrator or Assistant Administrator.
3.19 Domiciliary Ward Residents
A. Dormitory residents must be capable of self-administering their medications, self-evacuating in case of a fire alarm, and capable of completing all activities of daily living without assistance.
B. Dormitory residents must sign out and in upon returning with their lead CNA.
C. Any Domiciliary resident who receives medication shall be required to be present at such time and place as has been prescribed for the dispensing of medication.
D. Each resident shall make his own bed and maintain his bedside area clean and neat at all times.
E. When deemed necessary by the Home physicians, domiciliary residents may be transferred to a nursing unit.
F. Dormitory residents are expected to comply with these regulations.
G. All belongings retained in the possession of the member are the responsibility of the member. The Home shall assume no responsibility for loss or damage of property.
3.20 Nursing Unit Residents
A. Residents assigned to Nursing Units are under the direct supervision of the charge nurse.
B. Whenever possible and physically able, each resident in a nursing unit is expected to attend to his bedside area taking care to maintain their bed and the surrounding area as clean and neat as possible.
C. All residents assigned to nursing units shall respect the privileges, rights and privacy of others.
D. Residents assigned to nursing units shall exercise every care in abstaining from defacing the walls of their rooms and corridors by careless use of wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, etc.
E. When deemed necessary by the Home physicians and Treatment Team, nursing unit residents may be transferred to a Domiciliary Ward or to another nursing unit. (After care conference with resident and/or responsible parties, Administration reserves the right to determine the appropriate unit).
F. Nursing unit residents shall exercise care not to cause any undue disturbance in their respective areas.
G. Nursing unit resident shall have their own personal electric shaver when recommended by the Home physician.
1. Safety razors will not be allowed without the specific approval of the Home physician.
2. Straight razors will not be allowed.
3. Those residents who cannot shave themselves shall make their electric shaver available to the employee directed to perform this service.
H. All belongings retained in the possession of the resident are the responsibility of the resident. The Home shall assume no responsibility for loss or damage of property.
Title | 180 | The Office of Veterans Affairs |
Chapter | 10 | Rhode Island Veterans' Home |
Subchapter | 00 | N/A |
Part | 3 | Rhode Island Veterans Home: General Rules of the Rhode Island Veterans Home |
Type of Filing | Adoption |
Regulation Status | Inactive |
Effective | 01/20/2019 to 01/20/2019 |
Regulation Authority:
R.I. Gen. Laws § 30-24-2
Purpose and Reason:
This proposed rule was previously codified as Rhode Island Veterans Home General Rules and Regulations, dated November 2004. The 2004 version is being repealed and the newly proposed Part will become codified at 180-RICR-10-00-3 and address the same issues relative to resident admissions, conduct, and discharges. The substantive changes by section are:
Reformatting and recodification of the rules as required by R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-35-2.11.
§ 3.1: Removed "History" section and creates Authority section.
§ 3.2: Creates Purpose section.
§ 3.3: Removed "Mission Statement", "Vision Statement", and "Work Therapy" sections.
§ 3.6: Adds "Application Procedures" and "Inactive List" sections.
§ 3.6(F): Updates the amount for funeral expenses for residents who die without a will pursuant to recently amended R.I. Gen. Laws § 30-24-9.
§ 3.7(C): Updates the amount for funeral expenses for residents who die without a will pursuant to recently amended R.I. Gen. Laws § 30-24-9.
§ 3.10(I): Updates the television policy and removes superfluous language.
§ 3.11: Removed prior version’s "Monetary Benefits" section.
§ 3.12(C): Removed from prior version: "During these periods the resident may be required to attend scheduled AA meetings and shall be provided a schedule of counseling sessions (via an individualized treatment plan) by social services."
§ 3.12(C): Included exemption for alcohol consumption based on religious observance.
§ 3.12(D): Adds new section prohibiting illegal drug use.
§ 3.13: Removes "Bulletin Boards" section.
§ 3.14(B): Included exemption for alcohol consumption based on religious observance.
§ 3.15(B): Added notice provision for appeals.
§ 3.15(C): Added appeal procedure for disciplinary action.
§ 3.19: Revises section to reflect changes to living arrangements due to move to new facility and removes superfluous language.