Department of Health


The mission of the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is to prevent disease and protect and promote the health and safety of the people of Rhode Island. As there are no local health departments in Rhode Island, RIDOH coordinates public health activities throughout the entire state and oversees the State’s Office of State Medical Examiners and the State Health Laboratories. Under the direction of Director of Health Jerome Larkin, MD, RIDOH is guided by three leading priorities: addressing the social and environmental determinants of health, eliminating health disparities and promoting health equity, and ensuring access to quality health services for all. RIDOH works in partnership with healthcare providers, healthcare facilities, community partners, schools, local, State, and federal offices and agencies, the public, and the media. RIDOH is accredited by the national Public Health Accreditation Board.

Agency Address
Three Capitol Hill
Providence, RI,02908


Rules Coordinator
Zachary Garceau
[email protected]